I hope someone doesn’t leak my nude photos. Problem was I haven’t heard from my friend Claire in a while. I was hoping she was all right. I figured that maybe she was just busy and that’s why I haven’t been able to talk to her in a while. I was just relaxing at home by myself when I heard the telephone ring. I went over to it and answered it. A voice said ” I know where your friend Claire is and if you want to see her alive again you’d better do exactly what I tell you to do.” I completely froze up. What did you do with her? I demanded. “Where is my friend?” he said I’m not going to tell you until you do exactly as I say. The voice demanded. “Now I want you to send me naked pictures of yourself.” I’m not sending that I said I’m going to call the police. “How are you going to call the police if you don’t know who I am?” the voice demanded. “Now send me these nude photos or I’ll slice her throat right now!” I could hear somebody screaming in background.
Category: Babysitter phone sex
Who Set Up Layla?
Layla Gets A Creepy Phone Call
It was a dark and stormy night. I was at home in my room watching porn. That evening I was alone in my bed wearing some hot red lingerie. I was just sipping on some wine trying to relax. it had been a stressful week. So rain slowly fell against my window. the phone rang. It was already 11 p.m. I knew that it couldn’t have been anyone I knew calling. Since I like to have quiet time in the evening. So I went over to the phone and picked it up. hello? no answer. just some heavy breathing. hello? I tried again. it was no answer with some heavy breathing again. I hang up the phone. I went back to my bed and started to relax. I heard some more ringing. I was determined to tell the person calling off. so I picked up the phone who is this? “I’m downstairs why don’t you come down and see me.” a creepy voice answered. I immediately knew someone was in my apartment. My hands were shaking. my heart started pounding who was in my house?
Bad Babysitter Phone Sex
I have a bad babysitter phone sex story to share with you. I was asked to watch a friend’s baby girl. I use the word friend loosely. She is a stuck up bitch who has always looked down on me because I work in the adult industry. Babysitting presented me with an opportunity for revenge. She has a beautiful young girl. The kind of girl that men pay good money to fuck. Know what I mean? I know this one bad ass man who loves super young girls. I have fucked him a few times and the only way he gets off is with some rough age play. I texted him a picture of the little angel and he responded back with, “How much?” I set a fair price. Really, I sold her little cunt for a steal because this was about revenge not profit. I drugged the little girl with a special cocktail. Two Xanax crushed in Koolaid is what you give a little slut before you explore your rape phone sex fantasies. I watched as he savagely fucked her hairless cunt. She was moaning in pain, but she was not lucid enough to scream. I put towels under her because I knew there would be blood. There always is with sweet young virgins. He used her cherry juice as lube for her ass. He fucked every hole on her tiny body. My cunt was so wet watching this princess be ravaged. I cleaned her up as best as I could when he was done with her. I disposed of the blood soaked towels. I licked the cum off her body. I even gave her a sponge bath. I fucked my friend on the couch with his dick still covered in her sweet cherry juice. Once my bitch came home from her date, my partner in crime was long gone. I cleaned up all the DNA like a member of the CSI team. Hopefully the little girl will not say anything about her battered holes. At least I know she won’t remember how she got those battered holes.
Snuff Sex Is My Addiction
You’ve been talking about this one fetish you have ever since we started fucking – snuff sex. You have always liked putting your hands around my throat while we fuck. You like squeezing until I give you the safe word. But you tell me how much you’d like to ditch the safe word and go all the way with me. You want to keep squeezing my throat and squeeze the life out of me. As much as I am a little embarrassed to admit it, the thought of you doing that really does make my pussy wet. I’ve even started having my own fantasies about it.
Let’s just say that one night you come home and you find me sitting on the bed in really sexy lingerie. You ask me what the special occasion is and I tell you that I’m finally going to let you have the one thing you want most – my life. I take your clothes off and then lie down on my back, still in my lingerie I spread my legs and tell you to put your cock in me and then ask you to put your hands around my neck. I want to look into your eyes as I slowly slip away…
Layla Chased By A Killer
So last night me and my friends went out. It was really dark and cold outside. It was against our better judgment but we wanted to have fun that evening. We partied at their house until I was a little bit drunk, tipsy and careless. I should have called for a ride home that would have been the safe thing to do. But since I knew I was just maybe like eight blocks away. I decided to walk home in the dark. I didn’t really think that I would run into any problems. But that was not the case. I kept seeing the same figure following me I hope that they would eventually turn up the street. They were walking but they seem to be headed straight towards me. This time I started running I was starting to get out of breath. But I can feel my heart pounding this person was definitely chasing me. There was no denying it. I turned around one more time and realize that the person was carrying a knife there was no way for me to escape.
Sadistic Phone Sex Daydreaming In Cemetery
When the sun is out and the day is just fucking peachy great, I love to sit in the cemetery and daydream. My boyfriend works at the crematorium connected to this wonderful old graveyard and it’s far better than any park. I love my solitude. The rare occasion I get bothered by an idiot and have to do my bit. I will lure him in and seduce him. I love to get his cock hard and excited. These idiots really think I’m going to give them my pussy, good lawd they are naive. I love when they are all anticipating fucking me in the graveyard in the middle of the day, or night. It’s lovely, really. I grab their cock and whisper in their ear that they should really learn a lesson about being annoying when someone is just trying to get some peace. As I lick and nibble his ear and whisper this I stroke his cock out and slice the bitch right off. His screams are met with delight as my boyfriend knows he gets to fire up the furnace again and how we love to fuck while some loser is being torched to ash in seconds. The screams are always covered by some good old Darkthrone blaring on the stereo.
Laylas Being Followed
So I had just came back from my boyfriend’s house. We were just watching TV, cuddling on the couch and we kind of got a little frisky the living room. Normally he walks me home at night but I decided to walk home by myself. It was starting to rain a little bit outside. I put my hood over my head and I started to walk down the street alone the rain. I was really getting cold and uncomfortable. I was just about to cross the street. Then I was standing by a stop sign and I saw a car start to pull up. The windows were tinted. I just got a really bad feeling when I saw that car. I decided to keep walking because I just felt really uncomfortable but I noticed the car was starting to slow down and follow me down the street. I try to walk faster, but the faster I went the more the car got closer to me I was about to get snatched up!
Willing Torture Victim
Perhaps you’ve been with women in the past that you couldn’t be open with. Not everyone in the world can handle the intensity of extreme fantasy. I’d even say that we’re in the minority. The good news is that you’ve managed to find your way to the depraved vixen that your taboo dreams have been waiting for. Dark, bloody and fatal fantasies only serve to make me even wetter. You can feel free to let every guard down in your sexual world and invite me on in. I’ll exchange keys with you and allow you into my dark playground of the mind as well.
I can’t remember the very first time I talked to a man with murder phone sex fantasies but I can tell you that I never tire of it. So many sexual acts are so vanilla they can put you to sleep. You never have to worry about that from a wild kinky bitch like me. I’ll be your torture victim, the one that you’ve been waiting to get on your slab. You can take it as far as you want to. I’ll only take everything that you dish out and more. Come and possess me anytime.
Layla Has A Stalker
Something happened to me the other night I was walking home from the club and I was going past a cemetery. I hate walking on that side of town because I just got this weird feeling shivering down my spine every time that I go to that side of town. the wind was howling and the leaves were rustling on the ground I was walking in the dark. in the shadows all of a sudden I saw a figure with a hood on their head I tried to walk past them but they stayed very still and I feel both their eyes on me. I started to walk faster but they start to pick up their pace. I kept my head down and tried to pretend that didn’t I didn’t notice them but every time I looked over my shoulder I saw that they were following me. I was walking very quickly in the dark when all of a sudden I got hit in the back of the head with a blunt object. next thing I knew I woke up and I was in a dark room I don’t know who kidnapped me or where I was but when I woke up I was completely tied up. I knew I had made a horrible mistake walking alone at night and I had been abducted. I was so scared I started trembling. if you want to hear what happens next give me a call