Category: Bloody phone sex

Castration phone sex with Ivy

Castration phone sex

There is a pub just a short distance from where I live. I was walking home from the pub after having a few cocktails with some girlfriends. As I turned the corner, the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I new that I was being followed. Instead of being freaked out, it made my juicy pussy cream my panties. I knew that you must be the serial rapist that the local news has been warning us about. The thought of turning the table on you sexually excited me. I acted like I was unaware until I reached my apartment door. I reached into my purse and had my chloroform spray ready.

You grabbed me from behind and covered both my mouth with your hand. I reached up and sprayed your face before you even realized what had just happened. I finished dragging you inside my apartment. I hand cuffed you to the radiator. I put a spread bar in between your legs, and secured them. Now I just had to wait for you to wake back up. You were a little groggy and confused. I took my large butcher knife and rubbed it against your cheek. I even stood over you with out any panties on showing you my hot wet pussy.

I told you that I knew my hot juicy cunt is what you had come for, but you made a mistake. You picked the wrong girl. No one gets the upper hand on the devil’s princess. I took my knife and sliced your jeans revealing your large hard cock. You said I was wrong and begged me to let you go as I ran my knife up and down the sides of your hard throbbing cock. I shoved my knife up your tight puckered ass and enjoyed your screams as I twisted it. Cutting and slicing your tight ass for my pleasure. I just laughed as I cut your great big balls off in one wield of the knife and then shoved them down your throat. Your cock I took as a trophy. What will I do to you? You will have to call me for some castration phone sex to find out.

Daddy wanted me to make snuff porn

snuff pornDaddy wanted me to make a snuff porn with his friends. I didn’t want to, and I protested. He slapped the shit out of me. My tiny body was black and blue from the beat down I got. I know better than to protest, but daddy has some mean friends. When they get together and drink, all they can think about is ravaging my tiny fuck holes. I had no choice and I knew it. When his gang of pals arrived, they were drunk as skunks. They liked that daddy roughed me up a bit for them. Before they pulled out their cocks, however, they wanted some foreplay. I thought that meant I had to suck their cocks. They had something far less vanilla in mind than dick sucking. They sodomized my tiny bottom with beer bottles. They laughed as I cried from the pain. I looked towards Daddy for help, but he just had a big old grin on his face and a hard dick in his hand. My baby asshole was bleeding, even prolapsed. After they stopped laughing, one of daddy’s drunk friends suggested they fuck my asshole back inside me. I grabbed a bottle of beer and chugged it because I knew this was going to hurt. For hours they pounded my prolapsed ass back inside me. It may have worked at the moment, but today, my ass is a bloody sore mess and they are just waking up from their drunk stupor for round two.

Bitch had to go

snuff sexThis bitch came to me for training, she wanted to learn how to domme stupid wimpy men so I agreed to teach her. Well she would not respect me, she did nothing but give me an attitude and refused to learn! I took time out of my day to teach this bitch and she didn’t even try to learn? Oh fuck no, I wasn’t gonna have that at all! I slapped the silly bitch across the face and knocked her down to the ground. I told her she wasn’t fit to be a domme so I was gonna teach her to be a slave instead. Well she didn’t like that very much so I had to get rough. I got a few of my assistants to restrain the whore and then I systematically broke all of her bones one by one. Trust me, by the end of that process she was more than ready to learn! I however was bore with her so I let my assistants kill her…

Feeding The Trees


Snuff phone sex

Everything thrives off the death of something else.  Death is a necessary part of life.  Even vegans kill things, but veggies do not have a face, so they eat them, I hate to tell them this, but killing is killing.  However, you can make killing fun.  It doesn’t have to be a fucking somber time.  The lead up is sometimes more satisfying than the act it’s self.  All that planning, the stalking, making sure you have the right equipment, finding a place to play, then to dispose of the lifeless fuck-rag. All of it gets my cunt wet just thinking about it.

Having a place to take the prey is critical.  Spare of the moment shit always backfires, that is how people get caught.  Nothing is worth rushing over.  Taking time is what makes the experience worthwhile.  Instilling fear is the first thing, the unfamiliar, the brutality administered over a long time, erratic in it’s timing. It throws them off, making them on constant alert, it is exhausting for them.  Placing them in a place with no outside light, no outside sound, no way of knowing time, that will break anyone.

Once you get them at that point, right at the tipping point, you bring them back.  Showing care, kindness, regret, you gain their trust, then you start all over again.  The emotional as well as the physical pain is a must.  Make it last, days, weeks, months, but never ever hold onto them longer than that. The day arrives where you simply must do away with them.  They become tiresome after a while, and you will crave something new.  They are bruised, even fucking them has lost it’s fun because they just slip away into themselves.  What fun is that?  No screaming, no crying, no protesting, just dead weight. 

One piece at a time you take from them.  Keeping them alive by cauterizing wounds and cuts.  You bury those chucks of your prey deep, no animal will find them, no people will stumble across them, the only thing that knows that those juicy piece of flesh are there are the trees, and they are grateful for the nourishment.

Snuff Porn Slut


snuff porn

I saw to ad posted online and my mood was lifted. In the ad some poor

loser posted for a beautiful woman to come and end his pathetic life.

Even included an address, I chuckled. He probably thinks this would go

disregarded and nothing would come of it. Probably intended on his

fantasy stopping there. Which is good he won’t see me coming. Judging by

the address he lived a mere forty minutes away, so I planned to be there

at nightfall. I got dressed in a sleek little black dress, with matching

heels. Styled my hair up to avoid getting it too dirty. I drove up to

his house it was 9:49 p.m. when I arrived. The only light own was the

back porch, so I went and parked my car a few doors down. I carried my

tools in my little matching black bag. The back door was unlocked, lucky

me. I made my way inside the house listening to all the sounds, I could

hear faint snoring coming from the room not too far from where I was

standing. I made my way into the room carefully, and I saw him.  He

slept alone in a big bed, no wonder he would be so pathetic to wish

death on himself. At least he knew the angel of death was a beautiful

woman. I slithered into his bed until I was lying next to him. I kept my

dagger close to my chest, watching him sleep. He wasn’t much a looker

but I could still get off to his demise. I slide my leg over him and

lifted myself up to where I was now sitting on him. My weight began to

wake him, he looked up and saw me. The faint light from the street

lights outside revealed to him my angelic face. “Am I dreaming?” he

asked. I chuckled, keeping my dagger behind me back. I began to grind my

hips against his body, until I can feel his cock get rock hard beneath

me. I leaned down to kiss him, using my free hand to insert him inside

me. I then whispered in his ear “I saw your ad” instantly he froze up,

his eyes got scared. I couldn’t help but laugh as I bounced on top of

his cock over and over again. I heard him weakly say “If you keep doing

that I’m going to cum”. I went faster and faster until I felt him erupt

and that when I thrust my dagger into his chest. Stabbing once and then

twice, over and over continuing until I had finally come myself.

Battered and bruised on the beach

Snuff pornMaster and I filmed a very naughty snuff porn film last night as I got gangbanged by ten massive black cocks. I suffered so much while filming that today i am so beaten up, battered and bruised, it’s hard for me to even walk! I literally look like my entire body got put through a meat grinder or something. Of course Master is extremely proud of what he has done to me, as usual. He loves when my body is all black & blue, he thinks it’s such pretty coloring and it only makes his cock throb even harder. My eyes are swollen shut from him repeatedly punching me but he didn’t give a fuck, he was still gonna do what he wanted to do with me. He drove me to the beach while I was wearing nothing besides a micro-bikini and stripper heels. He shoved me out of the car and ordered me to go parade around on the scorching hot sand. It was like pouring salt in an open wound, literally. He laughed his ass off and recorded the whole thing. Everyone was staring at me and I even scared off some youngsters as I approached close to them. I’m such a filthy cunt!

Ass Rape Porn with a Couple Dykes and a Monster Dildo

ass rape pornAss rape porn is what I was born for it seems. I guess I look like a woman who wants to be ass assaulted. I was at a fetish club checking things out. I was looking for coke. I figured I could hook up with a guy or a couple and do some coke. If I was a good whore, maybe I could take home a goody bag. I didn’t hook up with a guy. I became the eye candy for a lesbian couple. They said they would hook me up if I played with them for a couple hours. I thought I had lucked out because they were women. I was wrong. These two ladies were as sadistic as any man I have ever encountered. They said they would not be happy until they shredded my ass. They didn’t care that this was a club were no blood was permitted. They had one of the biggest dildo’s I have ever seen. If this was attached to a man, it would be a monster. Over a foot long and about as wide as the bottom of a wine bottle. Two black cocks in my ass would still be smaller than this monster sized dildo. I told them to forget about it. I wanted no part of their wicked ass games.  They strapped me down, laughed and said I had no choice. Without warning or lubrication, one of the bitches rammed the dildo up my ass. I let out a shriek that could be heard all over the club. Instead of coming to my rescue, they gathered around to watch my ass torture sex. I could feel my ass gaping. I could feel my ass stretching to the point it was bleeding. Onlookers cheered the dykes on. Told them to ruin my ass. By the time they were done, I was a bloody prolapsed mess. I got no coke either. Note to self, never play with women.


Domination phone sex  Domination phone sex and just being dominated satisfies me. Last night the neighbor that I have been seeing came over. I opened up to him. I let him know he was going to be punished. Why? Because every time he fucks me it’s too soft. I need dirty kinky shit. He started dominating me taking charge. He made me take my clothes off then he started choking me with my own panties. Losing oxygen makes my pussy juicy. He then started to slap me around because I begged him to. He tied me up and fucked my holes until I screamed. When he let me go I put him in all fours and started choking him with my scarf. I tied him up and fucked his tight little ass hole. Gaping him wider and wider he knew that he had to be punished for putting his hands on a girl. I asked for it just so I could dominate his little manhole.

Do Tread On Her

Killer phone sex


Upscale society bitches really piss me off to no end.  I abhor every damn thing about them.  It isn’t the fact that they have money, it is the fact that they are so damn idiotic.  That much stupidity packed into such a small space is mind boggling. I don’t care if they have companies, I don’t care if they are a CEO, bitches with that much money have no idea how the real world works, even if they came from dirt poor families, they forget.  Most of these flesh puppets never even have to work, they are born into a world where nothing matters to them but themselves.  Not that I give a shit for others either, but it is different with them.

If I could, I would take one of those cunts to a secluded place, and keep them there.  Every day I would do something a little more violent, although to them breaking a fucking nail would be the worst possible thing that could ever happen.  I can just imagine me standing over them, them begging, pleading, offering me money, blah blah blah.  I don’t need that shit, I can make my own money.  Me spitting into their face then taking a nice long piss into their mouth, before kicking them in their head to make them shut the fuck up.  

After a very long time of playing with them, starving them, violating every orifice I could with what ever I could find, leaving pretty bruises all over their once flawless skin, I would begin the life ending act.  Would I use a knife? No.  Would I hang them from meat hooks before gutting them? No.  What I would do is stomp them to death.  I would start at the very bottom.  Break those toes beneath the weight of my foot, crack the knee, watch the patella  disintegrate before my eyes while they scream in pain.  I am pretty sure the little shit would pass out at this point, so I would drink, watch some netflix, and wait until they regain consciousness, then get back to it.  

I know that by the time I reach their sternum that they will have figured out that I was working my way up their useless body and that they would soon be just some floppy dead cunt tossed into a lake somewhere. I might even prolong the agony.  I usually don’t like begging, I hate it actually, but to hear them beg for their shallow lives right before I crush their skull in could actually be fun.  Then after they were crushed, broken, bruised and of course dead, I just might have to take some time to play with my magnificent pussy a few times before dumping them like the true pieces of trash they are.

A Kiss Goodbye

Sadistic phone sex

Those lips, those pouty, full, perfect lips.  Soft, warm, untouched, parted ever so slightly.  This isn’t a princess in some fairy tale, this is prey in a nightmare of our making.  I run my fingers lightly from the ankles up the leg to the shattered pelvis, up the small incisions in the stomach placed there to induce a scream or two.  There were more than usual since she decided to try to be brave, keep it all in, the pain, the fear, show us that she couldn’t be broken so that we might give up.  That never happens though, we always finish.

My hand moves up across those barely there breasts watching as her chest rises and falls with each shallow breath.  They are tender to the touch, she flinches back slightly, she has no fight left, no energy, no hope.  I watch as bruises start to form, turning from red to that lovely deep color as the blood pools below the skin.  Traveling up her clavicle, broken, fractured as a matter of fact. I study the sheer white of the bone protruding from the skin, jagged.  Up to the nape of the neck, already yellowing bruises forming from fingers pressed tightly into her flesh.

Then up to that mouth.  I brush my thumb over it.  Thinking back to how it looked slipping up and down your hard cock.  Her cries being stopped from the manic thrusts which press your throbbing head into her throat time and again.  I stand at the top of the table by her head.  Looking down at her I notice that her eyes loose focus,  she knows what is coming, she is trying to slip away into her safe place to pretend this isn’t really happening. Oh, but it is.

The table wobbles slightly under your weight as you spread her legs to make room for you.  I toss you the ropes that have been previously tied to the legs of the table, you wrap each one around her thighs, tossing the unused portion back to me so that I can secure it to the legs as well.  The rope digs in, I can see her skin being pinched, the lower part of her legs turning pink, then red.  The circulation is being cut off, she moans, her eyes go blank, one single tear trails down from the corner of her right eye to splash on the table.

You rub your dick over her swollen cunt, sore, red, raw.  You press in, another moan from her, you start to move, more tears, her eyes begin to focus on my face.  I can see the pleading in them, yet those lips do not move to protest, more tears, she knows it will be better for her soon, she will be helped so that she can slip away, but not yet, you aren’t done but you are close.  I lower my head down as your noises become more guttural, the table legs slightly scraping on the floor, filling the almost empty room with bangs as you pump into her.  I put my lips close to her ear, waiting for you to cum, I whisper “Goodbye fuck rag” just as you release your hot sticky jizz deep into her. I then place one last kiss upon her lips so I can taste her last scream as you finish her off.