Accomplice phone sex calls are among my favorite. I talk to loser after loser who wants to be killed or castrated by a goth bitch, so it is nice to talk and plot with an equal. Killing is fun, but it is more fun with a friend. Ted calls me weekly because he has certain urges. I have the same urges. I find it hard in today’s world to not kill every mother fucker who pisses me off. For Ted, he likes to do bad things to little girls and boys. I don’t like little ones, so I am the perfect accomplice for your rape phone sex fantasies. I castrate men and eat their testicles, clearly, I have no taboos. Ted and I planned on kidnapping twins. Young twins we found at the mall not being properly watched by their mother. She was in the bathroom scoring a drug fix while Ted was shoving her brats into the back of my van. I watched her as she emerged from the bathroom in a drug induced haze. She still was not looking for her spawn as I went to my van to meet Ted. He was already violating their little bodies when I joined the fun. I took us to a secluded area. The perfect place to dump bodies. This area was also good because the brats could scream all they wanted and no one would be alerted to their distress. Ted’s cock was bloody from fucking such young fuck holes. The twins were passed out from the fucking. I looked at it as liberating them from their neglectful whore mommy. I don’t have sympathy for anyone. I am a narcissist and a sociopath. I have an impulse disorder also. All my closest friends have impulse control issues too, which makes it more fun to hang, hunt and kill with friends. Once Ted had fucked them near death, I just finished them off. Slit their throats and dumped them in the woods for the wolves. Now I need to hunt again. You game?
Category: Ass rape porn
Accomplice Phone Sex: Hunting and Killing for Two Please
Gothic Phone Sex With Kali
I hang out with a bunch of the weirdo outcasts at school. They started showed me this weird films of people having horrible things done to them but to be completely honest- it turned me on so much it was crazy. Watching all that blood and gore go down on film was intense. Seeing girls take cocks till they literally had their eyeballs popping out drove me crazy and made my pussy so wet it hurt. Seeing those chicks get kicked around, beat up and fucked hard just made me want to join in on the fun. Now me and the guys from the school are making our own little “art” films these days. We’ve been having viewing parties and it’s a fucked up blast. Me and the other goth kicks all decked out, listening to techno having orgies while our little fun movies play on the screen behind us. You’re more than invited to join!
Ass Rape Porn Is Geneva’s Forte
It’s always the same ending for me when I meet up with guys from these dating sites, ass rape porn. It’s like I’m nothing but a worthless piece of Fuck Meat and am wearing a sign that says make your use of me I’m just a fucking toy for your pervervet desires.
Fuck it was no different last night I was invited to Dinner and was enjoying the company then suddenly I lost consciousness and the rest of what happened I’m at a loss to know. I awoke with jizz and bruises all over me and boy did I hurt. I swear I must have been fucked for hours and beat to a near bloody pulp. I was in the hospital bed with IV’s and blood being injected and was asked if I remembered anything…
Taboo Phone Sex: Fucking Ex Cons for Coke
Taboo phone sex is all I have because it is all I want. I have a black dealer named Marcus. I fuck for my coke. Normally it isn’t rough sex. Well, not rough by my standards. I can handle his tree trunk in my ass. Today, however, he was different. Meaner than a junk yard dog. He was high on something other than coke and he brought a small army of black men with him. They looked like violent offenders. Turns out they were. A posse of black men just released from prison who Marcus owed a favor. I was the favor. They wanted me for their first ass rape porn out of prison. I swallowed hard, knowing this was going to be anything but pleasant for me. I tried to run, but one of them grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back. One move and I would have a spiral fracture. I sucked it up. Muscle bound niggers who had not been laid in a decade, well laid by a woman, would kill me if I fought. They just about killed me not fighting. They ravaged my ass hole with their tree trunk thick cocks. They choked me as they fucked me. When they couldn’t cum any more, they sodomized me with household objects not meant for the ass and fisted me until I bled. I passed out several times, but they just slapped me back awake to force fuck me some more. I was going to need the coke Marcus gave me to ease the pain of my battered and bruised body. I couldn’t move when they left. I was so sore. My asshole prolapsed. I had bruises around my neck from their hands. In fact, my eyes were blood shot too from the strangulation. There is rough sex, then there is fucking guys straight out of prison.
Snuff Sex Served Up Murderously Delicious
So, you want something dark and alluring like snuff sex? This filthy murderous bitch is an awesome accomplice to really have fun with in torturing and ass rape fantasy fucking some little brat or that cheating whore ex of yours. And what gets me super turned on is fucking up some douchebag asshole. I once had this dumb fuck I met up with after chatting online and he was such a clueless son of a bitch. I got him to meet me at a club I frequented and let him dig himself a nice fucking grave so to speak. Let him ramble on and continue acting like a god damned fool.
Then, when the drug kicked in that I spiked his beer with the fun was ALL Mine! I helped him outside for air, out the back door that led to the alley. With my black leather gloves on I started stroking his cock as he really did have a big one and it’s just too bad such fools exist… you know the type, maybe good looking or well endowed, but when they open their fucking mouth…
So, he was in and out of consciousness and confused (I made a really special cocktail of drugs that work to my benefit), and was almost like wanting to fight me off, but we all know how that goes. I decided to get a little satisfaction as I did my dirty work, and got on that fuckstick. My knife grazed his neck drawing the slightest bit of blood and I rode that cock harder as I started stabbing him in the chest. Over and over again spewing blood as I clenched my cunt around his dick using my vaginal muscles I severed his prick inside me and watched as his eyes got really big, then roll back in his head. Fuck I love sadistic phone sex!
Gangbang rape porn
I was at a party and I ended up in a room using the attached bathroom. When I came out to the bedroom there were five guys waiting. I went ahead and walked to the door to let myself out and they immediately pulled me back and asked where I thought I was going. The all started calling me names and told me that they knew I wanted the D since I was dressed like a stupid little skank.
I begged for them to let me go and that I didn’t want any trouble. As soon as I opened my mouth to respond to them they forced me to the bed and started undressing me. I was helpless, their strength was no match for me. They undid their pants and started shoving their cocks inside my bare ass hole and pussy hole.
They were gaping me open and roughly fucking away at my holes. I felt the blood from my holes drain down my legs. They only were getting started with taking turns at my holes. They pounded each of their cocks into my holes as I tried to struggle and squirm out of their grips. They laughed and spit in my face and decided to start nutting all in my face.
They plastered their cum in my eyes, followed by pissing hot urine all over me. They said they have not even begun all the fun they had in store for me yet.
My Hot Fantasy
I have always had wicked fantasies of being fucked hard. I just love knowing I have no control of how fast you pound me. It makes my cunny so wet to know you only care about getting off and fucking my brains out. I always think about getting forced by multiple guys just being able to experience a lot of different dicks in me makes me so horny. I quite frankly don’t care if you have a little dick or big dick. I just want you to use me and make me your little fuck toy. I love all types of fantasies of being tied and exposed. I love having duct tape covering my mouth and my eye welling up and tears flowing down my cheeks. The thought of being pounded gets me so wet and ready to cum instantly. I want to be put in my place and be shown that I’m just a little fuck toy. I even have fantasies of being left on the floor with a puddle of cum. These dark fantasies make me want it so bad in real life.
Snuff Porn Accomplice
Snuff porn is foreplay for me. I don’t have fuck buddies. I don’t really have much desire for men. I find most of you pathetic and annoying. I need a sick bastard. So, I audition men. They come over, we drink some booze, smoke some weed and watch a sick video or two. If they are aroused and not appalled, I usually fuck them. Sometime, I find a real gem like Hank. Not only did this snuff video we watched get his cock hard, it gave him ideas. He suggested we go hunting. We went to Walmart. Not to get a gun, but to pick up some trailer trash whore and kill her. Walmart is known for its high ratio of skanks. We found one with a little angel. One for each of us to enjoy snuffing out. I had dibs on the crack whore. He took dibs on the blued eyed angel. It was a two for one special. I love torturing trailer park trash. They just drain our economy and don’t take care of their brats. Hank took care of her brat. I made her mommy watch as he split her open. She was so tiny and his cock was huge. Her mom didn’t seem to care about her brat getting assaulted. All she could do was whine about needing a fix. She pissed me off. Her little angel was getting force fucked by Hank and all she cared about was the crack pipe. I snuffed the bitch. Slit her throat in front of her daughter. I told the little girl I was her mommy now and that if she didn’t want to end up like her old mommy, she better be very good to daddy. That little squirt starting sucking Hank’s cock like her life depended on it. Clearly way smarter than her dead whore mommy. We might have to keep this one alive for a while. She gonna be a good fuck slave.
Fuck My Slit Open Belly Button
Stupid silly me went home with a guy from the drugstore the other day. He just seemed to be so sweet and chill but that’s always how I end up into trouble. He couldn’t control himself, at least that’s what he kept saying while he was cutting me apart. He pulled his knife out and told me to relax. He tied me up and I followed his every order, him promising me that he wouldn’t hurt me but that was a lie. Then he cut me open at my belly button and fucked the hole he made inside my stomach. I was still alive, screaming and crying so hard like a little brat. Begging for my life but he didn’t care. He’d stop and kick me in the jaw or sides- then just go back to fucking that belly button he had cut open and finally finished by cumming inside my guts. I’m at the ER now and I can’t tell anyone what happened- can you give me a ride home?
Ass Rape Porn Fantasy
I am such a naughty little slut and I was a bad girl. I took a guy home from the club last night. I payed for it because he raped my ass and cunt all night in my rape fantasy. He forced himself into my apartment after I changed my mind last minute. He said I was not allowed to do that and he pushed me into my apartment, bent me over my bed and lifted my little skirt.
He took his pocket knife out and cut my panties right off my scared little asshole. He then forced my legs apart, bent me forward slightly and rammed his cock into my cunt over and over as he breathed heavily in my ear. His pants were hard as he thrust in and out of me. His dick was fat and throbbing. His hands were sweaty as he forced his fingers into my mouth as he tried to make me suck on them.