I am an ass rape porn star. Not mainstream porn, however. My stuff is all on the dark net. It is for men who like seeing anal torture. For men who get off on prolapsed and bleeding assholes. Does that sound like you? I have a huge monkey on my back called cocaine. My need for blow leads to poor decision making. My husband cut off my allowance years ago. Most dealers won’t float me any more blow. I must make underground movies for sick directors to make money, so I can get high. Not all the directors are men. The last anal torture sex film I made was directed by a bull dyke. She hates women like me because we remind her of her whore mother. Apparently, mommy dearest pimped her daughter out for coke. If I had a baby girl, I would have done the same thing. This woman likes to pay old mommy whores like me for pain and torture films. At first, it didn’t seem that bad. At least not compared to what I have done in the past. I can handle a fuck machine ramming warp speed in and out of my ass. I didn’t want to act like it didn’t hurt, so I moaned and moved around like a wounded bird. When she stopped the machine to lube it up, I was no longer acting. She doused the dildo part in icy hot. My ass was on fire. If that was all she did, I would have been fine, but she added crushed glass to the icy hot. My anus was shredding and burning. The more my skin tore, the more it burned. She laughed the entire time. I cried. By the time she was done, my asshole looked like raw meat. I cried so hard. I still can’t piss, fuck or shit without grimacing in pain. At least I got a fix.
Category: Ass rape porn
Ass Rape Porn Gets Me Coke and Pain
Beat Dat Pussy
It was a horrible mistake, over-cooking my boyfriend’s steak. He likes it cooked medium rare. He came towards me like a raging gorilla and pummeled me to the floor. He punched me in the head four times, then gripped my hair and jumped to his feet. He dragged me upstairs by my hair, cursing me. I pleaded for him to stop, but his rage was over the edge of insanity. He forced me to undress then he tied me to the bed with my hands and legs spread apart. He pulled his belt from his pants and I struggled to free myself. He swung the belt high into the hair and sent it flying back down against my wet cunt. The pain was so bad that I saw stars. He hit me over and over again between my legs until he got tired. I cried myself to sleep.
Snuff Porn is for the Killer in Us Both
Snuff porn is for the killer in you and the killer in me. Face it, we all have murderous fantasies. I love having an accomplice to kill with it. It is more fun to hunt and kill together. When he called me last week, he was nervous. I assured him that I am very discreet at what I do, but I encouraged him to help me find the right girl to snuff. Men often regret not being more hands on when they hire me to kill for them. If you just need an enemy killed, I can see hiring a pro like me. But if you have killer phone sex fantasies that you want to make a reality, join in on the hunt and the kill. I sold him on how great it is to kill the very food you hunted. We met at the mall. His dick was the barometer of who we snatched up. Lots of young cock teases at the mall on the weekend. We decided on Ashley. She was a young teen girl. She looked like she was going on 30. Heavy make-up, tight clothes and cock teasing whore written on her face. I lured her away to the parking lot, where my horny accomplice was waiting. Next thing the little cock tease new, she was naked and getting fucked by a horny stranger. She screamed bloody murder, but no one could hear her in the woods. He fucked all her holes several times until she was bleeding. He enjoyed fucking her tight teen tease holes. She didn’t like it, but she didn’t have a choice. Once she was covered in cum and blood, I chopped her up. Dismembered her limb by limb. In the woods it is easy to get rid of a body. That little whore became wolf food. Trust me, you will have fun exploring your taboo phone sex fantasies with this sadistic bitch.
Ass pound
Snuff Porn Dismemberment
I was meant for snuff porn. That is what he said. I was powerless. He had me bound and gagged. I was on my knees shaking. I knew my death was near. When I was grabbed, I immediately thought sex slave trade. He made it clear that I was too old and used up to get money for sex. He explained that he had a client who desired a woman like me for something far more nefarious. When his client made his presence known, he was wearing an executioner’s outfit. Full leather mask obscured his face. He was holding some ancient axe. Snuff sex was eminent. He wanted me to beg. It was some sick game to him. I have been in many bad situations. Perhaps this was just a sick fantasy designed to scare me. I offered up my body. I thought I could at least make his rape fantasies come true. He didn’t want my body. Well, he didn’t want it for sex. He wanted to dismember me, watch me cry and watch me die. He chopped off my arms first. Blood squirted everywhere. I felt faint. The pain was extreme no matter how hard I tried to use mind control to subdue it. Next came my legs. I was a bloody stump, barely breathing when he skull fucked my dying body. The last thing I remembered was swallowing his cum before I took my last breath.
Torturing You Makes My Cunt Wet
I love when men mistake me for a innocent bitch, I am anything but. I don’t not give a fuck about your feelings. I love turning men into my fag bitches, I have this special cane that I use to peg men. I will duct tape your hands behind your back and bend your pig ass over. Spanking your pig ass you will open your own buttcheeks for me. You better not wince or make one pathetic sound that indicates pain. Reach down piggie and make me happy ha as if that is possible. No lube for you ugly fuck, I shove that cane right into your tight asshole and the satisfaction I get knowing your eyes are bugging out of your head. I fuck you hard and start tearing your rectum, I know it hurts but be a good piggie and don’t move just take this pegging as if you love it. I see some blood that means I need to dig deeper. When I get bored of that I cut the tape in half, blindfold you and and make you lick your feces and blood of my cane. If you move I will slap your thighs and balls. I have a couple glasses and throw them down in this velvet bag crushing them with my heels. Sprinkles like on a sundae that are about to be red and sappy, I sprinkle them on the ground and throw your bitch ass on top and make you move boy that sure is cutting up your hands. I see blood all over my floor and little slivers of glass in your hand and you were so good and didn’t even cry. Now lick that blood up, I don’t need my floor a mess!
Taboo Phone Sex Nightmares
Taboo phone sex fantasies consume me. I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I have so many wicked dreams. I dream about guys doing horrible things to me, even killing me. I had one last night that seemed so real. I passed out after partying. I woke up suddenly when a group of strangers yanked me from bed. It was like having a heart attack being woke up that way. They dragged me to the basement where they tied me up and force fucked me for hours. They did more than fuck me, however. One of them wrote cunt on my forehead with my red lipstick. They joked about hearing rumors of the trashy milf who likes to party and fuck college boys who lives here. These guys were younger than me, but they didn’t look like the college type. They looked more like the gangbang rape porn makers type. They burned me with cigarettes. They pissed in my eyes. The fisted my cunt and ass. They used my body as punching bag and a cum receptacle. They cut my hair. They fucked me until my holes bled. It was such an intense dream, that when I woke up I could still smell the piss and cum. I felt sore. I did a line to wake myself up because I felt like I was trapped in my nightmare. I went to the bathroom and saw my face and body. My forehead had whore written on it in red lipstick. My body had purple marks everywhere. When I went to pee, I pissed blood. I touched my asshole and it was on the outside. What the fuck happened to me. Clearly, what I dreamt was reality. Just couldn’t remember how I got to my bed. Guess poor memory is one of the pitfalls of being a party whore.
Felon fuck
There is something about a freshly released felon! The way they fuck its like they are hungry and have been starved for years. I always find myself hooking up with guys that are right out of the pen. My favorite fuck by far is this Italian guy Dominic. Dominic has the best dick game and can get me high as fuck with his special nose candy. We got so fucked up one time we decided to go on a fantasy rape spree. We went to all the campuses close by and grabbed a victim and brought them over to our dome. We ended up with three whores, and we weren’t going to stop snuffing them out. Dominic and I share a passion for snuff sex. You can very well bet we had these little slut pampering and begging to be free. Silly sluts, by this time tomorrow they would be swimming with the fishes, but first, we were going to have our fun. I ended up pinning these broads one by one with needle pins and slitting their clits watching the blood drip down their thighs gave us both such a high. We decided it was enough and sliced them up and made them disappear in the river out back.
Snuff Movies & Brat Soup
Snuff Movies are sexy if they are real murder victims. I happen to know a few men who will pay big money for sweet tender age victims getting chopped and diced. I am a sexy killer with money and brat soup on my mind. So I waited with my boy toy of the month and scouted a local play ground and took some very young brats when no one was looking. Just for fun I had him pick up two trashy hookers to tie up and watch all the fun. The camera is rolling as I tie the screaming and crying snot noses up. Little to my boy toys knowledge three wealthy men have paid large sums to rip open a couple sweet pussys and asses. Boy toy is enraged and I swiftly get behind him and slice his throat so deep that his head is almost severed. I am covered in blood and I walk in front of the camera to get the hookers ready for there close ups. I am attacked from behind by a big bull dicked black guy and fucked brutally. Blood and the smell of cum is in my face as the video is running. I fight like I cant take it and even scream as I slash his chest wide open. He fucking loves it and bites my neck so hard that blood gushes. I bring the blade up and sever his cock and balls. He lays limp as I tell the other two to commence the ass prolapsing and ripping of cunnys. I just ask for cash payment and to leave the bodies for me to dispose of. When all Is said and done I have my herbs and spices and set my brat soup to simmer. I throw the hookers in the basement naked and lock them up. They are horrified and I am excited as I taste my bean and brat soup. I plan on feeding the ladies of the night brat soup until I get another request for snuff porn. I even do a little video of me fucking myself with the severed BBC. And yes I came very hard on that dead dick.
Mascara massacre
There we were two pathetic stripper sluts feining for angel dust and doing everything we could to get our hands on it. We were druggy sluts that submitted ourselves to our king. We would be his ultimate puppets and whatever he said would go. After a late night of sucking random men’s cocks and working the stage we already used up a ton of our money on dope, We knew our supply wouldn’t last. Macey and I were willing to do everything and anything to get our hands on it. We were chasing a high, and we were going to submit to our master’s rules. Macey and I would make our master’s gangbang rape porn reality. Our master had a love for watching skanky sluts kneel and submit. He wanted our mascaras to run and our mouths to bleed. We couldn’t stop taking his cock till we were bloody. Feeling his cock thrust into our mouths for hours felt like razors probing us after hours of being used. Macey began to bleed first her make up smeared and her face all bloody gave our master more ammo to call up his buddies and tie us up. It was a huge fuck fest. Two druggy stripper whores are taking over twelve different cocks. Blood sweat and tears was an understatement.