Category: Bloody phone sex

Who Set Up Layla?

blasphemy phone sexI hope someone doesn’t leak my nude photos.  Problem was I haven’t heard from my friend Claire in a while. I was hoping she was all right. I figured that maybe she was just busy and that’s why I haven’t been able to talk to her in a while. I was just relaxing at home by myself when I heard the telephone ring. I went over to it and answered it. A voice said ” I know where your friend Claire is and if you want to see her alive again you’d better do exactly what I tell you to do.” I completely froze up.  What did you do with her? I demanded. “Where is my friend?” he said I’m not going to tell you until you do exactly as I say. The voice demanded. “Now I want you to send me naked pictures of yourself.” I’m not sending that I said I’m going to call the police. “How are you going to call the police if you don’t know who I am?” the voice demanded. “Now send me these nude photos or I’ll slice her throat right now!” I could hear somebody screaming in background.

Bitch had it comin

taboo phone sexBitch had it comin so I don’t even feel bad… she shouldn’t have fucked with me! This fucking whore had the nerve to bump me so hard that she almost knocked me over and she spilled her nasty drink all over me. Did I get an apology? No! The dumb bitch had the nerve to fucking laugh at me! Well I don’t stand for that ever, but I wasn’t about to kill her in the club and go to jail either so I just left and went out to my car and waited for her to come out. I followed the dumb cunt home and waited some more until she was fast asleep in her bed. Then I broke in and woke her up with a baseball bat to the face. She was screaming and hollering so I hit her again to shut her up then I tied her to the fucking bed. I waited till she woke up cus I wanted her to know it was me, she was shocked and tried to say she was sorry but it was way too late. I left her there tied to her bed and set the fucking house on fire. She burned to death, that’s what you get when you cross me!

My Killer Phone Sex Fantasies Went Awry

killer phone sexAll of us have killer phone sex fantasies, even submissive whores like me. I have had enough of my abusive stepson. My husband won’t protect me from him because he doesn’t believe his own wife. My stepson has convinced him that I am a delusional, vengeful, druggy whore. He doesn’t believe me when I say his son beats me, fucks me and even pimps me out. I decided I would kill my stepson to solve my problem. I thought I could kill him. I wanted to kill him. Of course, it backfired. I baited him to come over one night. I made him a cake with rat poison inside. I thought he would eat it and die. I thought it would be simple. I should have known better. He is smarter than me. He knew I would never bake him a cake. He made me eat it. I got sick quickly. I puked withing minutes of eating a slice. He pushed my face in my own vomit while shoving his fist up my ass. He kept repeating how worthless I was and that a stupid cunt like me could never pull a fast one on him. He made it clear that I was still alive because of him. He only made me eat a slice of the poisoned cake to prove a point. He spent the rest of the night beating me and fucking my ass so hard, I wished I had eaten the entire cake.

Cannibalism phone sex

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex can be very fucking erotic. Normal people don’t think about how sensual flesh-eating can be. But then again if anyone got in your brain, they would know you are far from normal. I once sliced off part of my thigh just to taste what human flesh would be like. Something happened to me. I felt this urge like I was turning inside out and wanting to orgasm just from chewing my very own skin. SO I gave my boyfriend some of my thigh meat and his cock seems to grow, I felt like this was the best-kept secret. A drug more intoxicating than heroin. And have had some good black, mind you. I then sliced off part of his chest, just a tiny slice. And we shared that as I got on his wildly unexplainable hard cock and we came in a power bonding so intense, I blacked out. I bet you and I could have some snuff phone sex that fucking good, just me and you in a world only we understand…

Our Threesome turned into a Twosome

Evil Phone SexSometimes Daddy lets me go out with my friends to have a little fun without him. He knows I am a naughty evil thing, so he always tells me to be careful. Anyways, my friend and I hit up the local dive and were shooting pool and throwing back drinks when this super-hot but arrogant guy walked in. I looked at my friend and winked and she knew what was up. I walked up to the bar beside him and asked if he would like to join us for a game. He grabbed his beer and headed our way. We played and drank and took turns making out with each other until the wee hours of the morning. I grabbed his dick through his jeans and asked if he would like to come back to my place for a little after-hours party. He smiled as we hopped in his car for the ride. On the way there I unbuttoned his pants, pulled out his dick and gave him a blow job. He almost ran off the road as he shot his load in my mouth. Once home, we went to my room and started partying and playing. I brought us some beers and gave him a little blue pill so he could satisfy two girls all night. I bent over for him to fuck me in the ass while my friend stuck her tongue deep in his asshole and grabbed his balls. He then laid back and my friend climbed on his dick and rode him while I sat on his face so he could lick my juicy bald twat. We continued fucking every way imaginable until I ended up on top of my friend and he stuck his dick between our lips. I gave his dick a few good licks before pulling the knife from between the mattress and slicing that thing right off. He screamed in pain as he fell to the ground. We both got up and as she stuck her tongue deep in his mouth, I took that knife and slit his throat. As he lay there bleeding, I grabbed her and put her back on the bed and continued munching on her sweet, cum filled pussy.

Evil phone sex

Evil phone sexIt would be here and only here you could truly receive Evil phone sex. What is evil? Well, that’s subjective. What I do know though? It is profoundly immoral and wicked. It is beyond just a ‘bad guy’ this is so much more hardcore and extreme. More monstrous, viler than the average nightmare. It’s more like the shows we watch every day where they tell a story of life and death and always it ends in the worst way imaginable. People have become so numb to it, seeing it on the news and watching it for entertainment they have no clue. They don’t think for one second that it could ever be them in such a position. I have learned otherwise, trust me. One day you can wake up and everything can change, or more likely maybe you won’t take up at all. But most likely? You will fight to your death, and endure a brutal fight as you lose it all, and the life leaves your eyes for good. Not so entertaining now is it? Mmm, oh but it is if you’re me and you get off on this type of stuff.

Castration Phone Sex for Dumb Assholes

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is more popular than you might think. There are plenty of men in the world who know they have worthless seed. And there are plenty of bad bitches like me who will take their cum filled balls to ensure they never reproduce. We have too much stupidity in the world. We have dipshits thinking the coronavirus is from Corona beer. We have dipshits in an uproar that Garth Brooks was wearing a Barry Sanders Lion’s jersey because they thought it was a Bernie Sanders jersey. Like that old fuck ever played football. Every day, I play a game. I get on social media and search news posts. I look for a man near me who has said the stupidest thing imaginable. I then stalk his social media pages and get a better feel for how deep his stupidity runs. At the end of the week, I select the dumbest one. Then, I get my Penis Fly Trap and my knives together and I stalk the dumb man in real life. This week it was Peter. He lives three counties away and has said some stupid and sexist shit. The world doesn’t need a mini him, so I decided torture sex of his genitals would guarantee he didn’t spread his stupidity to another generation. He was easy. I hit on him and I was back at his place 20 minutes later. Once he was naked, I tied him up to his bed. He thought I was playing some kinky game. I was. Just not a 50 Shades of Gray game. I put my Penis Fly Trap between his legs. I watched with joy as he pissed himself in fear. I read back the many dumb things he has said on social media. I was going to give him a chance to defend himself. He called me a cunt, so I let the bear trap take his balls and mangle his dick. I took back my trap. It has sentimental value, but I left him on his bed, tied up and bleeding out. Dumb fuck will be lucky if he survives.

torture sex

Layla Gets A Creepy Phone Call

evil phone sexIt was a dark and stormy night. I was at home in my room watching porn. That evening I was alone  in my bed wearing some hot red lingerie. I was just sipping on some wine trying to relax. it had been a stressful week. So rain slowly fell against my window. the phone rang. It was already 11 p.m. I knew that it couldn’t have been anyone I knew calling. Since  I like to have quiet time in the evening. So I went over to the phone and picked it up. hello? no answer.  just some heavy breathing. hello? I tried again. it was no answer with some heavy breathing again. I hang up the phone. I went back to my bed and started to relax. I heard some more ringing.  I was determined to tell the person calling off. so I picked up the phone who is this? “I’m downstairs why don’t you come down and see me.” a creepy voice answered. I immediately knew someone was in my apartment. My hands were shaking. my heart started pounding who was in my house?

Bad Babysitter Phone Sex

babysitter phone sexI have a bad babysitter phone sex story to share with you. I was asked to watch a friend’s baby girl. I use the word friend loosely. She is a stuck up bitch who has always looked down on me because I work in the adult industry. Babysitting presented me with an opportunity for revenge. She has a beautiful young girl. The kind of girl that men pay good money to fuck. Know what I mean? I know this one bad ass man who loves super young girls. I have fucked him a few times and the only way he gets off is with some rough age play. I texted him a picture of the little angel and he responded back with, “How much?” I set a fair price. Really, I sold her little cunt for a steal because this was about revenge not profit. I drugged the little girl with a special cocktail. Two Xanax crushed in Koolaid is what you give a little slut before you explore your rape phone sex fantasies. I watched as he savagely fucked her hairless cunt. She was moaning in pain, but she was not lucid enough to scream. I put towels under her because I knew there would be blood. There always is with sweet young virgins. He used her cherry juice as lube for her ass. He fucked every hole on her tiny body. My cunt was so wet watching this princess be ravaged. I cleaned her up as best as I could when he was done with her. I disposed of the blood soaked towels. I licked the cum off her body. I even gave her a sponge bath. I fucked my friend on the couch with his dick still covered in her sweet cherry juice. Once my bitch came home from her date, my partner in crime was long gone. I cleaned up all the DNA like a member of the CSI team. Hopefully the little girl will not say anything about her battered holes. At least I know she won’t remember how she got those battered holes.

Snuff Sex Is My Addiction

snuff sex

You’ve been talking about this one fetish you have ever since we started fucking – snuff sex. You have always liked putting your hands around my throat while we fuck. You like squeezing until I give you the safe word. But you tell me how much you’d like to ditch the safe word and go all the way with me. You want to keep squeezing my throat and squeeze the life out of me. As much as I am a little embarrassed to admit it, the thought of you doing that really does make my pussy wet. I’ve even started having my own fantasies about it.
Let’s just say that one night you come home and you find me sitting on the bed in really sexy lingerie. You ask me what the special occasion is and I tell you that I’m finally going to let you have the one thing you want most – my life. I take your clothes off and then lie down on my back, still in my lingerie I spread my legs and tell you to put your cock in me and then ask you to put your hands around my neck. I want to look into your eyes as I slowly slip away…