Category: Accomplice phone sex

Blasphemy Phone Sex, If You Dare

blasphamy phonesex angieAs I slowly circle her bleeding and broken body I dip my fingers into my wet cunt bringing them to my lips and savoring the juices that her pain made flow down my thighs. My nipples are so hard they hurt and the pain from their straining only serves to increase the flow of liquid between my legs. We have been here for hours. I lost count of how many bones I have broken. Looking at her laying there bleeding and in agony brings me such pleasure. It really is sinful to enjoy this so much. But then that is what makes it so much fun! I can’t count the number of times she has begun to pray to that fucking God of hers. It makes me sick to hear her uttering his name. Praying for his help. Bitch please, he can’t help you, he won’t help you, he isn’t fucking here and he isn’t fucking real. I can’t count the number of times I have said “Fuck your God, where is he?” and I can’t count the number of times she has felt my wrath for uttering the words “God loves you and he forgives you” This bitch just doesn’t get it. I need to show her once and for all just what I think of her fucking God and his bullshit forgiveness. I am a cunt’s hair from snuffing this bitch, she has served me well. But I just can’t end it before the ultimate blasphemy. The final dig before ending this game. I go to the basement where I have boxes of things that belonged to others. I know I have seen some religious crap in there. I take my time as I enjoy the sound of her cries up stairs. And then I find them, a huge brass cross with a man hanging from it and a statute of a virginal woman with her blue veil on.  I carry them up stairs and show her what I have. As I get between her legs she is sobbing hysterically, and I can’t stop cumming. “This is what your God is doing to you, fucking you” The scream she lets out as I shove the statute up her ass head first and the cross up her swollen and bruised pussy at the same time brings me to an orgasm to top all orgasms. I use my pelvis to shove them deep in her as I lean over and wrap my hands around her neck. As I squeeze slowly, enjoying taking her last breath, I take great pleasure in knowing the last words she hears are “A-fucking-men”blasphamy phonesex witch

Deadly Sweet

DeadlySweetWhen I first heard about “National Cheesecake Day” I thought, how silly.  I like cheesecake but I didn’t get having an entire holiday named after it.  Then I started thinking I could totally use this to my advantage!  What better way to lure in prey with sweets?  Sure it’s a bit cliche’ but with my innocent looks and angelic voice, they’ll never see it coming!  Of course with something like this I’ll need an accomplice.  I have so many special helpers lol!  I invited a few neighbors and encouraged them to bring their families.  I do like variety after all.  My deadly sweet treats looked like something fresh out of a Rob Zombie movie.  I told them I was just getting an early start on Halloween but the silence in the room could be cut with a knife.  Oh well, the jig is up, giggles.  Now it’s time for total annihilation.  We rounded them up like cattle to the slaughter.  I let my special helper have some fun with the Moms and young ones while I got everything prepared in the basement.  One by one they screamed and begged, pleading for their lives.  I just giggled at them telling them in my sweet little voice not to worry, they would get their just desserts. 

He Is My Master

torture phonesex karma1He is so powerful. He owns my soul and I do his bidding gladly. he comes to me when he feels the need. He is always in control and takes my body, mind and soul as he wishes. He taught me everything I know about the dark arts. He continues to teach me. He demands complete dedication and devotion. He will take nothing less then obedience.
I have felt his pull the last week. I know he is coming soon. He has been watching me lately and I have been serving him well. Tonight, under the light of the moon, I will sacrifice a virgin. I will remove her beating heart and offer it up to him. He will be pleased. he will reward me well when he comes for my loyalty, devotion and obedience.
My pussy waits with anticipation for his attention. When he admires my body and rewards me it is unearthly pleasure.
Like wise when I have displeased him, his wrath is painful and the lesson is not soon forgotten.
I have felt both his pleasure and pain and I strive to please him daily. Tonight he will be very pleased, I am sure of it. Soon he will come to me from the shadows of the darkness and take what is his. And I will give it freely.

Torture Phone Sex In The House of Hell

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Francis, Storm and I love to get together with our victims and enjoy the pleasure of mutual torture and pain. We fucking get off  hearing the sound of the screams in unison as we stand back and make each other cum, basking in the glow of our torture. Last week when we were driving around looking for victims, we came across a house with an overgrown yard and menacing appearance. We had to go check it out. Once inside we were delighted to find blood stained floors and walls. The smell of death was in the air and we were thrilled. We decided to do some more research and get the scoop on this place. We found out that a master mind mass murderer used this place for his fucking and  killing zone. He would bring his victims here and torture them, dismemberment the bodies and burring them next to the house. They found twenty bodies, chopped up into pieces here and the place is reported to be fucking haunted. It is known now as The House of Hell. Tonight we are taking our victims to this house we are going to torture and molest them from sun down to midnight while we fuck each other to their screams. We have metal skewers that we are going to insert into their dicks, tits and pussies and a truck battery with jumper cables to give them electric shock. We have several bottles of alcohol to pour on open wounds and cuts that will be strategically applied. We have fish hooks and  whips and branding irons to burn their flesh. It is going to be exquisite. At midnight we are going to dismember them at the same time. We aren’t going to use saws they are to fast and easy, we are going to hack them with axes, blood flying as it takes several blows to remove each limb. When we are done we will bury them by the house. This is going to be a night of fun! I love girls night out with my wicked fucking friends!torture phonesex house

Step Parents

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 Every one knows Step-Parents do not even deserve to be here. They are fucking annoying, they really think they can tell you what to do. That is what I have had for my Step Mother for the longest time. Today the bitch just took it way to fucking far. She is always complaining about something. Today was enough. She told me that I needed to watch my little brother again knowing how much the little fucking brat gets on my nerves. She walked off as I was talking to her so I wait till the bitch was in the shower when I crept in the bathroom took my knife out from behind my back and stabbed the fucking cunt over and over again till her body went limp and fell into the bathtub that’s when I leaned over and cut the fucking cunts tongue out now she will do no more fucking nagging. If her son don’t shut up he will next!


Evil is as EVIL does…

Accomplice phone sex Roxy dead

Enchanted by me Ehhhh?   Can’t say I blame you, I am one sexy BEAST!  Don’t worry I fully realize while you find me sexy my body is not the reason you seek me out.  My devious mind and creative wicked soul is what keeps bringing you back for more.

I had a bit of a debate the other day.  A friend of mine told me that all people are inherently born good.  I tend to disagree.  My mother has always said from the moment I broke my way out of her womb that I was different.  That I have always been cold and calculated from the day I took my very first breath in this world.  My mother is not evil, nor is any other member of  my family that I am aware of.  I didn’t inherit my lack of care for human life.  Well unless Satan himself shot his load up my mom’s cunt, then I suppose it could be inherited.

Accomplice phone sex murder

Some how or another in the grand scheme of things I was born the way I am.  The only thing that has ever been good about me is how good I am at being evil.  Does that count?  My greatest pleasure in life isn’t about being morally correct or socially conscience , it’s about making people suffer.  I am not prejudice in who suffers either.  Any ethnicity, age, sex, religion or lack there of.  If you fucking breathe air you are a prime target to suffer for me.

Accomplice phone sex Roxy

Here I am waiting to be the next 5 o’clock news report.  Question is am I the killer of your dreams or the killer of your nightmares?  Are you my victim or my culprit in crime?  THAT is the question!

School is in session

2 girl call phone sexAria and I went back to school, not to learn or anything, we went there to kill. Just picture it, a whole classroom filled with tiny victims all of them watching in horror as we killed their teacher, hot as fuck right? Believe me it was! We didn’t stop with the teacher either, one by one every single brat in that room was killed and killed slowly. We had so much fun! All those little brats screaming in agony, all that blood glistening, the sound of their tiny bones breaking one by one It was paradise! Aria had one of the little whores bent over the desk while she shoved a chair leg up her ass and I swear it was the funniest thing I have ever seen! She didn’t even break the leg off the chair first and when it wouldn’t go in far enough, she just laid the bitch on the floor and sat on the fucking chair! It was awesome! We were so tired by the end, it takes a lot of work to kill so many at once but damn it was fun!

Accomplice phone sex is just the begining…

accomplice phone sex BlazeAccomplice phone sex is just the beginning of the fun  . But I warn you… I am like poison! I get under your skin and tear you apart. I am toxic. Once you have a taste you are Doomed! You will never get rid of me. I make sure I am burned into your memory for however long I chose.  I am just a little thing. A pretty little thing dumb ass think safe. They so easily trust such a sweet little thing… lol And it is the last mistake they will ever make. I promise I shall not go easy. I will not be merciful. I will slowly slice and cut until there is nothing left of them. Mmmmmm And I shall enjoy every delicious moment of their pain. Cum with every agonizing thrust of my blade. And you can help me, And be corrupted forever!  You will belong to me. Because I am the only one who can give you what you need.

Killer phone sex with Storm


Killer phone sexKiller phone sex is what I offer! I don’t just mean Im good at what I do.. but I am! I mean I am going to fucking KILL someone! I going to rip them apart. Make them Bleed! I want to watch them suffer. Beg and plead! But in the end they won’t live. I even cum from the pain I give! Every cut, bruise and slash. Brings me closer to heaven. Makes me feel so alive. As your life slips away. Until you finally die. But that is the way it goes! Some people are here to hunt. Some are here to be prey. The natural order of thing. That is just the way. And if you are very very lucky… I may let you cum along. I don’t mind sharing my hunt. Something so good cant be wrong.

Ten Ticks To Torture


torture phonesex karmaLiving in the woods like I do I have all kinds of fetishes. One is known as Formicophilia it is the pleasure of feeling insects crawling on my skin. I love to lay in the grass and let all types of bugs crawl all over my naked flesh while I rub my clit and pussy cumming over and over again from the pleasure.
It occurred to me that I could take this one step farther and give an unwilling victim the same pleasure while at the same time being pleased by a form of torture.
What has my sick and twisted mind come up with now? Oh my friend sit back and enjoy as I recall the events for you.
I captured an unwilling victim, a skinny, anorexic looking bitch and dragged her back to my camp in the woods.
I tied her to a tree and made sure she was feed and hydrated before going off into the woods to gather my “insects”
I could only find 10, those little bastards are hard to locate. But I came back with what I could find.
Making sure they “nestled” into her flesh I placed them in places that would please me. One on each pussy lip, one on each tit, one on the rim of her ass, one behind each ear, one on each eye lid and one in her navel.torture phonesex tick
I went to bed satisfied and slept dreaming of the results. When I woke up and checked they were already becoming swollen with blood.
I made us breakfast and ate well trying to imagine what would happen next. I feed her and went about my day.
By night fall to my delight they were engorged with blood, As I pulled them off to replace them in other areas they left a festering sore that I knew would become infected with out being cleansed, and of course I had no intention of cleansing them.
I replaced them on her body and went back to sleep. In the morning I checked again, by now they were so swollen and the original bites were festered and infected and I couldn’t help but to masturbate as I examined them.
Time to pull them off and replace them again, creating more sores and giving them more to feed on.
It was a slow and agonizing death for her. it took almost two whole weeks as the 10 ticks I captured from the woods feed on her and created sores that became infected and contracted gangrene, rotting her flesh, sucking her blood.
I came several times at the pleasure of her pain over the course of that time. In the end I ate every one of those ticks engorged with her blood. She served me well. Don’t you wish you were there to share my twisted pleasure?