I’m laying in my bed when someone comes into the room. I look up to see the baseball bat swing across my face. It hurt like a bitch. He grabbed me and positioned me to were my ass was sticking up. He took the baseball bat and shoved it deep Into my ass. I screamed out in pain. My head was throbbing, I couldn’t see who it was. He kept pounding that bat into my ass as he shoved his massive veiny cock Into my soaking wet cunt. He pounded my tight ass hole with force. I begged him to stop. His cock was so big my fuck hole wanted more and more. Tears poured out of my eyes as my tight bald pussy deceived me and my juices pour out around his massive prick. The bat tears at my loosened ass. I beg him to stop once more. Cry profusely I beg him to cum in my dirty who’re mouth. I tell him how I want to taste that delicious cum. He stops and lays Me on my back. He lays my head off the bed and shoves his huge throbbing cock deep into my throat. I cant breath as he shoves it inside the back of my soaking wet mouth. His cock begins to pulsates as his thick white cream squirts into the back of my throat. I choke on it. He hits me over the head with the bat again. This time I black out .
Category: Ass rape porn
Gangbang Rape Porn Friday Night
Friday nights are gangbang rape porn nights for a blonde bimbo. I went to my local hole in the wall bar to drink and pick up a guy. Picked up more than one. Not nice guys either. I was slipped some sort of pill that made me a bit loopy. The next thing I knew, I was in a disgusting bathroom getting gang banged by more than the guy I was flirting with earlier. I think every male patron was in that bathroom. It smelled awful. This was a dive bar for sure. Reminded me of the bathroom in the movie Saw. Men were groping at me, calling me names, spitting on me, even pissing on me. Some shoved drinks down my throat, forcing me to get drunk, well more drunk. I tried to get up, but I was forced back down on the dirty floor with every attempt to leave. I felt sick and confused. Cum just started hitting me all over. Almost felt like a bucket of jizz was doused on me. These men were laughing at the dirty cum whore. As I was being forced to swallow cum, I puked. The booze, the drugs and cum all caught up with me. No chivalry, just laughter. Someone put their boot to the back of my head, slammed my face in the dirty cum puke while they all chanted “lap it up whore.” I need to learn to stay home and drink.
Snuff Porn Pays My Debt
Do you have snuff porn fantasies? I have been told that I bring out the sadistic desires in men. I had no clue so many men hated a woman with red hair. But I get told regularly how badly someone wants to hurt a ginger girl as in hurt her deadly. I was doing a threesome last week with this dealer guy I know and one of his friends. I was just trying to score some free blow and weed. My dealer was buried balls deep in my ass while his friend was skull fucking me. It was nothing more than rough sex until his friend started strangling me. As he was choking me, he kept saying, “Die you red headed slut.” I thought it was some sort of role play fantasy for him, but he was really hurting me. Hurting me badly too. I could taste blood in my mouth. My vision got blurry and I became light headed. I tried to speak but cock was down my throat and my lungs were filling up with blood. My dealer just kept pounding my ass even though I became lifeless. I was jolted awake by a very hard slap. Everything was blurry, like a film was over my eyes. My dealer’s sick friend had evil in his eyes. I am no stranger to that look. I tried to crawl away but something hit the back of my head. I woke up face down in a pool of my own blood. I was confused and disoriented. I looked up and my dealer and his pal had a camera rolling. They were filming me as I laid there bleeding. They were jacking off watching me bleed and cry. My dealer mentioned me owing him money. I thought the fucking was paying for my drugs; he thought otherwise. Another blow to the face, more blood, some broken teeth and a statement from my dealer that snuff movies bring in good money.
Torture sex
I was at my friends house during a football party and I did not think about all the crazy men there getting drunk off their asses. Me and my friend were the only females there. The night was going great, their team one and they were wanting a more formal way to celebrate. My friends dad grabbed us and pushed us in front of all of his friends.
They demanded that we strip down right then and there. We looked at one another, scared to disobey, so we undressed. Next thing you know all of the guys started to take out their cocks. We were forced on our knees and then quickly put on all fours. Are mouths were forcefully getting shoved full of cocks. We started to cry from not being able to catch any air.
I was surprised when two of those guys forced their cocks into my pussy and ass hole. It hurt so bad as they ripped my tinny little holes open. I looked over at my friend and watched as her face turned red. She was chocking on two cocks and her little body was getting jerked back and forth as they pounded her cunt and ass.
I felt blood from my ass gushing down to my pussy as all the men relentlessly kept taking turns forcing themselves inside of me. They kept laughing at us, spitting on us, and calling us names. They thought we were good whores and where well worked open, but since we weren’t they wanted to take the initiative to make sure they broke us in good enough for the other men in the world.
Kidnapping Phone Sex with Marley
When you’re on the road hitching, making money in any way you can is a must. Sometimes, you’ll do some really dumb things without thinking, just because someone offered you money. When he pulled up alongside me and told me that he was a photographer who was looking for a few models for his portfolio, and that cash money was involved, I couldn’t pass it up. Taking pictures for cash? I could do this!
He drove me to this trashy little neighborhood, like many I’d passed through on the roads, and parked alongside this narrow, dingy house. He invited me in, and I followed. He asked if I had any kind of night-clothes that I sleep in, as that would help him most. I changed into my little sleeper set. Once he saw me, he was ecstatic, and brought me directly back to a bedroom. I started getting antsy, wanted to bolt, but the money was on offer, and I needed it. He asked me to climb onto the bed and start some poses, and picked up the camera that he’d put around his neck. The camera looked legit enough, I climbed up and started posing with some of the pillows I assumed were there for just this purpose. He asked me to start taking my clothes off, said it would really help his portfolio. I hesitated, and he came over and smacked me, hard. Then, he took something out of his pocket and jabbed me. Within minutes, I couldn’t see straight to save my life. I couldn’t focus, and his commands started coming. I had to struggle to focus on what he was saying, and following the commands were something I had to do. After a few more shots, I felt his hands on me, rubbing over my bare nipples, into my panties, even as he ripped them. He moved me onto my knees, and pushed up into me from behind, but I don’t remember much after that…
Bloody phone sex for Valentines day
Let me guess, you are going to be a lonely loser on Valentine’s day and you just want some company. Boy you picked the wrong girl to keep you company. I plan on chaining you up and making you my bitch. My worthless pathetic bitch boy! I’m gonna force a big fat dildo into that tight ass of yours without lube! It’s going to be a bloody valentine’s day with me this year. I’m gonna force fuck your dry asshole till you almost pass out from the pain! Then while you are still holding on to your worthless life, Ill start dismembering your body. Limb by limb. Making you watch me destroy your body! Even taking a nibble from your body. Your warm blood is making my pussy drip! Watch me as I slice your cock off and use it to fuck myself!
Forced Knife play phone sex with Rena
I walk into my apartment from a long day of work. I’m just so ready to relax and unwind. I go to the closet and pick out a sexy purple see-through nightie. I start my shower, hot water caresses down my tired shoulders, over my big tits. The water trickles past my engorged clit and instantly I’m turned on. I decide to step out to go get my big black dildo. I get back in the shower and have the hot water running down my back, making my tight shoulders relax. I take my huge toy and slowly slide it in my wet and ready pussy. I shove it in hard and deep, oh it feels so fucking good. Working the toy faster, I rub my clit, rub it hard and fast. I fuck myself hard until I have cum dripping from my swollen crevasses. I finish my shower and get out. All of a sudden there was a big bang. I was so startled I dropped my black dildo. I quietly and nervously walked to the kitchen where I see the door wide open. Fear instantly ran over me. I ran to my bedroom and locked the door, proceeded to call the cops but out of nowhere a hand covered my mouth. All I could think was I’m going to die. A voice whispered in my ear to keep fucking quiet and if I was a good girl, I would live. I’m so terrified, I piss on myself. But, I happened to notice something unusual in the intruders voice, it sounded girly. She threw me on my bed and told me to spread my legs. She had a mask on so I couldn’t see her face. What are you going to do to me, I asked, my voice shaking. ‘I’m going to do whatever the fuck I want”, she said. She picked up my big black pussy plunger and dug it into my tight cunt. Stop, I pleaded. She pulled out a small steak knife and held it to my neck. ‘You will do whatever I fucking say and if you don’t I will slit your nasty, cum guzzling throat you fucking bitch’ She fucked my pussy and then my tight ass and went back to my twat. I was hurting so bad. The knife held at my throat started to cut into my flesh. Blood slowly trickled down my neck, I just knew I was going to die when out of nowhere she pulled her mask off and began tongue fucking my ass. I wanted to look down to see who this person was but she held the knife closer making me bleed more. I heard her moan. What the hell was she doing? She violated my twat some more and even licked my clit a little. All of a sudden she stopped, I felt the bed shaking as she let out this sultry, aggressive moan. I can’t believe she came! I had the courage to look down towards her and she was already putting her mask back on. ‘Stay on the bed until I’m gone’ she said. I heard the front door slam. I just lost it, I started to cry as I dialed the police. ‘Yes,I’d like to report a crime’…..
Babysitter Phone Sex Torture for Profit
Babysitter phone sex is a much different experience with me on this site. I have two sides, like most women. When I am not fucked up, I am just a horny dirty mommy. I am even nurturing and submissive to my boys, wanting to take care of their every need, especially their hard throbbing boy dicks. When I am high, however, I am a different woman. Desperate, mean, nasty as fuck , and even a bit crazy. I’m still submissive, to men at least. Girls, however, should run for their lives when I am fucked up. I got asked to babysit my niece. My husband’s sister rarely asks me because she knows I am unstable at times. I was desperate for some coke money, so I agreed to watch the teen whore. I dislike that cock teasing princess sober too. They can’t trust her because when alone, she is putting nude selfies on Instagram and Snapchat. I needed money and I knew a little teen whore could make me some. I strapped her to her bed, got out the sex toys and decided to do a live sex show with a little Lolita. When I say sex show, I really mean torture sex show. I put electrodes on her clit and nipples and hooked up two sex machines so her ass and pussy both got assaulted. I forced a bottle of Jack Daniels down her throat to loosen her up and slapped a ball gag in her mouth so the neighbors wouldn’t be alarmed. I racked in several thousand dollars in a few hours. Turns out men love to see a hot teen slut convulsing and squirting and getting her holes shredded. Her fuck holes were gaping open so wide afterwards I could fist her. In fact, I did that too for a $500 bonus. I gave her some of my Xanax, cleaned her up and put her to bed. She was so drunk and high; pretty sure she would not remember why her fuck holes hurt the next day. My sister in law never found out and in fact wants the girl to stay with us all weekend. I’m gonna make bank of this little bitch. She is my new cash cow.
Near Death Experience
Ass rape porn is a good living for me. I am a submissive whore, so I started answering ads for fetish BDSM models when I was 18. I was a runaway and by the time I was legal to start nude modeling, I had been living on the streets and in hostels for a couple of years. I knew this other runaway who did hardcore anal and bondage films. She disappeared one day. Answered an ad she saw on Craig’s List, when they still allowed adult ads, never saw her again. The word on the street was that Haley answered an ad for a snuff porn and it was a real snuff movie. That has lingered with me for years. Part of me believed anything was possible including the fact that she was killed for an underground film, but the other part of me thought she just moved to a different city like all runaways. I found out recently what really happened to Haley when I showed up at a studio for a fetish shoot. At first, nothing seemed off. I saw lights, cameras and BDSM equipment. I even signed a waiver of liability if hurt during the shoot. I thought why would snuff producers have me sign a waiver if they intended to kill me? They gave me a Xanax to relax, which is not uncommon. However, it looked off, so I didn’t swallow it. I just acted groggy. Maybe one of the few smart things I have ever done. I saw another girl all fucked up like I was supposed to be. They dragged her to a room that looked like a medical examiner’s room. I watched as they dismembered her. Blood splattered everywhere. Her screams were deafening. While they were distracted sawing her limbs off and thinking I was passed out, I snuck into the basement to see if there was a window I could escape through. On the wall were pictures of limbless bodies with severed heads being held proudly as if big game hunts. I saw Haley. Her dead blue eyes staring at me. I threw up before I squeezed my big tits through a small window and ran as fast as I could from that house of horrors.
Mutilation phone sex
I went to the dentist for my routinely clean. I decided to try a new dentist that I found on the local white pages. I now get why no one uses those anymore. I arrived and everything appeared normal. I sat in the big chair and was given some kind of gas that knocked me out. I awoke, looking at my hands and feet strapped into the chair.
I could not move. The dentist was over me and a bright light shinned right on to my face. I tried to focus my eyes and immediately realized my mouth was being held open be a cold metal object, prying my mouth open. I could not even talk, and I was chocking on my spit. The doctor let out a laugh and had pliers in his hand.
“You need some teeth pulled”. I wanted to scream! He started ripping all of my teeth out of my mouth. I was gushing blood out of my mouth, and with each tug I thought I was going to pass out from the pain. He stood up, pulled down his pants and pulled up my dress. I chose the wrong day not to wear panties!
He spread me open and fucked my unmovable body on the chair. He forced himself into me over and over again. When he was about to blow his load, he stood up and pointed his cock at my mouth. I already couldn’t swallow very well.
He blasted his cum in my mouth, plugging up any room to breathe I had in my mouth. He took out a syringe and said that my eyes could use some work. I have a feeling I am not going to make it out of here. Lesson learned. Never use white pages, and always where panties!