Category: Bloody phone sex

Snuff Sex Accomplices Make Bank One Little Cunt at a Time

snuff sexSnuff sex accomplices take the risks so you can fuck that young girl you dream about. Hard to believe that a few years ago, I belonged to a man who uses girls until they age out. He kept me long past my expiration date because I made an excellent accomplice. But then one day he decided he needed something new. So, I bartered for my life. And now I am a free agent.

I am the only one who got away alive from my former master. But only the strong survive in the seedy world I operate in. We have a good working relationship now. Although I bought my freedom one young schoolgirl after another, he now pays me to find him jailbait cuties for his teen rape porn needs. And often he refers me to his friends who need help with similar things. I never say no. But then no smart person says no to him.

Over the weekend, he sent me one of his closest and sickest friends. He lost his right-hand gal when she got arrested for drug possession. So, he needs a new gal. She better hope she stays in prison because I know she has a target on the back of her head now. Behind every sick P man is a willing female accomplice because older men carry the stigma as predators to young girls. However, young girls never fear a female.

Helping Men Find Young, Fresh Meat is Profitable

I brought this man the girl of his dreams. And for that, he rewarded me with a big bag of cash. I thought my job ended when I brought him a cute young girl. But he wanted me to film it. For what he paid me, I would have buried the body too. But he did not want to kill her because he wants her to be a captive. She will be his sex slave until her holes get too loose for his cock.

She screamed and cried, even yelled for her mommy. My client made her his sex slave and his ass rape porn star. She screamed even more when he fucked her ass. Eventually, she passed out from the pain and exertion from screaming and fighting. But I hung around until he put her limp, tired body into a cage. Got my money and left. Another accomplice gig in the books.

Sex with dead bodies clamping the cock tight.

Sex with dead bodies            Sex with dead bodies clamping the cock tight.  Around we go, your cock is held in the grips of a clenching. At the same time, I am sitting knees down on the shoulders of the victim. Covering her in my juices urging you on to fuck that dead pussy even more.

            Now, you are wondering how we got to this point. Wanting a tight is how we got here. You asked for the tightest pussy possible and I have granted you this. Now we are adding in all that is necessary, I have many methods of snuffing the life out of someone.

            To begin with there is strangulation. It must be remembered this one is up close and personal. Looking into the eyes of the person as you do, the force and power needed to strangle someone. Constant pressure.

            Like now, you are fucking her dead body as the vaginal walls tighten into rigor mortis. She is the first that you will be fucking.

Snuff sex makes your cock throb even more in a dead body.

            Continuing the torture will be me video taping you fuck them and making the next victim watch. Shall we find you a good Submissive Whore? No need to know the name of the victim. We will pick one at random.

            After the strangulation victim what do you think we should do next? Shall we make it bloody? Suffocation can be fun but then we lose the look deep into the eyes as the soul leaves the body and life drains out of them.

            All in all, it is up to you how we kill them. Now you know I like to be the one to do the killing. At the same time, get your opinion on how is always fun too.

            You pick in this Killer phone sex call. How do we kill?

Babysitter Phone Sex Because Why Pay for Coke When I Can Pimp Out a Young One?

babysitter phone sexBad babysitter phone sex calls get my head spinning. Recently, I discovered that a good way to make money for coke was to pose as a babysitter. No, I am not talking about babysitting money. That’s chump change to what I can make by offering up a little charge to a man like you to fuck while the parents are away.  I have done it a few times. But I did it again last night.

I needed coke. Although I make decent money at this phone sex job, it does not cover my coke habit. Plus, my husband watches my account like a hawk. He knows I used to have a bad problem with nose candy. However, you know I still have a problem with coke. This guy I get high with sometimes made me an offer. And as he put it, it would be a win win for us both. His sister needed a last-minute babysitter because the teen girl next door got the flu.

Since this guy has long had rape phone sex fantasies for his niece, he thought if I agreed to babysit her, I could help him fuck her. He could not pay me cash, but he could give me a brick of coke. A brick? That’s enough coke to last even this druggy whore awhile. Fuck money. Pay me in coke anytime, I told him.

Sometimes, I Must Get Creative in How I Make Money for Coke

He told me the drug cocktail to give her. And how to bypass the security camera so he could come in the house, and no one would know he was there. So, I gave her the medicine with some chocolate milk. And she fell asleep 30 minutes later. Dead asleep too. I could see why he liked her. Cute thing. She’d make your dick hard too. I held her while he fucked her. She never even opened her eyes. It was like fucking a warm corpse. But this was teen rape porn instead.

He came quickly in her. But that was to be expected. He has beaten off thinking about her for ions now. Cannot blame him. You would have wanted to fuck her too. He left afterwards, but he left me with the promised brick. I cleaned her up, washed her sheets and her nightgown, and put the sheets back on as well as the nightgown. No one would know a thing.

He told me that if I agree to babysit again in the future, I will get a brick every time. Hell, yes. Why pay for coke when you can offer up a young cunt as trade?

My evil phone sex fantasies I rub my pussy to daily.

Evil Phone Sex

Evil has a way of creeping it’s way into my brain on a daily. Be it someone who angered me and makes me want to take their skin off, slowly. Or some random body is in the wrong place wrong time, and I want to see their brain matter.

Like, this fantasy in particular where I have my prey super glued to a wheel chair. My cunt just slobbering all over their dick. While I take a scalpel and cut away the smile off their face so I can wear it like a mask of my own.

Or, maybe split them dick tip to chin, and play with whatever falls out of them. Like a cat swatting at a play toy. Use the body fluids they spill as a lubricant for the toys I have to stuff my fuck hole with.

And because their screams make my puss twitch with excitement, I would want to record the events that unfolded. Would be my personal porn to watch when I wanna rub one out to a torturous good time.


Snuff Phone Sex Because I’m Not Someone You Want to Mess With Ever

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex, I do best. The gfe thing, I never do. Perhaps you could call me a black widow. I do not marry men to kill them for their money. However, I will kill a man for not listening to my verbal warnings to get lost or stop calling me baby. Most men see the look in my eyes and know I am not messing around. But some men just do not listen. Not my fault.

Last night, I went to my neighborhood Goth bar because I wanted a drink. Although I do not socialize in that bar, I know most of the regulars and they know me. The bartenders all know me, and what I like to drink. But everyone there also knows I am a loner. And I prefer it that way.

A guy came up to the bar, sat next to me and told the bartender to put my drinks on his tab. He was not a Goth boy or a Steampunk guy either. More like some suit and tie nerd. Even the bartender told him he best move along. But the nerd did not take the hint. So, I looked him right in the eye and said unless you leave now, I will give you free castration phone sex.

He laughed like he thought I might be joking. So, I showed him my knife. But only one. When I go out, I usually have about 5 strapped to my body. The fucking idiot challenged me with, “I’d like you to try, bitch.”

Men Need to Pay Attention to My Body Language and My Words

The bartender looked at the guy with shock on her face and told him he better run now. Even though I don’t do not socialize at this bar or any bar, everyone there has my back. In that place, I can get away with murder and mutilation. And I have many times. So, when this idiot did not heed the bartender’s warning, I unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock and prepared to chop his dick off in the bar.

This idiot thought I changed my mind and wanted to jack him off. Stupidity deserves extreme cock and ball torture sex. So, I sliced his entire dick off and watched the expression of confidence change to one of horror. He passed out. While he was down, I cauterized the wound to slow the bleeding. Other bar regulars helped me take him out of the bar and into his car.

 We drove his car to a park miles away to put him in the front seat. This way he would think he drove himself there. Oh, I drugged his beer.  But it did not kick in until after I severed his cock. I planned it that way. And as a final touch, I put his dick on the dashboard. If anyone finds him soon enough, they can likely sow it back on. He will not remember he was at the bar or how he lost his dick. But he will never come on to another woman again.

You turned your rape fantasies into live porn

Rape phone sex fantasies

I heard a knock and things went black, when I woke up there you were standing over me, blood still dripping off my body, dripping, oozing, creamie fluids flowing out of my sweet little pussy. My ears still ringing from your rape fantasies all night long.

Tied up, naked, cold, with a massive blow to my head from you smacking the shit out of me, whipping my ass, shoving shit up it my asshole, dildos, cans, bottles, end of knives, while forcing me to suck your cock, high as fuck on drugs. Little did I know you were making a porno the whole time. I didn’t see the cameras until you pushed me down on my scratched up back, handcuffed by my hands and feet, chained to the wall. Used and abused, violated, as you performed sadistic evil things to my asshole and cunt while I was out. I looked down on this bench to see your thick, fat, blood cum covered shaft banging the fuck out of my little, tight , drooling, torn up cunt. Leaking all down my legs, covering my legs down to my feet. Kept locked up for your sick fucking live streaming porn with 100’s watching.

Torture sex my Master forces me to do makes me cum

Torture sex is my life now. The first time he forced me to participate in brutal violent fucking, I was terrified. I had never experienced anything like it before, and I couldn’t believe that I was actually getting turned on by it. But my Master is a master manipulator, and he had trained me well. He had taught me to find pleasure in pain, to crave the degradation and humiliation that came with being his slave whore.Torture sex

And so, I found myself cumming harder than I ever had before as I watched the life drain from the young girl’s eyes. I couldn’t say no, even if I wanted to. My Master had me under his spell, and I was powerless to resist.

He loves to push me to my limits, to see just how far he can take me. And he always seems to save the most twisted requests for Snuff sex. Like the time he made me torture a mother and daughter, forcing me to choose which one would die first.

I can still see their faces, filled with fear and desperation as they begged for their lives. But my Master’s will is absolute, and I had no choice but to do as he commanded. I slit their throats, one by one, and watched as they took their final breaths.

Even now, as I wait for my next assignment, I can’t help but wonder what horrors await me. But I know that no matter what my Master has in store for me, I will cum harder than ever before. Because that’s what he’s trained me to do.

Teen Rape Porn Allows You to Explore Your Dark Fantasies

teen rape pornDo you like to watch teen rape porn? What about making it? As your accomplice, I want to help you make a dirty teen video with the girl of your choice. Neighbor girl, niece, daughter, even one of your daughter’s cock teasing friends. The world is full of cock teasers who need to know what happens when they cock tease one too many times.

Peter hired me to teach his daughter’s bestie a lesson. Anytime she comes over, she wears these little booty shorts and a tank top. She claims that’s what she sleeps in. But Peter and I both know that she wants her bestie’s daddy to admire her lean, young and tight body. She wants him to want her. And he does. However, for any man to explore his rape phone sex fantasies, he needs a woman like me in his life.

And Peter knew just who to call so he could finally put that little hot teen slut in her place. I kidnapped her for him. And I took her to this no tell motel in the next county. It’s a junkie hotel. A seedy little roadside motel where all sorts of bad shit happens. But everyone is too high to say a word. I grease the palm of the night manager, and he never saw me rent a room.

As Your Accomplice, I Make Your Fantasies Realities

I prepared the room for Peter. And that included having the teen tease naked, on the bed, with a ball gag in her mouth and restraints on her limbs so he could fuck her easily. When he entered the room, he wore a mask so she would not recognize him. And I did all the talking. But I was careful not to say anything to give away her assailant’s identity. I am a good accomplice phone sex partner.

Personally, I would have killed her. But my job is just to make a man’s dark fantasies a reality. Not to question his decisions. So, after he fucked her ass and her cunt a few times, he left. The clean up, I took care of as the accomplice. I drugged her again, cleaned out her cunt to remove the DNA, put her clothes back on her. Then dumped her somewhere she would be found. And if needed, I can provide his alibi.

I love helping men like you and petter realize your dark fantasies.

Chained, tortured, lifted in the air for a clean shaven pussy

Knife play phone sex

My leg’s spread wide open, you’re cussing me out, telling me “what a bad bitch” I am while holding your knives. Scars covered my little body all the way down to my cut up, tight cunt from your constant abuse.

Didn’t shave, so I gotta pay. Genital stubs, my puffy muff looked at under a light, your face turning red. Thrown on the torture table you chained me up. My chained legs lifted into the air in your sick fucking medical examination room. Your knife, slowly running down my tight snatch lips, sharpened for this fucked plan you had for me.

With a six blade razor you shave me, I’m shaking in fear but dripping wet, turned on as your fingers reach far deep up my smooth, silky snatch and asshole, swirling around, cleaning cum and feces with your rubber gloves on,  you lift my lip for that close cut in my dark spots. Juicy jizzy pre cum dripping down to my asshole onto the paper you had me lay on to collect every hair, every drop of various fluids.

Unable to move, you push on me, swinging me, with your finger still deep in both holes, smashing at rapid speeds for that sweet squirt.

Snuff Movies Will Kill Me One Day and Sooner Rather Than Later

snuff moviesI have starred in my share of snuff movies. Although I dabble in all sorts of porn, the seedy underworld of snuff pays the most. Most of the time, these sorts of films contain only simulated death and torture. Smoke and mirror effects to hide the fact it’s all staged. But every now and then, I run across a real snuff flick.

Friday night, I partied with some snuff flick makers. One of the guys I worked with in the past. But when I knew him, he was not a director yet. He starred in some films with me. And his huge cock punished my ass many times too. I measured his cock once and it measured almost 15-inches. A black guy obviously. But doing ass rape porn with his dick made me a hardcore anal sex pro.

However, this guy advanced his position to director. And our chance meeting made me the star of his next movie. He remembered me. And of course, I remembered him. How does a woman forget a man with a cock so big it feels like you are giving head and fucking the cock at the same time. He might be the first man to ever seriously gape my asshole. He invited me to his place to party and catch up. So, I went. Never thought it would turn into a fight for my life.

Sometimes, You Never Truly Know Who Are Your Friends

I thought we were friends. But he spiked my wine with something. And when I woke up, he had me hanging upside down from a bar and all his friends with equally big cocks were fucking me. Cocks in all my holes too. Blood trickled down my body from the hardcore ass fucking. And it takes some extremely rough treatment to make my ass bleed anymore. But they had three monster black cocks in my asshole at the same time.

I woke up from being drugged to discover that I was making a violent gangbang rape porn. Choking, slapping and rough sex, I did not consider partying. But I saw the camera. And then I knew what was going on. He filmed his buddies sodomizing me and beating me as I hung upside down. Blood rushed to my head making me sick.

I guess you never know who your friends are. Perhaps, I need better friends. Because this guy who I considered a friend, drugged me, force fucked me, hung me upside down and filmed it all for money. Never once did I get to party. I thought I might really die this time.