Category: Bloody phone sex

Bondage Phone Sex and a Beating for Stress Release

bondage phone sexWith my community pretty much quarantined, bondage phone sex has become more popular. Lots of men want to tie a whore up to escape the problems of the world. Master included. He was in a foul mood because the NBA championships have been cancelled. He is a bookie, and this is costing him a ton of money. He is mad at the world and took it out on me. I spent the past 48 hours as his prisoner locked in his dungeon.  He tied me to fuck benches. He hung me from beams. He tied me up like a side of beef too. Of course, every position he put me in, he fucked me like we were making some sort of ass rape porn. Master loves my ass. He says it is my only tight hole left. I can’t fight or argue or even plead with him or I will make things worse for myself. I let him beat me and fuck me, knowing my abuse was cathartic for him. I have rope burns, some cracked ribs and lots of black and blue marks, but master feels better. I helped him release some tension. Maybe, I can help you too?

Layla Cant Escape

kidnapping phone sex


                                So I was feeling kind of horny tonight. I decided it was time for a little fun. I dressed up really slutty and started walking outside on the rough side of town. I was just walking the streets alone. I saw a man standing on the corner. He kept staring at me but said nothing. So I walked right passed him. I kept looking over my shoulder. I just had an uneasy feeling bout him. So I turned the corner of a dark alleyway. I heard some footsteps very close behind me. I was about to turn around whhenn suddely someone grabed me from behind and put a knife to my throat. I was so startled I didnt know what to do. “Dont make a sound or Ill stab you” they warned me menacingly. They pushed me over on my back in the alleyway and took advantage of me. I was to scred to fight them back. There was no way for me to escape.

He was so sick

taboo phone sexI met a man that was as sick as me and I’m telling you he practically melted my cold black heart. He was the man of my dreams, he was just as sick, twisted and cruel as I am, can you believe it? We found a tiny little bitch and snuffed her out together and it was amazing. He wanted her to suffer as much as I did. We stripped her naked and slowly broke all her fucking bones one by one. Then he fucked her tender little virgin holes while she screamed and cried in pain. We cut her to pieces and slowly bled her out and it was glorious! She suffered for hours and in the end we killed her and smeared her blood all over each other before we fucked right on top of her dead little body. I swear to you that was the most intense orgasm of my life!

Evil Bitch On the Prowl

evil phone sexThis evil whore is the prowl tonight! I need some sweet slutkins to destroy. There is an orphanage just down the way and I am seriously thinking of having someone break in there and steal me a brat or two. I know just the men who want to see some sweet fresh flesh destroyed by my deviant self. Would you like to come along with this accomplice whore so that your cock is the last thing they see before I ut them in that Hansel and Gretel oven I have? We could enjoy some whiskey shots as we watch them burn after your cock has had the pleasure of ripping smooth tight little holes apart! Don’t be scared, I won’t harm you unless you want me too! We can broil these sweet fleshed littles and have them as our dinner! I love teh way brat flesh taste!

Pool Party Murder With Layla

evil phone sex I love wild sex parties in Vegas. Got invited to a pool party with some of my friends who were kind of wild and crazy. It started out well. Me and some of my best friends were all looking cute in tiny bikinis. It was around 8 p.m. One of the guys that was at the party decided to take me up to the hotel room so we went upstairs to fuck. We were having fun until I heard a scream from downstairs. In a rush we put on our clothes and headed back downstairs to where the pool was. It was then I saw one of my friends. She looked pale as a ghost. There in the pool somebody was floating face down the water. In the pool the water was turning red with blood. What happened? I screamed. I looked at my friend and I tried to get her to calm down but she was so shaken up she could barely even speak. Who did this to them?

Taboo Phone Sex Weekend

taboo phone sexI had a weekend befitting of a taboo phone sex whore. I partied with bikers all weekend. I never checked in with my husband or my sons. I went to this biker bar to find some coke. This club makes Hells Angels look like pussy cats. I knew I was dancing with devil going down to that scuzzy bar, but I wanted coke. Before anyone would share, I had to entertain them. I knew that meant pain. Lots of pain for me because I could not get high first. I started with a nervous striptease on the bar. I regretted being there the moment I walked in. But once I was there, I had to just survive it. The bikers were throwing jizz on me as I awkwardly danced. It was like they were monkeys in a cage. I wished they were in a cage because then I could get away. I slipped on the bar, fell on to the floor. I banged myself up and they laughed. They also took advantage of the situation. As I was trying to get back up, one of the bikers kicked me in the ribs. I fell back down and that is when I felt a fist in my ass. No lube or warning. Just a big hairy arm up my ass. It was deeper in me than an ass rape porn star could handle. I gritted my teeth because even for a pain slut, I felt this. The bikers took turns on me. Fists and cocks in my holes until they had all cum several times. I was a hot mess. My asshole was gaped open and cum was pouring out on the bar floor. They could have killed me, but they didn’t. They gave me a decent sized bag of coke and let me go home. I got out lucky, I know.

Evil phone sex

Evil phone sex I got the call from my heroin dealer he pimps me out and I get all the heroin I want pumping through my veins. He told me there would be three horny men waiting for me and they had two hours with me but he never told me it was going to be an Evil phone sex session. It only took me twenty minutes to get to the residence. I walk up to the door and it swung open. A man grabbed me by my hair and pulled me in. My body twirled and I landed on my ass. I heard laughter all around me. Suddenly huge hands were around my neck lifting me off the cold floor. I was gasping for air and that is when I saw the video camera. They were doing a live stream and taking requests. My dealer owes me extra heroin for this sadistic session.

Layla Involved In Homicide

accomplice phone sexI haven’t heard from one of my friends in a while. I was hoping that they were okay. That night will be in one I will never forget. What I saw made my blood run cold. Headed over to their house and I knocked on the door. There was no answer so I went through the back. The door was unlocked. I went into the living room. I called their name. No one seemed to be there. I checked every room of the house and then I went into the basement. I turned on the light. Tied up with rope and electrical cord around her neck, she had been strangled to death. I ran out the house in a panic. I went straight back to my house and closed the door. I thought to call the cops, but I was scared of what would happen next. My hands are shaking and I could hardly breathe.

Snuff Sex is the Best Sex

snuff sexSnuff sex is the only kind I have. I am sort of a black widow and female praying mantis combined. I kill most men I fuck. I kill most brats I meet too. Sometimes, like the other day, I kill daddy and brat in the same night. I met this handsome stud online. I like to fuck. I just don’t do romance or relationships. I don’t spoon or cuddle and I don’t want to get to know anyone. Brandon knew my terms. I thought he understood. He told me he was single with no brats. I hate brats. I have no use for a live one, at least not for long. I arrived at his place which I thought was a bachelor pad. I was down to fuck, but he wanted to make love. He had the audacity to tell me he thought I would make a good stepmother. What the literal fuck?? I hopped off his dick, grabbed a knife and sliced his balls off. He never saw it coming. He started crying like a bitch. That was when his demon spawn ran in the room. She was pretty young. You would have liked her. While her pathetic loser of a daddy watched, I killed her. It was the stuff snuff porn dreams are made of. I sexually mutilated her tiny sex organs as she screamed for daddy. Then I gutted her like a pig while daddy watched in horror. Her blood was sweet and sticky. I licked it off my fingers. I looked him in the eyes before I gutted him too. I told him this was all on him. It was his fault his baby girl was dead, and it would be his fault he was dead too. I gutted him and masturbated in his entrails. I will kill you too if you mistake me for a girlfriend.

Entrapment A Snuff Porn

It was a really dreamy thing that become just another snuff porn. I was invited to a beautiful dinner by a surgeon. He was older and very handsome with strong hands. I loved having him as my Master when we played in the dungeon. He was really appealing to my submissive needs as a victim. He was such a perfectionist and fixated on aesthetics. His suggestion of me moving in as his Mistress was even more appealing and exciting. He set me up in a beautiful flat in London. I had never been overseas and had gone into it so wide eyed and dovish. Little did my naive little mind grasp that there was more than I was understanding. The scene in London is very dark and underground. My surgeon Master had a following and a specialty. He was the Butcher. I was just another dumb blonde American for his divine followers to enjoy. I was just fuckmeat that got tenderized and glazed before the destruction of all my holes. I was wooed into the darkest of situations and to be butchered and put back together like some kind of Frankenhooker was his ultimate pleasure. There was no future for me as I was just a sadistic phone sex victim.

Snuff porn