I killed them both, I had to there was just no way around it! It’s their own fault tho, they were out so late and all by themselves too, how was I supposed to resist that? They were a young mother daughter pair and the thought of killing that little brat in front of her mother has me dripping wet before I even got them in my car. It was easy enough to convince them to accept a ride from me, after all I do look like a sweet woman when I choose to… they didn’t even realize anything was wrong until I was far away from where I told them I would go. The mother got scared and tried to bolt but I just pulled out a gun and put it up to that little brat’s head and she stopped all that bullshit quick! I tied the mom up and made her watch me fuck the little brat to death, her screams were so satisfying to hear! I couldn’t let the mother live after that but I wanted her to really suffer first so I rented her out to some drug dealers and got her fucked to death too!
Category: Bloody phone sex
I killed them both
Fuck These Preppy Whores
Now that we got all these little preppy bitches in the basement it’s time to start fucking them up.
Let’s knife fuck the blonde till her pussy is in pieces. I want to cut off all her pretty hair
and stuff her ass with it. Now the black chick, I have serious plans for her too. Let’s tie her up and
hang her from the rafters while you fuck her holes. And the cute and tiny asian bitch?
Little cunt should of never left her rice patty but since she loves doing math so god damn much,
let’s make her count aloud each and every time we hit her. I love being a fucking sadistic whore
to these little obnoxious bitches. I bet they are going to wish they would of just let me
sit with them during lunch. Oh well- let’s have fun with our whores, daddy!
Fantasy phone sex with Stephanie
Do you wanna use me like a little fuck doll? I would love for you to use me however you would want master, you can make me bleed and scream as you abuse me. I like feeling that pain until I have to bust out screaming. You can use any hole however hard you want, do you think I’m not serious? I am the best pain slut on this site so call me and let me show you how a real good girl acts towards her master. I love being degraded and abused at the same time, whatever will get daddy off you an do to me. I have no limits so you can do whatever goes on inside your brain to me. I will be a good little fuck doll I promise.
Snuff phone sex
I was at a club and finally got done doing my stage time. I went to the back to freshen up and maybe pack my stuff up for the night. I was all alone since the girls were all in the front giving dances and preforming. I heard a mans voice behind me so I quickly turned around. I was still ass naked from my performance.
I told him he could not be back there. I was thinking he may just leave and say it was a mistake that he was back here. Instead, he pushed my body up against my dressing room vanity and forced my legs apart. His hand went over my mouth to muffle my shrieks. He entered inside of me with his swollen cock and began to fuck the shit out of my cunt.
He whispered into my ear how I was a little dirty slut just asking for this. He was giving me what I wanted. I tried to plead through the cracks of his hands to let me go but he was not budging. When he finally used me as the cum rag he intended, I thought he was going to be on his way. He took me by my hair and led me out the back to his car.
He demanded that I get in and took out a sharp blade. I decided in that moment to try and sprint off. I did not even stand a chance. He grabbed me and made a slice from my neck down to my tits. I gushed blood down my torso. He told me he wanted to keep me alive a little longer and that I need to be patient to act stupid like that.
I submitted to him and just got in the car. I have no idea where he plans on taking to me, or worse- what he plans on doing to me.
,My man traded me for a few hundred to a man from his job. I had a bad feeling and refused to leave the car so my crackhead boyfriend dragged me to the front door by my hair. I relaxed a little when a harmless looking man opened the door. But I should have known not to judge a book by its cover. As soon as my man’s car left his driveway the man attacked by biting me. That’s what turned him on, biting. He bit me all over my body. I had bite marks on my tits, face, neck, thighs, and legs. I lost count after 20 bites. He acted like a wild animal and my cries of pain turned him on. By the end of the night, I was a bloody mess. This man who looked like an innocent school teacher was a sick psychopath. My man came and picked me up the next morning. When we got into the car to leave he slammed my head against the window and yelled at me for provoking the man. I cried all the way home.
Domination Phone Sex: I’m a Human Dog
Domination phone sex is what I crave. I need a strong man for some slave training. I got more than I bargained for with Master Teddy. I answered an ad for a fetish model. Although, I am not super model pretty, I am no stranger to bondage modeling. The add called for a woman willing to be subjugated for a series of photos. I have done it before with no pay, so why not for fun money, right? When I arrived at the address that was texted to me, the set looked authentic. Turns out it looked authentic, because it was a real life dungeon. I was trapped. If I got out, it would not be because they let me go. It would be because I escaped, which I did. I think they underestimated this coke whore. I was collared, chained and thrown in a pen with other women. Food and water was on the floor in dishes with our names on it. We were being treated like dogs. It was a human dog fighting ring. We were the bait dogs. I watched a round in fear. I watched a waif of a girl be thrown into the bull pen with the hounds from hell. Within minutes there was nothing left of her but blood and a pile of bodily tissue and crushed bones. My head was held up so I was forced to see the carnage. I had been stripped down into my bra and panties, but no one searched me. I have a pierced clit with a long needle through my labia. When no one was looking, I yanked it out. When I was being walked to the bull pen, I stabbed the eye of the cunt leading me to my death. I ran like a bat out of hell. I escaped through a small basement window. I ran to the cops, but no one believed a strung out whore like me. They thought I was on an acid trip.
Die you nasty preggo whore!
I recently had an opportunity to live out a long time fantasy, watch a really pregnant chick get fucked and fucked hard.
My guy friend wants a small human to use as it grows, so we are going to fuck the bitch until she pops it out and he can take it and she can rot or something. He took her to his dungeon, it’s not much of a “dungeon” more like a damp dark basement with some rusty knives and items for torture, a table, and a bed. Definitely not all that impressive unless you are a pregnant chick being hauled down there against your will.
We got her down there and I took a seat so I could watch the whole show and masturbate while my fantasy unfolded. First, he tied her down to a chair and started slapping her tits very hard. She kept pulling away so he tied her tighter and put a pillow behind her back so her tits had no choice but to be sticking out. He slapped them harder and harder and soon milk was spraying out and down her big pregnant belly. “Finally,” he said smirking. He grabbed a cane and put 3 very hard and loud cracks on her stomach, and she started to scream. “Ah yes, that is music to my ears, bitch.” He said to her as she choked back tears. Each impact started to show across her huge swollen belly. He walked over to his wall of weird crap and grabbed what looked like a roll of bagels, just to give you an idea of how big this thing was. It wasn’t a roll of bagels obviously, it was the widest fucking dildo I have ever seen. He untied the pregger and grabbed her arm throwing her onto the bed. He cuffed her arms behind her back and tied her legs to the bedposts so she was wide open. With no mercy, he started to ram that huge dildo up her pussy. She screamed and cried out “I’m going to go into labor.” That urged him on all that much more. Ramming and ramming the huge dildo into her pussy. He perched himself on the edge of the bed, put his knee on the end of the dildo and slammed his knee against it ramming it into her pussy way too far. You could see the pain come over her face. “Die you nasty preggo whore!” I sat in the corner, my pussy so wet from watching him beat the fuck out of her. Suddenly her stomach ruptured like an alien from the middle of her. Blood, guts and all the contents of her stomach splashed out onto the floor.
Snuff sex is for the wicked
Snuff sex is for the wicked, the twisted fucked up kind of people like myself that just can’t get off in normal boring vanilla ways. That’s why when I saw that sweet little bitch walking all by herself I knew that I would be having a very fulfilling evening. I lured her into my car and took her with me to my remote cabin in the woods where no one would be able to hear her scream. I stripped her and tied her to the bed with her legs spread wide open and then fucked her with my favorite wicked strap on, the one with the razor blades embedded in it. It ripped her to pieces from the inside out and she soon bled to death in a horrific way. It was very fulfilling for me, I came more times than I could count!
I Wanted To Be A Model
I didn’t know that you were going to be like this. I saw a post on craigslist looking for models
and while I have never really thought I was “model pretty” – I know my body is super sexy.
I followed the instructions to just show up at the address on the post and it seemed a little
strange that it stated not to bring anyone citing limited room but I felt okay about it.
You open the door to the loft and greet me, letting me in and immediately saying something
about how beautifully perfect I was for the gig. You asked for me to strip down nude and stand up against
this large wooden cross you had in the studio. I did but that’s when you walked behind me and began
handcuffing me to it. I protested and you told me to be silent, or else it would hurt. I didn’t
know what to make out of that but I started panicking. You then began slicing pieces of my skin off.
Licking the open cuts and pulling your cock out, pissing into them. I started to scream and thats when
you slammed a ball gag right into my mouth and around my head, even taking it an additional step and
opting to blindfold me- Which added to my horror. You sliced an opening right into my belly and
began fucking the open and bleeding wound while I tried in vain to escape and scream but it was
completely pointless and what happened next was even worse.
Snuff phone sex with Stephanie
Please hurt me! I want to feel how pain you can cause me and I want to see if you make me hurt. Take me to a room and do what you will with me, Treat me like I am a piece of dirt. I am literally here on this earth to please you and be your snuff phone sex fantasy slut. I will scream and make you cum all over yourself. I can go as extreme as you want, if you have any ideas you can call me and tell me what you want baby. Just know that I am here for you to snuff and make your little bloody fleshy whore. I wanna die on your cock fuck me to death please baby.