Category: Babysitter phone sex

Looking for an Accomplice?

snuff porn

I walked into my dungeon and checked the cages. It was time for this accomplice phone sex queen to find  some new meat. I only had 2 caged ones left and they were nothing but bones. They were well past the screaming stage and needed to be put out of their misery. I loved the little rich bitches the best. They were easy prey walking around with their faces in those iphones. I lived for the shock and disbelief on their faces when they ended up here, caged. Crated like an unwanted mutt. Oh, they’d scream out how I’d pay when their daddies found me. But after being repeatedly violated and battered by some of my clients, those shrill voices became muffled little pleas.

Those pretty designer clothes turned to tattered blood stained rags. The manicured fingers were bloody stumps, the nice acrylic nails long ripped off by fingers digging at the bars of their cages. The pretty pedicured toes became talons. Salon perfect hair was matted with blood and semen. Deep hunger had began to grip them. Soon these little princesses who were used to eating fine cuisine would kill each other over a rat carcass.

Are you ready to help me train these little Daddies Girls? I do enjoy watching the violation of society’s waste of air generation. I know you do too. SO, come on over and let’s make them scream. They won’t be screaming for very long…..

Not your typical babysitter phone sex

babysitter phone sexThis is not at all your typical babysitter phone sex, hell, I’m definitely not your typical babysitter either! But my neighbor just saw me as the woman next door and assumed that I would be the domestic brat loving type, he pretty much just dropped his bratty crotch fruit off at my house and wouldn’t take no for an answer! So there I was, stuck at home with three of the brattiest little assholes you could imagine and there was no fucking way that I was gonna put up with that shit! I grabbed the oldest asshole first, he was screaming his fool head off so I slapped the shit out of him. Then I put a ball-gag in his mouth and hogtied the little shit. His sisters were screaming and trying to run from me by that point but there was nowhere for them to go so I quickly had them tied up and gagged too. I was just going to leave the like that but I was pissed that their stupid father would have the balls to leave them with me in the first place, I couldn’t just let that shit go. I waited until he came home from work to get the little shits, when he came in and saw them he was shocked! He tried to act all pissed off and tough but one shot to the balls with my tazer shut him right up! I forced him to fuck his little girls while his son fucked his tender little ass. This fucking asshole tried to say he didn’t like any of it, that he didn’t want to fuck his brats but his cock was rock fucking hard and he was leaking precum all over the place! He was fucking loving it… I know that because he’s already asked me to babysit his brats again tomorrow!

Babysitter Phone Sex Torture for Profit

babysitter phone sexBabysitter phone sex is a much different experience with me on this site. I have two sides, like most women. When  I am not fucked up, I am just a horny dirty mommy. I am even nurturing and submissive to my boys, wanting to take care of their every need, especially their hard throbbing boy dicks. When I am high, however, I am a different woman. Desperate, mean, nasty as fuck , and even a bit crazy. I’m still submissive, to men at least. Girls, however, should run for their lives when I am fucked up. I got asked to babysit my niece. My husband’s sister rarely asks me because she knows I am unstable at times. I was desperate for some coke money, so I agreed to watch the teen whore. I dislike that cock teasing princess sober too. They can’t trust her because when alone, she is putting nude selfies on Instagram and Snapchat. I needed money and I knew a little teen whore could make me some. I strapped her to her bed, got out the sex toys and decided to do a live sex show with a little Lolita. When I say sex show, I really mean torture sex show. I put electrodes on her clit and nipples and hooked up two sex machines so her ass and pussy both got assaulted. I forced a bottle of Jack Daniels down her throat to loosen her up and slapped a ball gag in her mouth so the neighbors wouldn’t be alarmed. I racked in several thousand dollars in a few hours. Turns out men love to see a  hot teen slut convulsing and squirting and getting her holes shredded. Her fuck holes were gaping open so wide afterwards I could fist her. In fact, I did that too for a $500 bonus. I gave her some of my Xanax,  cleaned her up and put her to bed. She was so drunk and high; pretty sure she would not remember why her fuck holes hurt the next day. My sister in law never found out and in fact wants the girl to stay with us all weekend. I’m gonna make bank of this little bitch. She is my new cash cow.

Sadistic Phone Sex Fantasies: Are You My Accomplice or My Victim?

sadistic phone sexSadistic phone sex fantasies are all I have. My callers fall into two categories: accomplices and victims. Some men just need a sick bitch to help them with their sick fantasies.  I have no limits, so I am a perfect accomplice. Other men know they are pathetic losers who need a strong woman like me to torture and abuse them. I enjoy  being an accomplice as well as being a sick bitch in charge. I am perfect for this kind of job because I don’t fit into the white collar world at all. I am a Goth girl with dark fantasies, very dark fantasies.  Of course, some of the things I blog about are my fantasies, but I have done some things, many things, that would get me arrested. I am no goody two shoes. In high school, I made the queen bitch of the school disappear. I am not going to admit killing her here, but I made sure she could never be found. I have not been back for reunions, but folks still think she just ran away with some sugar daddy. I have drugged little brats in my charge as a bad babysitter for my amusement and for the pleasure of older men with big wallets. I have castrated men for cash. I grew up on a farm seeing sheep and bulls castrated. I even helped.  It is not that different for men. I have tortured a few individuals for my own pleasure and for money. Mostly revenge type scenarios.  I have anally tortured my share of men too. Some begged for it, others just deserved ass rape porn. There really isn’t anything I won’t do if the price is right, but sometimes I encounter folks too stupid to breathe, that I do some charity torture work for free. Are you my accomplice or my victim?

Babysitter Hostage Sex

Babysitter phone sex MaceyDaddy wanted to role play that he was my babysitter and I was his weak, meek little girl that he got to play with. Yum, so sexy! I wore my little blue bikini over to Daddy’s house and he sat outside and watched me while I splashed around in the pool in the backyard. He told me that it was time to get out and dry off so that we could go inside and spend some quality time together while we watched a movie. While I was drying off with my towel, Daddy came up behind me and slammed me over the back of my head with a shovel. He knocked me out cold and when I came back to consciousness I was laying on the cold floor locked inside of a dark closet. I was his hostage and there was a gag deep inside of my throat and I was bound and tied together with my wrists above my head and my ankles crossed over one another. I was utterly helpless and unable to even make noises to cry for help, it felt as though I was going to suffocate! Daddy heard me whimpering and came storming into the closet raging mad that I was still alive! He dragged me out ferociously by my hair, he even ripped some of it out from pulling on it so hard! He threw me onto his bed and poured hot scalding water all over me, you could smell my skin burning, it was fucking horrific and disgusting. Daddy flipped me over and shoved my face into a pillow so that I was barely able to breathe and thrusted a thick burning candle up my pussy! Holy fuck it was one of the most painful things that i’ve ever experienced! He sat in his chair and watched me squirm and convulse while the candle continued to burn my insides. My skin felt like it was melting off and blood started to gush out of my pussy and asshole. Daddy crawled over on all fours on to the bed with me and licked up the blood like a dog. He was sadistically laughing and jacking his hard cock while he tortured me, it was so fucking hott! He busted a fat load of cum all over my body then left me there on the bed to rot all night. Daddy knows how to fuck me up so good!

Snuff Porn of The Darkest Desires

Dark fantasies and snuff porn are an heavenly match especially with me. My love of babysitter phone sex isn’t because I love such a role but rather because I despise rugrats. However, I do enjoy using them for sacrificial offerings. Tender young virginal prey is such a succulent delicacy to behold, especially at the end of daddy’s cock as I help him with ass rape porn debauchery.

My charges of the night were perfect for evil phone sex thoughts and their father was so fucking easy! He was already fueled with hatred and needed to get back at these sluts for ruining his secret time with them. So he wanted my help to make sure he followed through with his plan of ripping both their little cunts and asses open. He wanted to be in ecstasy and ejaculating in their fuck holes when I throw a bag over their heads and suffocate the little whores.

Snuff Porn Gray

More Snuff Phone Sex for 2017

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex is the perfect way to start off the New Year. My only resolution this year was to wreck more havoc. I want to kill more people. I want to dismember more folks. I want to up the torture and the pain. I want to castrate more men. I want to kidnap and destroy more little ones. I want to get more revenge. I want to put more losers out of their misery and ours. I want to see more blood and guts. I want to hear more cries and pleas. I want to consume more flesh. I want to ruin more lives. I want to fuck with people’s heads more. I want to kill more for profit. I want to kill ore for pleasure. You get the picture, right? I want a lot of snuff sex. So far, 2017 is looking like a great year. At the stroke of midnight last night, I killed my first victim for 2017. A precious little blonde angel. I saw her so sweet and innocent at the mall. Her adult companion was paying more attention to his phone than his angel. I rescued her but she had to die after what my accomplice did to her tender little body. He wanted to ring in the new year inside the tightest pussy and ass he ever had, so I gave him what he wanted.  For a price of course; a very hefty price. You have to pay for your naughty taboo predilections. But, think about it. If I am your accomplice, you can do whatever you want to whomever you want whenever you want. I even do the clean up and disposal for you.  You have all the fun but I take the risk. Something tells me I will be hearing from you soon.

Snuff Porn Babysitter Phone Sex Fantasies

snuff sexI made a snuff porn for Christmas. What did you do? I had some help of course. I was babysitting last night. I know, right? I hardly look like the kind of girl who likes brats. You are correct. I hate them. Germy, needy, self entitled cesspools. They drain your time, energy and money. That is why I don’t have any. But, they are fun to fuck with, literally and proverbially. The little devil’s spawn I was in charge of last night was a blond blue eyed devil in disguise. Perfect ray of sunshine when her folks are around, but the moment they are gone, she turns into the bad seed. I decided to teach the little whore a lesson with the help of a dirty old accomplice friend. Monica has this stupid Elf and a Shelf doll she loves. First, I had my friend dress up as the creepy Michael Myers to scare the crap out of Monica. I promised him if he did this favor for me, I would let him explore his ageplay rape fantasies with her. I could always say we were victims of an unknown assailant. Sweet little Monica would never see his face. She woke up screaming when she saw the scary man with the knife killing her fucking doll. I acted like the concerned babysitter at first. At first when I thought she was just going to get force fucked by my wicked accomplice. But, darling little Monica went into rabid little bitch mode, so I told him to kill her. Told him he could fuck her alive then dead to compare which was better. She looked at me in horror. I pinned her down while he fucked her tight virgin hole. So young. So tender. So dead. He stabbed her after he fucked her, then he fucked her some more. Pinned her to the wall  next to her annoying elf on a shelf. He  hit me hard over the head to cover up my involvement. Merry Christmas to her parents. They will be brat free in 2017. Merry Christmas to me too. I love being a sick accomplice, especially in the murder and torture of annoying little creatures.

babysitter phone sex

Evil Phone Sex Halloween Fun

My All Hallows Eve was a fucking bash of an Evil Phone Sex night. By
bash I do mean some little whores head did get bashed in. But first
was the thrill of the hunt, the chase  really got my blood boiling
and my appetite for fucking this little Alice in Wonderland costumed
girl up.
I spotted my prey on the street enjoying the festivities in the
graveyard that evening. I cornered her with my knife to her pretty
little throat… as I ordered her to run. I let her believe she was
free of me only to have a friend Jim, head her off throwing a
pillowcase over her head and yanking her to him. Nothing like the
sounds of her pleas and whimpering to make my friends cock grow hard.

Evil Phone Sex
He brings her back to me and I yank the pillowcase from her head and
smile sweetly looking at her terrified eyes. The bonfire is going
strong and perfect for a roast. I punch the little cunt in the mouth
with my brass knuckles a few times to knock her fucking teeth out.
Once her mouth was a bloody toothless mess Jim skull fucked her
bloodied mouth as she gasped for her last breath. By this time I was
shoving a taser wand up her cunt and fried that bitches insides.

I was so fucking wet and Jim knew just what I needed, as I was
kneeling over her fucking lifeless corpse carving sigils in her flesh
I was getting my cunt pounded with Jim’s bloody fuck rod. By now we
decided it was too much work to just filet her flesh and roast it. So,
we just axed her to pieces and threw her on the fire.

Snuff Sex

Blasphemy Sex Makes My Day

Having a penchant for blasphemy sex – and all the filthy ways it can go – really makes my day! I’m a corrupt little cunt and need to tend to my corrupt desires in a variety of productive ways. One of those ways consists of kidnapping phone sex. I lure the young prey in and once in my “web” the tender young thing is drugged up and molested.

I love to take her to the church and sneak into the priests chambers where I have a variety of religious paraphernalia at my disposal. I like to start with shoving her face into the holy water basin until she nearly drowns. I then bind her wrists to the alter and rip her panties off. Taking a Rosary I shove the beads up her anal cavity with the cross hanging out. Grabbing a large crucifix I start penetrating the tight young bald cunt with it as I yell at her to “Say You Love Satan!”. As all of this is going on the priest will walk in and finish the little slut off.

blasphemy sex