I became a slave to my boss. With fear of losing my job and upsetting my parents I tried my hardest to keep my boss happy with handjobs and blowjobs. I stalled and made him content but he wanted my sweet ass more than anything and he wasn’t going to stop till he got it, when he gave me the ultimate of packing and leaving or getting my ass gaged and fucked I almost walked out. I knew I couldn’t so I became his anal slut. Getting his cock in my ass was just the beginning soon he began to fist me so hard that my ass would bleed. The more bloody I got the harder his dick twitched. I was his cum dump and slave.The other night he got so turned on by the sight of me drenched in blood and cum that he invited his twisted buddy over to help. I had both of them beat me to a bloody pulp and use my holes. I am forever tied to him and his demands like the perfect submissive pet. Whenever he gets the urge he invites his poker buddies to fuck me up as well. I’m the bloody cum slut for my boss.
Category: Ass rape porn
Bloody Monetta
Cheerleading Cock Tease
Why does my foster dad always want to attack me? I do not try to let him see me naked, but sometimes I can’t help it. This morning before school, I got all my lingerie on and was about to put on my cheer uniform when he barged into my room. He yelled at me for being a tease, and told me whatever he does to me is my own fault. He told me I am a dirty little cheerleader slut that deserves to get fucked up my ass whether I wanted it or not. He tore my lingerie off of me, and shoved my face down into the bed so hard that I could feel my nose starting to bleed. I couldn’t breathe and I was choking on my own blood, but he didn’t seem to care as he shoved his long hard cock into my ass. He lifted my head up long enough for me to get a mouth full of air, but it was only so he could get a good grip on my tits. My foster dad gripped my tits tight as he pounded into my ass. I managed to get my head up long enough to scream for help, but I knew help wouldn’t come. Pissed I would even try to scream, he flipped me over, and grabbed two handfuls of my hair. He forced my head down to his cock, which is covered in blood from him ripping my ass hole. He forced my mouth open, and shoved his cock all the way to the back of my throat. He skull fucked me until he came all over my huge perky cheerleader tits. He smirked when he looked down at me, and told me to clean myself up and get ready for school. I wish someone would save me.
Kinky Bondage Phone Sex
Bondage phone sex gets extra kinky when you are high as fuck and your master has you trapped in his basement. I don’t know how I got where I was, but I woke up upside down suspended from the ceiling getting skull fucked. Sucking a big dick upside down is not easy. You can’t breathe and you gag nonstop. Carlos was going rough too. That was the point. He wanted to suffocate me on his cock. My hands were bound as were my legs and arms. I couldn’t move. Carlos was in control. He had me floating in the air gagging on his cock. He would shoot a load of cum in my mouth and damn near kill me. I didn’t know who he was or how I got there. I could have been sold to the highest bidder for all I knew. He didn’t talk much. He was just interested in cumming and smothering me with his big dick. I was getting sick suspended upside down. At one point I puked. Cum and vomit sprayed out my nose and mouth. It was gross, but it made him just fuck me harder. He fucked me until he was drained. He cut me down and I landed in the pile of cum and puke. I was still restrained, so I couldn’t get up. He let me stay there overnight until he freed my hands. I ran as fast as I could home.
Pay me Beat me Tortures me and make me Happy
I’ve got this John named Tim, who pays me well to do some fucked up shit to me like from hell type shit. Tim is very awkward he’s very vulgar, but he’s got that money, so I let him fuck and torture me real damn good. I allow him to do anything, to fulfill his fantasies with me. This mother fucker he wants to do horrible things, like beat me and twist my nipples. That’s only a tiny sample of the shit he does because he really has a taste for human blood. Nasty ass fucker is what I call master Tim, but only under my breath. Master Tim is fucked up for sure, he beats me so cruel and makes me feel the agony. That’s what Master Tim does that’s what he fucking loves… He bit me, the devil fucker chewed on me about 7 times and bit my nipple off and spit it out in my face. Tim hates women, that’s what he says while he’s beating me, he fucking trashes me in every way. I’m lost because he’s so fucking barbarous he likes to tie me down and whip me with leather belts. He loves to pour oil on my body the hotter, the better and Tim get’s a massive boner when he stuffs a hot iron rod into my asshole. He likes to shit on me, and he wants to piss in my mouth. He pays me so good that I have to do it. I need that money. I need those, dollars, that cash for sure and I don’t want to stop my money flow. So, this woman will be letting him do whatever he wants to do to me. Tonight he’s coming over again. I’m hardly even healed up, but he wants to do more, and he’s paying me double, I guess I’m going to let him. Cuz I’m a come guzzling nasty torture loving, fucking whore.
Ass Rape Porn in a Dive Bar
Ass rape porn star is what they called me as they were sodomizing my ass on the pool table of the bar. I stopped in for a drink after a night out with my girlfriends. It is my local dive bar. They know me there, but the crowd was different last night. It was mostly younger guys, not the old drunks who flirt with me and buy me drinks. These guys weren’t interested in flirting with me. They acted like I owed them attention or something. When I started to leave because there were no men in the bar, just boys, one of the dudes grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my arm. Another guy hit me in the back of the head with a beer bottle. Blood started trickling down my face. They joked about retarding me. I was stumbling to get out of the place, but they grabbed me and tossed me on to the pool table. They ripped the clothes from my body and fucked me with beer bottles. Sodomizing me with beer bottles was their forelay. No one would help me. I felt like Jodi Foster in The Accused. I went from ass rape to gangbang rape porn star when they started fucking me several at a time. I wasn’t drunk enough for this shit. What I wanted didn’t matter. They came in me and on me as they joked about the blonde bimbo up for grabs. I had to crawl home from the bar battered, bloodied and naked.
Summer sins
My new boyfriend is a professor. Yes its cliche and all but I was his student last semester. This past summer we have had a blast fucking whores up. It’s the perfect killer phone sex scenario you might want to visit.
Every single year there is a roster of dumb twats that are on the verge of failing and saying bye bye to their scholarships and mommy and daddies gifts. These spoiled cunts are at risk of failing so they need to visit summer school.
My boyfriend has been rough with these whores in the past but now that he has me as his muse he has up’d the ante. I am able to get him to do some fucked up shit.
We eventually make these whores so desperate to pass that they are willing to be cum dum sluts and willing to take piss all over. Piss and cum in their eyes thats a beautiful fucking picture. These whores earn their A for sure.
Ass Rape Porn by the Pool
I swear I can never go for a swim without getting a cock shoved into my tight little asshole. My neighbor can see into my backyard, and last time I was swimming he watched my foster brother violate me. When I thought he was going to come over and rescue me, he really just came over to join in. Well today I was out for a swim when he came over. He said he wanted to apologize, and that he could not resist me any longer. He asked if I could ever forgive him. He is so hot, how could I say no? He asked if I could trust him. At first I was hesitant, but then I told him I believed I could. He grabbed my hand and we walked onto my patio. Then out of nowhere, he ripped my bikini top off and growled that trusting him was my first mistake. I screamed for help, but it was no use. No one was home, and if they were they only would have joined him. He overpowered me, and bent me over the railing of the deck. He stroked my hair, continuously moving his hand lower. He gave my ass a little squeeze before sticking his long fingers into my pussy. He whispered in my ear that he knew I liked it because I was so wet for him. I cried as he pulled my bottoms off, and gripped my hips so tight his knuckles turned white. He start by putting his hard cock into my wet pussy, and he pounded into me while I screamed and cried for help. When he started to feel like he was going to cum, he moved his cock up and into my ass. He drilled into my ass while I cried in pain. We climaxed at the same time. I guess he was right, I did like it.
Taboo Phone Sex College Gangbang
Taboo phone sex sluts like me get into some bad situations. Over the weekend, I was partying with some frat boys. They have great drugs and like to party. Things got nasty quickly. I have partied with these dudes before with no problem, but there was a new guy in the frat. He was the ring leader of this bunch and he said redheads are the devil. That made them all look at me differently. They swarmed me and chanted “die bitch” over and over. I wasn’t sure if they were serious or joking. It felt real. When they started choking me and forcing their dicks in my ass like I was a dirty ass rape porn star, I knew they didn’t care about me at all. I was going to be beaten, choked and fucked to death. The got their kicks fisting my ass. They had on big college rings and laughed at my gaping bloody ass. I cried, which made them laugh even more. Hours went by and they were stilling fucking me and passing me around like candy. I was close to passed but they didn’t care. They still chanted things like “die bitch,” “die whore.” I am scrappy, but this was too much. They were enjoying torturing me, treating me like garbage. I wanted to die, but they wanted to make the pain last and they did.
Teen phone sex kink slut
I am so ready to play. My body is shaking. I have been rubbing my little cunt back and forth on my couch stand knob. I like to make it hurt. Pain to me feels so amazing to me. I record my self and watch it. I give all my videos to all my friends. They are as kinky as I am. JT came over last night with some new toys he wanted to experience with. So I sat on my couch knob and fucked my self while he fucked his ass hole with his new dildo. The faster I got the faster he went. I wanted to slam fuck his ass hole so after we both came. I made him ride the couch knob. I knew it would make his balls tingle and his ass hole bleed. I promised him a great clean up with my tongue. All the blood and fluids that my throat and taste buds get to encounter is the start of a great, erotic night.
Motherfucking Dirty Pornstar
Fuck me like a motherfucking dirty pornstar. I want you to make me feel like I don’t have a worry at all in the world, cuz you’re mine, and I’m your sloppy wet cunt whore for tonight. You can do everything you want to do to me, pull my hair, fuck me up I want you to do it all. Your cock makes me fall deep into a trance. I’m your little fucking skank, and you’re my hung long dick monster. I need you, I want you and, I cannot get enough of the abuse. You are so fucking hot your cock is, so God damn huge oh my God it’s enormous. You’re a motherfucking brute, you make me feel so damn great inside when you pound my ass to pieces. I love when you beat my asshole and fuck my cunt. Please make me pay for being such a lot lizard slut, I need to pay for all the taboo shit I do. Shove your fist in my ass and make me feel it all the way in my throat. I want to feel your fists pounding my pussy and pounding my fucking asshole. You are passionate, and I’m boiling hot. Your beautiful cock is so hard it makes my pussy’s wetter than ever. I love S&M, I love to be treated like a fucking cunt whore, I can’t get enough of it you better believe it. Tonight you’ve got a nasty fucking whore, a cum guzzling skanky bitch. And you’re lucky cuz tonight I’m going all out. Call me slut call me bitch call me whore fuck me good beat me up yes I need it I just want it really bad. I feel good when you talk to me badly when you call me a fucking cum drenched whore. You make me feel wanted when you treat me like shit, I even want you to shit on my face tonight yeah that’s right. I want to drink your piss that means all your urine is mine I want it all. I am going to drink you up and eat your tasty brown shit. Come on let’s go. I want you to shit in my cunt a real big donkey load. Me with your donkey load piece of shit, that’s what I need I’m craving for it. All the girls they can call me names all those bitches can say things like, I should be ashamed but guess what, I’m not. I love being a fucking trashy loose slut bucket tramp. You better get in line if you want your turn to fuck my ass and to fuck my pussy get in line right now baby I’m waiting for you. There’s a lot of guys and cunt. If you want to fuck, I will let everyone get a chance tonight.