Category: Ass rape porn

Bloody and Painful Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornAss rape porn stars like me are often strung out addicts. You need to be high to take anal torture. I was partying with a dealer and his friends over the weekend. I trade my holes for blow or whatever drug I can get. He gave me some coke if I entertained his friends. Of course, I let him pass me around like a piece of candy. It is just sex. I have fucked for far less in my life. My coke habit is expensive. My allowance doesn’t begin to cover what I use. So, years ago I learned that trading my body for blow was a smart move. It is a dangerous move too because when you barter for drugs, guys know they can do anything to you. Only a skanky bitch would trade her fuck holes for blow. To them that means anything goes, even anal torture sex. I was high, but not high enough to not feel the pain of several fists in me at once. Two fists went in my ass simultaneously. They got as deep as their elbows. Even high as fuck, I felt that shit. My ass prolapsed and bled. They laughed and joked about kicking my ass back in. They were high on something that made them more sadistic. One dude put a chain around my prolapsed ass and walked me around the room like a dog. Even though I was the pet, the other guys pissed in my face like they were dogs. I could hear my dealer saying, “Make that dirty whore earn her coke guys.” That they did. I was fisted so hard and so deep I may never sit or shit right again. I was forced to drink piss and suck dicks clean that were covered in my shit and blood. I was fucked for hours and humiliated over and over. Small price to pay for free drugs when you are an addict.

Sneaky little bitch


Babysitter phone sex  I love to watch little brats running around it just reminds me so much of my self, and how much of a little shit I was. My family gave up on me because of it. To much fighting, arguing, sneaking out and threats.So, now I love to just watch them while their parents are gone. I get to do what ever because I am the fucking boss. When they the youngest one screams I put him on the dresser naked to make him so fucking cold while he freezes. That’s his time out haha. I make it so cold in the house the screams make my pussy drip. I had to tie their dad up last night because he caught me being vile, I lost my job and will have a warrant soon but I fled I don’t give any shits. I’ll do it again I just need to move, Let me know of some good places that I can keep being a sneaky little bitch.

Snuff sex with my tranny girlfriend

Snuff sexDaddy told me that he was really craving and in the mood for some super sloppy snuff sex with one of my barely legal little tranny girlfriends. The best part though is that this dumb fuckin bitch didn’t realize that Daddy is already well aware and knows that she’s a transvestite cunt, she only discloses that information to a select few people… and now Daddy is one of them! We have some super nasty shit in store for her, little does she fucking know! When she arrived at our house we had her strip naked and forced her on to the bed. I tied up her wrists and ankles as she squirmed around and her cock was plopping everywhere lol. She’s such a stupid ass motherfucking cunt and I wanna force my BBC monster cock strap-on dildo into her tight asshole while Daddy shoves his throbbing dick into mouth. She’s gonna be gagging so fuckin hard on Daddy’s cock while I rip open her anal cavity with my dick. I love watching both of their boners get thicker and longer the more that we play together. It feels so good to force-fuck her and take out all of my rape phone sex fantasies on her filthy body. Daddy really is super fuckin depraved and he loves making it known! Tranny cock is so yummy though, it’s hard to resist!Rape phone sex fantasies

Torture Sex on National Corn on the Cob Day

torture sexMaster pimped me out for some torture sex. He needed money and he said I was his only commodity. He sold me for the day to a bunch of hillbilly farmers. Apparently, it was National Corn on the Cob Day. As they strapped me down to some machine used to husk corn, the boys from deliverance had an evil grin on their faces. I swear, I felt like I was in a Wrong Turn movie.  They were in overalls, missing many teeth and looked like they were a few generations into inbreeding. My only hope was that they would force fuck me with corn on the cob instead of their hillbilly dicks.  Be careful what you wish for. They had a barrel of freshly husked corn for my fuck holes. I swear, I heard Dueling Banjos playing as they grabbed corn ears to sodomize me with. They had a sick way of celebrating National Corn on the Cob Day. They made an ass rape porn with me as the star, rather my asshole as the star and corn cobs as my co-star. You wouldn’t think that corn on the cob would hurt, but when you have inbred freaks shoving 4 and 5 ears of thick corn in your ass at once, you are screaming bloody murder. I was out in some desolate corn farm too. No one could hear my screams. I tried to think of something else, anything else, but these inbred mother fuckers smelled awful. They were hands down the most disgusting men master has ever sold me too. I was the star of some bizarre corn on the cob snuff porn. I was trying to see the positive. Corn on the cob was better than their cocks. Corn on the cob was just foreplay. After my fuck holes were bloody and gaping, they hillbilly fucked me. Their dicks were dirty and deformed, likely diseased too. Who would have thought I would have ever wished to be gang banged by corn on the cob over cock. Happy Corn on the Cob day my ass. I don’t think I can ever look at corn the same way again.

ass rape porn

Famewhore Kim K

torture sexSnuff sexsnuff pornI worked with Kim K as an assistant for a photo shoot she had with a grand photographer. The photographer was one of the best in the game if not one of the one of the best the best. Kim was freaking out about losing followers her husband was going crazy there was royal wedding frenzy. Jenny Lo had a comeback, and teeny boppers were killing her shine left and right. Kimmy K was desperate and willing to do anything to climb to the top and stay number one on the trending boards all thru social media. It was so awesome to be a fly on the wall for what I am about to spill next. Kim put her career in the hands of the photoag and listened clearly and carefully to all the orders and suggestions. It started out simple. Kimmy take your outfit off entirely, Everyone has seen every square inch, so this wasn’t going to do a thing. 

The advice she got was spreading her cunt for the shot. The famewhore did just that. The photographer finessed her to do everything he wanted her to do. Kim K was spreading her twat her ass and even peeing on the photographer’s dick. That’s a golden shot he reassured her. In no time he was fucking her holes and making her give him a footjob and letting him fuck her famous curvy ass. Things escalated so quickly. I was ordered to bring in her young sister Kenny J. Kenny was timid shy and it was so surprising she was a model. Kim ordered ken to strip and get close. Kim K was kissing Kenny and Kenny had a stream of tears. They both were cum swapping and piss swapping all of the photographer’s supply. It was total torture sex for kenny.Anything for fame and exposure Kim kept telling ken it was all going to bring the  Karjen clan on top again. Kenny got sick and barfed everywhere. Then Kim k had to clean it up entirely. Their grand shoot wasn’t done just yet. The ankle biter came in and took a personal lesson from her momma and took that meat stick too. It was definitely a first to witness. 

Torture Sex Killer for Hire

torture sexTorture sex killer is my handle on the darknet. I have no problem finding men who want to hire me for the jobs that they lack the balls to do. I am a sick bitch with no remorse. I am not cheap, but I am efficient. Taylor contacted me last week for a job he needed done quickly. He was hiring me as a contract killer on his girl friend’s daughter. The girl is your typical spoil bitch cock tease. She has been blowing her mother’s boyfriend for gifts and money for months now. She denies him access to her perfect cunt, however. She recently told him she needed a new car, or she would tell her mother that he forced himself on her. He has plenty of money to buy her a car. He has plenty of money to hire her executioner too. Smart man. He knew it would never stop. She would blackmail him until she was old enough that touching his dick wouldn’t matter. He paid me what three cars would have cost. When he showed me her picture, my cunt got wet at the thought of a teen rape porn with this slut. I hate hot teen cock teases like her. I killed her last night. Today’s headline read, “The Grisly Death of a Cheerleader.”  I made it look like a home invasion gone wrong. Terribly wrong. I massacred the bitch while her mom was out with my client giving him an airtight alibi. I stabbed her in the cunt a few times. Sexually mutilated her perfect teen body. Chopping off her perky tits was my favorite part. She cried and screamed as I stabbed her porcelain skin. By the time I was done, she was unrecognizable. Just a pile of raw hamburger meat. The sexual frenzy would make it look like a deranged madman or maybe a ritualistic murder.  Anything to make the cops look for a stranger. A deranged psychopathic killer like me. Who can I slay for you?


Gangbang Rape Porn in the Dirty Bookstore

gangbang rape pornI was not expecting to star in a gang rape porn in the adult bookstore. I went in to get a new vibrator. Usually, I am alone there besides the counter guy. He knows me by name. I go through sex toys like a porn star. There were some trucker guys there looking at the blow up sex dolls and flesh lights. One of the guys started talking to me, but I don’t engage strangers in sex shops. I was polite and brief. They started talking about the stuck up redhead. I started to walk to the counter, but one guy grabbed me. I saw another guy hand the counter guy a bunch of money. Hush money was my guess. I was in trouble.  I heard one of the guys say something like why get a sex doll when there was a live whore right here. They blindfolded me and ripped off my clothes. Cocks were in my mouth, pussy and ass. It went from gangbang to ass rape porn. They were fisting my ass and using sex toys in the store on me. It hurt. I was crying. Even the store clerk got in on the action, forcing his barely legal dick up my dry ass. They told me I asked for it being alone in a dirty bookstore. Perhaps they were right. Wherever I go, I have a knack for getting in trouble. I guess I give off that worthless whore vibe.

Gangbang Nightmare Ch.5

Gangbang rape pornI think my old man is dead. It’s been months and he hasn’t come back for me. He left me with the 5th Ward Crips because he owed them money. A plastic sex doll is treated better than the way I’ve been treated by this gang of thugs. I’ve been sexually assaulted on a daily basis. The room where they keep me has a door that acts more like a revolving door because every 15-20 minutes another gang member comes in and fucks me. I don’t fight anymore because they’ll beat me. I do want it takes to make them cum fast and leave. I’ve been here long enough to know which ones cum faster from head and the ones who need to be deep inside my pussy. I overheard Tec-9 saying my pussy was good enough to sell and make a serious profit and my stomach dropped because I knew I wasn’t ever going home.

Snuff sex with my ex

snuff sex

There is nothing like fucking an ex over. I am not into makeup sex. I much prefer getting even and showing my ex who is boss. We had a tumultuous relationship I must admit I was probably the culprit of the problems. I am not one to shy away from drama. I love sex drugs and rock and roll. I don’t mind being loud and fighting when I high as fuck. I would get in all rage deathmatch fights with anyone in sight. My ex-decided he had enough and called it quits. I was beyond humiliated and wanted revenge. I waited for a couple of days to pass by, and I was going crazy home thinking about how could I possible fuck him over. It dawns on me. I invited him over and he accepted. I pulled an award-winning performance. I made him believe I was going to fuck him crazy, but I was more in to snuff sex he should have known better. I made him feel like the bitch he was as soon as my strap was in all his hoes. I had no mercy for the dumb fucker. 

Pain is the game

Torture sex  I have been waiting to get my clit to be pierced. I finally got it and I love it I surprised Derek hes my emo sick perverted little fuck toy. Hes such a bitch this time I am surprised him with my new knife I usually don’t have enough balls to play with him like that but this time is different. I want him to bleed and give him an actual reason to be a fucking little bitch. I fucked his ass hole with my dildo then shoved the handle of my spatula in so hard I love fucking and getting fucked with objects that can hurt. I took my knife and jabbed him in the ass made a little blood. He freaked out and I told him that he was going to enjoy it and I started to strangle him while I was forcing my fist in his gaping ass hole. After, I got done hurting his ass cheeks and made his little ass hole burn I told him it was my turn.. He did not go easy on me . I guess I am making him an actual man. He begged for more that whole night.