Category: Babysitter phone sex

Killer Phone Sex on Halloween

killer phone sex fantasiesHalloween is my favorite night. No one notices me. It is the one night of the year a creepy Goth girl doesn’t stand out. With everyone dressed up to go get drunk and laid or to trick or treat, no one suspects that this is my everyday look. The big ass blood tinged knife I am carrying, is believed to be nothing but a prop. It doesn’t get a second look. I skulk along the sidewalk, watching for the right homes. I knock on the doors with babysitters and brats too young to go trick or treating. Surprise the stupid babysitter with the tidbit that my knife is not a simple prop, but the tool of my trade. I can always spot the bad babysitters. The ones who sneak their boyfriends in to fuck and raid the liquor cabinet instead of watching the precious little ones trusted in their care. Stupid cunts.

babysitter phone sexNo one pays any mind to the blood curdling screams coming from the homes of the privileged on Halloween night. It is just expensive sound effects to anyone who can hear the screams. But what is really going on behind the walls of gated homes throughout my community isn’t discovered until the parents arrive home. Dismembered dead babysitters and castrated barely alive boyfriends become Halloween decorations in the homes of the wealthy. Bad babysitters get their limbs cut off with a rusty old saw. I save my knife to slit their mouths from ear to ear. I cut out their tongues. I stitch up their mouths so they cannot cry and whine. I chop off the cocks and balls of the boyfriends. My little apprentices feed all body parts to their family pet.

taboo phone sexThe little ones watch and help. The brats love to assist in the mutilation and death of bad babysitters. They think it is a game. Just a Halloween game. They finger paint in the blood. Parents come home, find their wee ones sitting in blood, playing with their new life size dead dolls. Crimes are blamed on tweakers, not some Goth girl from their community. The brats never tell. They want me to come back and play with their parents.

In The Dead Of The Night

taboo phone sex karmaAll tucked in, teddy held tight in your arms, your eyes are heavy and you long to be in that magical world known as dreamland. You feel yourself drifting closer to that place where the clouds are giant marshmallows and you can play with all the animals. Not tonight…..tonight I am sending the darkest shadows to that happy place. Where you thought there would be light, there will be dark. Terror lurks in every shadow and evil is chasing you. Your heart is beating with fear, the faster you run the closer it gets. The walls are closing in on you, breathing in and out and trapping you. You open your mouth to scream but no sound escapes your lips. Mommy and Daddy are no where to be found. You’re alone, abandoned, helpless and the devil himself is breathing down your neck. You can feel his hot breath on the back of your neck. You dare to turn around and look into the glowing red eyes that are the face of death. Your going to die here in what was once your safe place. You wake up with a start, sweat soaking your cute little pajamas, your walls softly lit by glowing stars and moons. Afraid to close your eyes and go back to sleep? Good that is how it is supposed to be…. 

Taboo Phone Sex Slut!

Taboo-phone-sex-with-BlazeThis fucker has been fucking me and some other bitch as well. It’s not that I am jealous, but I don’t let any swinging dick lie to me without punishment. So I told him to come fuck me that night and of course he was late because he was with the other bitch. I sucked his dick when he arrived, pretending not to smell the stench of that whore’s pussy still on his dick. I sucked him and fucked him for hours and then he fell asleep. I took my knife and put it on the stove to make the blade burning hot. I then cut his nuts off in his sleep. As he lay there screaming holding what used to be his sack I slapped him and told him that his dick was mine, and he disobeyed sharing it. He screamed and cried and apologized like a little bitch. It was pathatic. I shoved my knife in his voice box just to shut him up. Its bad enough he was dumb enough to lie to me, he was a weak bitch also. But to be so pathetic! Be gone..Bitch!

Babysitter phone sex

Babysitter phone sexI am suppose to watch my younger step sister tonight. It is a weekend so I know she is going to be annoying wanting to stay up. I don’t really know her too well, I actually didn’t know my mother had another daughter. Her father I have met a few times, but my mother and him decided to try and rekindle things recently. They warned me not to open the door for anyone. I thought that was strange because I am old enough to asses if  I would open the door or not. They are being dumb obviously. So anyways it is getting later and later and this brat is still up. The door bell rings and she goes to look at the door. She tells me it is her brother. I think nothing of it and go ahead and open it.

After all, I will never object to meeting my other “family”. He comes in and I immediately get a strange vibe. My step sister is very quiet, he tells her he misses her and asks her if is it time for her to go to bed? He immediately grabs me and ties me up. I start screaming and he quickly puts something in my mouth and tapes it closed. I look up at my step sister and she is just watching. He caresses her body, and I squirm trying to break free. He grabs me and takes me to the garage. He then introduces himself and begins making every inch of my body full of pain. I guess this is what my mothers boyfriend was  warning me about. I wonder if they will be home soon. He tells me how pretty I am and begins examining all of my holes while his sister watches.

You Want a Taste of Evil?

Get a taste of Evil when you cross my path bitch. You think you’re a bad ass mother fucker? Ha, I guarantee you are of no match for this evil genius. That’s right bitch boy your ass is going to be grass if you even think about fucking with me.

You see a hot fucking cheerleader when you look at me and hold the idea that I am for your amusement and use. HA! Think again mother fucker! I am not some bubble gum tramp in a short skirt baby. I am your worst fucking nightmare, and by the looks of it you will be experiencing me real soon.

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Oh, don’t even consider leaving your offspring in my care, I have a keen love of torture and rape fantasy porn. I want to make those flesh bots of yours my own personal fuck dolls. So, by all means invite me over to meet the family.

Teaching a lesson

Ass rape pornI saw a little boy staring at my ass today. I told the little fucker to piss off but he kept coming back and looking. I told the little shit to come to our tool shed if he wanted to see something nice. The fucker followed me and I told him he could touch me wherever he wanted as long as I could touch him too. He grabbed my tits, I squeezed his little cock. He grabbed my cunt, I rubbed his little balls. When he grabbed my ass I slapped the little fucker to the ground. The fear in his eyes when he turned around almost made me cum and I kicked him down onto his stomach. I put my hand over his mouth, grabbed my toy and fucked him up his ass with it while he tried to get away. His scream and cries were muffled by my hand and soon once I saw his asshole was bleeding I let him up. I told him if he told anyone I would do it again with my blade. He ran off scared. I probably will save this one, he’s going to have a big cock when he grows up. And until then.. I bet he wont be creeping up on girls!

Snuff Porn Trophy Collector Killer Babysitter Gray

Well it’s been an interesting week I have met a guy this dating site.The site is not your normal dating site in fact it’s a little different. This site is geared toward serial killers and those that like serial killers. Obviously the site is for anyone interested and the serial killer type. His name is Brad and he’s an undertaker.

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Our first date played out as an interesting one I was that curious about his career. so Brad decided that you would invite me to his underworld. The business has been his family for generations. come to find out Brad does more than the prepare bodies for funerals. He has acquired an interesting little hobby. this hobby of Brad’s involves a form of taxidermy in which he creates sculptures out of dead things. as you can imagine finding this out has me excited. I explained to him my little hobby of killing sweet young innocent things.
The two of us got so fucking hot that we fucked right there on the gurney used for preparing bodies. As he was fucking me I asked if he could prepare a trophy I plan on taking from my next  victim. I mentioned I wanted it preserved special so I could have a special souvenir.

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I explained how I wanted a foot from my victim and I wanted to be able to look at the foot and remember this special slut. He had the perfect idea of making them into bookends! I was not planning on severing both feet but it sounded so cool!

taboo phone sex
I never had a real body part as art much less a pair and this sounded excellent! I am anticipating my next babysitting job for sure! I hope to snuff out the father of my victim making her watch as I fucked daddy to death! I would then have my way with her forcing her to watch the video of daddy dying as I dismembered her while she was still alive!

Babysitter Phone Sex Snuff Porn Fun

babysitter phone sexBabysitter phone sex is better with two evil bitches in charge. I was hired to watch two brats, both girls. Ripe, tender little morsels. I met Gray awhile back. Sick evil bitch like me. Of course we became fast friends. I texted her to come over and bring some friends, because we were going to party. I was spending the night with the brats in a swank house with a pool and full bar. If parents are stupid enough to leave me in charge of their brats, well they need a wakeup call.

Gray brought a male friend with her. He heard there were young brats around and he was down to party. He offered me some money for special play time with my charges. I would have turned the place into Neverland Ranch for free. Those brats meant nothing to me. Gray spiked their punch, while I undressed them. She decided we should film it. Tyke porn brings in the big bucks. Her friend was stroking his cock as he looked at the girls’ underdeveloped flesh. Little bumps for boobies, smooth cunnies, Bambi eyes, little bubble butts…

I made them go kiss Uncle Gene’s pecker. Even drugged, they resisted me; I brought out my knife and threatened them with it. That made them more compliant. Gray was giggling as Gene skull fucked the little twats’ mouths. When will parents learn to do back ground checks on their babysitters? I was filming it all. Gray even got a dildo out from the parent’s goody drawer to prime their little pussies for Gene’s big dick. I loved hearing their screams. But the best part was all the blood flowing from little cunnies as they got penetrated by man sized cock. Gene fucked both girls, while Gray held them down and I filmed it. Teamwork.

snuff pornAt one point Gray was pouring booze down their throats to stop their whining. These really were annoying little girls. “Why don’t we kill them, I suggested? As far as I was concerned, profit off them twice. Snuff porn of little ones would make a killing. No pun intended (insert giggles). Everyone’s eyes got really big. Well not everyone’s. The little girls clenched their eyes and shook their heads like they thought it was all a bad dream. While Gray’s friend was fucking a little tight pussy, I slit the slut’s throat, making her sister watch in horror as blood poured from her sibling’s body, cascading over Gene’s cock. Blood makes great lube.

The surviving sister was hysterical. I hate crying. There’s no crying in my snuff movies. So, I slit her throat and let Gene fuck her dead little body. I glanced over at Gray; she was playing with her pussy as she watch two little brats die together. Normally, I dispose of bodies well, but their negligent parents needed to be taught not to trust strangers with their brats. At least they can take comfort in the fact that their little girls are gonna be snuff film stars. Tip of the day. Don’t leave anyone you love with me or Gray. We like to do very bad things.

taboo phone sex

Babysitter phone sex gone wrong

babysitter phone sex

So I need a little extra money, so I made some flyers saying I would be a sitter. I got a call from a very nice man who wanted to go out with his wife on Friday. He told me to be at his house in the evening so he could walk me through the routine they have at their home.

I arrived ten minutes late because I could not find the house. I went to the door and rang the door bell. I was greeted by the man whom I had spoken with. He kindly invited me in.

taboo phone sex

I started to notice something’s were off, but It was already too late since I was inside. There was no one for me to look after in the house. A matter of fact- you can tell he was the only one who lived in the home.

I sat down at his kitchen table where he began to pour me a drink, he brought up that I was late. I started feeling nervous and quickly apologized. He came and sat next to me and told me to drink up. I did what he said to be polite. He gently caressed my face as things started to go blurry.

I woke up in what appeared to be his garage. I was tied up and it looked like he started to have fun with me before I became conscious. My pussy I noticed was so sore and my skin was on fire and tingling. All of my circulation was starting to be cut off.

The ropes that gripped around me were so tight. I felt like he fucked my throat, my pussy, my ass, and my pee hole so hard. I tasted blood in the back of my throat and couldn’t tell if my pussy and ass where bleeding or if he just made me really wet.

I was going to be his fuck toy of a slut. My body was at his full disposal, I couldn’t help but have tears run down my face as he triggered my gag reflex or when he put so much pain into me.

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Babysitting Fun

Babysitter phone sexI am always busy on Father’s day! And I am glad about that! See father’s day is the one day of the year I can make a Bundle! Dads always want to go out at night with their wives. And that is great cause I am willing to babysit! Hell I beg for it! When mom and dad are gone it leave the little whores alone with me! And I know exactly what to do! I have a list of “Daddies” who want to spend special time on this special day with all the sluts I can find! I charge a hefty fee. And I give the little whore something to keep them awake but “out of it”. And then I sit back and enjoy the show! I watch as they rip the cute little night dresses off the tiny whore! I love the look on the sluts face when she gets to feel that cock for the first time! It really turns me on. I have to sit and play with myself. I do love being the nasty babysitter. Hell.. I might even join in tonight! Happy Fathers Day to me!