Category: Ass rape porn

Accomplice For Anal Rape Fantasy

He needed me as an accomplice so he could fulfill his anal rape fantasy on his coworker. He had pretended to go home and while she wasn’t looking, I slipped something strong in her drink.

Killer phone sex

I was the last one there and as she was closing up, she was feeling woozy and passed out. He walked in as I was undressing her and tying her up which only got him hard knowing he was going to have the chance to do whatever he wanted with her. After he locked the door, he came and shoved his cock in her mouth. I held her head in place so he could face fuck her deep. He was so hard and excited. He had been wanting this for so long, that he turned her on her belly and just shoved his cock deep in her as hole with one good shove. He fucked her so hard and deep I could see blood starting to come out but I didn’t care it was so hot just watching that I started playing with my cunt. He started choking her from behind so hard as he pounded her asshole that I saw she stopped breathing. That made me cum hard on my fingers knowing that now he was fucking her dead body, he finally came inside her asshole and told me it was time to get rid of the body.  

Sarin And Sneakers

killer phone sex

He needed my killer phone sex Teen whore self to do the deed! To babysit his wife and young daughter with the premise of poisoning them and Stealing their white sneakers and socks. He is one of my most fucked up men to date! Sarin is a lethal poison and just by inhaling it body organs begin to fail. Vomiting, shitting and pissing on oneself happens. And he needs me to kill his wife and he wants it to be brutal. She is a fat cow and a cunt who doesn’t deserve to live! I’m just a sweet babysitter who he knows has a cold, dead heart inside. I would give the wife her dose as his daughter watched in horror!

The brat screamed as the mommy convulsed and succumbed to the horrible death as daddy watched and did not help mommy at all! I tied the daughter to the kitchen chair so she could see me stab that blimp of a  mommy in her heart and pull it out for daddy to cum all over! Slowly and seductively I remove white and pink striped Nike sneakers for him, as he jacks his cock hard again!

Now to dose the wee one and daddy would really enjoy her little body seizing and dying as I cut her loose to die in a  catastrophic mess, just like mommy dearest. Her little white sneakers would have to be removed too so daddy could fuck her tiny dead body with brute force!

I love being the evil babysitter phone sex murderer!Babysitter phone sex

Snuff Porn Streaming

snuff sexHe said he needed me for a snuff sex show. The he is my stepson, and it was not a request. He never asks really. It may seem like a request, but I cannot say no. He will kill me, or at least make me wish I was dead. This time he came over to my place. I was not happy, but he needed money and I have been his cash cow for years. He brought his film equipment, including ring light and torture toys. He streams on the dark net and has a lot of fans. It is like the chaterbate of snuff. Guys can watch for free, but if they want to see something specific done to me, they must pay with Bitcoin. Some guy watching wanted to explore his rape fantasies by living vicariously through my stepson and I. I put up a fight. I knew that is what his viewers wanted. They do not like willing victims. On the dark net, no woman is a willing victim. He fucked my pussy and ass so hard that my cunt was gaped, and my asshole prolapsed. That was just the beginning. He used his taser on my prolapsed ass making me piss myself and convulse. He then put a zip tie on my prolapsed asshole and made me shake it in front of the camera. I could hear the Bitcoins filling his bank account. Men wanted some torture sex with my prolapsed asshole. By the time he was done filling every request, my asshole looked like raw hamburger meat. I was close to passing out too. My stepson made a couple grand using me my asshole for every weird request his viewers made. Bengay on my prolapse was just one of the things men paid my stepson to do to me. Now, I am sitting on a bag of ice and my stepson is smoking some rock.

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Snuff Phone Sex

I’ve had my fair share of snuff fun. I’m perfect for those snuff phone sex fantasies roaming in your mind.

I’m super into making other hoes get fucked and used. You can make me your pain slut, and I will bring over the cutest girl for you to ruin.

Both of us are at your mercy, letting you slice our bodies and watch as the blood runs out of us.

Your cock is magic. It makes me lose my sense of reality. In seconds I am in a trance where you are the god, and I am the cult follower.

There’s nothing you can say to me that will stop me from doing what you want. I’m ready to dive into anything you want. No questions asked; I will say yes to the most gruesome and painful scenarios as long as I have you as my leader.

I will fuck up girls for you and kill for you. I will die for you, master.

He Said I Looked Like a Snuff Sex Doll

snuff sexHe said I had a body for snuff sex. I thought he was joking. He was not my master. He was not some guy I met in a BDSM club either. He was the janitor at my gym. I told him he was out of his league with me. I am a blonde goddess. I do not fuck the help. Now, I did not say that too him, but I thought it. I did tell him he was out of his league though. I guess he let the comment ruminate for a few days, because the next time I was at the gym, he was waiting for me in the locker room. It was close to closing time, so there were no other women in the club. I like to go late at night because it is mostly men, and I can work out and pick up a guy. The lowly janitor cornered me in the shower. I had already dressed in my club dress because I was going out afterwards. He had other plans for me. He cornered me against the shower wall and started hitting me with his mop stick. It was like a blue-collar caning. I was not letting a janitor explore his rape phone sex fantasies with me. He did not care what I wanted. I fought, but he was stronger. He rammed that mop handle up my ass and dumped the dirty water on my head. He laughed as I bled and grimaced at the dirty water. He told me I was not so high brow now. I slipped on the water, landing on the shower floor. He pulled the stick out of my ass and replaced it with his cock. I wanted to die. The help was fucking my ass. He was slamming my face down on the floor that was mixed with my blood and the dirty mop water. I felt so violated. He just laughed telling me I was as dirty as him now.

Geneva In Gangbang Rape porn

gangbang rape pornWhen is the last time you stroke your dick system gangbang rape porn? Well darling that’s just too long! Men need to see women torn apart by multiple cocks, often. Geneva would be the perfect little porn star and this snuff adventure. I knew some members aboard a big ship that hadn’t got a chance to annihilate any pussy or ass in quite some while. Lucky for me all it took was a little Cocaine baggie and the promise of a real good time amidst that docked vessel. The perfect costars for a few black men and a couple white boys with long swinging elephant trunk dicks. It didn’t take long for her to start showing her whore side. And what took even last time was the men choking her pulling her hair slapping her and fucking her ass into a prolapsed rosebud as big as any state fair has seen. And wanted me to use ropes around her neck and pinned her back in a nice hogtie so she can get fucked bondage style. But one thing about the luscious blonde Geneva is a true pain slut acted like she wanted the whole fucking thing! You know me I wanted to give her destruction and a worst way. What good is a snuff porn unless we snuff her out and that’s the way it was going to have to go. The sharks were swimming and they smelled the blood on the ship so dangled her off the side. Geneva would soon become Chum but she got her dying wish when she was full of cum!
snuff porn

Snuff Movies Are Real

snuff moviesPeople think snuff movies are urban legend. I know better, however. I have seen it made. I have been forced to help make it too. I was forced to be an accomplice for this guy who hates Asian girls. I think he is bitter over Covid or something. He was blackmailing me. He threatened to tell my husband about my coke problem. My husband thinks I quit when he cut me off financially. I just got more resourceful and started trading my fuck holes for coke. This guy found out and forced me to be his accomplice. He had this girl he wanted to fuck and torture, but he could not lure her himself. I pretended to be selling knock off designer purses out of the back of my van. When his target came to check out the merchandise, he pushed her in the back of the van with me and locked the door. She was fighting me, so I had to give her a tranquilizer. Asian snuff porn makes bank nowadays according to my blackmailer. We took her to this abandon warehouse to film her death. I thought my part was over, but he forced me to help kill her too. First, he fucked her. Fucked all three of her Gook holes. She was tight he said, maybe even a virgin because there was blood. He ordered me to get the baseball bat and whack her over the head while his cock was inside her cunt. I did not want to, but he said I would be a dead bitch too, so I hit her on the back of her skull. I guess I hit her hard enough to scramble her brain. She started twitching and convulsing on his cock. He loved it. He said the only thing tighter than an Asian cunt is a dead Asian cunt. He fucked her dead body and made me bury her body in the woods. Do not tell me snuff films are urban legend.

Blasphemy Sex

blasphemy sexI am a blasphemous sex bitch. I am not a believer of anything really. Organized religion pisses me off. Satan has more fun. When I was younger, I desecrated graves and destroyed churches for shits and giggles. Fuck God. Fuck the church. And definitely fuck organized religion. I have a thing for Catholic school girls. Maybe not the same thing you have for them. I like to kidnap and do very bad things to Catholic school girls. I have this male friend who wanted to fuck a little Catholic schoolgirl. I knew just where to get one too. In the next county over there is a Catholic school and no one watches the little sluts as they walk home from school. Well perverts watch them, LOL. I picked up a little girl perfect for his blasphemy phone sex fantasy. I wanted to have some fun with her too. I knew just what to do to her holes. I stripped her naked and shoved a cross in her bald cunt. I pulled it out dripping of her sweet virgin blood. I sucked it because virgin blood is sweet. What my cross did to her is nothing compared to what my accomplice’s dick was going to do to her. He rammed his big cock in her bloody hole and she screamed. She was praying. The little bitch was praying for God to save her. I told her her God did not care about her or he would not have let the two of us take her for our perverse sexual pleasure. We fucked the little cunt up good too. She was covered in blood and cum. We could not let her live. She saw our faces. Our DNA was all over her little body. She became coyote food. Yeah, she gets to be with her God now. Maybe in death she will realize what a dumb bitch she has been believing in someone who does not care about her.

Blood Punch Blasphemy sex

Blasphemy sex The blood punch was enough to bring you into Blasphemy sex. You tasted the blood of the innocents I had sacrificed before you. The next blood you would taste was my fist into your mouth knocking out some of your teeth. I had tried to give you the gift of perversion in the highest degree. You turned your back on me when you decided to betray me and go off and hunt the littles all by yourself. What kind of man would disrespect my own less that way. I had enough of you as I punched you in the mouth and told you that you worship the almighty dark lord I need to but he says just as I do! Your wants and needs matched us so well that I know you would be the next prodigy to carry out the evil deeds we needed you too. And now instead of tasting a young succulent little fleshpot; you would now be my victim. I cut your dick off first and shoved it so far up your ass I couldn’t see it anymore! Satan as I offered up your head on a pole as we went into a full blown rape fantasy brat fucking orgy. You could have been a part of all this but instead you chose your own path, which is the path straight to destruction! What a waste of a big dick. 

Bad Babysitter Phone Sex Club

babysitter phone sexI am an official member of the bad babysitter phone sex club! Since I was freed from my master a few months ago, I have been making money helping men fuck tender age girls. The kind of girls that men pay top dollar for. As long as I am in the sex trafficking business, I never have to hook or strip again. I made great money off my body, but nothing like I can make off girls a quarter of my age or younger. I have men now coming to me with requests. This guy I met on the dark net heard I could help him procure a super young girl. Like my callers, he has rape phone sex fantasies for sweet young girls. I know just how to get girls too. I get better at procuring young flesh each time too. I am a flesh peddler. A P accomplice who believes in profit over people, especially young bratty people! My client wanted a little black girl. Most want little white princesses, but he wanted a hood rat. That was easy to do. I stand out as a buxom, tall blonde in the hood, so I put on a wig and dark shades and found a home with a strung-out mommy. I just took the little nigger cunt right of her bed. The police never look for missing jungle bunnies. I hand delivered the package to my client and took his payment. He let me stay and watch the fun. The little girl was cute. She had some chubby cheeks and a little pot belly. She was very submissive. She did not have much fight in her, which I will admit was disappointing. I like it when they fight. He fucked her pink cunt and ass for hours. She cried. That aroused us both. She called us white devils too as I held her down and he got his money’s worth fucking her holes. I filmed it because teen rape porn is profitable too. He buried her dead body in the woods. She will just be another missing hood rat no one cares about. What kind of tender age cunt can I get for you?