Category: Bloody phone sex

Violent Phone Sex Mistress

violent phone sex

Have you ever found yourself wishing that you could find the perfect girl for violent phone sex calls? Well, you’ve found her. My name is Faith and once you call me, you’ll know then that you’ll never need to look again. When it comes to being the victim, I’m a natural because that’s what I have been my whole life. I even have my own fantasies about being the victim and if you want me to, I would freaking love to tell you about them. There’s one that I’m excited to talk about. Maybe if I tell you a little bit of it, you’ll be intrigued and call me.

So, I’m walking home from a bar one night and I’m not really paying attention to my surroundings. A man comes up behind me, pushes me into a dark alley and tells me to be quiet or he’ll slit my throat. He shoves me up against a wall, pulls my skirt up, and then shoves his cock in my cunt. He tells me that he has been watching me and has been looking forward to force fucking me. When he’s done with me, he reaches into his jacket and pulls out a knife…can you guess what he does with it in my fantasy? 

Knife Play Phone Sex: 31 Days of Terror

knife play phone sexWith October right around the corner, knife play phone sex picks up. Personally, I love knives. They are my weapon of choice because they are versatile and require skill. Anyone can point a gun and shoot.  A gun just shoots. But a knife can do a million things. October is my favorite month. It is Halloween month. The month of my idols Michael Myers, Leatherface, Jason Vohrees, Norman Bates…. They inspire me, but they are fiction. I am reality. The death and destruction I carry out with my knives is the true stuff of nightmares because I am a living and breathing human. I have not been reincarnated or brought back from the dead. I am about to kick off my favorite month with 31 days of terror. No, I am not watching horror movies. I am making them. I will kill some one every day in October. I will use a different knife out of my collection. I will kill a variety of people. The key to flying under the radar is to never kill the same type or person. Never kill in the same exact pattern. Most of my killings are noticed, but never linked because they lack a pattern. The only thing consistent about my snuff porn is that I like to use knives, but I literally have thousands of knives in my collection.  I kill the young and the old. I kill black and white. I kill women and men. I kill for pleasure and profit. I kill alone and with an accomplice. Never any pattern. My rules are not to kill folks I know and to not kill in my hometown. Anything else is fair game. Do you want to help me with my 31 days of terror? I bet you know some sweet young piece of ass you would love to snuff after you fuck.

Evil Bloody Fun

accomplice phone sexSometimes daddy lets me bring a friend along to play with us. So, I took my good friend who is just as perverted and sadistic as we are. Did I mention she is also a hot piece of ass too? Well, she is and that makes it all the more fun. We headed out to find a boy toy to use and abuse before, well you know. Didn’t take long, there is an ass at every corner bar, and we quickly zeroed in on the leader. A cocky nice looking but completely stupid hunk of meat. I smiled at her, and she nodded and then we put our charm on display. The thought of two girls was all it took to lure this dude back. Now daddy was anxious, but I wasn’t going to let a good cock go to waste.

We got that dude hard and had an incredibly hot threesome. After we had had our fill, I sucked him hard one more time. He thought he was going to go another round, but his thoughts were crushed when daddy came out from the closet with his blade and stuck it deep inside his back. As he lay in pain, we stuck a dildo covered in icy hot up his ass and rammed it deep. We cut off his nipples, whipped him with a paddle and finished by taking a meat tenderizer to his balls before completely castrating him and slitting his throat. It was a bloody fucking hot mess.

killer phone sex is the a blast

killer phone sex

I love killer phone sex. I fantasize about mutilating and hurting a pathetic loser. I want to show you why you aren’t worth anything. I want so badly to make you bleed and keep you having so much pain. There is nothing in this world other than to see someone pass out and being tortured.

My pussy gets so wet whenever I fuck over someone. My old boss gave this one girl a promotion, and I was not happy. I got even with them and ended up poisoning them little by little. I was turned on by what I was doing that I would clock out of work every day after carefully dividing their dosage into their drinks and leaving. I would be so horny at the thought of them deteriorating, and I would get wet and play with my cunt all the way home.

He Tried Snuff Sex with the Wrong Bitch

snuff sexHe wanted snuff sex with me. It did not go as he planned, however. The idiot had no clue who he was messing with. He tried to kidnap me so he could fuck me and kill me. He did catch me by surprise and that never happens. But once he took me to his place, the surprise was on him. While I was tied up in the trunk of his car, I managed to cut the ropes on the knife in my back pocket. He did not think to pat me down for weapons before kidnapping me. When he opened the trunk, I clobbered him over the head with the jack in his trunk. Now, I caught him off guard. He thought I was some little wallflower. Wrong. I am a bad ass bitch and I do not take kindly to men who try to harm me. He woke up naked and tied to his bed. I was straddling his body with a big ass knife from his kitchen. He tried to apologize and say it was all a mistake. You do not grab a woman out of a parking lot, bind her hands and stuff her in a trunk by mistake. I cut off his balls with no warning and informed him I made a mistake. He was bleeding all over his bed. I let him bleed out a bit before I heated up some water and used the bottom of the tea kettle to cauterize his wound. I was not going to kill this man. I wanted to leave him with the memory that his actions have consequences. He was not going to the cops. I merely defended myself. I carved a P in his chest deep enough to leave a scar. I wanted anyone who would see him with out a shirt to know he is a predator. I tortured him for hours. Took his balls and his dignity. He messed with the wrong bitch.

Knife Play Phone Sex Vixen

knife play phone sex

I first discovered knife play phone sex a few years ago. I had been dating a much older man who had a huge knife collection. He was the true definition of a sadist. That man absolutely loved inflicting pain upon me. My torture brought him so much pleasure that I began to enjoy it myself. He conditioned my body to respond in a positive way whenever a blade would glide across it. Now just the mere thought of it gets my tight little bald cunt dripping wet. I love it when a man isn’t shy about what he really wants to do with a young slut like myself. I can see that beastly look in their eyes. That look that says they want to hurt me in ways I’ve never experienced. They want to smell the fear seeping from my pussy as they taunt me with their power. I wonder just how far you’d take it. There’s something about going past the point of no return that is insanely erotic and disturbing. My mind is a dark and depraved place for you to infect more with your sexual sickness. Come torture me with those sharp blades. I need to feel the warmth of my own blood oozing all over my body once again.

Taken and Played With

evil phone sex

Sometimes I secretly have thoughts about being taken away and forced to have sex with big cocks! I never really thought I would have so much fun until it actually happened coming home from a really long school day in college! I felt two big hands grab my throat and pulled me back into a dark room out of nowhere while I feel something tearing apart my clothes. It smells dark and damp in the room that we’re in and I’m screaming and begging but that doesn’t stop him from tearing apart my clothes and making me his little whore. It also doesn’t stop my pussy from leaking wet juices! He can tell that my body is eager for him to ravish me and he was about to make it happen!

Blood Sport

bloody phone sex I type this with blood stained fingers still fresh with the smell of Iron. Metallic, sweet tasting blood. No its not from me starting my period and finger fucking myself all night to a rape fantasies fuck a thon. Though on any given day it might be. When A bitch can’t get fresh meat, she has to improvise! I am getting side tracked, all blood talk seems to make me a little flustered. But this isn’t my blood. I’m a lucky snuff slut tonight. I got a teeny bopper who wandered into my garage seeking a safe place to sleep .She knew a woman lived and she wasn’t as scared to risk being caught. Think she royally fucked up judging by the amount of blood in my rug. Damn it, I liked that rug. When Will I learn not to kill there? But the taste of a kill on my lips makes me think with my pussy. My security cameras picked her up right away. I watched as she snuck beside my car and tucked herself away. The little ungrateful shit then got up and began looking through my stuff. She even tried the door handles of my Corvette. That was it! I beeped my car alarm, scaring her as she tried to bolt and she discovered that she was trapped. I’m ever so grateful for my silent garage door. This was too easy! Soon I was snatching the little cunts hair and dragging her inside to my living room. Windows rolled down blinds as she began to scream at the sight of my blade. I whispered ”soundproof, too” As I punched the young thing knocking her down. I love that more and more young women are on the streets around here. Fresh pickins! I rolled on top of her and began cutting off her dirty clothes to see a tight teen body and nice tits underneath. “You could make me good money, but the thought of killing you for sport is overwhelming my cunt right now!” She screamed and bit me, almost making me cum in my panties. But I wanted to grind on this cunt so panties off, bald cunt to bald cunt we grinded as I stabbed her 14 times in the chest. I watched her die as I came to a shuddering orgasm on top of her growing cold bare pussy!

Feeling Evil Tonight?

accomplice phone sexI am feeling naughty tonight. I want to suck cock, get high, fuck and throw in some kinky dirty taboo snuff. Want to join? It will be your night baby. You can plan it all out. I will just be your accomplice. I will do a line off your cock and then suck you dry. Do a line off my tits or cunt and then pound my tight bald juicy cunt. After we have had our needs met, we will move along to something a little tabooer. You pick? A sweet young flat chested smooth slitted cutie or a college co-ed? I like them both. Whichever you desire I will get for you and bring them back. I won’t drug them as I know you like the fight. I want you to rip off their clothes and hold them down while you violate them. I will be fucking myself with a dildo as I watch you in action. I have a strap on to use while you recover baby. I will fuck her deep and hard, hoping for some skin tearing and blood dripping. When she is no longer any enjoyment in our sexual gratification, we will move on to snuffing her. Want to join? I am feeling really evil tonight.

Castration Phone Sex for You

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is something I enjoy. I am never squeamish about taking a set of balls. I am not squeamish about taking the dick either. Manhood is overrated. It is a privilege to have a cock and balls, not an entitlement. Every now and then I must revoke a man’s privileges and I enjoy doing it. Lester is as pathetic as his name suggests. The problem is that Lester did not know he was a loser. He thought erroneously that a good job and an expensive car entitled him to any pussy he wanted even if the pussy did not want him. A couple women hired me for revenge. In case you did not know, women are great at revenge. They go sadistic. I normally charge anyone for such a job, but I castrated Lester for free because I support women. I will never let a man explore his rape phone sex fantasies on me. I have killed and maimed men who have tried. Lester did not see the set up coming. I spiked his drink like he has spiked so many women’s drinks. I had a few women helping me because it takes a village to take down a predator sometimes. Plus, I wanted a couple of his victims to help with the ball removal. I posed as an Uber driver and picked his drugged ass up and took him to my kill shack. When he came too, two women who he had drugged and fucked were standing over him with sharp knives and looks of glee on their faces. By the time the drugs had worn off he was without balls. He screamed bloody murder, but the torture sex had just begun. We each cut off a piece of his dick bit by bit. Savoring the fun and his pain. He will never fuck and drug a woman again. I love getting revenge.