Category: Ass rape porn

Accomplice In the Bar

accomplice phone sexI saw you scoping out that young blonde at the bar. Your cock was angry hard already. Even though she had used a fake ID to get in here. You saw her being gangbanged in an alley in your mind’s eye! She was going on about some guy who had cheated on her and was so sloppy drunk. If she would just shut the fuck up she might live tonight! It’s always the blonde entitled bimbos that think everyone should listen to them when they have a life crisis. It’s not your fault that you were turned on by her. As I put my hand on your shoulder I could see hate creeping up in your eyes.

She looked like a hooker in that tight dress and heels. She deserves to be forced fucked and choked on the end of your sadistic cock!
Men would always cheat on her because she was just a tramp, a hook-up and a slut! And Men like you would help rid the world of annoying young sluts like her! I whisper in your ear that I would help you kill and fuck her brains out, in any order you would like! 

Let me help you fuck her to death and torture this bimbo teen fuck doll!

He Punished Me

Taboo phone sexI walked in and he pushed me to the bed. I had been naughty and needed punished. The fear in my eyes pushes him harder and he became relentless. I had raised my head in public without his permission. Now I was to pay. He was going to humiliate me, and I had no choice to submit to my master. He put me in a latex dress with no panties, no bra and hooker boots. He attached my collar and put on my leash. Then he bent me over and without any lube at all rammed a huge butt plug deep inside of me. He smacked my ass and told me it was time. I hung my head and followed him as he put me in the car. We arrived at a run-down building that I knew all too well. A private club of dominates. He pulled my leash and I followed him. At the door he pushed my on all fours and made me crawl through the door into the middle of the room. There was a ring set up with whips and dildos and clamps and vibrators. He pulled me up and bent me over, pulled the butt plug out and rammed my ass hard for everyone to see. Then he ripped off my dress and told the crowd that I was theirs to do with what they pleased tonight. Would you like to hear all the kinky evil things they did to me? Or maybe you want to join in. I can never say no.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex

medical fetish phone sexMedical fetish phone sex calls are not what I get a lot. And I am grateful for that because every time a guy says he has a medical fetish I get a pit in my stomach. It is always some sort of wicked torture beyond any threshold a pain slut could have. This call was no different. Honestly, I should have hung up or said I had an appointment. The first thing he asked me was if I had Ben Gay. That was followed by if I had Q-tips. Most women over 30 have both.  That pit in my stomach grew bigger because I had a good guess about what he wanted me to do. I sat down on my bed and spread my legs, then my cunt. I grabbed a leather belt to bite down on because I knew it was going to hurt like a bitch. I also knew where I was putting it. He had no interest in putting that Q-tip in my pussy. We both knew that hole was a canyon compared to my urethra. He called it the 4th wonder on a woman’s body after the pussy, the ass and the mouth. I have had sounding devices in my pee hole before, and I piss glass and blood for days after it hurts so much.  I bit down on that leather strap and braced myself for pain. I much prefer snuff porn roleplays to torturing my own body. My eyes were welling up in anticipation. I did the best I could. I tried to jab the cotton tip down my pee hole. It was hard to talk, bite and shove at once, but I did it. And it hurt. It burned something awful, and it hurt like nothing else. Blood came back up on the Q-tip. My caller just laughed and told me thanks for playing before he nutted and hung up. I am still burning when I pee, but as long as u are happy, I am happy.

Taboo Phone Sex: Mutt Licking my Bald pussy

taboo phone sex

Even having hot taboo phone sex with my latest conquest couldn’t please me today. My wet bald pussy needed something more! I had masturbated for five straight hours cumming and cumming over and over. But it wasn’t like a man’s touch, a real man’s cock inside me. I didn’t get my full release. You know that thick milky cum a pussy has when she really gets to orgasm hard! I swear I had used almost my whole hand to finger fuck myself. Listen I know it’s really bad but we had just rescued a mutt and I saw how he was licking the inside of his kong toy. He wanted the treat inside. So this naughty one got an idea! I grabbed some peanut butter and smothered it all over my bald pussy and even down inside my wet hole. I needed that furry friends tongue deep in me! I whistled and called him over with my legs spread! Oh it was magnificent the way he lapped with his big four legged mutt tongue deep inside me and all around my pussy lips. I almost screamed! I grabbed him by the scruff and showed him how deep that tasty peanut butter really was! I got my huge cum finally and will be doing this again!

snuff movies for P-daddies

Would you like to make some snuff movies with me? Maybe I can find a delectable young prize for you to torture and rape fantasy fuck on video. Can you imagine the price men would pay just to watch you do the unthinkable with a slut of that tender age? How old you may ask? Well that’s up to your sick p-paddy needs! You a sicko pervert who loves fucking little girls up the ass! I know all about sicko dirty girl fuckers like you!snuff movies

My only request is that you let me choose how we finish her off.
I feel like a little strangle demon tonight and would love to put a rope around her neck and just pull when you say you’re about to cum in her torn up bloody ass!

There are men who would choose to keep a slutkin around forever, but I tell you she will age out and feeding her body to the pigs while she is still abrat is the best option. I want to make her scream, and I have a great little girl who imitates the pain cry!
So, you get a sick bitch to help you in your accomplice phone sex dreams and a girl who can make the sounds of a torture fuck doll! Don’t you want to become one of my nasty p-daddys who need a little something small and tight?accomplice phone sex

Torture Phone Sex Doll

torture phone sexTorture phone sex is what I am known for. Does not mean I like it. I hate it. I have always thought I was better than most of the abuse I take. My problem is that my coke addiction makes me vulnerable and desperate. Some guys treat me better than others. Some guys use me as they need and that may be as their accomplice or their victim. Some guys are generous and just trade a good fucking for a bag of coke. This weekend, I was with Earl. He is not the worst person I have been with nor the best. He is obsessed with my ass. That means he is always down to make me his ass rape porn star. I do not know how he does it. He gets my body contorted in the most awkward and painful positions. And once I am in those positions, he sticks whatever he can find in my asshole. It is usually just him and me, but this weekend he brought his teen son with him. It was sort of a macabre introduction to manhood. He wanted his son to learn how to abuse an old whore. Said no boy can become a man without fucking an old whore. The boy was not nervous at all. In fact, he was wildly excited. He put his fist in my ass and when he got shit on his knuckles, he made me lick it off. Gross. He put dildos in my ass, like many at a time and joked that it was a whore’s bouquet of flowers. He eventually fucked my asshole, but only after he tortured it and left it gaping wide. Junior had more fun than Earl ever had with me. He told me when he is older, he will take over his dad’s drug trade and I will have to work with him for my coke. Dear God. I do not look forward to that. Junior is already sick as fuck, and he has not even taken the SAT yet. 

Kidnapping Phone Sex With Aubree

Kidnapping phone sex

When I got bored last night all I could only think about was how fun it would be to snatch me a young dumb slut. I could fuck her asshole hard and deep with my new strap-on dildo. That is what I did I picked her up on the street like a hooker slut, but I could tell her youth under all her cum dried make up smeared face. As soon as she was in the apartment, I knocked her out with a handkerchief. Dirty slut woke up tied up and naked. I had my strap-on on. I slapped her with it a few times enough for her to open her mouth wide. I shoved my strap down her throat until she chocked and gaged. When it was wet and gooey, I pushed her on her belly and pushed my cock in her asshole.  She yelped out in pain, but I didn’t care that just fueled me more. I ripped her asshole open until she was lubricating my strap. I wrapped my hands around her throat as I kept pounding her hard. It exited my cunt so much having the pounding she was getting rubbing up against me, that I started cumming I didn’t even notice she had stop breathing and I had asphyxiated her. Her body was limp. I didn’t care I had cum very hard, I just had to figure what to do with her body.  

Castration Phone Sex for Darwin Award Winners

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is popular with me. I do a lot of castration calls weekly, but every now and then I meet a candidate for the Darwin Awards. Chuck was this week’s winner in my opinion. I met him months ago. He hired me to castrate him, then backed out at the last minute. It happens more often than I like. It is the reason I take a half payment up front. It is nonrefundable. I will not just let a small dick loser back out of an agreement without getting something out of it for my time. Chuck has been calling for months trying to get me to castrate him again, but I do not give losers a second chance to screw me over. My time is precious and there is a lot of preparation that goes into getting ready for a castration phone sex call. 

castration phone sexTwo nights ago, this Darwin candidate showed up bleeding at my front door. I was not sure how he knew where I lived. I never give out that information. He must have stalked me. I let him in my house, but he was not going to leave. The fucking idiot tried to castrate himself and ending up taking everything. He took  his cock. He wanted to pay me to attach his dick back on. He was not Lorena Bobbitt’s husband, and I was not a nurse. I was not going to attach his Frankenpenis. This stupid mother fucker deserved to die. He was too stupid to live. He managed to cauterize his wound. I could let infection set in and turn his body septic, or I could kill him because he was too stupid to live. I mean he really mutilated his junk. I was surprised he was still walking and talking. 

castration phone sexI was a bit disappointed that I could not remove his dick, but he did save me his worthless balls. I do love castration phone sex. I have a lot of sharp knives and even an old death row electrocution chair I converted into a castration chair. No one does more dick removal than me. Since Mr. Darwin Award did most of it for me, I was left with killing him. In his weakened state, he was no match for me. I was able to tie him up and carve up his body. I removed his nipples first. I cut his tongue out too.I saved the balls for last. Well not completely last because I stabbed his asshole with the knife I would have used to cut off his junk. The loser came to a castration queen to save his life. He definitely deserves the Darwin Award because Chuck is the stupidest man alive. Well, he was the stupidest man alive. 

I Bring Out You Violent Phone Sex Tendencies

violent phone sexI have been told that I bring out violent phone sex tendencies in men. Do you agree? When I met Matt, I thought he was a normal dude. You know, a guy into sports and music, not beating up women. I guess I was wrong because Matt turned out to be just another misogynistic asshole. We had a date last night. We had fun too. A movie and dinner with adult cocktails. I felt normal for a few hours. Once back at his house, I thought we might fuck. I wanted to fuck. He seemed into me, but it was all a rouse. He had other plans for me. My cocktail was spiked because I quickly became disoriented. I was falling down and slurring. The next thing I knew, I was hanging upside down in a dungeon being skull fucked by random men. I was duped for a gangbang rape porn. I could not talk well. I had my mouth full of dick and I was still groggy from the drugs. I remember them shocking my tits with something that looked like jumper cables. I am sure it was some sort of BDSM device. It made me piss myself. And when you are hanging upside down, if you pee it runs down your body and into your mouth. They laughed but I grimaced. They did not care that my urine was on their dicks. They kept savagely throat fucking me. I thought I might puke, but I held it back. I knew if I puked, I might choke or suffocate on my own vomit in that position. The blood was rushing to my head and causing a weird feeling too. They did not care. They used me for hours. Then Matt cut me down and they mounted me on a cold concrete floor like a dirty animal. They fucked my ass like an ass rape porn star next. It was another couple hours of abuse before I was let go. He told me if I said a word, he would kill me. He will just keep finding bimbos like me on Tinder and abusing them too.

From Ass Rape Porn Star to Accomplice

ass rape pornSometimes, I am not the star of an ass rape porn. Sometimes, I am the one inflicting the anal torture. My stepson was impressed with my ability to go from his victim to his accomplice so effortlessly last week. He gave me an assignment. If I completed the mission successfully, I would get coke and a reprieve from his abuse. He wanted to live stream a special show just for a select few who had paid big bucks for a particular type of show. It had to be private because there were some not so legal things that would be happening. When I am his victim, I am willing mostly. I am suffering the abuse for coke. This show had a much younger star, and far less willing one. In fact, she was not willing at all. I was tasked with finding the talent, so I went to the park. It was a cold winter day, but I knew there would be little girls sledding and playing in the winter wonderland. I found a girl and lured her back to my stepson’s house around the corner. It was scary how easy it was to lure her. Back at his place we drugged her. It was just a little smack like sex traffickers use to make their product more willing to play. I got out the largest double-sided dildo I could find, and I fucked her virgin holes. She was definitely a virgin because crimson blood flowed down her snowy white thighs. She was making soft whimpers, which the audience liked because those whimpers were followed by Bitcoin tip sounds. It felt good to be on the other side of the torture sex for once. I was destroying this girl’s holes, but in my world, it is survival of the fittest. My stepson was pleased with the girl I brought him and the damage I did to her ass and cunt. He gave me more than the amount of coke agreed upon.