Category: Babysitter phone sex

Babysitter Phone Sex with Venus: Teaching Bad Parents a Lesson with Tentacle Rape Porn

babysitter phone sex evilDo you enjoy sadistic babysitter phone sex stories? I got one for you! I like to place ads on Craig’s List for babysitting. You would think by now, I would no longer be shocked at how many people trust me with their little ones. Look at me? Anyone with half a brain would not leave me in charge of their brats. So every time someone hires me to watch their offspring, I think to myself, I need to teach these dumb asses a lesson.  Make them think twice about hiring some Wednesday Adams looking, brooding stranger to care for their wee ones. Got to have a license to hunt, drive, own a gun… do just about anything, but they will let any ass hat be a parent.

I showed up as scheduled with evil on my mind. Sometimes a small sacrifice is necessary for the greater good. If I have to snuff a wee one out or use a little torture sex to highlight bad parenting, so be it. Some folks are just to hedonistic to be parents. Therefore, the brat is better off without them. Not minutes after the rentals left, I had little Suzy tied to the bed spread eagle, naked. She thought we were just playing some game at first. We were. Just a sick one.

tentacle rape porn bad babysitterHave you ever watched tentacle rape porn? Something about it as always intrigued me. All the images I have seen are usally young school girls being ripped apart by creatures with 8 or more legs. I visited my local seafood market, and purchased a shit load of live creepy, slimy squids and baby octopuses. It was easy. Just had to keep them on ice with a little bit of shallow water. Heavy as fuck, but they were the perfect accomplices to teach bad parents a lesson they would never forget.

torture sexI put a ball gag in little Suzy’s mouth and dumped those scary sea creatures on my tiny victim. She peed the bed. I could see the fear in her eyes as they started to crawl all over her tiny naked body. Tentacles molesting her flesh. It was quite a sight. Those cephalopods were horny little creatures, slipping their tentacles in and out of her young virgin fuck holes. They forced fucked her better than any grown ass man could. It was like looking at a freak show; some carnie act. Now I know why tentacle rape fantasies are so popular. Sadly for Suzy, this was no fantasy. I decided to snap a few pictures, even some video in case I could profit off her torture. I left her there. Tied her safely to the bed so she could not hurt herself or get into trouble. Not THAT bad of a babysitter. Of course I left her with my freaky accomplices.

rape phone sex fantasiesPretty sure when the rentals come home and find their precious baby girl being violated in all her once virgin fuck holes by slimy sea creatures, they will think twice about hiring a babysitter off of Craig’s List. Didn’t the Craig’s List Killer teach anyone about the dangers of online advertising?

snuff porn

Snuff Porn a New Chapter

So the snuff porn I was shooting had a new twist added. They decided they wanted to strangle me, while fucking me doggy style and right before the attempt at my life is taken the dude fucking me gets whacked. Well we had one of my evil little demon brat charges participate. 

My little demon brat is my little sidekick and she has learned so much! I’m a happy woman knowing I have such demon seed backing my bad ass up. Yep she will be an awesome mini me! I felt like a proud mommy ‘cept that thing didn’t come out of my cunt. It’s so refreshing to know I had such effect on this impressionable young thing. 

Her laugh was evil and dripping with blood lust. As she whacked the guy with a large crystal vase she just laughed hystericly and told me to get up and get something to castrate the bastard. I loved this girl, I think she will be my apprentice I will call her Raven.

Snuff Porn

Babysitter Phone Sex Fun

babysitter phone sex karmaWhy anyone would ask me to watch their precious little ones is beyond me. But I love jumping at the chance to do just that. I watch as they bend down and kiss the brats goodbye. I can feel my stomach tensing and the juices start to flow as they brush a wisp of blonde hair out of that innocent, wide eyed face. Soon those eyes will be wide for an entirely different reason. Her Daddy has no idea what the words “Be good for Karma” means as he pats her bottom and stands to walk out the door. As soon as the door closes I begin to dial the number  I know that he will want to come over and let me give him a therapy session. She is perfect for him, young and innocent, soft with straight lines and two pink little circles just above a flat belly that leads to that perfect Y. Not one inch of her is puffy or swollen yet. That will all change over the next few years, curves will form, flesh will swell and change, she will smell and taste different then too, nothing will ever be the same after that. Now is the perfect time. My hands are shaking when I hear his voice and I tell him how OK it is for him to come over. He knows I will talk him through every step of the way. He loves the way I cover the harsh edge of evil in my voice with the calm softness that coos at him and encourages him not to stop, to do it for me…..

Babysitter Phone Sex Massacre

Babysitter phone sex massacre is going to be streaming live tonight mother fuckers! Parents won’t even get to leave this time, nope tonight’s episode will feature the parents bound and gagged and forced to watch what will unfold before them. I love my new electric carving knife and I think it’s the perfect tool for tonight. 

First I will pull the parents to the front room and get the twin slut offspring stripped. I will have my gang of big black cocked men come in five insanely hung black guys ready to rip into some sweet pink pussy. That virginal fruit getting violated by huge cock, what a bloody mess it will be! These guys play rough and will force them to take their massive man meat. 

Once the guys take advantage of the slut I will approach them and stab my stiletto into their chest cavities a few times until blood spews. Knowing their chest bone is broken and they bleed out I treat them like dumb chickens and skin them. Right in front of mommy and daddy their sweet darling twins are basted and baked.

My carving knife is coming in handy as I carve the sweet flesh to feed to their parents. Enjoy your daughters as we have enjoyed them.

 babysitter phone sex

Playground Fun

Snuff sexWith the numbers thinning out around my town I’ve had to start skimming through the playgrounds around here. I got a boy in the play house by myself and fucked him with a sharp pipe I found broken off of the monkey bars. I lifted him into the air and put his entire cock in my mouth while railing his ass with the bar. He actually came which was hilarious and not something I thought would happen but he did, twice even. I was so wet and shoved his head into my pussy, making him taste this sweet cunt until I eventually took the bar out of his ass and bashed it over his stupid fucking head. He wasn’t gone at first and he was still hard so I finished myself off with his still erect cock while he was moaning and blurry from the hit and I just left him in there. I didn’t really care enough to finish him off after I came so much any way. 

Let it Burn


Snuff SexYesterday I cut the break lines of a school bus parked outside of the museum. Meh, maybe I’ll see something about it in the news. I’m so bored. In the mean time I’ve got a few brats to watch over and probably torture a bit more. We’ll start with teasing them with cookies and eventually lead up to something more bloody. New snot nosed brats are so easy to come by, and make me come so easy, eating out their little fresh pussies while dragging a blade across their flat tits. Sucking little bitch pussies and cunts is the only thing that really gets me off. I can’t even tell if they’re screaming from the pleasure or from the pain because frankly I can’t really tell if I’m fucking them too hard with my fingers or my knife when I really get into the fucking. It all becomes just one big single penetration into their tiny body when I’m fucking them and the mix is something like no other fucking can compare. And hearing on the news that bus crashed and burned made it even better!


Home Invasion Phone Sex Fun

Home Invasion Phone Sex

I have always had this fantasy where I want to break into someone’s house while they are sleeping and sneak into their little brats room. I want to take their little socks and shove them into their mouth and tie their face up with their favorite blanky. They will realize I am in there and start trying to scream while their parents sleep snug in their own bed believing you’re in your own dream land. I cannot wait to listen to the news the next day. “Poor little soul is found dead in her bed this morning after an apparent knife rape to her precious ass hole. Her parents said they did not hear anything as they slept in the next room.” Some fucking parents they are, fucking idiot cock suckers. You would think that you would want to keep a better eye on the little bitch that she wasn’t have unprotected sex with my knifey when she was supposed to be sleeping. Slut

Babysitter phone sex

Gothic phone sex

If you would of walked into the bloody mess that I created tonight you would be having nightmares for the rest of you life. The things that I have done to create my bloody mess would be haunting you for as long as you live and have you thinking of things you would never think could of possibly happened to someone so beautiful and so young and innocent. Do you really value something so tiny and worthless? What would you think if you saw someone young and what people say innocent laying in a puddle of a bloody mess.

Bloody phone sex

Let me let you in on the biggest bloody mess you could ever imagine. it all started with my neighbor asking me to watch his young twins while he ran his wife to the emergency room she wasn’t feeling well. I knew I hated little brats and wanted nothing to do with them. I told him no but he left the fucking little monsters anyway. What did he expect me to do with something so little and whiny. All they did was cry for the first two hours of their parents being gone. I knew I was not going to be able to tolerate it much more. I tried calling them,no answer.

Evil phone sex
After all I am a sick and twisted bitch. I cant take any more of these fuckers crying. Anyway I read this book when I was little, in it this mother made her shit tard of a kid eat something that made him shit himself… I think it was gas.. I have gas. We keep some in the shed. Plus this was going to be easy to act like I had nothing to do with it, ankle biters get into EVERYTHING. I grabbed the red can and brought it to the little shits. Told them it was a yummy drink and watched them gobble it up. After about 15 minutes these bitches started puking up blood!! Now I have a big mess to clean up and two bodies to put by the shed.

Accomplice Phone Sex is the Best: Killing is More Fun with Two

accomplice phone sex sadistic babysitterMy protégé Amy, the young daughter of my favorite sadistic accomplice, called me in a panic. She was babysitting and something went awry. When I arrived to the house she was at, it looked like the home of the Devil’s rejects. Blood splattered on the walls, even the ceiling. I could smell the carnage and it made me wet. “Amy dear, what happened, I inquired?” As she explained it, mommy and daddy came home early and caught her having naughty fun with the brats in her charge. Guess the parents got their panties in a bunch over a little knife play on young flesh. Amy went all Lizzie Borden on the family out of fear. She is young still. I’m training her to kill with less emotion. As I assessed the situation, I realized there was quite a bit of clean up necessary. Four bodies were still twitching, barely alive, but alive none the less.

The little ones just required some face sitting to snuff them out. They suffocate so easily at that young age. I put mom in the bathtub. Stripped her naked, then assaulted her fuck holes. I could say it was to make it look like an intruder had force fucked her then killed the family, but really it was just for fun. I fisted her pussy, while Amy shoved a baseball bat up her ass. We didn’t finish her off until we had a little fun with her pretentious worthless holes. One sharp stab in the gut with my knife, and the cunt bled out in the tub. I let Amy finish off Daddy. Suggested she castrate him first. She sliced off all his man parts. I was so proud if her when she tossed his junk out back so the coyotes could feast. She slit his throat, masturbated as she watched the blood spurt from his jugular.  

bloody phone sex accomplice callFinishing off the picture perfect family was easy. Staging the house to look like some random act of violence was more difficult, but a perfect chance to school my young  disciple in the finer details of killing. My method of madness is to stage a home like a frenzied killer looking for drug money or something similar broke in the house. The random senseless acts of violence are rarely solved. I am the perfect killing machine. Methodical, emotionless, creative and intelligent. Amy is in good hands.  No one will ever know either of us were there. It turned out to be a fun night.  Sometimes the best fun is unexpected. I always enjoy killing more with an accomplice.

Mother Goose Gore

taboo phone sex

I figured I would write my own book for little ones to read. A book that I could read to the little ass holes to scare them and watch the fear on their tiny little chubby faces. A way to torture them and make them fear their most beloved nursery rhymes. Oh how evil my laugh will be as they squeal at the horrid words I will sing to them. I hope you enjoy my devious collection, I know we will when we have fun with them together. Ha ha.

My version of 1,2 buckle my shoe;

1, 2 I am watching you

3, 4, gonna taste you whore

5, 6, Put your cunt on a stick

7, 8, Let you bake

9, 10 That’s your end.

The old lady who lived in a shoe

There was an old bitch who lived in a shoe
She bread lots of brats and she knew what to do;
sold them to men for money and let them cut off their heads;
The ones who lived, were tortured and beaten

Some of the ass holes were even eaten.

Im a little PGirl (Instead of teapot. HaHa)

Im a little Pgirl

Tiny and thin

When you come over

My knife goes right in

Lets have a good time

Help me out

Rip them open n’ tear their guts right out.

Wha Wha Little Bitch (should be bah bah black sheep)

Wha, Wha,

        Stupid Slut

Wanna Suck

          His Cock?

Yes please,

          Yes please,

Till my bellies full.

Knife to the kidney,

Tear open your ass

              Your about to

              Die you cunt

               Better hope

               You die fast

Ha, Ha

              Stupid slut

Still wanna

               Suck that cock?

I’ll take your silence

               That you have no guts to stuff.