Category: Bloody phone sex

Snuff porn

snuff porn

I needed 2 little bald cunt whores for the snuff film I was helping with. The pay for finding these little brats is enough to pay my rent for a year. I put an ad online for a babysitting gig. I knew the ad would bring in some desperate, single mom, needing to put her little problems off on someone else so she could go to work. Within the first 3 hours, I already had 2 perfect little bitches being hand delivered to me. I took them to my master’s house and set up the cameras. He stripped them down and put huge butt plugs in their little asses.He took turns torturing each one as he made the other watch and beg for her and her sisters lives. He  forced his dick inside one while he slit the others throat. He fucked that little bitch hard as he watched her sister bleed out and die. When there was a nice size puddle of blood on the floor, he bent the little brat over and held her face down in the blood. He pounded and filled her bald little pussy until cum drizzled out of her and down her leg. When he was finished with the little whore, I strangled her with her sisters dress and left them both there to rot. All I cared about was getting my money.

Medical Torture Sex

torture sexMy gynecologist was into torture sex of my girl parts. I had no idea. I signed up for some medical experiments for extra cash. I was desperate for money to get some drugs. The ad seemed harmless. The ad made it appear it was just a few medical experiments. The ad was misleading. I was sexually tortured. First, their was the breast exam from hell. My boobs were squeezed so tightly that I thought my boobs might pop off my body. If I had fake tits, I would have popped the fun bags. Dr. Demento used vice grips on my tits to see if I had real or fake boobs. My tits were black and blue almost instantly. He quickly moved on to my pussy. He put a sounding device in my urethra that made me scream in pain. That was followed by being opened wide with a speculum. He started inserting various sharp objects in my pussy. He said he was getting cells from my cervix, but this was medical torture for his own pleasure. The more pain I was in, the more I cried, the harder he got. My pain fueled him to delve deeper into his medical fetish. He said there would be some pain involved, but I had no idea how much pain. When he was done, he fucked me. I had a bloody cunt and bruised tits, but that just turned him on all the more. What a sick medical fetish phone sex call. 

Ass Rape Porn Star

ass rape pornWhen you are known as an ass rape porn star, men are always pushing your boundaries. I was doing a fetish shoot this week that got way more extreme than I signed up for. The director wanted to film my ass getting fisted and fucked by a few men. Fine. I have done that in my sex life, so why not for the camera for some money, right? One of the guys started calling me a whore and joking about my loose asshole. That is when the director had a brilliant idea as he called it. It was not brilliant. It was painful. It was anal torture sex. He brought out this fuck machine, but instead of using a dildo on it, he affixed a baseball bat with a wide base. Holy fuck my ass got assaulted. He rammed it in full speed. It was sodomizing me so fast and hard, I knew things would get ugly. And they did. I shit and bled everywhere. They were laughing at the dirty whore who couldn’t control herself. The smell was awful. I wanted to die from the pain. My ass was prolapsed and bleeding. They just laughed at me. When they took the baseball bat out of my swollen asshole, the pushed me to the ground to lick up my mess. I felt like I wanted to die all over again.

Submit to me and I will Make you some Brat Stew!

accomplice phone sex

Your sexy sadistic Goth fuck doll wants to slice and dice your victims up and serve them to you in a nice brat soup. I can’t wait for the weather to get warmer so I can make a big cauldron of demolished soul. I will put you in a collar and leather ass chaps after you had your fill of fucking my victims, I picked out for you. Your cock has been used to fuck little holes and I have sliced off heads and cut out hearts and now I want to make you my sex slave. Lick my boots and be my pincushion as I peg your ass and tell you how I would like to dismember you and add you to the brat stew baby! My heart is dark and blood and gore fuel my dreams. Let me drink your blood and prepare our next victim, for it may be you! AT the very least adding you cock and balls to the stew!

I was Turned by a Vampire

I was turned last night. Last night was a night that I’ll live eons and remember. I am a different kind of woman now I am a better version of myself in every single way. I live in a town where there is a rumor going around about a particular wealthy dark, handsome stranger. He has a cold demeanor, to say the least. The man’s name is Mr. Finkel, and the rumor is that he is a vampire. I hardly ever see him out, especially in the daytime I’ve only really seen him out at night. I thought the townspeople we’re acting like stupid Dark Ages imbeciles. I’m not frightened of dark, handsome strangers with loads of money. Mr. Finkel lives in a mansion right on a property that overlooks the town. I think everyone is jealous or at least that’s what I thought anyway. The townspeople decided that I should go and find out if Mr. Finkel was, in fact, a vampire because I wasn’t afraid. Everyone got together for a meeting and told me that I have to be the one I didn’t think about it before, but now I know it was because I’m also the town cum-dumpster whore. All of the women hated me because I fucked all of their husbands. I feel like if their husbands and boyfriends love them, they would have been able to resist my sexual charm, but they weren’t able to resist, so did they love them?

I have slept with over half of the townsmen single married and a few gay guys too. What can I say I love sucking cock. I love wrapping my lips around a big fat hard cock rod. I love getting my asshole fucked, and I love being treated like a slut. Those women we’re more than happy for me to go up there in that big ass Mansion because they thought that I would get killed and they thought that the vampire would devour me and I would be out of their hair. I went up to Mr. Finkle’s mansion. Mr. Finkel had this gnarly doorman that looked like something out of a scary movie, but I didn’t care he probably had a huge dick. I told Mr. Finkel that the town wanted me to come up to his beautiful home and see if he were interested and coming out and assembling with the people he looked at me and smiled with that charming smile it was gorgeous and his eyes were spellbinding. Mr. Finkel said that he really didn’t like going out and assembling with anyone because he has critical work in his colossal abode. Mr. Finkel walk behind me ran his hand across my back, and then he turned me around he looked in my eyes, and he captured me. I was a submissive slave in the moment I couldn’t move my body was in a trance as well as my mind. Mr. Finkel ran his hands up to my breast; he squeezed my nipple. I let him do whatever he wanted. I was captured my pussy was soaking wet my body was ready to allow this creature to do whatever he wanted. He whispered in my ear the townspeople are correct I am a vampire and I’m going to turn you. I guess I would have screamed if I was in a reasonable understanding, but there was no reason to this insanity it was beyond reason. Mr. Finkel tore my shirt off seem like with his finger he took my bra and cut it with his long sharp fingernail. He smiled at me, and I saw his fangs, but I wasn’t afraid I couldn’t be I was in a trance. Last night I was fucked by a vampire, and it was the best sex ever. Now I’m a vampire too, and I hunger for sex even more than I did before. I hunger for cock my Hunger so deeply I want to suck balls, and I want to dig my tongue inside of an innocent virgin pussy and make it squirt everywhere. I want to suck the juices of come from a big hard cock, and all of that is because of Mr. Finkel and what he’s giving me.

I couldn’t let him live

taboo phone sexI was redecorating my apartment when I noticed a little red blinking light in the corner behind a bookcase I just moved. Upon further inspection I found several other little blinking lights in several rooms so I was pissed. I acted natural tho, like I hadn’t seen a thing, it was obvious that the old pervert that owns this building was filming me and probably several others what a massive invasion of my privacy! I do a lot of sick shit here I don’t need some pervert filming it what if he went to the police? I had to lure him in so I dressed up all sexy and called him to come and fix my sink. It was obvious that he had been checking the cameras before he came over, he looked like a mix of excited and nervous like he loved my outfit but was scared that I was on to him. I poured him a drink, drugged of course, and when he passed out I tied him to my bed and went off to his apartment to find all his tapes. Little bastard had everything right out in the open too it was easy to destroy everything and make sure that no one would ever be able to see into my house again. Then I went back to my place and killed that stupid little fuck slowly, dragged him back to his place and lit it all on fire. I knew the fire wouldn’t spread beyond his apartment it was a tidy little clean up of a very big problem.

Knife Play Phone Sex

knife play phone sexThere are a 1000 different ways knife phone sex calls can go. My knife is my BFF.  I have way more than a hundred knives too. I have a knife collection so vast that it would put me on the FBI’s radar. I find that a knife can be a quick death or a slow and painful one. I can scar you or kill you. I can disfigure you or castrate you. I can kill you any way I want with a knife. Stab you in the heart. Slit your throat. Gut you like a pig. Exsanguinate you. I can stab you in the ass or cunt and make you bleed out. I can castrate you and make you bleed out. I can kill you with a thousand cuts or just one very precise cut. My knives don’t disappoint me like the human race does. Now I can kill you with my knives or if you are my accomplice, we can kill a victim of your choice. My blades enjoy tender age flesh or tough old flesh equally. A gun kills instantly but a knife allows you to enjoy the torture sex.  I ever need to worry about a knife jamming up, locking or being out of bullets either. I don’t care what your weapon of choice is because when you are with me, we are hunting and killing with very sharp blades.

Your Balls are Mine!

castration phone sex

I want to tie you down and seductively cut your balls right off. My naked body oiled up and sliding up and down your body as I tell you how much better off you will be without those testes swinging between your legs. I offer you one last chance to release your sperm into a fertile young female. Sweet young pussy just ripe for the implantation of your seed. I felt that dick get hard against my bare ass cheeks as I cut your chest with my fingernails. I leaned down to suck the blood off and to tell you that my victim was ready for your seed. I motioned to the shadows and a frail slutkin came into view. She was scared but hopeful of carrying your seed. She had already been informed that the only way she would live would be to be a breeding whore for me. I popped her down on your cock and you gave the loudest grunt as you released all of that baby batter inside her. While she still rode you I sniped your man hood off and burnt your now sterile self closed. Your eyes as I fed your balls to my unwilling victim is something I will never forget!

Snuff Porn Audition

snuff pornIt was a snuff porn audition. I knew it. I was scared. I didn’t want to be there, but I was blackmailed into it. My stepson said if I didn’t meet his friend, he would tell my husband that I am still using coke. My husband would divorce me if he knew what a coke fiend I still am. With the snuff director, at least I stood a chance of survival. With my husband, I would be single and homeless. I took my chances. I met my stepson’s friend in an abandoned warehouse on the docks. I had no idea what to expect. I knew it wouldn’t be pleasant whatever his intentions were with me. He had a film to make. A gangbang rape porn that was fully cast expect for the leading whore. My stepson owed this guy a favor, and I was the way the debt was settled. I was standing in front of him scared. I had on a trench coat because I was naked underneath. It was like a security blanket, but it was stripped from me quickly as the men made themselves known. Over 100 guys were going to fuck me. I could be fucked to death. These guys were huge. Their cocks were bigger than porn stars. With a snap of the director’s fingers, I was being torn apart like a wounded animal who met a pack of blood thirsty coyotes. They pulled my limbs, fucked all my holes, slammed me on the floor repeatedly. I was bleeding from every hole. These beasts fucked me savagely while the director filmed it. I should not have let my stepson blackmail me. In the moment, I thought it would be a miracle if I survived. I did, but only because the deal made, I survived the snuff sex. My stepson wanted to use me again.

She should have been smarter

taboo phone sexI found some stupid whore all passed out in this bar I like to go to. She was there alone and wasted as fuck how stupid is that shit? I just dragged her ass out the bar and took her home and she was too drunk to even know who I was or where we were going so it’s her own fault that she ended up tied up and naked in a stranger’s house don’t you think? She was cute tho so I called some of my friends and set up a little gangbang. They paid me and they got to do whatever they wanted to little miss drunky. At first she was too fucked up to resist but as she sobered up she actually tried to fight them off. She was tied up so that was kind of pointless but it was funny to see her try. They fucked her till she was just a sobbing mess covered head to toe in cum. I left her there for the day I’ll hose her off later and the paty will begin again, I wonder how long she will last?