Category: Bloody phone sex

Snuff Sex Makes My Muff Wet

snuff sexSnuff sex gets my muff wet. I like watching it, but I love making it too. I will make it with a male or female, young or old, black or white. I just love to kill and torture. I was hanging out the other night with this super hot guy.  He was a Goth like me. Things were going great until he got naked and I saw a teenie weenie. I was like the what the fuck? He told me he had an 8-inch cock. He was a far cry from that. He was standing in front of me like a dickless Marilyn Manson. He was proud of his dick. I told him it was a clit stick instead of a dick. I asked him to leave. I was not fucking a small dick. He tried to force himself on me. Boy, did he have the wrong girl for that. He was about ready to star in my next homemade snuff porn. Before I killed the loser, I cut off his balls and his dick. I Lorena Bobbitted his loser clit stick. At least John Bobbitt had a dick that could be found. I could feed this loser’s dick to my goldfish. He never saw it coming when I grabbed my knife and made a few swipes. Holy fuck he bled a lot for such a small dick. He cried like a baby too. I just made him the girl he should have been born. I was just going to castrate him until he started crying like a bitch. I wanted to make the torture fun last, but he was too fucking annoying, so I slit his throat. I do my best to not engage in a crime of passion, but he had it coming for disappointing me. I have killed for less.

Gangbang Force Fuck

The ad you posted online for any man to come and force fuck me really went viral. So many men came in to run a gangbang train on my holes. I wore stockings and a string bikini and in just minutes the first of the men arrived. Two black guys straight away started man-handling me. One picked me up while the other tore away at my bikini. Ripping my stockings, leaving my pussy exposed, while the other one forced his big black cock deep inside. It seemed like every few seconds more and more men poured into the room. I’d get my cunt filled to the brim, that guy would leave and several more filled in. I lost count at 47 cum shots. My pussy and asshole were gaping wide open, sore and swollen.
Snuff phone sex

Schoolgirl gets punished

Bloody phone sex

My teacher is very strict. All of us are terrified of making him angry. When he told me to stay after class today, I was so afraid I almost peed my panties. He told me I had done terribly on a test and I needed to be punished. I begged him not to and that I would study harder, but he was already taking off his belt and bending me over the side of his desk. Tears were streaming down my face as I felt my panties yanked down and the belt hit me. He hit me over and over again no matter how hard I screamed. When he was done with his savage beating, my ass was a bruised and bleeding mess, and my panties were soaked with blood. He turned me around and put his hands around my neck as he forced his cock into my pussy. He was still fucking me as my vision went black and I passed out from lack of oxygen.

Slave Snuff Slut

taboo phone sex

Daddy found a good buyer for my cunt. All my life Daddy has been grooming me to be the most perfect snuff fuck slave for the highest bidder. I’ve waited in my cage like the perfect slave whore all day until Daddy brought my new master to play with me. Master loves to torment me and torture my little body. Now that it belongs to him, he can do whatever he pleases. First, he peeled my pussy back and slit my clit off with rusty scissors, the pain was excruciating but a good slave whore knows to moan and beg for more! Master slid his knife across my tiny tits and slice off my tiny nipples. For dinner master gouged meat and skin from my thighs and fed me them on a bed of rice. He wants me to eat myself and drink myself slowly to death while he plays with my guts. Would you like to be my master?


Bad romance

snuff sex

Mrs. Patterson hates my guts. I am a terrible influence on her baby boy. Showing him the ropes to snuff sex.The moment she saw her bright boy was dating a she devil she lost her mind. Mrs. P did everything under the sun to break her son and me up. Stupid bitch doesn’t understand the power I have on these men. I am living god. I can do what I want and please. I have been told I can make a man commit murder. 😉 If you are asking have I done so in the past? Well, Honey, I plead the fifth. My mother in law was not liking me one bit; I could see her desperation to bring cookie cutter girls around my boyfriend. I had about enough of her shit. So what her goody too shoe son is now into hardcore rap and rock and roll and is indulging in plenty of fun fuck sessions There is nothing she can do to separate us. I think I proved that point when I made her delicate angel beat her to a bloody pulp. The fun didn’t end there we brought in some friends to have there way with Mrs. Patterson. I guess you can say we have a bad romance. Being good is overrated anyways we have blasphemy sex and cause havoc. Call us Bonnie and Clyde

Blasphemy sex

Blasphemy Sex Is The Best Fucking Time

The best thing about blasphemy sex is that I can get out all of my aggressions about the catholic church and make the congregation my bitch. I love nothing more than outing these damned hypocrites and the best way is fucking blackmail their asses and exploit them with their dicks out. I love the idea of taking a few brats from their Bible studies and lure them away with the devils candy. I want a nice barely legal piece of ass to play with and maybe her little brother also. I found my duo and next is the jerkoff christian, holier than thou hypocrite from hell. Fuck this is good. I lured him with my damsel in distress and need a  good man to come over and keep my torrid mind at ease. Oh please read to me from your bible because you know whores like me need saving. *evil laughter*

He is at my place and with his trusty book, but bitch this fucking book is no tool against me, I am Satan’s whore and accomplice and you are nothing but a fucking tool. I get the girl and boy brought out by my big black buddy and these two are naked. The oh so holy wannabe started getting a raging wood at the site. I forced the girl over to him and to undo his pants take his dick out and start sucking it. I film this shit as he nearly cums in her mouth before I pulled her off of him and slice his pecker right off with my hatchet. The boy starts crying and the girl is in near hysterics and that is fine I let my buddy have the sweet cuny of this little brat as he loves a youngone in distress it makes him really mean. He took her like a raging animal in heat and pounded her snatch into a bloody pulp all while he strangled the bitch. Once done with her we took her brother that has been watching it all and I had his little puny peepee in my mouth and sucking it off before I decided to bite down on that sweet meat and bite it right off.

As the three bleed out in a basin beneath, because I will thoroughly enjoy the Bathory bath of blood when I am done with them, but first, my buddy was promised a chance to fuck this white girl cunt and he deserved it well.

Blasphemy Sex

New Slave for Us

Snuff porn

It took some convincing master, but I finally got the slut that you asked for. I’ve spent the last 2 weeks making her feel comfortable around so that we can turn her into fucked up little plaything. This morning I told her I wanted to go with me to a party I heard about. It didn’t take much for that dumb bitch to fall into my trap. I followed your instructions just like you said, master. Bring her by building and wait for you to grab her. So now that the cunt is in the next room, what should we do with her master? I want to hear her scream as you whip her bloody. I want her face to turn blue while we choke the shit out of her. If I’m a good fucking slave do I still get to have her make me cum once before we throw her away? You said this time I’d get to have fun too.


Don’t start something you can’t finish

sadistic phone sex

Sadistic phone sex is best with a slut that deserves getting strangled and muliated. My mom brings over her boyfriends, and I always seduce them this time I messed with the wrong man. I was teasing him so much he lost it on me. I gave him a lap dance and he was beginning to reach under my skirt. I pushed him away and went about my buisness. In the bath I went to rub one out. Well mommy’s new fling had another plan. I was grabbed and dragged out of the tub. I was given a beating I would always remember. The rage in his eyes was like nothing I ever seen. Don’t start something you cant finish little whore. Slap after slap I was recieving a brutal attack till I was drenched in blood. Once I was all bloody and screaming in agony thats when he fucked my cunt an ass. The bloodier I got the more excited he was. I was his slave for the night.


Teen phone sex

My dad punished me by bringing in a guy with the biggest cock I’ve ever seen to stretch my tight little pussy and ass. He locked me in a room with him and he forced himself onto me. My panties were ripped from my body and his hard cock was forced into my pussy. I felt my cunt being ripped and stretched as he plowed in and out of me. Once he had destroyed my pussy, he moved onto my ass. I screamed and begged him to let me go, but he just punched me in the face and told me to shut up. I felt two teeth knocked loose and my mouth filling with blood. I finally gave up on fighting back and he continued fucking my ass until it was bloody and ruined and filled with his cum.

Fuck, Kill, Eat : Killer phone Sex

killer phone sex

Your wife went into labor at the park as I was picking you a bratkin out! Nothing this perfect has happened to this killer phone sex whore in a long fucking time. I calm her as we head past the hospital I get out and tell her an ambulance is meeting us, but instead, I use ether to put her out and stuff her back in the back seat. She starts to fucking scream when she starts to wake up. She can’t fucking move, she reaches down to her stomach and her gaping twat. Blood is everywhere. She burst out and screams again! I know she hears her fresh from the womb brat screaming. I lift her head up to show her that brat cooking in the big oven. She is going to taste so fucking good too. Your whore of a wife screams as she watches you rubbing your hard cock. You tore that bastard fucktyke apart before I threw her in the flames.  I fucking hate hearing her scream. I put a ring in her mouth that stops that fucking bitch from closing her mouth. Now slide your cock down her fucking throat. Force that fucking cunt to finally suck your cock. While I shove my fist up her oiled pussy, fisting her whore hole so I can stuff her with seasonings to make her taste even better. Her whore cunt is so fucking wet. I think she loves smelling her brat cooking as you throat fuck that whore! I tie a noose around your cheating wife’s neck.  Thirty BBC come in to make gangbang rape porn with her forced birth body. Between the fuckings, you tell her how many brats you have rape fantasy killed and gotten rid of, and it is all her fault. Now she will pay as the men cum on her body one after another and hoist her to the rafters where she strangles to death. I throw her carcass in with her brat for our killer feast tonight. Come on come all to the killers’ feast. We fuck, kill, and eat the remains.