Category: Ass rape porn

Wicked sick fuck

My new boyfriend has a strange obsession. He likes to choke me out and make me pretend I am dead. He likes sex with dead bodies, he has told me this himself. I get worried he might actually strangle me and live out his fantasy. I want to say no to his roleplays but I also need to partake in them because they totally turn me on and leave me wet and excited. I love to feel his cock deep in me and his hands wrapped around my neck till I can’t anymore its a nice orgasm for me when he wraps his hand on me and makes me beg like a stupid slut. Its such a hot turn on to see his eyes widen and see him get eager to cum. One day he will probably make his fantasy happen and kill me and fuck me because all I am to him is a piece of meat and I should always remember that. sex with dead bodies

Killer phone sex

 killer phone sex

I was with the man who snatched me from my bed the other night. We were outside when I woke up. My face was swollen and I could feel every bone in my body shattered. My cunt was so sore, like it had been ripped open a thousand times. I looked around me, and saw others like me. They were pale.

There was one with such a tiny little body. Her stomach was sunken in like the rest of her. They guy was on top of her, penetrating her pussy hole. I pictured her screaming and crying in my head. However, she was no where to being alive. She was lifelessly jerking up and down his cock. He finally filled up her tummy with his jizz and climbed off her motionless body.

So many girls that are dead around me. I need to escape before he beats my pussy in like the rest.

Violent Phone Sex with Kali

violent phone sex


I’m so excited that you have agreed to be my master. It’s something I have wanted for a very long time. I’ve been desiring a man who can really snuff me out over and over again, using me like his perfect rag doll to take extensive beatings and dark play. Pick me up and toss me around. Kick my teeth out so I can’t bite down as I am force fed your dick until I choke out. Pop out one of my eyeballs and slam your cock into my eye socket, fucking me blind. I’m all yours to be as violent as you’d like with. I won’t even dare complain. It’s all about your pleasure and fulfilling your darkest fantasies with me. I only exist to be your fuck toy. No one will even notice if I go miss too, that the best part- if you really know what I mean. Let’s start our dark play snuffy fantasies soon. I’m ready to be your experiment.


A Blonde Victim For Your Use

You’re craving a little dark play with rape phone sex fantasies crossing your mind. The unobtainable blonde whore down the hall that won’t even acknowledge your existence is really fueling the fire that is brimming inside of your sadistic mind. The only way to calm these filthy thoughts of complete defilement and demise of the young fake tit whore is to take what you want of her. You obtain a copy of her apartment key and await for her in the darkness of her bedroom for her to return home drunk, high and freshly fucked by some lucky piece of shit stud.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

She stumbles in and undresses and does more blow while sloshing wine all over in her drunken stupor. From the shadows you emerge grabbing her with your black leather gloved hands one over her mouth the other around her neck. Her struggle is useless and you shove her down on the bed ripping off her panties. Your cock is raging hard and the hate you are filled with overwhelms you as you start thrusting inside her. She won’t shut the fuck up so you grab her neck with both hands and yank her head so her neck gives with a crack.

As you feel her body go limp your cumming deep in her hole so fucking hard you can’t hold back your growl of pure satisfaction.

Snuff porn freak

snuff porn I decided to go out on this date with a guy from work. He seemed like a cool person and we had great conversation and a great time. I went to a cafe with him and it went to so well I went to his house to hang out. I have had a series of terrible dates lately I was excited to find someone who wasn’t too creepy. As soon as I let a sigh of relief I should have known things would turn around. He was getting some drinks for us and I noticed a room with a bright red and neon orange lights. Curiosity got the best of me because I followed. As soon as I got there, I saw a video camera and a ton of snuff porn, This guy was a real creep and I was getting ready to escape the poster of girls all cut up and their tits mutilated. As I ran for the door I felt him right above me I was in deep shit this time.

New Year’s Eve Ass Rape Porn Tradition

ass rape pornWhat are you doing for New Year’s Eve? I am making an ass rape porn movie. It is a New Year’s tradition in my family. My stepson, who hates me, has a party every year to ring in the New Year. I am always the hostess with the mostest. His friends and him got so fucked up last year that they showed me no mercy. I needed medical treatment the next day for a prolapsed ass. I have no doubt that this year will be no different. Do you want to know what they did to me while ringing in 2017? I wish it was just a simple gangbang rape porn. I can handle more cock in my fuck holes than you could guess. But I got far more up my ass than cock. They sodomized me with champagne bottles. They didn’t fuck me with the long neck part of the bottle either.  They used the fat end. Their idea of lube too was the Jalapeno spinach dip. One of my stepson’s friends lubed up the wide part of the bottle with hot pepper dip. Several of them crammed the bottle up my ass. I was tied up with a ball gag, so I wouldn’t scream too loudly nor attempt to get away. My ass was ruined.  I was gapped open; bleeding and I even shit everywhere. The Jalapeno dip burned my ass. I was crying, begging for some compassion, but I got nada. All I got was spit, shit, piss, blood and cum. And, a whole lot of pain and laughter at my discomfort. I am not looking forward to this New Year’s Eve. In preparation, however, I am going to do a fuck ton of blow and give myself an enema. I have no doubt they will be more sadistic this year.

Two snuffed out whores

Snuff phone sexMaster loves to dominate me and my sexy girlfriend. Two slutty ass bitches that need a snuffed out beating is double the fun for such a filthy Master like him. Getting force fucked with throbbing cock and foreign objects makes it even more bloody and gruesome. Our bodies intertwined and tied up so that we are at complete submission to Master, just how he likes it! Ripping open our tight fuck holes as blood drains out turns him on so fucking much and I can’t blame him. What’s sexier than seeing two young sluts be violently fucked and tortured like they deserve to be! Snuff phone sex gets super freaky and wild with us. The more nasty and painful the better. My legs are spread open wide as Master shoves her face into my dirty cunt while ripping open her asshole with a spiked dildo. He loves to watch us squirm in agony, the pleasure he gets is so fucking sick!

Teen rape porn

teen rape porn

I remember that day that I went over to my friends house and her daddy was there with a bunch of his friends. They were getting drunk and snickering while they checked us out. I remember my little body was so new. We went to her room and we were soon trapped in there by all of the dads friends.

They took turns as they held us down and forced their way on top of us. We looked at one another as each of them thrusted their cocks inside of us, ripping us open. They were anything but gentle. No matter how much we tried to squirm out of their grip we were just forced harder to the ground. Their dicks stretched every hole of ours wide open.


Tinder date gone wrong

strangulation phone sexI met this guy on Tinder. Everything started it out fine. We met up at a coffee shop and he was such a great person to have a good conversation with. He wanted to Netflix and chill and I know that means a quick fuck for the night. I had just gotten out of a serious relationship and I thought fuck why not? Well had I known the drive from the coffee place to his house would have triggered something monstrous I would have ran like hell. In the car ride the topic of past relationships came up and he was mentioning how his ex left him because he was too controlling and I said in what ways? He said she would get angry cause I’d call her a couple time in a single hour. I thought he was joking and I said jokingly “shes right you are a nut case”  if looks could kill would of died right then and their. He stayed quiet and I felt awkard and wanted to uber my ass out of his drive way, He asked me to come in and I didn’t want to be a complete bitch and went in. Things escalated quickly because he locked the door and told me it was time I learned a lesson. I was frozen and fear and pulled out his gun out of his case. I fear rushed over my body as he stripped me down and put on the sharpest needle clamps on my tits. He told me if I screamed I would die. He began to stangle me while I was bleeding all over fromt he needle clamps and he shoved his cock deep in me and he let out a wicked laugh. He was enjoying my pain and seeing me hopless got him off.  after a couple hours of torture he past out and I ran like hell.

Snuff Sex Christmas

snuff sexSnuff sex for Christmas? The holidays make me simply murderous, especially tomorrow. The day after Christmas is always crazy. Does your woman go shopping to stock up on Christmas shit for next year? If she does, and you are as sadistic as me, you should stay home and call me. I bet we can get into some trouble together. My ideal shopping the day after Christmas involves you and me hunting for a victim. I hate all people, so I am easy to please when it comes to hunting humans. We can kill your wife for being a shopping whore.  We can hunt a super young slut. You know. One of those girls with no tits yet. Not even peach fuzz on her cunt yet. They are all off school until the new year anyway, which means they are easy to find. I bet, there are a ton at the mall shopping with their Christmas money and gift cards. Your wife could be shopping for bargains, while we shop for a little cock tease. Does the world really need anymore cock teasing whores that will grow up to be on the pole and getting government handouts because they can’t keep their legs shut? I say, let your wife shop. When she leaves, we hook up and find some tiny, young thing to kill. You can force fuck her tiny holes while I watch. Then we can kill her together. Just promise me we can prolong the torture sex. I love listening to young things cry and plead for mercy.