I was born for snuff sex. That is what I have heard since I was old enough to talk. Family and strangers alike, want to do bad things to me. I was taking a run the other day in the park. Some one grabbed me out of nowhere. I was screaming and fighting, but I was too weak to fight him off me. He dragged me into a wooded area behind the public bathrooms. He ripped my clothes off and started fucking me. His dick was so big it made my pussy bleed. He used the blood from my cunt to force his cock in my ass. That hurt even more. I tried to escape in my head, but nothing could distract me from the pain. My ass prolapsed from the force of his cock ripping through my sphincter. When he came, I just laid there crying and bleeding. I wondered why me. My assailant spoke and I recognized the voice. Did I know my attacker? Then I saw his hand and the scar on his finger, and I realize he was my brother. My own brother stalked me in the park and forced his cock inside my pussy and ass. I told you. I was born for snuff.
Category: Bloody phone sex
Born for snuff sex
Dinner Date Dine and Slash
It was a Dine and Slash kind of Holiday. I had a dinner date with an old friend for Thanksgiving. It was with his family. I really don’t get along with the suburbia family fuck feasts of annoyances. I hate family, and why I killed off my own eons ago. We don’t talk about the ‘rents. I did not kill my sister though but she is out of the country. I have just broken up with my boyfriend and this old friend stopped by. WE had some good times in school ducking classes, smoking pot, dropping acid and creating havoc. We always snuck out at night to cause more havoc and play in the cemetery. It was with him that I dug my first fresh corpse up to fuck. But that was years ago.
He is a very gay sadistic. We have so much fun together. He invited me to his lovers family home so we can create our old school kind of fun… His lover would not be there. In fact we weren’t exactly invited. He was sick of the fucking wanks always upsetting his lover with their overly narrow and religious views. We showed up as though we were old friends and pushed our way in the home. The feast was great, we helped ourselves as the family was detained and forced to watch us enjoy their feast. The wine flowed but so did the blood. Carving knives are wonderful for carving more than a turkey. I rather enjoyed slicing up some human. I slit throats, arteries and cocks. We really enjoyed it and I enjoyed fucking the father. He was a minister and I have a very unholy affliction for priests. I fucked his throbbing cock before the slashing began. My friend fucked their turkey full of spunk. We cut the holy mans prick off and prepared it in some oil and garlic and enjoyed sharing it before dousing the home in fire and dashing on down the road, covered in blood.
Your ass is mine
I love watching ass rape porn. However last night I also experienced it. I was all alone at home and was watching porn with my air pods in and did not hear someone come in. Whoever it was placed a pillowcase over my head and held it in place with some tape. I couldn’t hear anything except the porn that he turned up and couldn’t see anything due to the pillowcase. He flipped me over so I was face down and he cut off the panties that I was wearing. I felt him fumble a little and then felt a hard cock poke at my little chocolate hole. I was squirming and trying to stop him but he just used his body to keep me in place and shoved his lubed cock all the way in. I was screaming and crying as he continued to pound my pucker. I could feel his cock swelling as he got ready to cum. He sprayed my insides down and then waited until his prick softened before he removed it. He then took 3 fingers and shoved them back in my tiny hole but this time they were covered in hand sanitizer that burned all of the small cuts that I got when he shoved that pork sword straight in. He then got up and left knowing that I’d be able to free myself. I got up and looked all over the house but he was gone. What I didn’t know was that he filmed the whole thing and put it online. I found it and came watching myself being anally raped.
Accomplice Phone Sex Date
Accomplice phone sex makes my pussy drip. Honestly, I am not an overly horny woman. I am not on Tinder or dating sites. It is not that I do not have sexual needs. It is that vanilla sex and boring men do nothing for me. Ever. I need violence. The sight of blood arouses me sexually. What can I say? I am a very dark girl. Sex with me is usually a threesome but one of the threesome is usually dead or about to be dead. I like to murder young girls on date night. You think I am joking but I never joke about snuff sex. I had a date with a man last night. I cannot tell you where or his name because we did some very bad things to a hot teen slut. She had it coming. She was hitchhiking on the highway late at night. She fell right into our laps. Over dinner, we were talking about the perfect victim. Thin, no tits or not much for tits, no pussy hair, blonde or red hair and looking like a cock tease. It was like Satan heard our prayers and wanted to help. We passed a blonde, skinny girl with no tits on side of the highway trying to hitch a ride. Stupid girl thought nothing about getting in the car with us. Neither of us looked like the couple next door. Unless maybe you lived next door to the Addams family, LOL. She was not going anywhere but out of town. We told her we could take her to a cabin where we were going to fuck and get high. She wanted to party. We let her get high before my partner in crime, ripped her clothes off and fucked her. I mean tore her pussy up. Blood everywhere. Little trailer park trash was a virgin. Well, at least she did not die one. He fucked all her holes, then I slit her throat and we fucked in her blood. It was the hottest date ever. Maybe not for her though.
Sick And Sadistic Mutilation Phone Sex
I told you I was collecting decorations in my basement, didn’t I? Breathing materials to be butchered and rebuilt into one of my greatest creations yet. I wanted to outdo the Human Centipede. I decided to take decorating to the extreme this year; Santa and His Reindeer.
I’ve been cutting and planning, building grotesque prototypes from sawed off bloody body parts, getting my juicy sadistic cunt stuffed with your cock while I do it. I finally decided to give them hooves; I snuck into a local pasture and butchered some bovine beasties, stealing their legs to attach to my sick Holiday sculpture. I sewed those cow legs onto some fat fucks I had harvested from the allies. They screamed, of course. Anesthetic wasn’t something I was offering.
My playground, the one you love more than any other room in my house, was a bloody fucking holiday mess. I had intestines as reins, and had build a sleigh put of still breathing bodies. Glues, and nails, and sewing with silken steel strings proved a sturdy vehicle. My beasts were ready, too. They would even run on their sick fucking legs, the ones I gifted them. I’d mutilated their faces, and made them bits out of detached cocks. All of them had seen my face, but that’s okay. I left them, naked and violently violated, on the steps of City Hall in the middle of a blizzard. My sick Santa creation had frozen to death, all twenty three of my holiday victims sewn together in a grotesque Christmas scene.
Turducken Made with Your and Your Familys Flesh
Cannibalism for thanksgiving what a great fucking end to the trash Fire 2020 has been.
One thing is for sure I can get you off by killing you and cooking your flesh! I love the taste of blood on a nice cool crisp fall day! Imagine coming to my lair and being beaten with a cat of nine tails so I can tear your flesh while tenderizing you.
Oh, look hanging beside you. Your wife and daughter naked and scared hoping daddy can save them. But Baby I am making Turducken with all three of you. My fire is blazing and my taste for blood can’t be satisfied. I have an army of homeless to feed.
They are waiting for the main course. I am going to ripe you all raw and stuff your daughter back in your wife’s womb and then stuff both of them up your ass! My fire will roast you and I will eat your head and dick and balls with my boyfriend and Father.
We will say thanks to the dark lord for all the victims we have had this year. You should feel good about everything.
Your flesh is going to be enjoyed by starving people! Hot crisp charred flesh. They are so hungry they don’t care they eat your family’s flesh!
Holiday Ass Rape Porn
What kind of porn do you like to watch when you’re all by yourself stroking your cock? When I’m masturbating, I always find myself looking for ass rape porn. I know it’s not for everyone, but I know there are guys out there who love it just as much as I do. Are you one of those men? I sure fucking hope so because I’ve been thinking about being held down and having my asshole assaulted and I would love to talk to you about it. Have you ever done anything like that to a girl? I want you to tell me every dirty detail!
Will it be just you holding me down and forcefully ravishing my tight little fuck hole? Or will you bring some of your friends over so you can all take turns violating me and using me up? I want you to be rough with me. I can definitely handle it. And even if I couldn’t, oh well. I just want you and your friends to take what you deserve. You can defile my other holes, too, but please focus on my ass because that’s what really gets me off. Let’s get sick and twisted together, baby! I’m waiting for you, ass up!
Snuff Sex Thanksgiving
While others are having Thanksgiving, I will be having snuff sex. It is a holiday tradition. I am not the typical soccer mom. I will be up late tonight doing lines of coke while my stepson and his friends fuck me. They hate holidays. For my stepson, it is just a reminder that his father left his mom for a hot younger model. He has step mommy issues. He is bipolar too. A total roller coaster of emotions, and I never know what I am going to get with him. He showed up last night drunk. He had a bag with rope and BDSM equipment and ten friends. I tried telling him this was not a good time, but he was not having any of that. They knocked me down on my foyer floor, tore off my clothes and tied me up like a side of beef. They whipped their cocks out and told me I was a four-hole whore. I looked at them and was like, four? I could only think of three. As they fought who would take my holes first, my stepson was like leave the fourth one for me to destroy. I was scared. Were they going to cut my belly button open? It turned out he was talking about my urethra. I pleaded with him no. That hole is too small. Way too small. He did not care. He rammed it in and I yelped. I cried too. I could feel the pain and the blood trickling out my pee hole. That only put them into gangbang rape porn mode. They loved hurting me. They loved destroying my tiny holes. They played musical holes. Every one of them fucked each hole of mine, filling me with cum. He did not even share his coke. I was bleeding and crying. My holes destroyed and I know there is more to come.
Whorish Holiday Hunting
The Holidays are upon us, and I think it’s time to decorate. I’ve been collecting ornaments in my basement. They’re loud, and they scream more than my neighbors might like; that’s the reason this season I made sure that my underground playground was sealed up and sound proof. Some of them I’ve already started assembling. Removing original appendages, and sewing on new ones, or fixing on fascinating items to decorate their pathetic bodies. Half of them I’ll leave strewn around the States, a little “Happy Holidays” to the pigs in blue.
The rest are special, my young ones. I intend to do something only attempted before by Jabba the Hutt. I’ll be casting these young angels in gold and silver; some of them will be dipped in live, their death mask forever cast in precious metals. Some I want to appear peaceful; I’ll put them to sleep, or stop their hearts and pose them before I cast them into molten eternity. Those I’ll donate to churches and hospitals, a Holiday miracle to honor the sweet lost offspring. My most beautiful little works of art; unbeknownst to the Clergy that inside those shining statues were the souls of sweet innocence.
I’m a sadistic bitch, but an artist as well. Are you willing to help me collect and assemble more Holiday decorations? I think the Catholic Church down the Boulevard could use a set of new silver Seraphim statues.
Marley is bitch
My older sister Marley is the ultimate goody goody. As usual she came home with straight A’s while I had a C average. I’m not dumb just bored. You see I spend a lot of time thinking up different ways to remove “Little Miss Perfect” from my life. I called my boyfriend and we had some evil phone sex. I was fingering my cunt while we talked about my latest idea of poisoning her and then disposing of her corpse in acid. I could hear him fisting his cock as he looked online for ways to order a large drum of acid for our needs. We are planning our own version of a “white Christmas” with lots of coke followed by a red night of blood and sex. I am going to slit her throat and we are going to fuck in the blood as she bleeds out. We will then cut her up and put her in the drum. I’m sure that there will be a great look of shock when she realizes that her little sister has finally followed through with all of my death threats. I am considering on keeping one of her hands to make one of those middle finger candles to burn when I want. A little dark reminder that she is gone and never coming back. I came so hard at that thought that I am currently online buying what I need to make this fantasy a reality.