Snuff porn Christmas is what naughty whores receive. I was at a bar last night getting drunk with random men. Last thing I remembered was doing lines of coke off some dude’s dick in the bathroom. I woke up hours later tied up in a basement. No memory of how I got there. No recollection of my captor. He was not the guy I was doing coke with when my memory last worked. I explained that he didn’t have to hold me captive. I was a sick pain slut; I enjoy rough sex. Fuck it, I even enjoy torture sex. He didn’t want to fuck me. In his words, “I don’t put my cock in diseased cunt.” He spoke with such disdain for me. He clearly was a woman hater. I tried reverse psychiatry on him. That just pissed him off. I had no clue what was in store for me, but I knew it wasn’t good. Suddenly, I heard screams. I think I heard chainsaws too. Maybe it was a power saw. But what I heard was some sort of power tool combined with blood curdling screams. “Don’t mind that Cassie. Your turn will happen soon,” he seethed. I pissed myself. This was like a bad dream. Something straight out of Black Christmas. A man came in the room, covered in blood splatter and said, “Next.”As my ropes were untied, I kicked and screamed to no avail. I was dragged by my hair across the cold floor, even through pools of blood and guts. I saw a pile of dismembered body parts in the corner. I told myself this was some sort of bad drug trip. I closed my eyes and prayed, but I was still in a bloody wonderland when I opened my eyes. “You have been a naughty whore this year,” was the last thing I heard before the chainsaw cut my tits off…..
Category: Ass rape porn
Snuff Porn Wonderland
Ass Rape Porn at the Mall
Ass rape porn holiday party? Wasn’t my idea, trust me. I was at the mall doing some last minute shopping when a group of high school boys started harassing me relentlessly. They were grabbing my ass and tits, calling me names and knocking stuff out of my hands. Unruly boys. They needed a spanking. Mall security was ignoring me. Everyone was ignoring me. They were so wrapped up in their own world they didn’t see me struggling with these boys, or they just didn’t care. One of the bigger boys cornered me against an exit to an employee’s area. He pushed me through the door. His pals followed. They shoved me into a dark room. I think it was a storage area for the janitors. I started screaming but over the Christmas music and crowd chatter, no one could hear me if they were paying attention. I struggled as hard as I could, but I was out numbered. It was 6 to 1. They were big boys too; likely athletes. They shoved their fingers down my mouth joking about my cock sucking abilities. They ripped the clothes from my body. When I began to cry, I got smacked hard across the face. “Shut up twat,” one of them said before his friends rammed their cocks down my throat with such force that I puked. I hurled everywhere. That just turned them on more. My ass got shoved full of teen cock. “Bitches in school don’t give up the ass, whore,” the leader said as he plunged his hard member so deep in my ass his balls left a mark. They tagged teamed my fuck holes and took pictures of the mall whore for their Instagram accounts. I was sober too. I was not prepared to be in a gangbang rape porn at the mall just days before Christmas. I gave up fighting; just let them use me until they grew bored. They left me alone filled with their cum smelling like a sewer in the janitor’s room. They even stole my purse to go shopping on my dime. Merry fucking Christmas to me.
We’ll sing a slaying song tonight!
I threw the absolute best Christmas party this year. Of course, my idea of a Christmas party is a little bit different than most people. For this year’s festivities, I decided to put on some sexy clothes and go hunting down at a local frat-boy bar. They are all dumb and will fall for anything with a set of tits and a pussy. I found exactly what I was looking for. A group of guys celebrating Christmas break by killing as many brain cells as they can. After a few rounds of shots and a little flirting, I lured them back to my house. They all piled in thinking they were going to have a great time pulling a train on me, boy were they wrong. I distracted them with more booze while I moved on to step 2. Discreetly locking doors and slipping in to the bathroom to grab some nighty-night pills. I came back out to the living room where I told the boys to wait for me while I went and made us a round of shots to get the party started. I pour each of them a shot with a little something extra and stripped down to stockings, stilettos, a thong, and finger-less gloves. They all took their shots like good little boys not suspecting a thing. When they woke up they were bound and gagged in two columns of four each. I took the liberty of putting butt-plug tails and antlers on all of them. What could be better than singing Christmas carols while whipping all of Santa’s reindeer in to shape? Me and the boys truly sang a slaying song that night. And what better way to end a hunting trip than with a trip to the slaughter house? I usually just call it my basement. Give me a call if you want to go caroling with me!
Taboo Phone Sex Christmas: Naughty Brats Get Ass Rape Porn
Taboo phone sex Christmas has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? I love the movies Silent Night, Deadly Night and Black Christmas. Those are my kind of holiday movies. I don’t spread cheer. I spread fear. I fucking hate Christmas. Annoying brats begging for expensive toys that they will grow bored of in a month. Cunts demanding expensive jewelry from poor bastards they have on the hook. Folks slaving in stores at ridiculous hours for minimum wage when they should be enjoying time at home sleeping and eating. All the commercialism and entitlement that comes out this time of year makes me murderous. I had some fun with fraternal twins at the mall last night. Spoiled brats were being rude to Santa. Who the fuck is rude to Santa? I decided that that the devil’s spawn needed to be on his naughty list. I showed them just what happens to bad little boys and girls. I snatched them right up in the crowded mall. No one was paying a lick of attention but Santa. I had his blessing to do very bad things to spoiled little brats. I punched them both in the face hard enough to knock them out. Carried them over my shoulders like sleeping angels. Dumped them in the family bathroom. I stripped them naked and invited perverts in to violate their tiny fuck holes. I had a naughty little girl for the P men who enjoy baby girl pussy. I had little boy ass for the dirty priests and boy lovers. I rewarded the perverts while punishing two naughty brats. When they woke up, I told them all they were getting for Christmas was their home made ass rape porn and a lump of coal. Told them Santa would slit their little throats if they told on his naughty Elf. The brats pissed themselves in fear. Merry Fucking Christmas. Have you been naughty or nice?
Snuff Porn Whore
He said I looked like a snuff porn whore. That should have been my clue. My red flag. I’m attracted to dangerous men. I felt powerless when our eyes locked at the club. I knew I was in for trouble, maybe even deadly trouble. I went into a private room with him. I don’t know why. I was afraid of him, but wildly attracted to him at the same time. He ordered me to strip for him. I did as I was ordered. I always do as I am told, even when it is detrimental to me. After I gave him a sexy dance, he put his cigarette out on my face. “You are too pretty for a whore,” he seethed. The pain was intoxicating. He punched me in the stomach so hard, I fell to the floor. I cowered in the corner like a scared animal. I was scared. He took off his belt. He beat me for what seemed like an eternity. “Why,” I asked? “Because I can, whore,” was his only reply. I was bloody, swollen and bruised. That was just the tip of the iceberg. He ushered in all the male patrons in the bar. “Free whore pussy,” he yelled before instructing the men to do whatever they wanted to me. Do you have rape phone sex fantasies? I have been force fucked all my life. I have grown to like it. I have grown to expect it too.
Ass Rape Porn Bar Gangbang
Ass rape porn is my favorite. I have always been an anal Annie. As a grown woman, I find more guys obsessed with anal torture than just a good hardcore ass fucking. I love it in the ass, but sometimes it is way more than I can handle. I went to my local corner bar for some fun Friday night. It is a total dive bar. A bar respectable women avoid, but everyone who knows me knows I am a far cry from respectable. If you are a chick in this bar, you want fucked or you want drugs. In my case, it is always both. The guys there just refer to me as the ginger whore. The moment I walk in, they buy me drinks because every regular patron there knows I cannot hold my alcohol for shit. After a few rounds of tequila, I am a gangbang rape porn star. My memory is a little sketchy about the other night, but my prolapsed ass tells me I had a good time. What I do remember is being bent over the bar while men sodomized me with beer bottles, pool sticks, cocks and fists. Pretty sure I passed out at some point, but that didn’t stop their fun. Why should it? A submissive whore doesn’t need to give consent, she is up for grabs. I woke up in the alley behind the bar. I was appropriately dumped by the garbage bin. Trash and broken glass all around me. It was raining. I was cold and wet. Oh, and naked. My clothes likely left in the bar. I guess they couldn’t wake me come closing time, so the bartender discarded me like trash. I could feel my asshole had popped out. That is the calling card of an anal sex whore. I live nearby, so I crawled home naked and cold. Took a hot bath and tried to piece together the night.
Dirty white devil whore
As he was choking me and plowing his dark brown sand nigger cock into my pussy he was telling me I was a dirty white devil. This was not his holiday to celebrate. He wasn’t going to wish me a merry any fucking thing. Instead he was going to ruin my Christmas and my pussy. He was going to fuck me till my white devil pussy was fiery red and swollen! Like a Infidel Whore should be fucked. I was begging him to let me go, begging him to spare my life. I had so much more to live for. He began to praise Allah as he was brutally fucking my asshole. His knife was digging into my throat as he fucked me. Forcing me to take every inch of his sand nigger cock! Teaching me a lesson for being a dirty white devil whore! I had been tempting him for weeks, he said he has seen every sign. He said I forced him to take such measures.. “This is all your fault white devil.” he whispered in my ear as he slit my throat and came inside of my asshole.
Snuff Sex Born a Victim
I couldn’t help but think I was being stalked and snuff sex keeps crossing my mind. Who fucking thinks like that? I do! I’ve been through it all, and can not help but be suspect to foul play, as it turns me the fuck on!
I get off on being the focus of someones mind enough to plan it all out. I’m fucked up in my twisted thoughts and here is a prime example as to why… as it just happened. In my haste of getting my shopping done and to my car I failed to pay attention to the van parked right next to my car. As I stepped to my car, on the other side of the van I was grabbed and pulled in.
Knocked out and my clothes cut off of me I was ass raped porn material from the grab. I was sent this video of what was done to me that night I awoke in my car in the mall parking lot covered in blood and secretions of cum and spit. My panties where sliced and I had cuts in my vaginal region and on my breasts and thighs.
I now see how it all went down and I also see that it’s a very popular money maker. This reads as a threat since they know my address. I can’t help but rub one out right now.
Taboo Phone Sex: I Spread Holiday Fear, Not Cheer
What are your taboo phone sex fantasies? I consider myself a sick therapist of sorts. I help men explore their dark desires. The ones that could get them arrested or committed to an insane asylum; maybe even killed. The holidays are lonely times for losers. You will not get a sympathetic ear if you call me crying about nobody loving you or whining about how awful your life turned out. I will, however, be likely to encourage you to off yourself or at the very least let me kill you. The holidays fill you with sadness, but they fill me with murderous rage. I am easily pissed off as it is, but you add crowds, holiday cheer and shopping to the mix and I want to get a semi automatic gun and unleash on a mall full of self absorbed assholes. Instead, I take my rage out on you. The pathetic loser who calls me baby or asks me what I am wearing in a futile attempt to bond. I don’t bond. I kill. I can smell fear and desperation through the phone. It gives me a girl hard on because I like to fuck up losers who think I give a crap about them. I don’t have a lonely hearts phone sex line. I have a snuff sex line. It is very therapeutic to kill you. I bet it would be therapeutic for you to die too. I clearly need to kill and maim more, because I flew in a rage over one of those annoying Salvation Army dudes ringing his damn bell. I kicked him in the balls and shoved his bell up his ass while a crowd gathered by and watched. Why? Because the sight of one of those mother fuckers is just a reminder that it’s fucking Christmas. I hate Christmas. Want to find some little soul or annoying twat waffle and spread fear instead of cheer with me?
Rape phone sex fantasies
I was at my friends house late at night and she went to bed super early. So I thought why not hangout with her brother and his friends. I did not see much harm in that. They were in the basement playing drinking games. I was in tight yoga pants and a really tight tank top. I know they were checking my out and I liked the attention.
Before I knew it, they turned the music up. There was her brother and four of his friends surrounding me. They kept grabbing me making jokes about how I would be in bed. I laughed uncomfortably. One of the guys that where bigger then the rest pick me up and put me on their pool table. They all gathered around and held me down to the pool table.
I was struggling to move and get up asking them to let me go. They took my pants off and ripped my top off of me. My body was naked and squirming. They all took turns shoving their cock inside of my ass hole and pussy. I was begging for them to please stop. That only made them laugh more. Their cocks where throbbing hard.
Their hands were jabbing into me, spreading my thighs apart trying to keep me well spread for them. They were fucking me hard and deep. I was balling my eyes out trying to get them to stop ripping me open. I had blood and their cum dripping down my thighs.
Hands over my mouth as they each took turns having their way with me. After hours of them taking turns stretching my holes open, they were finally done. I had no energy left in me. I had bruises all over me. I just laid on the table until they left.