He said it was torture sex I would enjoy. He was wrong. I don’t think any woman enjoys torture. If I wanted my bag of coke, however, I had to let him do his medical experiments on me. He was like some sort of demented med student. He sells coke and high-end pharmaceutical drugs, but pills have never been my problem. I like cocaine. Cocaine doesn’t always like me though. Thankfully I was high last night because he put a cattle prod in my cunt and shocked me. It was the most awful pain ever. I was pissing myself and convulsing. He was stroking his cock. He said this was for a medical experiment. Instead of paying me cash, he was giving me coke. This was no medical experiment. This was torture for pleasure, his pleasure. He put the cattle prod up my ass too. I twitched so bad I thought I was having a seizure. Honestly, this was as hard as I had ever worked for a bag of blow. He even used a speculum on me and sprayed my insides with some sort of chemical. It burned and made my pussy bleed. He said he was sterilizing me, but I had a hysterectomy last year. He was just torturing me some more. I let him think he had left me barren because he got off on my tears. I just wanted my bag of fucking coke, but he was not yet done with his medical fetish phone sex experiments. He pierced my clit with a hat pin and laughed as I bled. I wanted to scream to him to just give me my damn coke, but I knew better. He was a sadist and I was his muse. I think he might have been a Nazi doctor descendent. Thankfully, I got my coke. I went home and dulled my pain with white line after white line.
Category: Ass rape porn
Torture Sex for Coke-What Was I Thinking?
Tinder Gangbang Rape Porn
I didn’t think I would grow up to be a gangbang rape porn star. I wanted to be a ballerina. I had big dreams of being someone special, but I am just a submissive cunt. Men never tell me I am special. I met this guy on Tinder and I was hopeful for once that I would have a real date. You know, a date where I can dress up and the guy holds open doors and stuff. It seemed like that might be what was instore for me, but it went awry quickly. Very quickly. He had only been in my house a few minutes when his friends busted in to join the party. He said he knew who I was because he had seen my snuff porn site. Him and his friends wanted to gang bang me and fuck all my holes. I couldn’t fight because there were three of them and one of me. They were like animals. They shoved all three cocks in my holes at once. Three cocks in my mouth made me gag and puke. Three cocks in my pussy made me cry. And, three cocks in my ass made my ass prolapse. Today, I can barely walk. I am sore and bruised up. No more Tinder dates for me. I guess I will never be treated like a princess.
Ass Rape Porn Nightmares
I didn’t believe in hypnosis. That all changed when I met Pat. He wanted to help me slay my inner demons. That was only partially true. He wanted to get in my head and fuck with it. He brought out Cassie, by inner bad ass bitch. Cassie betrayed me. She told Pat things I don’t even admit to myself. Dark things about my father. I think he talked mostly to Cassie and the two plotted against me; played mind games with me. I am terrified of two things in this world: spiders and my father. Ever since Cassie ratted out my secrets to Pat, I am having the most terrifying nightmares. The one that haunts me the most is being tied to my bed with what appears to be a spider’s web. I hear a noise, a loud noise then I see it. A monster in corner of my room. One leg comes out of the darkness, then another. I suddenly realized this 8 legged freak was Godzilla sized. My heartbeat is racing so fast, I think my heart might burst. As the freaky ass spider approaches me, it’s head turns into my father’s face. Suddenly, it is half man and half spider, a metamorphosis of my two greatest fears. Then, the creature made an ass rape porn with me. I was never so scared in my life. But it is lingering. This fear I have of my father showing up at any moment again. I didn’t believe in hypnosis until I met Pat. Now, I am mind fucked forever.
A good sex slave
I was walking home from school. It was broad daylight. A van pulled up to me and asked for directions. It was a woman. That made me feel safe, so I went closer to the window. That was my first mistake. I heard a door open. When I turned around, there was a man who grabbed me and pushed me into the van as the woman drove away. There were other girls bound and gagged in the van too. I was scared. This reeked of a sex trafficking scenario. It seemed like we drove forever. They pulled us out like sides of beef and tossed us in a warehouse. It was like something out of a Hostel movie. Guys were bidding on us on their computers at home. We were being sold to strangers for god knows what. The auctioneer put money down for me. He said he was going to make a snuff porn with me as his star. When we finally got alone, he stripped me naked and force fucked all my holes with his dick and fists. He was tearing me to shreds. I was screaming in pain. That made him harder. He started sodomizing my ass so hard it prolapsed and bled. I was hoping he would kill me. You know, put me out of my misery, but he said he was keeping me as his school girl sex slave.
Snuff Porn: Summertime Girls Beware
Do you want to make snuff porn? It is summertime. Do you know what that means? It means lots of scantily clad little whores. Teen whores, younger whores, even old whores if they are your thing. I just like to kill women and girls. Most females hate me, so I have no problem killing bitches of any age. I like the kill, but the hunt is what gets my cunt wet. Searching together for the perfect little slut together; one for you to fuck and one for me to kill. You can kill her too if you want, but most men just want to explore their rape phone sex fantasies and leave the clean up to me. Again, killing tender age girls doesn’t make me squeamish, so I up fucking them doesn’t make you squeamish. I so love to watch a little girl get fucked by a much older man. Oh, summertime girls better beware when we get together.
Kidnapping Phone Sex: I Have Abduction Fetishism
I will admit to having extreme kidnapping fantasies. I have what is called abduction fetishism. Kidnapping phone sex arouses me. The idea of a man picking me up or snatching me up some place makes me wet. I love the unexpected. I got it too. My car broke down on the highway. It was dark and raining. My cell had no reception. I was hoping I would see an exit for a gas station or something. An older man offered me a ride. I knew it was risky, but I was desperate. Plus the risk of being abducted came into play also. He did take me to a gas station, but he was working with someone. I got out of his truck, went around to the pay phone on the side to call my husband and that was the last thing I remember before I was hit on the head. I woke up naked and blindfolded on a floor. What woke me up was piss. Some one or something was pissing on me. I woke up screaming, demanding to be released but that wasn’t happening. I had been abducted. Scared for sure, but I was more aroused because of my fetish. I was being used for ass rape porn. I had been kidnapped for sex slavery. A used up dirty old whore means men can use me rough because I am at the end of my usefulness anyway. No need to keep my holes tight because nothing is tight anymore. They passed me around fucking my ass and fisting my cunt. I never saw their faces. They used me, then dumped my body in a dumpster. I got away, but I smelled like sex and garbage. Never take rides from strangers girls, not unless you enjoy being a dirty taboo whore and have an abduction fetish like me.
Gangbang Rape Porn Biker Snuff Cult
I’m such a dumb bitch sometimes and those times will always lead to my demise. I’ve nearly died so many times because of my lack of intelligence or care after all I am completely caught up in my looks and what they can get me. Well, last night they got me closer to death than I ever experienced with the Gangbang rape porn some misfit biker cult decided to make me the star of after I brushed off their comments about my looks with bitch attitude I tend to give greasy lowlifes. They didn’t take kindly to this and left the club. Well they left the club itself but were waiting for me in the shadows and followed me home. Tipsy and lacking awareness of my surroundings was common and that’s how it made things easy for these creepers. They rushed me and shoved me in my place as I was opening my door. The home invasion phone sex this led too was going to be the most violent fantasy rape scene yet, and the one female in the gang was video recording the whole scene while laughing about how they anally destroyed me into a bloody pulp. My cunt was ripped and destroyed after they all took turns in it they started shoving large bats in it and jamming them hard fucking up my womb and reproductive system. I was internally destroyed and a bloody mess when they left me… hours later I found myself in the ER.
Bondage Phone Sex Fetish Shoot
Bondage phone sex keeps me tied up and busy. I recently traveled to a different city for a modeling shoot. The studio paid me handsomely. It was a fun shoot. I had to be in pristine shape before the shoot meaning that I could not any cuts or bruising on my body. I had to restrain from any BDSM fun, so after the shoot, I was fucking horny for some pain and cock. The photographer had a major hard on for me. He was a handsome bad boy. I know bad boys are bad for me, but I am addicted. He looked like my worst nightmare and that made my cunt super wet. I have a thing for sadistic men. My need for a hot bad man will get me killed one of these days. He took me to dinner first, so I thought maybe he was not as bad as I thought. Dinner was just a distraction. When we arrived back at his dungeon, he strung up to the rafters. I was suspended like a side of beef in the air. He turned off all the lights. It was disorientating and scary. There was a long pause in time before he started flogging me. I didn’t know how he did it. It felt like every angle was covered. I thought there had to be more than just one man whipping me. I was right. The lights came on revealing the entire set of the fetish shoot. They all wanted to bruise up my pristine body and they did. I was cover in welts and bruises quickly. I was hoping to be gang banged, but they all agreed I was likely a diseased whore, so I was just whipped until my skin was a far cry from pristine. The life of a bondage whore.
Evil Phone Sex It Gets Me Hot
Don’t get me fucking started about how hot Evil Phone Sex gets me, seriously this Bitch gets off on being a Sadistic Bitch with a god damned capital B! I get off on having hate fucks with assholes that think they are getting “some”, what they fail to realize is How fucking much I despise their dumb asses and have more in store for them then getting my sadistic cunt penetrated with their big cock.
Yeah, I love fucking, but I love it more with my sadistic creeper of a boyfriend. We have a god damned blast and he loves to watch me fuck the lights out some poor victim. I love to give them barbed wired kisses like the Sadistic Phone Sex Bitch I am! *insert evil laugh* I made this cock ring that I insert vaginally and it is lined with pointy pieces of wire that dig into that ridiculous cock and shreds it.
My boyfriend watches me mutilate these fuckers and gets off on fucking my pussy soiled with shredded flesh and blood. I also totally enjoy being hired and tipped as an accomplice to assist in destroying that young little angels cunt and ass… or asses as I enjoy young brats of both sexes to destroy.
The Summer of Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
Rape phone sex fantasies are high during the summer. I bet you can guess why too. Anywhere you look, you will see hot teen sluts in skimpy clothes. They are at the pool, the mall and even on your own block. Hell, they have You Tube channels and Instagram accounts too. They are cock teasing older men with their tight little bodies. That can’t go unpunished. Seeing young girls flaunt their tight bodies makes men like you think naughty things, right? That is where I come in handy. I am a good accomplice because I will encourage you and even help you make those hot teen whores your personal sex slaves. I mean think about it. Those girls are sending a clear message that they are down to fuck. Their bodies say fuck me even if their minds say I want to watch Frozen again. Half tops, short shorts, painted nails, platform shoes, lots of makeup and young bodies. They act and look older than they are. They need put in their place early on or they will grow into ball busting women who think their shit doesn’t stink. Let me go hunting with you. I will point out the young flesh that is best for your hard cock. You can fuck the shit out of her, and I can make her a snuff porn star once you have had your fun with her. She can’t live after you fuck her. I mean you don’t want to use a condom, right? Your DNA will be all over her. It is okay if you are squeamish about murder. I am not. I can dismember her and feed her body parts to the coyotes. No one will ever link that little whore’s disappearance to us. So, tell me, when do you want to go hunting for a young cock tease victim?