Category: Babysitter phone sex

Your Nigger Wife

Strangulation phone sexYour wife is a fucking cunt bitch, and I hate her. That fucking whore needs to be beaten with a whip. In fact, both of you need to be punished you’re both stupid little fucking black slaves. You behave like fucking animals, and I can’t stand you. I want you on your fucking knees you black piece of shit. You’re nothing but a stupid fucking nigger to me, and I am going to make you pay for your goddamn fake ass freedom. Your foolish wife is a black slut, and you are a God damn nigger lover, and this is what I’m going to call you from now on nigger lover. I’m going to make you eat my shit I want you to dig my shit out of my ass with your tongue and Munch on it. You like brown things Mr nigger lover well then eat my brown shit you like the taste of it I know. I can tell that you love to get nasty and dirty because you date and marry nasty dirty black fucking nigger bitch whores. You said you wanted me to sleep with your woman well guess what I’m going to sleep with her alright I am going to make that black bitch eat my asshole Raw. You are a fucking parasite upon the earth, and I can’t stand people like you I feel like you only deserve to live to be my sex slave. You know that you like it that’s why you got married to your nasty fucking wife you just did it to make me angry, and you have succeeded. When you told me you were going to marry her, I lost my mind, but when you said to me that you still wanted me, I picked my spirit back up again. And now I’m full of devious ideas I don’t want to be the sweet girl you already know that. You need me to be the evil bitch, and I’m going to give you and your new nigger wife everything you need.

Snuff Sex Fantasies

snuff sexSnuff sex fantasies are what women like me help you explore. I am not your victim, however. I will never be a victim. I carry a big ass knife for protection. I won’t be a part of the me too movement. Anyone tries to molest me, they die or lose their nuts. I am an accomplice. Nothing more exhilarating than helping you kill a bitch, young or old. Shane found me on the dark net. He had heard the rumors about me. He wanted help murdering this little blonde waif he diddled. He was afraid she was going to start running her mouth and cost him everything. Guys let their dicks do the talking. You never piss where you sleep. This little fuck trophy was his wife’s niece. That is too close for comfort. She’s was blackmailing him for expensive things like a new iPhone and iPad. I kind of admired the little whore. Wise beyond her years. I arranged to have her kidnapped and taken to my kill shack where she was to meet her demise. Shane was not exactly truthful. He was not fucking her. He wanted to fuck her, tried to fuck her, but she shut him down because he had a little dick and was a broke ass loser. He just wanted her gone because she denied him and was blackmailing him. She was like a mini me. If I snuffed her, that would be a waste of potential. I decided that my snuff porn would star Shane instead. He deserved to die. He was a whiny ass loser who was upset this little bitch rejected him. I strapped him down and gave her the knife. I told her Shane hired me to kill her, but I couldn’t kill such a precious evil bitch. She kicked him in the nuts and sliced off his pecker. The shock on his face was priceless.  She taunted him and tortured him for hours before she finally killed him. I didn’t get paid, but I got something far better. I got a bad seed accomplice to groom. I got a sadistic evil princess.


Fuck Your Little Sluts To Death

This snuff sex call is going to go really well tonight. I have you by your god damned balls mother fucker and I will get my way without having to get my hands dirty. You see, I really do not like your slutty offspring, and babysitting for you when I was younger really turned me into a true hater of young ones. I became the sadistic that I am today thanks to those spoiled fucking hoes of yours. I want you to break their little vaginas open with your large fat cock and pound them to their death. While your dick is in that tight vagina and your plowing away at it I hand you a billy club and tell you to bludgeon her fucking head with that. I want to see blood, bone shards and brain matter all over the bed and I want you to fucking ejaculate as you take that blow.

Snuff Sex

Sealing The Deal

Evil phone sexMy boss had an important deal on the table with a local contractor. This was a huge deal with lots of money attached to the deal. It was really important for my boss to nail this. He was on my ass all week and punishing me when I was not moving fast enough to get things ready and set up for the meeting. Usually, when he has big deals my services are needed to ensure the deal. I am a pain slut sex addict 3 hole whore. I walk in there and let them know I will do anything at all it takes to make sure they do business with my boss. I let them know how rough I love it and how much I crave their cock.

Welcoming fall with plenty of torture sex

torture sexWelcoming fall with my master is something that always leads to some excruciating pain. My master is most alive in the fall. The fall time is when he has most of his day’s off, and he can ruin my life some more. Halloween is his favorite holiday, and he has an annual Halloween party where he gets together all his pets to serve men. I can already foresee what he has in store for me. There is no way I will be getting away with things. My master watches me like a hawk. I have to be ready to make him money at all hours of the day.
The outfits me and the girls wear are short and revealing. I know that I will be used and all of us will be making him top dollar. We are his money making pets. It doesn’t matter if we don’t like being gang banged if the price is right it’s going to happen. Last fall my master had a total of forty parties. Each one made him more money than the next. I know this autumn season will bring plenty of brutal beatdowns and fantasy rape fucks. Torture sex is what he thrives on as well. Master loves to watch his slave slut get rammed and hurt. The blood and cum combo make him wild. I know I am where I need to be. Each of us get lined up and end up being fucked till we are all bleeding. It’s a bloody scene. Cum and blood all over the floor. None of us escape without being used in each hole. I can’t help but get turned on by being used and feeling so much pain. My body shivers from the cold and the rock hard cocks ramming me make me want more. It’s crazy how much pain can bring pleasure.domination phone sex


Pregnant twat torture

Snuff movies

My slave master enjoys having me work extra hard for him. Now that I am pregnant I am popular and high demand. I know he enjoys seeing his bank roll grow. I am his money hoe and he gets to pimp me out to whoever he pleases. One of the biggest hits is my videos. There is a site dedicated to constricted slave pets like me. Slave masters post content up of their hoes. I am making my master bank by torturing my pregnant twat. Watching snuff movies and fucking my cunt with razor end dildos have become such a hit. My cunt quivers in the worst pain all bloody and damaged. I sometimes go on live broadcasting and have plenty of fans commanding me to fuck my twat up. Some have even tipped high and put in suggestions of me having a live removal of the wee one, That request wasn’t going to fly. My master knows my pregnant cunt ranks in the dough. I did however slice of my clit for 50 G’s it was a bloody mess and such excruciating pain. Anything to keep my boss happy!

Evil BabySitter Phone Sex for Be Kind to Humankind Week

babysitter phone sexBabysitter phone sex? Hell yes, I love destroying brats with you; especially when it is Be Kind to Humankind Week. Today is Sacrifice Our Wants for Others’ Needs Sunday, so I asked John to come over while I oversaw two young angels. I was babysitting these brats for him. They were my sacrifice to him because I know he loves torturing young girls. I know his type. Young, very young, no pussy hair and no tits.  Sounds yummy right? John wanted to watch me have some fun with the brat and her brother. I wanted to watch the brother have a little fun with his sister. I guess I was being kind to him too in my own sadistic way. I brought my brass knuckles. John thought I was going to beat them up. No, not my style. I don’t beat up little ones unless they fight me. I prefer torture sex. I wanted to ruin that perfect little bald cunnie. I had the princess drugged. She was awake, just not very alert. I put on my pretty brass knuckles and dipped them into a big jar of Vaseline. Both John and her older brother watched in amazement as I worked my fists into that tiny little cunt. She cried and screamed, but I showed no mercy. I had my entire hand up her little womb. I was Queen of that little bitch. I tortured that young thing for the pleasure of John. Her little cunt was ruined by the evil babysitter. I gaped that hole for John and her brother to fuck. They enjoyed depositing cum into her little gaped slit. Once they came in her, I told them that the best kindness we could do would be to kill her. I cut out her beating heart and gave it to her brother as a souvenir. Normally, I would keep it as a memento of my kill, but since it is Be Kind to Humankind Week, I decided to be altruistic. I love being a bad babysitter.

torture sex

blackmail babe

torture sexI got one of the sorority girls to come over. My dealer wanted an innocent slut and I was running low on my stash. I knew with his proposal I could get exactly what I wanted.  I invited the annoying cunt over and got her fucked up and grabbed my phone and recorded her blowing my boyfriend. After a couple spiked drinks her inner slut came out. Getting her to pleasure my boyfriend was a simple task. My boyfriend is easy on the eyes and being high will shake off any nerves. The hard part was convincing her to fuck my dealer. With the fantastic footage I captured I knew she would not say no. Her reputation was everything and being in the sorority was important to her. As soon as I told her about the footage she was down to have torture sex with my dealer. I had front row seats watching her get fucked fisted and choked. It was perfect and my 8 balls were heaven.

Bloody Monetta

2 girl phone sex I became a slave to my boss. With fear of losing my job and upsetting my parents I tried my hardest to keep my boss happy with handjobs and blowjobs. I stalled and made him content but he wanted my sweet ass more than anything and he wasn’t going to stop till he got it, when he gave me the ultimate of packing and leaving or getting my ass gaged and fucked I almost walked out. I knew I couldn’t so I became his anal slut. Getting his cock in my ass was just the beginning soon he began to fist me so hard that my ass would bleed. The more bloody I got the harder his dick twitched. I was his cum dump and slave.The other night he got so turned on by the sight of me drenched in blood and cum that he invited his twisted buddy over to help. I had both of them beat me to a bloody pulp and use my holes. I am forever tied to him and his demands like the perfect submissive pet. Whenever he gets the urge he invites his poker buddies to fuck me up as well. I’m the bloody cum slut for my boss.

Brats Boil Your Blood?

Blood boiling annoying little brats that really start pushing the parents limits and tweaking nerves deserve the ultimate punishment. I mean they are only going to be a cold sore on society as they get older and my belief system is to nip it in the goddamned butt before then. So I was enlisted for this job by one of the parents of this really bratty duo of young twin girls. These two have wreaked havoc on the house and really started to get the parents in trouble with the school also. So I took this on and was super psyched to find out they had a brother in college and was willing to assist me.

I loved the thought of having him tie the girls up and letting them watch as we fucked, then as he rape fantasy fucked the two of them. Their fuck holes were tore the fuck up by the time we were done with them and eliminating the evidence was the highlight of it all. We hacked the two up in little pieces and collected their blood for a ritual at the end. These two were just such a treat.

Accomplice phone sex