I am an ass rape porn star. Like I have done anal porn. I made quite a name for my self in the hardcore anal porn world. I retired though, at least professionally. I have tried to get into more mainstream porn, but when you have been a hardcore anal whore most mainstream places will not touch you. So, when I get pressed for cash, I must slip back into the seedy world of underground hardcore anal porn. It pays well, but it is dangerous, and you lose your dignity. Most men will tell you a taboo whore like me has no dignity to lose. That may be true, but I try to be a normal woman, but the lure of fast cash pulls me back in every time. Two nights ago, I ended up in the ER with a ripped rectum. That was the doctor’s term. I did an ass porn, and his cock was the hugest I have ever had in my asshole. He did more than prolapse my asshole. He tore through my ass requiring medical attention as my ass was bleeding. His cock was 14-inches and the thickest I have ever seen. I mean two hands wrapped around it and I could not get my fingers to touch. He was some Italian Stallion with a brutal side. I mean he paid this man a couple grand to find him a taboo phone sex whore who liked it in the ass. I have worked with the director before many times, so I was his first call. I was compensated well, more than I have ever made off any ass porn before. But I have never required stitches before, so maybe the money was not worth it. Who am I kidding? The money was so worth a ripped rectum. I have insurance. Some rest and ice on my ass, I will be back in the game before long.
Category: Bloody phone sex
Ass Rape Porn Star Goes to the ER
Take and Rape Fantasy
I know that taboo phone sex can be kind of scary! I love scary! Especially when it’s all inflicted onto me and my whore body. I know you have your pretty girlfriend there as your accomplice for me. She brings you girl after girl and it looks like I am the next girl. I am your next girl. The next victim that you’re going to use and abuse at your hand. Her hand as well! You love when she brings out the scary-looking tools that she owns that scares me and every other slut you have and own yourself! What do you demand her to do? What does she do to my body that makes you so hard! Maybe she rips out my insides and makes them my outsides?
Snuff me out baby
Come over and make me your stupid slut. I want you to make me have snuff sex with you because I am the dirtiest little bitch ever. I am pretty sure you want to see me bleed out because every time you see me cry, you get extra hard. You know you will make me your little bitch. You don’t even need my consent.
You are free to fuck me over however you want. Women were meant to please men, and we are all pathetic and inferior. Feminist whores need to know their place, and it is beneath a man sucking him off and letting him beat her to a bloody pulp. I have allowed every man that has crossed my path to make me wish I was dead by all the pain they cause my cunt.
Snuff Queen Slut
Your snuff queen loves to take things to a whole new level of bloody fun! I bring in all the things you need for our snuff fun. I have all the fun new toys and all the young ones or milfs you may need to watch me torture! Play out your rape fantasy on them while I tear out their insides for you to use as hot lube! I can bend them over for you, spread them apart, and spread them open so their insides spill out after being gutted by my favorite knife! I’ll do all the work for you! Hide the body and bring you a new one. Get ready to use up all the whores I have for you!
Choke Her Out
Have you ever been fucking a girl and she asked you to choke her? Were you surprised by how much you liked it? I bet you were. And I’m sure you also had fantasies of taking it further and choking her all the way out, right? I’m not surprised because that happens so many times and that’s why I receive countless calls for strangulation phone sex. Guys seem to love having that kind of control over a woman. Honestly, there’s no better control than wrapping your hands around a woman’s throat and squeezing the life out of her.
What are you going to do with that body once she’s gone? I mean, you might as well fuck her good and hard one more time. Maybe slide your cock right into that asshole because she’d never let you do that when she was still alive. What a fucking cunt. She deserves whatever happens to her. I guess some people just need to learn how to act and it’s too bad for your “friend” that she had to learn the hard way. Let’s talk about how you’d feel while you strangle her. I want to hear every sadistic detail.
Scream Queen Murder Scene
Her blood was splattered everywhere; the windows, the walls, dripping down my naked cunt. It was the lube I was using to fuck myself with – a huge dildo in my hand furiously pumping in and out of my cunt. I had slit her throat slowly with a pair of sewing scissors with no regard for the dull, rusty edge. She screamed as I sawed through her throat. She pleaded as she started to bleed right up until I pierced her trachea and she was just a whistle when she tried to speak. I could see the fear marinating in her eyes as I dipped my big dildo dong into her throat and got it into a bloody fucking mess before plunging all thirteen inches into my cunt. I bound her then, and watched her bleed out as I peeled skin from her face to snack on.
It’s the thrill of the hunt, of the kill that drives me. My cunt drips as my stomach growls, eager for the flesh of man. I’m a blood thirsty, lustful demon at my core and if you can’t keep up with me I suggest running in the opposite direction. Else wise, you might end up as my next fucking snack.
My Bloody Valentine
My bloody Valentine is going to be the best one yet! A sexy little innocent teen rape porn, followed up with the mutilating and face carving of a special fuck doll for you! I just want you to be a happy, satisfied daddy! I know how much you love skull fucking the mean girls from school! I have a brand new classmate who is just aching to be slaughtered by you and I! Look at her the way she walks swishing that small little ass and always looking at her phone when she walks home from school. It would be nothing to drive past her in our free candy van and snatch that want to be prom queen right up in our van and start slicing on her body!
Oh how she will scream! I want to hold her head down while you put you big fat daddy meat in her eye ball and fuck her retarded! Can we cut marks and carve my initials into her face and tits!
Maybe slice her little fat pussy up too first! Then you can ram her face and eye socket and fuck her squishy inside skull wrinkled mass of brains. I hope that feel real good to a fucking nasty pervert like you! This will be the best Valentines an accomplice phone sex teen like me has ever had!
Bloody Phone Sex Massacre Weekend
I enjoy a bloody phone sex massacre. Honestly, the bloodier the better. When I am in a massacre mood, I take my victim to my kill shack in the woods. It is not on any map, and I can get as messy as I want because no one will find the remains. This little shack is not in my name either. I inherited it from my grandpa, but for 70 years this shack has stayed off of anyone’s radar. My grandpa built it. I was told it was his hunting cabin, but I knew it was where he took his victims. My grandpa was a serial killer. A thrill killer who never got caught because he did not have a pattern. He taught me everything I know about hunting and killing. I enjoy killing free from restraint. If I kill a person on their turf or in my home, I must worry about DNA. Out in my kill shack, however, the coyotes will take care of the DNA for me. I took this teen whore to my cabin over the weekend. She went willingly because she thought she was auditioning for a horror movie, not a snuff porn. I was just in the mood to mutilate a pretty young cock tease. I was solo on this kill. That is because very few people know about my cabin in the woods. Once they have seen it, I need to kill them. That is how no one knows about it. This girl was a teenager. Her name was Jenny. I drugged her and dismembered her body after I disemboweled her. I like to feed the wild animals protein rich organ meat from tender age victims. It is good for them. I gutted her in my basin tub. Drained her body of blood. Removed all her organs and then carved off every limb. It was a bloody mess, but wicked hot fun for a sick bitch like me. I fed all the remains to the wild animals, then I bathed in her warm blood like a witch. It was a wonderful weekend. I condensed the story obviously to fit in a blog, but it is a long and sordid tale of death and dismemberment. My kind of weekend.
I Know What You Need
I have been partying for days and I am not ready to stop, want to join? I don’t mean that pussy shit either. I mean hardcore partying, the kind of partying that leaves little bodies on the floor if you know what I mean. The kind of partying that would make the headlines. I don’t care, I am not shy about it, I am always pushing it. I had a guy the other day who thought he would try to dominate me, that was a big N O. Anyways, I let him start with his act, big, bad, and degrading and then I stopped him mid-sentence. The shock was incredible and my pussy pulsating with the power I was about to unleash. I worked him into a ball of putty. A ball that I would mold and control. I knew what he wanted before he did. A strong woman to make him do things. Not just things but very perverted degenerate type of things. The kind of things that involve little bitty tiny holes. Virgin pussies and virgin asses and flat chests. I tend to throw in a little cock and ball action too, you know for fun. Anyways, I had a blast, and he wouldn’t stop cumming. I knew what he needed before he did, and I know what you need too.
Addicted to Castration Phone Sex
Castration phone sex will always be my favorite type of call. I do love being a snuff queen too, but I take perverse pleasure in separating a man from his family jewels. Like more pleasure than I should. I am not picky about whose nuts I sever either. I will take them from a man who looks at me wrong. Big dicks or small dicks, I take all balls. It is true that I mostly take the balls of small dicked losers and tools who do not understand the term consent. But I have taken the nuts of men who most women would fuck in a heartbeat. I am not most women. I do not fall for a nice body and a pretty face. Hell, even a big wallet does not impress me much. I met Trevor at a Goth bar. He was dressed all wrong, so he stood out. His metrosexual pretty boy looks told me he was either lost or too drunk to realize he walked into a bar where the chicks would eat him alive. He came right to me too. I rolled my eyes, sighed and then mind fucked him. He was too drunk to understand my body cues or even the words that were coming out of my mouth. He was a sloppy drunk. A rude one too. He followed me into the unisex bathroom. He pushed the door open and fell on his face. Now, I knew I could overpower him. I had sobriety on my side. He was quasi lucid but mumbling so much I could not understand him. He lost his balls that night. My guess he does not remember the sexy Goth goddess with the serrated knife who chopped off his balls in the bathroom of a Goth bar. I left him passed out on the floor face down. I knew folks would just step over him to pee and never realize his balls were gone. I gave him a shot to knock him out and blur his already impaired mind. I am sure he woke up when the bar closed, but by then I was long gone. I just enjoy the torture sex of male genitals. It is kind of my addiction and I never mind removing a set of family jewels.