Category: Ass rape porn

Mutilation phone sex

mutilation phone sex

I went to the dentist for my routinely clean. I decided to try a new dentist that I found on the local white pages. I now get why no one uses those anymore. I arrived and everything appeared normal. I sat in the big chair and was given some kind of gas that knocked me out. I awoke, looking at my hands and feet strapped into the chair.

I could not move. The dentist was over me and a bright light shinned right on to my face. I tried to focus my eyes and immediately realized my mouth was being held open be a cold metal object, prying my mouth open. I could not even talk, and I was chocking on my spit. The doctor let out a laugh and had pliers in his hand.

“You need some teeth pulled”. I wanted to scream! He started ripping all of my teeth out of my mouth. I was gushing blood out of my mouth, and with each tug I thought I was going to pass out from the pain. He stood up, pulled down his pants and pulled up my dress. I chose the wrong day not to wear panties!

He spread me open and fucked my unmovable body on the chair. He forced himself into me over and over again. When he was about to blow his load, he stood up and pointed his cock at my mouth. I already couldn’t swallow very well.

He blasted his cum in my mouth, plugging up any room to breathe I had in my mouth. He took out a syringe and said that my eyes could use some work. I have a feeling I am not going to make it out of here. Lesson learned. Never use white pages, and always where panties!

Sadistic Phone Sex Fantasies: Are You My Accomplice or My Victim?

sadistic phone sexSadistic phone sex fantasies are all I have. My callers fall into two categories: accomplices and victims. Some men just need a sick bitch to help them with their sick fantasies.  I have no limits, so I am a perfect accomplice. Other men know they are pathetic losers who need a strong woman like me to torture and abuse them. I enjoy  being an accomplice as well as being a sick bitch in charge. I am perfect for this kind of job because I don’t fit into the white collar world at all. I am a Goth girl with dark fantasies, very dark fantasies.  Of course, some of the things I blog about are my fantasies, but I have done some things, many things, that would get me arrested. I am no goody two shoes. In high school, I made the queen bitch of the school disappear. I am not going to admit killing her here, but I made sure she could never be found. I have not been back for reunions, but folks still think she just ran away with some sugar daddy. I have drugged little brats in my charge as a bad babysitter for my amusement and for the pleasure of older men with big wallets. I have castrated men for cash. I grew up on a farm seeing sheep and bulls castrated. I even helped.  It is not that different for men. I have tortured a few individuals for my own pleasure and for money. Mostly revenge type scenarios.  I have anally tortured my share of men too. Some begged for it, others just deserved ass rape porn. There really isn’t anything I won’t do if the price is right, but sometimes I encounter folks too stupid to breathe, that I do some charity torture work for free. Are you my accomplice or my victim?

Rape phone sex fantasies come true

Rape phone sex fantasies Rape phone sex fantasies are a real part of my nightly wet dreams. I love talking about how it would happen, and the types of things I want to experience.

I’m in the bathroom, standing over the sink, brushing my teeth. I hear something but immediately dismiss it as the cat getting into things. I finish brushing and rinsing and I am violently grabbed from behind and thrown to the ground. I only have my silk long nighty on and it is ripped from my body like it was an old rag. I am struggling and clawing but I am overpowered. I feel a flash of white hot pain rip through my ass. No lubrication, no regard for my virgin ass. I’ve never allowed anyone to fuck me in the ass and now this human is fucking my ass violently.

I can feel my sphincter ripping and stretching. I am screaming and struggling but the violation continues. I feel the stiffening and the familiar groan of him cumming in my ass. Abruptly as he entered, he was gone and I was left alone, bloodied and ripped asshole, cold on the bathroom tile.

Blasphemy Sex Dream of Shame

Blasphemy sex is hardly a normal dream of mine but this was one of the most enticing and vivid ones yet. I was dragged through the church to the pulpit area by five strong nuns and thrust down at the foot of the alter. These nuns removed their habits and robes to reveal five men with throbbing cocks. These men were of the priesthood and laughing at the fear in my eyes as they spat at me and called me a filthy blasphemous whore.

blasphemy sex

Forcibly face fucked they started a gangbang rape porn recording of their use of me. As my clothes were ripped from my body they doused me in Holy Water as they degraded me calling me Satan’s whore and that the only redemption for my filthy soul was to be doused in the cum of five brothers of the priesthood. Their pricks would offer me redemption as long as they penetrated and fucked me into my liberation.

I awoke way too soon, and am now so fucking horny.

Father I have sinned, penetrate me with your righteous phallus of our saviour. Bugger me and use me as I am your servant.

Torture sex

torture sex

My car broke down on the side of the road and to my surprise my phone was dead as well. I had no choice but to either hitch hike or walk home. I maybe walked a mile from where my car had broke down when a stranger pulled up next to me in his car. He asked if I needed a ride home since,” I looked like I could use a ride.” I said no hoping he would go away. He smiled at me for a while and said, “I understand you can’t trust any one now days especially with everything you see on the news.

I laughed and told him that he indeed was correct. I waived good bye at him as I watched him drive off down the road. It was beginning to become dark outside and I was still maybe three miles away from my home. I heard a weird noise but I continued to walk forward. Suddenly I felt a large person grab me by the mouth and a sharp pain in my neck. I awakend some hours later in a truck tied and gagged. When I looked to see who the accuser was, I was surprised to see that it was the same man that tired to offer me a ride earlier.

The man pulled over into the woods near by and made his way down a dirt path. I was so scared since I had no idea of what was about to happen. I felt my body shaking as the man began to touch me. He began touching my bald pussy trying to work his fingers inside of me. I tried pushing him away from me but he just got upset and began hitting me non stop. His fest made my eyes and face bleed like crazy. I was then fucked in the back seat of his truck, he had me do all kinds of positions while I was tied up.

He made me take his cock in all of my holes, he had no problem stretching them out or filling them up. Once he was done getting his cock wet, he tied me up side down on a tree. A bag was placed over my head so I couldn’t see and he made a tiny slit around my throat. Gravity just made my blood flow out all over the place, I was getting everything covered from the amount I was bleeding. Then I felt the bag around my face get wet .The pillow cushion was absorbing all the blood making it almost impossible to breathe.

The stranger watched me drown to death as my body wiggled all over the place while I was suspended in the air. The words I’m sorry were carved into my chest and my corpse was left there to rot. I guess the moral of the story is always have a phone charger.

Taboo Phone Sex Whore

taboo phone sexI am a taboo phone sex whore. That means I am submissive with no limits. Since I am a druggy slut too, I will do anything for drugs or for money to buy them. My dealer cuts me off frequently until I can cough up some cash. He says my pussy is too loose to satisfy him, so no more drugs for pussy; at least not a well used pussy. That is a whore problem. I do my Kegel exercises, but I am a fisting and gangbang whore. I am surprised my uterus has not fallen out yet. My husband cut me off, so I got creative. I am resourceful that’s for sure. There are always “model” jobs in the Back Pages. I answered one for lesbian porn. That sounded like cake walk compared to what I have done in the past. I should have known better. My luck never goes that way.  It was lesbian torture porn. Two dominant women abused the fuck out of me and another “worthless cunt.” I just took the money and endured the pain. Women are actually crueler than men when it comes to torture. It began with me and this other desperate chick being tied up back to back of each other. The bitches in charge made us eat their assholes as they farted in our faces. They were enjoying our humiliation. I could taste shit. I don’t consider myself a shit eater, but that night I was one. She actually took a dump in my mouth and forced me to swallow it. While I was gagging to swallow her shit pie, her friend took a cattle prod to my asshole. I shit myself. Of course I had to clean up my mess like a good puppy. Our holes got violated with taser guns. No porn was being made either. We weren’t models. We were torture slaves for the enjoyment of a couple bitches in charge. I got my money to score some blow, but I won’t be shitting right for days.

domination phone sex

Gangbang rape porn for master’s pleasure

gangbang rape pornMaster loves to watch gangbang porn. I guess he grew tired of watching it online or on his tv. He brings me into a room with three men. They are all standing there naked. He starts taking my clothes off. “Whats going on?”  I ask nervously. “You are going to let these men fuck you and your going to act like your little whore ass doesn’t like it.” He says in an evil voice. I bow my head to him and let him take the rest of my clothes off. I make myself cry as i sit on the lounge chair. “Please master don’t do this.” I beg. In reality I don’t want this. One of the guys smacks my face and laughs. He shoves his Big long dick into the back of my throat. I begin choking on it. The second guy picks me up and gets under me. He sticks his massive prick into my tight wet cunt hole. He starts thrusting in and out of me. The third guy shoves his cock into my filled cunt as well. I scream a muffled scream and gag on the throbbing cock in my mouth. They laugh again. Tears stream down my face as my soaking wet pussy deceives me. They thrust in and out of my holes. I scream over and over each time they shove their cocks into my stretched out pussy. They shoot their loads in me. I do not enjoy any of it. But I am master’s and what he wants I give him. My cunt leaks with their semen. I lay there crying and in pain.

Torture phone sex with Paulina

Torture phone sex

I had a session recently with a particularly brutal Master. He is strong, experienced and knows how to use me. He’s brought something with him today. It is the tower of pain. I was really turned on when I saw it. It looked like it would rip my nipples off if I made a bad move. I had a mind to not be on my best behavior.
He put the device on me and I was immediately thrown into a whirling sensation of pain, I was getting so wet. Involuntary tears streamed down my face from the pain. He patiently told me to bend over, and rammed a piece of ginger into my asshole. The pain was so intense and searing I came and he was not happy. I had not asked nor had I waited until he was done with his amusement of torturing me. He spun me around and slapped me across the face, but it did no good. I love being slapped, choked and used. He violently pushes me down to the floor and starts to use a round very spiked hair brush and shoves it in my fuckhole. I screamed and he only did it more. All he muttered to me was, cum now for me bitch. My tight pussy bloodied and sore Master takes his cock out and fucks me, he fucks me hard. With each slam he pulls the tower of pain clamps on my nipples and is almost ripping them off. As he finishes he sits down on my chest and jerks off his cock spraying my face with his cum…he is one of the best. He makes me stand up by pulling on the tower of pain; I hear the whip of a cane and the crack across my back. He was caning me as hard as he could, with every whip I wanted even more. Finally with welts all over my back and legs he takes something from his pocket, it’s a lemon. He squeezes it hard and the juice starts to flow out of it. Rubbing it on my back, In scream and squirm and beg him to stop…it was so erotic and painful I was ready to die.

Taboo phone sex with Makayla

He told me it was going to be worse if I tried to fight him! I tried to be a good girl, but nothing I did would make him happy! He kept calling me a stupid whore. Spitting in my face. Rubbing his dirty cock all over my face. He grabbed me on my way home from the park. I just wanted to walk my fur baby. He grabbed me and my little fur baby. She wouldn’t stop barking so he snapped her neck in front of me. I screamed bloody murder and he slammed the butt of his gun into my temple. I woke up tied to a dirty mattress. He was brutally fucking my asshole. I started to cry, begging him to stop. “It’s just going to get worse whore. Beg all you fucking want.” He started pounded my hole, ripping me open and forcing my asshole to prolapse! 

Taboo phone sex

Kinky Accomplice Phone Sex

Accomplice phone sex MaceyMy Master loves to make me his dirty, naughty accomplice when he wants to commit sadistic evil. I am the perfect sexy companion to have as an accomplice because I have no limits and my evil ways match his perfectly. It’s even better when I am able to show my Master a few new tips and tricks while we do our dirty work! Master had me kidnap a young little girl from the park and bring her to his underground torture dungeon so that we could have our way with her. I used chloroform to sedate the disgusting little cunt as I transported her and when she started to come back to consciousness while we were strapping her down to to the steel table in the dungeon, Master shoved a monster dildo deep down her esophagus to shut her the fuck up. Master had an enema prepared that was filled with sulphuric acid. We hooked her up to it and watched her slowly suffer! All of her limbs were tied down and tears were streaming down her eyes. The more she showed signs of torture, the more upset Master became! He took a knife and dug it into her stomach, carving a heart shape out of her skin to show her his love. Master always has the best ideas! As she squirmed on the steel bed wilting away into a slow death, Master and I were extremely horny! He sat down in his chair and I got on my knees and sucked his throbbing cock. It was so fucking sexy seeing that little bitch in the background dieing a torturous death! Master wanted to play with her during her final moments so he shoved his sloppy wet boner inside of her tight little pussy! He wanted me to smother her face and ride it while he fucked her, he needed an extra good view to look at! Finally the little bitch took her last breath and Master made me eat her pussy as a final send off. He’s so evil, it drives me wild!