Category: Accomplice phone sex


Snuff phone sex

I love finding used up things that still have a little bit of purpose left in them.  Take for example Shelly.  I first noticed her outside my building.  She was bedded down between two dumpsters in the back.  At first I thought it was just an old pile of clothing crumpled up, but as I lifted up the lid to the dumpster to put my trash in it, the pile moved.  I looked closer and it was a fucking person.  She stank, BAD!  She looked like she had been drug behind a car, bruised up, cut here and there, but she still had that clearness to her eyes, so I knew she was still in there beneath all that street filth.

I kicked her leg, she shrunk away from me, I kicked her again and said, “Hey, skunkgirl, you wanna sandwich or something?”  She turned her face fully toward me and said very quietly, “Yes please.”  Yes Please? Wow, Skunky had manners.  I told her to just follow me, as soon as I got inside the smell was horrible.  I said, “First things first, because you smell like a rotting whore’s cunt. You need to shower.”  I pushed her into the bathroom and had her toss out her clothing.  I immediately put them on my fire-escape, and waited for her to finish her shower.  She was taking forever, I actually at one point thought the dumb bitch drowned.  She came out with a towel wrapped around her, and even though she did wash, she was still nasty looking, no amount of soap was going to fully wash away that ground in putrid stink that came from her.

I told her to sit down at the table and I gave her a sandwich.  She ate it in like 12 seconds flat. I asked her what she was doing on the street, she almost curled into a ball.  I said, “What, does Mommy treat you mean? She take away your X-Box or something?”  Then I laughed.  I made her another sandwich and as she was eating it, she mumbled out that her Daddy had fucked her, and she liked it, so her Mommy kicked her ass out. 

I said, “So basically, you fucked your Mother’s husband like some sort of cheating ghetto bitch that has no self respect?”  She looked up at me, then she looked pissed, I guess I must of hit a nerve, and she stuck out her leg and that’s when I saw the scaring, it was fresh.  She said, “My Mom did this to me.”  I said, “What? Am I supposed to be outraged by it? You fucked her Husband.  What did you expect?” 

I said, “I threw away your clothing. You won’t need them anymore.”  She then started to thank me, saying shit like, “I am so glad you are giving me clothes, I have been wearing these same ones for two weeks.”  I gave her a glass of lemon aid, she drank it down.  I sat down slowly, lit a cigarette and watched.  At first she was all smiles, then she lurched forward, doubled over, and made this sound like a grunt.  She looked at me and her body started to shake, you could tell she wanted to say something, but by this time the froth started to spew out of her mouth.  I sat there smoking, not moving at all.  Her eyes did this weird thing, I thought they were going to explode, the smell that was coming from her mouth was acidic, it was the color of bile, I started to smile. 

Then it dawned upon her, I had put something in her drink.  She pushed herself back and fell to the floor, she tried to crawl, but I put my foot onto the back of her neck.  I squatted down so she could hear me really well above the noise she was making, I said, “What you did to your Mother was low, and what’s more lowly then a cockroach?  So I am treating you like one, and now all that is left is for me to stomp you out once and for all.”  I stood up, picked up my foot and did just that.

A Book For Her

I don’t often keep my slaves for very long. A few months is pretty much the longest they survive. Either I get tired of them and they no longer bring me pleasure, which insures their death in a slow and painful fashion as punishment for displeasing me in any way. Or they simply can’t stand  the torture inflicted upon them for my pleasure and they wither away. Weakness tends to take most of them and yet this too makes my pussy wet, knowing that I wore them down physically and emotionally. Demonstrating my dominance and superiority yet again. However Val was with me for almost nine years. She was in her late 20’s when I “obtained her” I won her from a friend who had enslaved her a few months before she became mine. When I first won Val I inflicted as much pain as I could upon her to test her will. Each time she surprised me. Torture that had caused others to pass out, cry, plead and beg for mercy, she took with a glassy look in her eyes, rarely flinching and never, ever crying out. She challenged me each and every time to push things further, to find more ways to inflict more pain. The constant challenge she presented brought me earth shattering orgasms and spawned more deviant ways to torture her. Yet each time she withstood my abuse, and I would cum not only from the pleasure of torturing her but from admiration of her resolve. After having her for about a year she happened to get pregnant  when a close friend won the chance to fuck her in a poker game one night. Fuck I was pissed when she started showing and I stepped up the torture for the rush of watching her loose the fucking thing at my hands. But true to form Val didn’t loose it, she had that little fucker and to my delight it was a girl. I made sure it was well cared for because if this little fucking thing had half of what her mother did in guts and fortitude she would be an excellent second generation slave. Over the years the mother/daughter duo has provided me with many hours of pleasure. Val died last week and I have to say I felt a slight twinge of sadness, but knew I still had her offspring. As a slave she certainly was not getting buried or getting any type of ceremony honoring her life or service. However I did feel like I wanted to keep a piece of her. So I gutted and skinned her, feeding her flesh to her daughter over the last week. I bottled her blood and stretched and dried her skin. I have cut her skin into pages creating a book bound by her dried intestines and using her blood as ink. I have begun to pen some of the most horrific moments of our time together to enjoy in the future. I am naming it “Valley of Death”torture phonesex angie

Accomplice Phone Sex with Jade

accomplice phone sex jade

I’ve always been a bit of a rebel. And by rebel I mean dark sadistic little slut with a need to be pained and bring pain to others as well. I’m so good at it too. I can grab up a cute little unsuspecting whore and bring her to you. I know how to pick them too… young and tender right? I love playing the sexy accomplice. I thrive on it. Fuck breakfast, sadism is the best meal of my day. I’ll follow your lead. I would love to watch you fuck her deep in her virgin ass hole while I play with my pussy that’s getting wetter every time a scream leaves her lips. I’ll even lick the blood off of your dick and then we can fuck right next to her almost lifeless body. If that bitch is too banged up I’ll snuff her ass and use some of her body parts as sex toys. How turned on are you right now? Your hard on will be a great asset to our journey. Lets plan our next evil adventure together tonight. Midnight is our meeting time. Be there or be square.

Without a Face

There are some who don’t like the way that I look and judge me. Calling me white trash, wierd, ugly.  That’s okay because, Evil has no face.  The things that I am capable of doing and have done don’t need a ‘pretty face’ to do them.  I still get laid, I still party, and I still think about and do bad things.

I am thinking now about the things  that I want to do to that pretty little bitch who thinks that her pussy is too good for anyone.  She laughs at me, turns her back, and walks away with an attitude-until I help you to capture her.  She quickly finds out that her little bald pussy is for the taking.  She learns some things that school never taught her:  and that’s how to become the helpless victim of people who want to use her and  hurt her, and when its over, shooting  huge cum loads down her throat. I choke her and punch her in the face, until she passes out. Her once pretty face is all bruised up, bloodied and swollen. (Her mother has been roughed up and force-fucked).

I hate that bitch, so when it is all over, I lay on top of her motionless, frail body with my little wet pussy rubbing against her’s, as the man who fucked her against her will switches off from fucking my hot, creamy pussy and ass to her motionless cunnie and asshole. He cums again, but this time it is all over her beautiful, long dark hair. I cum with him and kiss him as I cream all over his cock. Then I rub my creamy little pussy back and forth, all over her quiet and swollen lips;  wiping my cunnie juices all over her  face.  He and I are so turned on from what we did that I finger her little pussy while he shoves his hard  cock down her throat until he blows another load. When she  wakes up, she will know what its like to not feel pretty.  Fuck that Bitch.

Dressed To Kill

You know, when I told you that I was not one to be fucked with I wasn’t kidding. It’s so pathetic to think that just because you look at me at a beautiful, erotic, sadistic little numpho that is all there is to me.

Sadistic Phone Sex

I  told you when we met, my dark side is VERY twisted and VERY deviant, my tastes are not for everyone. Were you just trying to get your throbbing, rock hard cock wet in my tight, smooth pussy?

I had hoped I was wrong but it seems you have once again underestimated me and that really insults my intelligence and tests my patience. It seems to me that there really is no getting through to you so what I have in mind is to show you up close and personal just how lethal and serious my intentions are.

It’s not difficult to get my plan into action, you are nothing but predictable baby. When I invite you over to squash our argument you seem genuinely relieved that I have forgiven you an want to begin again in our relationship.

Luring you here was so easy, you never would think I had any ulterior motives; simply having a raw, intense fuck session is all you can think about and I plan on giving you all you fantasized about and so much more. I want you  to use every inch of my body and I will show you pleasure like you have never known before.

We will fuck each other raw before then end of  the night, as i drag my red nails into your flesh blood trickles out and slowly drips down your back. I ask you if that was a problem, does the blood freak you out. but you assure me that it was fine you actually think it’s fucking hot!

Oh, baby that is so good to hear, I begin riding your thick fuck pole harder and faster and I know it won’t be long until my delicious cunt is filled with your creamy, hot jizz. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as your cum so fucking hard, shooting load after load deep inside me.

Sadistic Phone Sex

Mmm, feels so good baby, and I’m so happy you don’t mind it when it gets messy and we take it to the next level. I especially love that your not freaked out by a little blood getting spilled, and before you process what I just said you feel the cold steel blade slice deeply across your neck from ear to ear.

As you slowly lose consciousness, I lean over you with your still hard dick inside my dripping snatch, “Now do you see you should have never, ever underestimated and insulted someone you have no business going up against. It’s a shame, some people just have to learn their lessons the hard way.”  

A Rape Fantasy and Murder Fantasy: I don’t Think So!

imageedit_67_4044709689I was the ‘other woman’-in a sadistic love triangle-lasting for 6 months-until we killed your wife. Yesterday, I was your accomplice, as we tortured-defiled-and made your wife the victim-and recipient of our rape fantasies (brought into fruition).  I crawled silently on the floor-to your bedroom-where she slept alone-waiting for your return.  You returned all right-after ejaculating inside of my asshole-I love rough sex (HAHAHA). You were behind me, holding a fucking-huge-nail-spiked baseball bat-to be used to bludgeon your wife to death.  I carried jagged edge knives in my bra-and a large spiked, strapon cock (attached to my hip, via a holster-like a pistol (HAHAHAHA)).  After restraining her to the bed, I used my nail embedded strapon-forced myself into her fuck holes. You were standing over her, beating her skull-while I stabbed her. Blood splattered everywhere-she screamed-shrilling screams of-agony-fear. Each time that you wailed on skull with the spiked bat-I got wetter (HAHAHAHA). Each thrust of my knives into her chest and stomach caused her ass muscles to grip my strapon hard-like she used to grip your dick (HAHAHA). It did not take long before she stopped moving. We put her body inside of a huge, sturdy (economy sized) trash bag-threw it into the trunk of your car-dumped it into a heavily wooded area (the next town over). We cleaned the room with bleach-removed all traces of our crime.


Shhhhhhh.  Drift, let go, float among the silent souls, be at peace.  Take nothing with you, do not try to hold on, fore there is nothing of you left here.  The time you spent with Me has come to fruition, there is nothing more.  Scraps of you are all that remain, pieces of what your essence was: your quiddity: has run it’s course.  I helped it along, to mature, to grow rapidly, to teach you what you were born to do.  You were born to be torn asunder, to be pain’s mistress, to hang onto hope, then witness it crash to the cement when you realized that hope had forsaken you.  Shattered, broken, twisted images are all that remain, they too are starting to darken aren’t they My sweet.  How ragged your breath is, wet sounding, short, your mouth gasping toward the sky in one last valiant effort to survive.  Do not fool yourself, do not allow your light to go out with this lie in your head.  I will help you once more, I will give you one last kiss upon those crimson stained lips tinged with a purple hue. My fingers will slither around your delicate throat, My grip will tighten, your wide eyes will flutter closed, and your quiddity will be released into the atmosphere, to fade into nothing.

Are You Brave Enough?

Accomplice Phone sexYou think you understand me, and why I do the deliciously evil things I do. You also seem to think you understand what you want, but I know better. Creating an atmosphere for pleasure, pain and desire is what I do best, and if you think about it too long or too hard you will back out. I don’t mind doing all the work and I don’t mind providing all the entertainment, but I do mind if you back out. I know you want this as much as I do, hmm, maybe even more. The low moans, the soft tears, the screaming, the crying, the begging, and all the sights, sounds, smells and flavors that go along with this incredible adventure are yours for the taking. Don’t rob yourself of this experience because you’re afraid. Let me take you down the path you know you want to be on, the path you deserve.

When you chose your victim you had specific criteria, and I don’t care what the criteria is. I just wanna bring the ultimate pain to this little bitch in a way that’s going to make your cock throb in ecstasy.  Watching you split her little pussy in half is incredibly hot, so I will be extremely disappointed if you don’t follow through. Don’t worry baby, just leave everything to me and I promise you’ll have such an unforgettable time!  You will be drawn back to me time and time again to fulfill all your secret twisted fantasies.

Sweet Death…

snuff phone sex ivy (2)

She clawed at the sheets as I devoured her sweet juicy pussy. I must say I enjoyed every minute of it. Watching her squirm and feeling her pull my hair was definitely turning me on. I reached down to pet my own pussy and found it soaking wet. I grabbed her by the ankles and spread her legs wide open so I can see that pussy smile at me before I gave her clit the best kiss it’s ever had. Keeping one hand on her delicious little kitty, I kiss up her body and gently put the other hand around her neck. I begin to choke the bitch. I kept ramming my fingers into her pussy and watched the life drain from her eyes as I clenched her neck. She clawed at my arms and face but I couldn’t let go. Not til the job was done. There was no turning back. The moment she stepped into my dungeon she should have known it was the end of the road. This bitch was going to die and now she knew for sure. As soon as she went limp I pushed that lifeless hoe off of my bed and fell into a peaceful satisfied slumber.

A Little Dirt Never Hurt

Snuff Phone Sex

A little dirt never hurt, at least that is what my Mother used to tell me.  I have learned that a lot of dirt can though.  If you pile it on thick enough.  It can cave in your chest, it can be sucked into lungs, it can get caked in the nose.  I guess my Mother just never played in dirt the right way.  Take for example this idiot.  I kept telling her, shut up.  Did she listen? Nope.  Do I have to hear her whiny voice anymore? Nope.  I’ll leave that to the worms.  They can put up with her.  I’ll leave her out there for awhile.  Not that she will last long, what with the gag, and bag over her head, but I’ll go out in a bit anyway, just to check on her.  I really hated to have to do what I did, she was a lot of fun to play with.  Her soft, creamy skin bruised up so nicely.  Have you ever seen a hymen rip? It is one of the most glorious sights to see, and now I bet there are bugs all up inside her by now.  Maybe I’ll send this picture to my Mother to show her that dirt can hurt, if the proper amount is used.