Category: Ass rape porn

Ass Rape Porn For Uncle

ass rape pornMy uncle is a perfect victim for ass rape porn. I fucking hate him. He found out my daddy was molesting me and hookers were disappearing years ago. SO what did he do? He kidnapped me and torture fucked me for days when my cunny was still a clam shell and my ass hole had only ever been wiped before! Even daddy said my ass was too small to fuck back then!  Daddy had only penetrated me gently once before that. I guess he was happy to rape fantasy fuck hookers and strippers and murder them in the basement.

My uncle fucked up though! Now revenge is fucking mine!  I just bought Daddies house from the bank!  Fully equipped with the hidden torture chamber my uncle knows nothing about.   I am going to have so much cock in his ass that he too will have to be sewn up and not poop right ever again! Well, he might not have to worry about that. Now should I leave him alive and dickless? Or murder this bitch ass!          

Bad Babysitter Phone Sex is How I Pay for Coke

babysitter phone sexSometimes a man needs bad babysitter phone sex. I found a new way to make coke money during a pandemic. I have been struggling to find guys who will trade my old used holes for coke. Men want something young and tight. Not old and loose like my cunt. I am a mommy and that gives me qualification to babysit brats. One the outside I have a perfect suburban soccer mom life. No one knows I harbor a dark addiction. I put my profile up on a few sitter sites and I scored several gigs in homes with precious young cargo. If guys would not pay for my old holes or at least trade, maybe they would pay for some young charge I was watching. Turns out they will. And they will pay more than I ever got for my old holes. I move around from family to family, but last night I made bank for a boy and a girl. A man had rape phone sex fantasies for super young ones, and he wanted to fuck young pussy and young ass. I made them a special cocktail with one of my Xanax. That put them in a deep sleep. They never woke up as they were getting fucked by some grown ass man. There was blood. Clearly, they were virgins. I know how to clean up crime scenes. After he fucked them, he left. He gave me my money and I had a few hours to clean them up. I washed the sheets and licked up the DNA out of their gaping holes. Women use these ice orbs to get rid of bags under the eyes. I use them to take the swelling away from puckered assholes and cunts. Works wonders. The siblings never knew they got fucked. Since the parents sent me a Venmo tip today, I do not think they know either.

Snuff Sex Rape Fantasy

It’s a Snuff sex rape fantasy that this sadistic old man had in mind for me. He grabbed me from the parking garage of a shopping mall. I was grabbed, gagged and shoved into this suv. He didn’t want any fuss and used something on a rag to knock me right out. I came to and was tied to a pillar in an abandoned building.

I was trying to wriggle loose as I didn’t think anyone was around. However it seemed I was on camera. He was watching me struggle and enjoying it. After a little wriggling and trying to moan or scream through my gag I was tired again. I slid down that pole and was trying to still loosen my hands but it just wasn’t happening. Next thing I know a sprinkler system started to go off and I was getting soaked. I was being completely broken. He was getting pleasure off of my struggle.

I was thirsty so I drank the water that was spraying me and I think it was laced with something. I started to really hallucinate and kept hearing deep laughter. I was in and out of consciousness when I saw it. I saw myself being slammed around and violated by 3 big black men and a couple of four legged beasts. They were beating a violating me so badly that I was watching this outside of my own body… like a dream…

Snuff sex

Killer Phone Sex Accomplice

killer phone sexKiller phone sex fantasies on your mind? They are on my mind too. I am a sexy switch. Unlike some girls on my site, I can be your victim or your partner in crime. I enjoy both roles. I have discovered that I have some wicked dark fantasies about others too. This past year has been a doozy of a year. I have not been able to nude model as much. None of my BDSM clubs have re-opened yet. And even finding bad ass men who know how to treat a bitch has been difficult. I have been dabbling on Fet Life and Reddit chat rooms. There are a lot of taboo phone sex loving men on both sites. I met this one guy who did not live far from me. We have been talking for weeks about fucking a tender age girl. One who has no tits yet and no hair on her pussy. He has naughty fantasies about his stepdaughter. He wants to fuck her tiny cut so badly, but he agreed on a young lookalike that we would kidnap. I love being an accomplice. I used to feel badly about fucking up a little girl, but it is survival of the fittest. It is nice to not be the one getting used for once. We drove around for a little bit looking for the right girl and finally found one at the park. She was with a babysitter who was buried in her phone. I distracted the girl with my doggy and my partner snatched her up and shoved her in the back of my van. My partner did not need her for long. He fucked her tiny cunt, turned it to bloody mush. He could have snuffed her, but instead he dumped her on the side of the road like garbage. All I could think was better her than me.

Staring in my very own snuff movies

snuff movies

I love to be a nasty little cum slut and love to get really vile and wicked. So I have picked up a new hobby, and now I’m staring in my very own snuff movies. I like to lure sluts over and have a nice domme daddy witness me abuse the whores. I love to spit on them, choke them, strangle them, and call them all kinds of names. They are worthless and pathetic, and someone has to remind them that they are, so why shouldn’t it be me? I’m all about fucking those whores over and making them weak as can be. I love to get them fucked up and ready to submit. A little taste of hell is what they will get. I like to pierce their pussies and nipples with needles. I want blood, piss, sweat and tears. I want a whole production and want them to realize they are royally fucked. It is such a hot thing to be

Kidnapping Phone Sex Accomplice

kidnapping phone sexI love a good kidnapping phone sex scenario. I can be a good victim, but when it comes to kidnapping, I excel at being the accomplice. When men need or want a young girl, a mom is the best bait to lure a little girl right into your arms. Parents raise their girls to be fearful of men. They rarely explain that stranger danger can be in the form of a mom, especially a mom of one of their daughter’s school friends. I was targeted by Tom. He had a specific girl in mind that he wanted. He just could not get near her. He needed an in, so he made me a sweet deal. He knew my reputation as a coke fiend. He had a large supply, but I had to bring him the object of his lust. I was hesitant at first. He got me high. He let me taste his premium Colombian cocaine and I was all in. I knew the girl. She goes to school with my youngest son. I saw her at the mall and told her that her mom sent me to get her. I drugged her Starbucks drink I bought her so she would sleep in the car. I hand delivered her to Tom who has had rape phone sex fantasies about her for months. He is a P man, and she gets his dick hard. I may have felt bad briefly, but once I saw the bag of coke he had for me, I told him to have fun. He made me watch. He wanted me to be a full accomplice so I would share the blame or maybe even take it all.  I got high and watched him tear her holes apart. As she screamed for help and her mother, I just closed my eyes and continued to get high. I told myself it was just a pitfall of getting free coke.

Ass Rape Porn 4 a P Sissy

Ass rape Porn

It is very clear of you Sissy faggots like little girl and boy ass. As if it isn’t enough that you like  suck dick and dress like a fairy! Calling me up to tell me you need to ravage and dump a load of cum you have been saving in a boy but will get you one thing. Degrading humiliation and torture. Now the Waterloo cock sucker sissy fully admits he is a p-sissy with an average cock. Now average is still not big enough for me. So, just stay your amature porn star ass in Waterloo, taking cocks by the dozen. But you still want to fuck brats and you need tortured for it! Arms and legs ripped off so I have to carry you from cock to cock faggot dirty P-sissy you! I will kill you this time, slowly. How about a spiked club up your ass pussy to make you minced meat! I will enjoy hearing you beg for that pathetic life of yours! I have no remorse for slicing and dicing a stupid sissy bitch who likes fucking brats! Your gaping bloody ass will be the center of my next gangbang rape porn! 

If You Want Domination Phone Sex with Me, You Need a Man’s Cock

domination phone sexBitches like me need domination phone sex. But do not try to dominate me with a small dick. I am a switch. That means I can be submissive, and I can be dominant. Which one you get, depends on your dick size. How can you dominate a hot bitch like me who stands almost 6 foot tall in heels when you have a small pecker? You simply cannot do it. I will over power you. That is what happened at this exclusive BDSM club I visited last night. I was there to get used. To be owned and put in my place. I went alone to the club because I am in between masters. I was hoping to find a potential master. Instead, I met a Pee Wee Herman mother fucker playing pretend. He was a tall guy, not as tall as me though. He had a mask on so I could not see his face. How I knew he was an imposter was he said he was going to make me into an ass rape porn star, and he had a tiny dick. It was so small, I never felt it in my ass. He kept saying things like, “Take this big dick, bitch,” or “How does my big dick feel in your worthless ass, whore?” I had to ask him if he was in yet and he spanked my ass. I could not feel his “big dick,” in my ass. I pushed him off me and turned the tables. I grabbed a huge dildo off the wall and rammed it in his ass. “Feel that poser,” I screamed. He let out a shriek like a girl. I ripped his mask off, and he looked like a femboy, not a bad ass master. I fucked his ass raw. And I called in one of my black masters to show him what a man’s cock is supposed to look like. Little loser thought he could dominate me with a shrimp’s tail for a dick. I am a submissive whore ONLY to real men. Is that you?

Snuff Porn Ball Busting Blood Bath

I stumbled into this fucked up scene at my old house. I went by to pick up a few things I forgot, and my film set that my friend was dropping off for me. I walk into the house and see three fucking little brat girls naked and tied to some chairs. There was plastic all over the floors. My filming gear was all set up. There was a Birthday Cake in the middle of the room and my best friend yelled from the kitchen.

It was just a couple minutes before I noticed my least favorite pervert neighbor tied to a device like a bondage stretch upside. He was gagged, restrained and naked. I about pissed myself with laughter seeing that little peewee. I knew then exactly why he was such a fucking p daddy. He was always trying to nose into my fun. I get to have fun of my own and have cake! I love my bestie!

We start the filming and I start slaping around the three brats. I piss on them shove all kinds of implements in their pussy holes and asses. I violate them reall good with the pervert watchin. I enjoy every bit of his teeny cock growing hard. I turn around and face him. I have a hatchet in my hand. I am wearing stiletto heels. I first raise my right foot and “Bam” slam my stiletto pointed heel right into his groin. As I punctured them I swing the long blade and slice that dicklett right off. Blood is spooling everywhere and the three little sluts are tied in the chairs as lifeless as that cock is on the bloody floor.

I felt amazing. My girlfriend and I had the best fucking sex in the bloody mess on the floor.

Snuff porn

Ass Rape Porn in the Shower

ass rape pornI am not a professional ass rape porn star, but that never stopped men from treating me like one. I was at the gym earlier in the week. I am trying to get in shape, but things did not go as planned my last time at the gym. There were not many folks in the place. It was sparse. I went into the locker room afterwards to shower. I heard the door but assumed just a staff member or a woman putting stuff in her locker. I had been washing my hair, so my eyes were shut. When I opened them, there was man staring at me. I screamed and he rushed me. I hit my head on the wall of the shower. I felt dizzy and felt blood trickle down my head. As I stumbled, he caught me and lifted me up. Not to be nice though. He did it to fuck my ass. I was not able to fight. I was dizzy and he was a huge man. No clue where he came from, but I thought I was safe at the gym. I mean I was not in the bad part of town trying to score drugs. Hell, I was not even high. Once I got my bearings, I started to scream again. He just put his had around my mouth and hammered his cock into my ass. I was struggling, but he had me in some sort of wrestling hold. His hand was holding the back of my neck while I was in a crunch position. He was holding me in the air as he sodomized me like a rag doll. When he nutted, he just tossed me off his dick like I was nothing. I landed on the shower floor. The hot water washed away his DNA and let him get away with force fucking me. I guess when you are a taboo phone sex whore, there are no safe places.