My panties were torn, and he pumped so hard that his dick seemed to grow larger inside of me with each thrust. He began spilling all the details he wanted with the snuff movies of his daughters I was going to make for him and others who paid well. We were in an abandoned warehouse as he claimed my pussy even though I had not been willing at first. And the pain was a turn on. My cunt was being ripped, but nothing some self-sutures could not fix. His wife and son would be poisoned and threw in the farthest ocean with some cement but his lovely teen daughters would be mutilated and tortured as men, (as many that I could find) took their holes and pumped them full of cum. My new accomplice Brent would disappear off the face of the earth after I was done making these whores the stars of the show. I felt him pull out but only to tear his 10-inch cock into my tight ass hole. I screamed, but no one could hear me. My nails dug into his shirt as his heavy body pressed me painfully into the cement ground. And when he bit my neck making blood spill, I fucking came hard. I never thought his rape fantasies Phone sex material playing out would be something that fulfilled my deep snuff heart and cunt. He pulled off of me and said after the snuff whoreletts were murdered and I got my money that One day Brent would contact me to hurt again. And my cold heart looks forward to it.
Category: Bloody phone sex
Making Snuff Movies For Him
Walking Alone Is Deadly When You Look This Hot
I never noticed I was being followed. It was late at night. Me and my hot friend were just leaving the bar. We were dressed up like total sluts. She was just about to call us an Uber when I opted to walk home instead. She told me to be careful and we parted ways. I was walking down a dark street on a rough neighborhood. I noticed a car slowly pulled up beside me. The man had a dark shades on I couldn’t see his face well. He must have thought I was a prostitute. He got out the car and had a gun in his hand and pointed it right at me. I froze to scared to run. He said “Bitch drop down on your knees.” He put the gun right in my mouth and made me suck on it like it was a cock in my mouth. Then he forced me to take my panties of and sodomized me with the gun in my vagina hole. I was scared out of my mind.
In the Mood to Explore Violent Phone Sex Fantasies
Do you have violent phone sex fantasies? I know I do. I love blood and gore. I enjoy inflicting pain. I have been benched lately because of this stupid virus. Not that I stay home like a monk, but I must be careful. There are not enough people out, so I do not blend in like usual. Crime is lower right now, so I do not want to be seen near a crime or a missing person. It is a challenge for me. I kill and mutilate fucktards and brats often. It is therapeutic. I bet you can relate. I am jonesing to plunge a knife into the tender flesh of a little one or some sanctimonious cunt. Brats are germy, soul sucking parasites. Grown ass bitches are self-entitled mean girls. Here is the thing though. I get off on killing but it is a waste. It is like killing a deer and not eating the meat. That is where you come in. You can devour the little flesh before I end her life. Or his life if that is your thing. It is just more satisfying to kill with an accomplice phone sex partner. It is like killing two birds with one stone. I get to kill and satisfy my addiction to thinning the herd and you get to force fuck something very young you have long lusted after. I got your back. I will not rat you out. I will clean up the DNA and I will dispose of the lifeless body. Let us turn your violent fantasies into violent realities.
Babysitter Phone Sex From Hell
You were hired by my parents to babysit me which I assumed was going to be an evening of board games and movies, but you had other plans in mind, didn’t you? For starters you relocated me to an unknown location, where my parents are to never see or find me again. At this location there is a basement that you keep me in. It’s your own little playground of torture and fun and my living nightmare. You visit me there every night and sometimes throughout the day as well. I tremble every time I her your footsteps because I know that nothing but horror and pain awaits me. Over there in the corner is a table where you like to display all of your favorite torture devices, even though you have a lot more upstairs. It’s like this ritual act every time you decide to introduce a new one to me, because you enjoy the look of fear on my face throughout the process. Well I can’t take this fear and panic any more! I want you to end my life and end this terror once and for all!
Teen Rape Porn: I Get Master Whatever He Wants
Do you like teen rape porn? Well if you said yes, that is something we have in common. I do not think of myself as a lesbian, but I do enjoy helping master or you snuff a young muff. Sweet young pink teen pussy tastes and feels good. Young pussy can cock tease men too, and master hates a cock tease. Master had his eye on this super young girl I am babysitting. Well, I am babysitting her for him. He got me a fake idea and created a fake profile on some sitter site. With little ones off school, there is a big need for sitters and not enough time to vet the folks coming into your house. Last night I crawled into bed with my charge. I molested her in her sleep until she woke up and master joined us. I was rubbing her sweet swollen slit. Her clitty swelled at my touch. It was like a tiny dick it was so hard. I slid down between her legs so I could lick her cunt. It needed to be wet enough to take master’s cock. I drugged her before bed, so although she was half awake, doubtful she would remember any of the illegal fun we were having with her. I was gentle on her holes, master not so much. He left the sheets a bloody mess. I had to change them and clean up the bloody crime scene. There was no way this little girl was waking up with no evidence of foul play. I just had to tidy up as best as I could, so it was not obvious when the cunt’s parents came home that we mutilated their daughter’s sex organs. I gave her a shot of tramadol. She would sleep through the night despite the destruction to her girl parts. By the time her parents realize what happened to their girl, I would be long gone and untraceable thanks to master. He is the best accomplice phone sex partner. He has my back, which is why I always get him what he wants.
Much Deserved Torture Sex
I was tied up, it all happened so quickly. I came to serve the Master. He told me he had a surprise. I thought he had found our newest victim. It was unexpected when he grabbed me and dragged me into the dungeon. My legs sliding, scraping against the cold stony ground. My hands tied together and placed on a hook leaving me to hang, the smell of death in the air. I truly thought today was the day my value ran out. That I was about to be disposed of, I was actually getting a little excited. When Master turned around with a sharp blade I imagined it being thrust in and out of me. However, he had different plans. He took the blade and cupped my breast with his free hand and began to carve into my skins. It stung and I tried my best not to whimper as I knew it would upset him, but I just couldn’t help it. Each new cut was done purposely to cause pain. Master was branding me, he wanted the mark to remain as a scar for the rest of my days so he needed it to be deep and to hurt. For my whimpering, though he decided to make me really scream. With the same blade, he brought it down to my pussy the cool sharp point pressed against my clit. Slowly piercing it the pain was unbearable. The more I scream the more he made it hurt until he was fucking the blade into my cunt, screaming at me to keep going, to fuck his blade. There was a bright puddle of blood collecting on the ground by the time I was cut down, still in pain even now, but still can’t stop touching myself.
Microwaved Meat doesn’t tastes as Good! Cannibalism phone sex
Sometimes men tend to forget that I am a cannibalism phone sex specialist. Not only will I murder your whole family and castrate you, but I will also cook, eat, and sell the flesh. Its an erotic undertone that makes my snuff whore pussy so fucking wet, it’s like an ocean. Earl met me in a sleazy ass hotel and needed some deviant sex. He wanted me to put the meat hook in his flesh and ride him while he was hanging. It took a lot of work to set his apparatus up. I did enjoy watching him swing and the blood trickle to the plastic under him. I climbed on him and my clit piercing got caught between us and caused some very good pain as it ripped. That must have invoked my evil Angel of death, more though I was pissed that my anatomy had been disfigured. I jumped down and grabbed an extra meat hook and sliced his dick until it hung in shredded pieces. No one cared about his screams and there was only a microwave her to cook his dick. Rather than ruining this fillet of the penis, I ate it whole while he watched, and the blood slowly poured out of him until his body hung dead and lifeless. I had to call a couple of my Henchmen to load his body and bring back to my dungeon so I could roast his body properly. I would do the same for you if you dared Cross This evil angel of Death!
Looking for a Partner for My Young Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
I hope you have rape phone sex fantasies. I want to destroy some little holes. This lock down shit has me going darker than I ever go and I go dark. I was going stir crazy in the house over the weekend. I hopped in my car and went for a ride. The city was like some post apoplectic ghost town. No one was on the streets. I kept driving. I was hunting. Hunting sweet young flesh. I just kept driving. By this time, I was a few counties away. I had driven into the sticks. I was in redneck country. A bunch of inbred dirty brats running around all over the place. No one social distancing. No one paying attention to their spawn they had with their first cousin. Too busy cooking meth in their sheds lol. I snatched a little brat up and we drove off into the sunset. A cute little blonde. She was dirty from playing on the dusty dirt road. I drove her to my kill shack. It is in the hills where inbred Wrong Turn mother fuckers make moonshine and hide from the law. Any crime I commit is blamed on them. My little shack is hidden well and off the beaten path. It looks abandoned to keep suspicion off me. It is not registered. No deed but been in my family for decades. Use to be the love shack where the men in the family took their paid whores and killed them. Now, I take little brats there and mutilate their little parts. This little cunt didn’t stand a chance against a snuff sex queen like me. I stabbed her cunt with a knife. I fisted her gaping bloody hole until my hand came out her belly. I chopped her up and tossed her to the coyotes. Then I got back in my car and looked for another one. Just wished you were with me.
I love hurting people
I love hurting people, any kind of people I don’t really give a fuck. Last night I got to kill a whole family, they were my neighbors and they were loud as fuck. Always stomping and yelling and playing loud ass music it was too much! I waited until they were asleep and I broke in to their house. I started with the father, he was passed out on his back with his huge beer belly hanging out, it was a real pleasure to disembowel that asshole real fucking quick. I left him there bleeding on the living room floor with his guts in his hands. Then I went on to the mother, well that bitch was so doped up that she wasn’t feeling anything I was doing to her so I just left her ass there. The brats were for last, they were the worst of the bunch, loud and bratty and spoiled fucking rotten. I stripped them naked, beat them and force fucked all their little fuck holes and then beat them to death. I can’t wait to see what happens when their bitch mother finally wakes up.
Sundays are Gangbang Rape Porn Days
Sundays are for gangbang rape porn. For me, at least. While on quarantine, I am stuck under the same roof with my stepson. He is a bipolar sadist. I only ever see his bad side because he hates me. I am the reason his mother went off the deep end. Daddy left her for me. A hotter, kinkier, and younger model. When I started birthing boys with my husband his first-born son developed deep seated hatred for me. Now, that boy is an adult and can do much harm to me. He has been blackmailing me for years. My husband does not know I still do coke. I got out of control many years ago and almost bankrupted us. I would have lost everything even custody of my sons if I did not agree to be a good wife and mommy afterwards. I just had to get more creative with my coke habit. About 5 years ago, my stepson busted me, and I have been his ass rape porn slave ever since. Sundays, in the basement he violates my ass for hours while streaming it for money. He lost his job from the virus and my ass is his cash cow. I hate it. He gapes my ass. He shreds my ass. He makes my ass bleed. He does not care that I cry and scream. He does it all right under the nose of my husband. He used a baseball bat on my ass yesterday because one of his viewers paid extra to see it. He only paid $100. That was all my ass was worth. When the bat came back covered in blood and shit, he made me lick it clean. I cannot wait until this quarantine is over and he moves back to his own home. Every day I am on lock down with him could be my last.