Category: Ass rape porn

Snuff Sex Is What The Devil’s Whore Gets

snuff sex

  They lured me in as they always do with their ads touting to me to come be a star. Yeah, it’s always porn and it’s always some form of snuff sex porn casting. These movies make top dollar for the producers and they could care less about the used up cunt hole of their lead. More often than not I will be left for dead at the scene, hauled off to the woods, or rarely dumped into a taxi to drop me at the closest ER. They pay everyone off well, well that is except for their snuffed out star. I am the lowest on the totem pole of these films and yet the star money maker for them. It’s pretty sick isn’t it? But that has been my live for the past decade. I’m just the devil’s whore.


Ass rape porn at The Pound

ass rape porn

Your Daughter was so gullible thinking we were going to volunteer with Fido and his friends. I was excited to film the nastiest ass rape porn ever on my phone for you. It is amazing what these sweet sluts will do for a baggy of weed and some furr loving. Dumb bitch, who goes to the pound after hours to volunteer? Only the furr loving she was getting was going to be her tiny body shredded to pieces by fidos 120-pound 4 legged body as he smelled sex between her legs. I had been here earlier with your young sweet things panties and a nail file to sharpen his claws. And when I opened the gate for her to feed him I shoved her in and watched as she screamed in horror as he drug her to the ground. I let my self in with a big piece of raw steak to distract my furr accomplice. I cut your darlings clothes off and smeared the steak blood from the wrapper all over her body. I let my video role as his red rocket came right out and he penetrated her ass. It was glorious her screams and the rest of the four-legged howling. Ill assured my place in hell for this snuff sex.

My Rape Phone Sex Fantasies


rape phone sex fantasiesI have rape phone sex fantasies. I think a lot of women do. Some just won’t ever admit it. Personally, I don’t think it is right for a woman to cock tease a man or drain his wallet and not give up her pusadistic pssy. Many women are just asking for it. I was asking for it last night. I went to this dive bar downtown. It is a rough bar known as a day laborer hang out. I went down there looking for trouble. Trouble follows me. I started dirty dancing by myself to see if I could open some eyes and stiffen some dicks. One guy, he came up to me and started grabbing me. I didn’t push him away. Others followed his lead and soon the entire bar was pulling at my boobs and limbs. It was more than I expected. I started to pull away and I knew that was dangerous. That made me a cock tease just like the women I hate. I just wanted them to go slower, but I cock teased them too fast and now I was reaping the punishment with some gangbang rape porn. I was on the floor of a dingy bar being fucked and groped by drunk old men. No one even bought me a drink. They just fucked me until I was coated in cum and too sore to walk home. At least I wasn’t one of those girls to give them blue balls and leave.

Gangbang Rape Porn Star for Men

gangbang rape pornMy daddy had more than just rape fantasies. When I was a young girl, he made money off me with gangbang rape porn videos. He would give me a lot of Benadryl and a shot of whisky and let random men fuck me. I would try to act like it was just a dream, but I would wake up the next morning with a sore butt hole and cum in my pussy and ass. I could barely walk. The older I became, the more I resisted and the more difficult it became to drug me. That is when daddy started using rope to bind me, so I couldn’t fight. Twenty years later I am still the subject of rape phone sex fantasies. My current boyfriend is just like my father. A mean son of a bitch who pimps me out for money. I guess you can say I have a type. I like bad boys clearly. My man pimped me out on the weekend to a bunch of guys who violently gang banged me. They were savages and now my ass is prolapsed, and my pussy is stilll healing. I had so many cocks in my cunt at once, my inner pussy lips tore and required stitches. But my boyfriend made money just like my daddy did and that is all that matters, right?

Feel my wrath


A pAprettyViolent phone sex

A nice pair of tits like mine is not hard to come by. Do you know what is hard to come by though? A sick twisted sadistic slut like myself. I am the perfect evil bitch you have been dreaming about. Not only am I drop dead gorgeous(literally), I also have the sicko mind to match. Do you know what I like most about Violent phone sex? Is taking my victim by the throat. Wrapping my hand so tight around her fucking neck. Choking that bitch until her eyes are bulging out of her eye sockets. All the while you are fucking her tight almost dead cunt. Just the sight of her fighting for her life is making us both horny as ever. As soon as that bitch is taking her last breathe you start to cum. I stop your right there in mid stroke and stick your dick in my mouth all the way to the back of my throat. You bust a mouth full of demon seeds all into my jaws and I swallow with pride. We both look down at this life less piece of shit and slice her open from neck vertically down to her stomach. We both fuck in the pool of blood. I want to go a 3rd round. Don’t you?

Taboo Phone Sex Slave For Daddy

You think you know taboo phone sex, but you don’t know me. I am the nastiest little daddy’s slave you will ever meet. My current daddy tells me how obedient I am. I do all his grunt work. Daddy and his friends are heavy in the import / export business. They traffic young girls and women. In the nice house we have lurks a dark secret. A dungeon and a tunnel that runs under the belly of the city. He moves girls from one place to another to avoid detection. I help him get girls ready for dates or for the auction block. The other day we needed a super young white girl. White girls like me are in high demand but hard to find. They may be hard for daddy to find, but not me. I put on my church clothes and go hunting at the mall for whatever daddy needs. I found just what he wanted at the Disney Store. A blonde blue-eyed all-American princess. Daddy would make bank selling her to his client. I lured the little angel away. When I brought her home, Daddy was very happy with me. She was perfect. The little girl was scared, but she had no idea what was waiting for in just a few hours. I bathed her and dressed her. I did everything per daddy’s client’s wishes. She looked like an American doll baby. This time, I did the finger test. I checked her little hymen to make sure she was a virgin. I have no idea if she is just going to be a fuck slave until she ages out or if she will be fucked and snuffed. If daddy is happy with me, I don’t care what happens to that little girl. Better her than me, right?

Taboo phone sex

I Make Snuff Porn

snuff pornI don’t just watch snuff porn. I used to watch it all the time, but I could tell that most of what I was watching was fake. I felt robbed.  I was paying good money to watch what I was told was real, a one of a kind film. I would see the same victim in other movies. I would see an eye blink or a ribcage heave in a final scene. After never seeing a real snuff flick, I decided to make my own.  There is a lot of pleasure in knowing you are making the real thing. It takes a lot to make real snuff movies, however. You need a victim. You need a place where you can kill your prey undetected and that will be easy to clean up. You must wash away the DNA after you make your film. You need camera equipment to record the killing and you need the tools of the theme of your snuff flick. My films all have a Gothic feel. Dark, damp with lots of torture. I have become well known in the underground world of snuff films. No one knows my real identity, but they hire me to make them a home movie for them frequently. Ex-wives, ex-husbands, bad bosses, annoying brats, hot teen sluts and double-crossing sluts and bastards have been the stars of my movies. Who do you want to star in my next snuff flick?

They Had An Home Invasion Phone Sex Plan

It was supposed to be a quiet night at home but someone else had other plans for me. I was the victim identified for a home invasion phone sex crime. I was the targeted whore for this gangbang and I was completely and totally thankful that they targeted me. I should be grateful that they made me their victim. I was raised and used by my father for just this sort of thing. Only thing different is that they broke in and snuck in while I was asleep. They even recorded their debauchery of my holes and the way they man handled me. They really slapped me around and took turns ripping my holes open. There were six of these masked assailants and I could never identify them because they had me crossed eyed from knocking me out so hard when I awoke with the first two upon me. I never heard them come in, I was wasted from a night of drinking and I think they followed me home even from the pub. I was completely fucking unaware of anything other than getting home and passing out in my bed. I know they were filming it all because there was a woman with them that was holding the camera and they had a really sexy voice as she directed the guys. I am certain they had actually been watching me for some time.

home invasion phone sex

My Brother’s Ass Torture Sex Star

Torture sexTorture sex of my asshole happens often. However, my brother and his friends have never gang banged my asshole. There is a first time for everything though. I have not seen my brother in a few weeks. I ran into him at one of my local haunts. He was there with a few friends from work. He introduced me to his co-workers as his anal whore sister. I thought it was odd, but my brother and I are super close. I was raised watching him and my mother fuck all the time. Him and I have fucked before, but he is not nasty with me. I mean I am his sister. That too changed last night. Not sure what happened. Someone spiked my drink. I woke up at my brother’s place in the middle of a gangbang rape porn with me as the star. My brother was fucked up and so were his friends. They were sodomizing the crap out of my ass. This was a side of my brother I had never seen. Turns out that he owed his friends money and couldn’t pay. These weren’t knee braking friends. But I guess they were you can use my sister’s ass friends. They fucked my ass for hours. Sometimes two dicks were in my ass at once. I had to suck my ass juice off their cocks before they went home to  heir wives. I guess I can add my brother as another man who enjoys treating me like a dirty whore.

Useless Piece Of Shit

He was destined for my abuse and amusement after he was caught red handed. His captors brought this piece of shit to me after he had been drugged and hypnotized. He was pigshit. A useless waste of life and we would have fun with tormenting him before he became excrement of the hogs he’s be fed to. You see this pos lowlife known as Pigshit Powell is truly a worthless waste of space and I am quite happy to accept the fun I will be having with him as a couple of witches set his loser ass up for this. We get to play with him then he becomes exactly what he is, pigshit. He was caught in the act of being a sicko and thief and now he gets to pay. I get to enjoy the punishment and torment then off to the Butcher for him. I really hope to profit off this excrement well, and have a lot of fun torturing him. The idea of making him humiliate and fuck himself with a large cucumber is just great! He used to do such with an innocent daughter and now he will pay. Having him whack his balls until they swell and turn purple is such a sweet thing also as he rips that asshole riding that fucking cucumber. Pigshit Powell is truly a worthless piece of shit.

Sadistic phone sex