I brought in a medium sized package from the next room. There I found my captive, a young teenage girl who had spent several hours secured with chains to a steel table. I opened
the package. In my right hand, I held up the ornate metal object smiling approvingly. One end of the object consisted of four oval bronze leaves perfectly nested, each one covering half
of the leaf next to it. Together the four leaves formed an ovoid sphere. The other end of the object consisted of a large screw connected to a handle. I showed the object to my captive. Her hysteria turned into a silent abject fear. I brushed aside one of her tears and spoke. “Sweetie…this little toy is called a the ‘Pear of Anguish’. It DOES look like a pear, doesn’t it?” I did not
wait for an answer. “I found this little toy in a museum of medieval torture when I was vacationing in Salzburg last summer. I fell in love with it as soon I saw it. So, when I returned to the
states, I commissioned a sculptor who works with metal to make me one. Wasn’t that clever of me?” She started to cry again. I continued. “So, here’s the fun part! I am going to insert the pear into you vaginally. As you can see, it’s only a little bigger than a tampon. So…no problem. Then, I am going to ask you trivia questions. Each time you guess incorrectly, I will twist the handle of the pear one rotation counterclockwise, and the leaves of the pear will separate a bit applying pressure to your vaginal wall. And with each turn the pain becomes that much more unbearable. Oooh…I’m so excited! I can’t wait to play!” She screamed. I looked at her with mock disdain. “Tsk tsk…no complaining before the game even starts, young lady.” I forcibly spread her legs and carefully inserted the pear in her vagina. When I finished, I smiled. “OK, sweetie…ready for your first question?”