Necrophilia phone sex can be so HOT! It takes all kinds. And I am not one to judge. I mean, I wouldn’t want anyone to judge me. I like the hunt. The stalking. The moment of the take. That is what does it for me. I like to take my time and enjoy them. Watch them squirm. Listen to them beg. I like to play with my prey like a good pussy does. I like to slowly cut their clothes off. I use an EXTRA big knife, just to make sure it is extra scary. Then comes the cleaning. The scrubbing. And the bondage, All things that REALLY turn me on. But I also really enjoy watching. I want to watch you play with my pray also. I want to watch you fuck her. I want to watch you stretch her open as I wrap my fingers around her throat and slowly choke the life out of her. I want to watch her spasming on your hard cock. And then. I want to watch you fuck her dead body till you shoot your load deep inside of her!
Category: Accomplice phone sex
Tell me a secret
Come on baby. Tell me something dirty! I tell you that it turns me on. I whisper it in your ear as I slide my body over yours. I tell you how much I want to fuck you. You just have to tell me a secret. Tell me how much better I am than your wife. Tell me how it turns you on that I am soooo young. Tell me everything. My young tight body is rubbing all over you. I can feel how hard you are. I know how much you want me. You have been sniffing around for months. Hitting on me when you wife isn’t around. I am gonna let you fuck me. Ooooh you don’t know I am video taping this. You don’t how much this fuck is going to cost you. Lol…. And you wont until I start blackmailing you. The screwing you get for the screwing you got. I mean lets face it… That is exactly what a perv like you deserves. And I plan to make you PAY!
Dark and Cloudy
There is nothing more fun and exciting to me than to be the sexiest accomplice you’ve ever experienced, but sometimes a girl is presented with a situation that she has to just deal with on her own. There is a man that lives across the street from me, and he can’t seem to mind his own business. Every time I turn around this cock sucking piece of shit is in my face! I constantly hear how he will soon teach me how to me a good little girl, and how he would love to put me in my place. Staring at my tits seems to be his favorite past time, so this morning when I walked out my door and saw him on my front porch I decided now was the time to do something about it.
I invited him in for some coffee, and he accepted. I could tell he was a little apprehensive because I am never nice to him, but he came in and had coffee anyway. I slipped a roofie into his coffee and it did the job! He was passed out in a few minutes, so I took him to my basement and tied him to a table that I have setup down there. He was now bound, gagged and unconscious, so I left and ran my errands knowing I’d be back before he woke up.
Several hours later I returned and the piece of shit was still sleeping, so I started preparing for his fun and eventful evening. I cut all his clothes off of him and tied his balls up into a knot with fishing line, and that seemed to be what woke him up. I wrapped his pathetic little cock around his balls and rubber banded them together. He was struggling to get away, but when he saw the blade I pulled out of my pocket he really started to squirm. I just finished with his loser piece of shit ass, and I’m positive he won’t bother anyone else ever again.
Lyrics from Nine Inch Nails
You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you
Help me, I broke apart my insides
Help me, I’ve got no soul to sell
Help me, the only thing that works for me
Help me get away from myself
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole is existence is flawed
You get me closer to God
You can have my isolation
You can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith
You can have my everything
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God
Help me tear down my reason
Help me it’s your sex I can smell
Help me you’re making me perfect
Help me become somebody else
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God
Blood Ties
I want for us to become closer. I have just purchased a new box of razor blades. I have been cutting designs into my stomach, my legs, breasts, and my pussy; watching the blood trickle down my flesh. I love the feel of my cuts, a unique hue of red. Do you want to play in my crimson patterns? I will skillfully and gently slice your chest, multiple times, careful not to harm you, make it bleed and lick the blood. Do you like to lick a pussy that is bleeding from menstruation? I’ll take out my tampon and let you devour my blood. I am a sexy vampire. Let’s Smear our blood onto one another, make abstract paintings, like artists-just like Picasso. I can sprinkle my pretty crimson colored bloody love potion; putting you under my my evil spell, turning you into my mindless sex-zombie. Lets mix our blood, become blood-lovers. I have a nice collection of knives that I would love to show you. We can cut and have wild and intense sex.
Dying with a Stiff Cock, in the hands of a Psychotic Bitch…
I have been having wet dreams about strangling you, as you lay fast asleep in my bed. While you are asleep, I go into the garage and grab a long electrical chord, wrap it around your neck, tighten it, tie a slip knot (tying each end of the chord to the left and right bed posts; above your head). You wake up with fear in your eyes. You look at me, grab your neck and gasp for air!!!! I approach you; pretending that I do not know what happened. I act like I am trying to set you free. Instead, I tighten the cord. I lie, telling you not to worry. I tell you to wait where you are (HAHAHA). I go into my bedroom dresser drawer and grab a long pair of scissors. I close the blades; insert them inside of the extension chord and begin to twist (removing the slack). I pretend that I am trying to break open the wire and release you. You look up at me with desperation in your eyes, gasping, coughing, wheezing. Mucus and phlegm spew from your mouth and nose. You sweat profusely; shivering (you already begin to smell like death). HAHAHA-you stink!!! I tell you not to worry. I lie, I tell you that I will save you. I climb on top of you and tell you to hold on-not to give up!! With tears in your eyes, you grip your neck, ,take your last breath, and then…… you become limp. FINALLY, you are dead (with a hard cock). My work is done here. I suck your cock and then get on top of you (inserting your dead, but stiff cock inside of my asshole). I rub my pussy and ride your deceased cock, until I cum all over it. Come sleep with me. My bed is open.
An Open Window Invitation
I will come to them when they least expect it. Snug, warm, in their beds. Little heads peaking from beneath covers tucked tightly around them. Rosie cheeked, soft lipped fuck meat puppets are what they are. They just do not know it yet, but I do. All it takes is one unlocked window, one unlocked door, and I consider that my invitation in. You know, sometimes I do not even do anything. Sometimes just the fear of something is just as good as the act.
Last summer I was in Michigan. There was a cabin not far from the one I was staying at. I would see the family out on the lake. They would yell, scream, splash, they would have such a great time, like all cookie cutter douche bag families do. They had one young girl with them, who didn’t do any of that, she would just sit on the grass and watch. When they were outside cooking, she would sit at the picnic table and just stare out at the water. Since I am all tactful and shit, I went over there one day and said, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” The woman came rushing over and put her arms around her like I had the fucking plague or something. She goes, “Stay away from her, her sister drown last year and she is having a hard time.”
What…the…fuck?!? Who the hell takes someone to a place that would remind them of an event like that?…”Oh you just got out of rehab? Great! Glad you’re back, now let’s go buy some crack!” Jesus! Actually it made me laugh and think, ‘Why didn’t you think of that Raven.” That bit of information was all I needed to work out in my warped little brain how to make her vacation all the more special. I grabbed one of the other screaming things that had come out of the water to towel off and asked her what her sister’s name was. She told me that the girl wasn’t her sister, but her cousin, like I gave a fuck, I still wanted a name, and not just that name, but the name of the floater too.
For the next three nights, I waited until everyone was asleep, climbed up to where I had seen her at night, and found; luckily for me; no locked windows. I would climb in there, sit in this one corner, perched up on this low stool, and I would whisper her sister’s name, over and over again. She would wake up eventually, look into the corner, and I would just lean forward a bit so she could just see the lower part of my face, and say her sister’s name again. The chick would freak the fuck out! She would run out of that damn bedroom so fast. I would just go to the window, climb back out, and wait behind one of the trees. I bet she thought she was going crazy.
The last day I saw her, she was crying and looking upstairs. The adults had those worried “OMG, what are we going to do” looks on their face. As they pulled away in their stupid car, I waved and blew them a kiss. I always wonder if that crying girl remembers the voice in her bedroom, and the dark hooded figure with the alabaster skin, and blood red lips that whispered her dead sister’s name at the lake when she tries to sleep at night, and if she has to draw pictures of it for her Adolescent Psychiatrist.
Once a year a celebration takes place. One in which I am honored to be a part of, as not many are. We conduct this gathering to insure each and every One of Us protection throughout the coming year, so that We may continue Our work in the Name of The Ancients, and no I am not referring to the Christian God. The Ones I worship are the Old Ones, from a time long past, whose dogma has been pushed under the carpet as it is considered barbaric.
This year it was the task of Another to obtain the Sacrificium. For one year, it is ordained that the Sacrificium must be kept safe, to be trained up in it’s foretold duty at the next celebration. It is not to be taken lightly. From what I have been told, the year with the Sacrificium is tedious. You must spend each free second working with them. They need to memorize the words to use, the proper etiquette, the proper mannerisms, how they are to address Those in attendance. For the first few months, this would be a bit irritating to say the least. However, by the time of the Celebration, they are ready.
They are dressed in what some would consider a Baptismal Gown. They are pure, they are innocent, and they help to insure that We have a Blessed year. This year, it has been told that the Sacrificium is particularly special. They have made rapid progress in their preparation. I am looking forward to this Celebration with great anticipation. When We raise them up in Our hands to hold them before They who perform the Holy Act, the thrill that courses through Me is unlike anything else I have ever experienced. If you do not know what “Sacrificium” is, it is the term used for a “Blood Sacrifice.”
What Friends are For!
Men who say women belong in the kitchen. Obviously don’t belong in the bedroom. So what good are they? I was doing some errands and I overheard some guy laughing with his friends. He was bragging that women shouldn’t be allowed out of the kitchen. And then he had the BALLS to make some rude comments to me when I walked by him. He mentioned how I looked like a whore. And no woman of HIS would have tattoos. Like women are property. To be owned and controlled. To be used. And as I was walking away… I got more and more PISSED! How dare he talk like that to me. That is what is wrong with men now days! And there is NO way I will allow some worthless piece of shit to talk like that to me. To call me a whore! Fuck him. I turned right around. And walked up to him. I got right in his face and asked him what the fuck he said. Well he bolstered and preened for his friends. Called me a dirty whore and made the fatal mistake of pushing me back. That was all I was waiting for. I needed him to put his hands on me first. I grabbed his hand and twisted it hard hearing it SNAP. As I planted my 4 inch heel, right into his knee cap. He went down like a sack of potatoes When I ripped my shoe out it took a big clump of his knee with my heel. All his friends shut their fucking mouths fast after that. I told that fucker that if I ever saw him again. It would be much worse. And to keep his fucking thoughts to himself. I am not sure he heard me over his screams. But I am sure his friends will remind him … Forever!
Let’s Play a Game
Lets play a game. Bring me a cute big breasted slut and I’ll see how much torture she can endure before finally just giving up on this life all together. I’m in the snuffing type of mood but I definitely would like to have a ton of fun before I waste a perfect good live body. I’ll tie you and that bitch up so your bodies shape like X’s. We will start off real nice and freaky. Let’s pretend I’m in control kind of like a hardcore sexy domme, except I wont be kidding at all. You know that, she doesn’t. I have my whip (with the spikes at the tips) and a baseball bat sized dildo I won’t be shy about using them. I’ll suck on her huge titties and your thick dick, just for my enjoyment of course. Maybe eat a little pussy too. Pussy should always be wet, dry ones make me mad. Then the torture will begin. Flesh will be cut and burned. Screams will be loud. But no one will hear her. My dungeon is not just for show. Stupid bitch. After I have tortured the slut almost lifeless, I’ll untie her and let you stick your dick down her throat until she chokes. Snuff mission: complete.