Category: Bloody phone sex

Forced Face Fucking

Snuff phone sex


My dad loves to fuck my face hard. Even after all these years of being deep throated over and over again by him and other men, I still choke and gag on a cock. I think my dad even enjoys it. He loves the sound of me choking and gagging on his cock as he forces it in and out of my mouth before cumming down my throat. He loves to see tears streaming down my face and drool dripping from my mouth after his facial abuse. He uses my mouth just like a pussy. He forces his big hard cock into it and brutally fucks my face until I’m choking and can barely breathe, before shooting a hot load of cum down my throat for me to swallow. He’s made me puke on his cock many times before. He doesn’t care though, he just keeps fucking my mouth while I’m covered in my own vomit.

Cut me deeper

Evil phone sexWhat could be worse than having evil phone sex while getting force fucked hard and rough?! I was kidnapped out of my car and thrown into the back of a pickup truck where I was bound together and had duct tape placed over my mouth as I struggled to get away from my captors. The two men drove me deep into the woods in the middle of the night and spread my legs open wide so that I was gaping for them. I was not cooperating whatsoever for the two horny bastards and because of that they plunged their pocket knives into both sides of my torso and they didn’t stop. Getting stabbed while having my slutty holes ripped open by forceful cocks was absolutely horrific. I was yelping and screaming out for help but it only made them use more force to cut me harder and deeper. There was no one around whatsoever to even hear my loud cries of desperation. My ribs and insides were showing as the men had their sadistic way with me. It didn’t take long for my demise to come. Without an ounce of remorse, they dumped my body into a dirt ditch which is exactly where my pathetic corpse belongs.

Bodega Blues

Taboo phone sex

I knew right away that I was going to have a problem.  I entered the Bodega and one of the guys standing outside followed me in, I could hear his friends laughing.  I closed my eyes and sighed.  It never failed.  Some drunk asshole thinks just because it’s late out and that I am by myself that I am helpless, or asking to have sex.  Really? Let me tell you something, if you see a woman outside no matter what time of day it is, it doesn’t mean she wants to get fucked.  Especially me. I hardly have sex at all, I am one picky bitch.

I went back to where the beer was and he was right behind me the whole time.  He was talking to me about my tits.  Yes, I know I have tits, and yes I know how big they are.  No need to reaffirm that fact.  I looked at him, pushed past him and went to the counter.  The guy who was working behind the counter knows me, I go in there all the time.  He leaned in close and asked me if I needed help.  I told him that I was fine.  He then asked me if the guy would need help. I chucked then told him that he just might.  He told me to be safe, I waved then left the store with my beer.

I stopped to light a cigarette then started my short walk home.  Now not only was he following me, but the two others where with him too.  I put my earbuds in, reached inside the paper bag and pulled out one of the beers but I didn’t open it.  I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I turned around and he was talking to me.  I just stared at him not saying a word.  Then, he got pissed.  I could tell by his body language that he was becoming agitated, and he was calling me a bitch and a cunt.  Big deal.  If you are going to try to insult me, do better than that.

I took the last drag off my cigarette, snubbed out the hot box, turned away from them and continued on my way.  Then I felt a full hand on my shoulder, he spun me around hard.  I stepped to him, not in a very nice way, I stepped up to him as in ‘posting up’.  He backed up a little but then stepped up to me too.  I smiled slightly and brought the can of beer up as hard as I could and smashed it against the side of his face.  He crumbled down, I stomped on his chest, then his cock. His friends started to move toward me, but I started to walk toward them faster.  They stopped in their tracks, I kept moving toward them, they backed up.  I stopped and just looked at them for a few minutes.

They were no longer moving at all, they were just taking in the sight I guess.  I turned around, picked up my other beer, gave the guy on the ground another good kick to this cock, turned around, gave them all the finger and went home to enjoy my beer.


Snuff phone sex I come walking out of the room and you grab me by the hair wrapping your hand in it tightly and twirling. You pull me up the stairs keeping my head against the wall. I thought you were going to throw me in the cage but instead you slam me on top of it. Pressing my body up against the steel bars you pull up my skirt and rip off my panties. I scream as you kick my legs apart screaming at me to shut the fuck up. I was being a brat and now it is punishment time. You slam your dick dry into my ass. I begin to cry as you tell me to take your dick. My ass tears feeling you ripping inside of me. Slobber and tears run down my face onto my fake big boobies.


rape phone sex fantasiesaYou’ve tortured my whore cunt for so long, but I’m finally learning – The only way you don’t torture me or treat me halfway decent is if I’m your little accomplice and get you young girls to take advantage of. I searched for young girls I knew you’d enjoy corrupting. It wsn’t easy, but I found some and kidnapped them all by myself. I brought you three last night and you finally treated me better. You loved hearing them scream and seeing me hold them down while you force fucked your way into their cunts or mouth. With each and every one of them I could hear in your voice how fucking turned on you were. Slap their tits and choke them out. I’ll hold them down, don’t worry.

Helping A Family Member

Torture phone sex

What a twat!  One of my family member’s exes is such a dick!   Nobody could stand him and still can’t. Which is saying something because nobody in my family really likes me but they would take me any day over this guy.  At first I thought he would be fun to hang around with, but the more I did I realized what an absolutely douche nozzle he is.  Imagine the most narcissistic person you can think of, now add bad jokes, talking in the third person, what seems to be some serious brain damage, knowing every thing when they really know nothing, and more narcissism on top just for good measure and you will have him.

I do not celebrate Christmas, but as a token I will show up at my Mother’s house and pretend that I am having a good time.  This one family member told me that Saint Douchington would not leave them alone.  They showed me all the texts, all the phone calls, all the snaps, all the voicemails, and all the inbox messages.  If you are going to be psychotic, then hide it and be a Psycho on the down low, not out where every one can see.

Some of the messages were rather benign, but there were some where he was going a little violent, or what he thought was violent.  To me it was on the tamer side, but to my family member it was upsetting.  I would of laughed it off and completely ghosted him, but they didn’t want to do that because they didn’t want to switch phones.  They had trid blocking him, and even went as far as getting a  Protection Order.  You and I both know those are worthless.  I am not sure if it was the wine, or beer, or tequila, but I offered to help.  They said he was too dangerous, I laughed. I grabbed their phone and sent him a text.

He texted me back on my phone.  I played along like he was right and asked him if he wanted to meet up after I was done at the house to discuss the matter because I was really on his side.  Yeah, right.  He was happy too. We met in a parking lot and as soon as I got into his car I smacked him across the face.  It went wrong for him after that.  Incredibly wrong.  When I was done he was whimpering like the pussy bitch he really is and I doubt he will ever be able to shit right again.

I called my family member and told them that I didn’t think he would be bothering them anymore and if he does, they are to tell me right away.  From what they have said though, so far, so good. 

Brutal Pleasure

Snuff pornI went to bed alone in my bed and woke up tied tightly to a post. My clothes were stripped off me. There was a chocker collar around my neck. I had nipple clamps with weights pulling and stretching my fake tits. There was also a clamp with weights hanging off of each one of my cunt lips and my clit. I could not see anybody I was just hearing footsteps walking behind me. I opened up my mouth to speak and I was quickly shut up by a blow with a baseball bat to my back. I screamed and started to cry. The chocker was pulled tightly from behind. I could not breathe as I gasped for air. Every time I squirmed the roped dug into my skin. Four fingers invaded my cunt hole forming a fist punching me from the inside. I was trying to see who was causing me all this brutal pleasure but I never found out who this man was.

Snuff Sex Christmas

snuff sexSnuff sex Christmas is here. I was a naughty elf last night. I had a long list of naughty folks that I had to kill. I have been the cause of much murder mayhem over the years, but no one ever links them to me. Why? Because there is no link. I have no connection with my victims. Just random acts of violence against bad people who have a long list of enemies. Bitches, whores, and dickheads. The world is a better place without them.  I went to the home of this fat cat money man last night. He stole from the poor to get rich. His wife hid the money while he was in prison and they are living high on the hog again at others expense. Two counties over and he has lots of enemies. I broke in and killed him and his wife. I castrated his cock and his balls; I just took the entire goods. I made his wife suck his severed dick as he was crying like a bitch and bleeding all over the shag carpeting. They had a ton of presents for their devil’s spawn and their devil’s spawn. I wiped the blood splatter off the gifts and re-gifted at a local orphanage. I guess I was Robin Hood last night. I killed the rich, stole from them and gave their gifts to poor little ones who still believe in Santa Claus. Merry Christmas you filthy animals.

We’re gonna be killing a bitch this Christmas

snuff moviesWe’re gonna be killing a bitch this Christmas
Very very slow
Take a look in at her crying face glistening once again
With bloody knives and red hot pokers all aglow
We’re gonna be killing a bitch this Christmas
Whores on every street
But the prettiest sight to see, is the terror that will be
On our own first floor
A pair of thigh high boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Willow and Phil
Whores that will scream and will die for us both
Is the hope of us both as well
And we can hardly wait for that stupid whore to die
We’re gonna be killing a bitch this Christmas
Very very slow
There’s a tree we can hang her from, one in the park as well
The sturdy kind that doesn’t mind the weight
We’re gonna be killing a bitch this Christmas
Soon the screams will start
And the thing that will make them scream, is the stabbing that you do
Right within her heart
We’re gonna be killing a bitch this Christmas

Blasphemy Whore Jezabel

blasphemy phone sex

This evil whore hates the Holidays. I took My Satan worshiping fuck toy daddy and his daughters to church after hours. We forced them to take crosses up those asses and tied them to the pews and cut and mutilated flat chests and sweet cunny all in the name of desecrating the holy home. they screamed so loud I swear I came in my tight leather panties! I rode sweet faces before I cut tongues out! As Daddy burned the church down around us I cut tiny hearts out and put them in a plastic bag. We stood outside as the sirens came. Watching the crowd gather as our deeds were burnt to the ground. I kissed him deeply and gave him those warm hearts so he could eat them as he gained power from His Evil God. I would ride his dick for hours after that. I can never get enough of defiling and being an evil slut!