I’ve got a secret. Can you keep it? Sure, I’ve got a fucking rosary around my neck. I walk by all of those spoiled girly-girls all of the time and I just smirk at them. I’m a bitter bitch, but I know what’s up. When I get myself alone, I can always count on the special white stuff I store in my necklace. You want to puff a little bit of this powder, huh? Yeah, baby, I’ve got you covered. The two of us can have a lot of fun. First, I’ll do lines of this coke off your dick while you spank my cheek with it. Then we’ll really fuck a slut up. Have you ever held a tramp down and shoved stuff up her holes? I love to get my fist and punch them up there until they’re screaming for more. “Say your prayers, little girl!” we’ll shout at that whore. Then the two of us will bang her from every orifice she has. Messing up those holes, getting them nice and full of your cum. And when we’re done and need to dispose of the mess, I’ll take my rosary out and thank God Almighty for bringing us such a fun little fucktoy! Cum with me, baby, and we’ll go as high as the sky, screwing every dumb slut we run into on the way there.
Category: Accomplice phone sex
The Perfect Accomplice
I love it when a plan comes together. My cunt gets all worked up as we grab the little bitch and carry her off. His dick is rock hard and he can’t even wait till I get home. He pulls his hard cock out and shoves it between her lips, in her mouth and all the way down the back of her throat making her choke and puke in my fucking car. For that I punch the bitch square in the face and blood spurts out of her nose all over the seat. When I get this cunt home I am going to fuck her up the ass with a wooden stake before my accomplice has a chance to touch her. We are a good team, he and I. We know just what the other likes and how to fuck up young girls that are born and bred for one thing and one thing only, to be our worthless fucking whores and be tortured for our pleasure. Her ass was so fucking bloody when I got done with it that he couldn’t resist shoving his cock up her and getting her blood all over it before making her lick it clean. And this is just the start of our fun today. Back to fucking her up I go with a fresh drink in one hand a cigarette in the other and one immediate goal in mind, to burn this bitch and pour alcohol on her open sores while we listen to her scream!
Snow White and the Gang
It’s just so fucking sweet how these cute little bitches love their Disney Princesses. I doubt they are ready for my version of a Disney Classic!
ONCE UPON A TIME there lived a sweet little Princess who was driving her Daddy crazy. She pranced around Daddy in the cutest little outfits that barely covered her tiny little ass. The King had a “hard” time controlling himself. How dare this little bitch tease him like that?!
SNOW WHITE AND HER GANG were infamous across the land for bringing about madness and mayhem wherever they went. Snow heard of a King in a distant land that was struggling with his desires and knew it was a job for her and the gang!
SNOW WHITE VISITED THE KING to turn him around to her type of thinking. She told the King how the Princess was practically begging for his cock and the King should take advantage of it while she was still nice and tight. Why wait for some fucking Prince to take the goods you worked so hard to take care of right??? It didn’t take much to convince him! Snow made plans to lure the sweet little Princess into a trap.
THE KING AND THE GANG waited in the Dungeon while snow made her way through the castle to the little bitches room. Of course the room was pink and girlie with tons of toys and stuffed animals spread about. The sweet little brat was sleeping soundly in her canopied bed. Snow smiled down at such an easy mark before shaking her awake. Snow told her that bandits had raided the castle and her Daddy was fighting them off with all his might. She told the girl they had to get somewhere safe and led her down to the dungeon. The King and the gang were hidden in the shadows when Snow walked the trusting little slut inside.
SNOW BOLTED THE DOOR and lit the torches. The Princess found herself surrounded by naked dwarves with monster cocks! They tore her clothes off and laughed. The little bitch looked at Snow for help only to find Snow with her legs spread wide rubbing her cunt. The gang took turns on her sweet little face, skull fucking the little whore into tears. They blew their loads one by one. After Dopey was finished with her, he threw her onto a dusty mattress. That’s when she saw the King, coming out of the shadows, stroking his cock. Snow came to the girls side and whispered, “This is really gonna hurt!” The King smiled down at his little Princess as he groped her. Snow helped him rub his cock up and down her tiny little snatch before guiding his cock head into that sweet little honey pot. Snow stood behind the King grabbing the bitch’s legs and yanked her hard onto the King’s cock. The Princess screamed while the gang laughed and cheered the King on!
And they Fucked Happily Ever After. The End!
Frankly, I’m A Fucking Monster
Everyone has a method–everyone. I don’t care if you’re a white collar professional, a bus boy at Denny’s, or a rich bitch with a trust fund stocked to the brim . . . everyone has a method. There’s just way too much stress in this world to take it like a fucking idiot. I don’t let anyone fuck with me. I’m the fucker. I’m the bitch. I’M the one who ruins and destroys people’s lives at the drop of a hat . . . and I’m the one enamored with Franklin Evan’s methods. Never heard of him? Haha. Boy, are you missing out. That stupid piece of shit is a goddamn genius.
“In the summer of 1872, 64-year-old Franklin Evans – aka the Northwood Monster – lured his adolescent grandniece, Georgianna Lovering, into the woods near her home, strangled her to death, then raped and sexually mutilated her corpse.
Following his arrest, he confessed to a string of unsolved atrocities, among them the random mutilation-murder of a physically deformed five-year-old girl he snatched from her New Hampshire home, the rape-murder of a 14-year-old schoolgirl in Maine, and the butchering of a 15-year-year-old Massachusetts girl, along with her 12-year-old brother who had witnessed the crime. He was eventually caught for his “unnamable and incredible crimes,” and “swung like a dog” in his execution.”
I get so pissing drunk, my ankles are bleeding from my heels and I don’t even fucking feel it. I’m feeling gleeful–feeling giddy. I’m going to squeeze a tramp’s throat til she ceases to breath. You wanna taste? Haha. Just you wait . . .
Last Mother’s Day for this Bitch!
There’s this bitch that lives in my apartment complex. She’s always throwing the snide little comments about how I don’t have brats of my own. Like she’s queen of the world cause she has a snot nosed bitch running around. And it’s always the same thing close to Mother’s Day. Awwww she keeps forgetting I’m not a Mother I wouldn’t understand. I’m really fucking tired of her trying to make me feel bad, because the greatest thing she’s ever done in her life was have sex and pop out a little bitch. And this year she just caught me on the wrong fucking day. Now at first I was just getting kill the whore. I had it all planned out how I was going to torture her by ripping out her fucking teeth and her tongue. But then I decided the thing she fucking loves the most in this world was that fucking little snot nosed bitch, and if she lost her it would be far worse than killing her. She put all of her self worth in being a Mother. So I needed to show her that she was fucking nothing, worthless. So I waited for that little slut to go outside to play. Normally I plan these things better. This time I just fucking grabbed her and slammed her up against the wall. She was out like a light. I dropped the bitch in the car before anyone noticed, and drove to a friend’s house. Oh Martin is going to have so much fun with this little slut. He likes to torture little whores first. He fucks them and rips open every hole, and this time I loved watching that little slut take it. She begged for her mommy. She pleaded for me to help her. She screamed out in such beautiful anguish. I was even the one to strangle her little used up body. I left her corpse there with Martin. He will use her for a few more days before he feeds her to the pigs. And then I went home to watch the show. Her Mother screaming for her Panicked and crushed. I’m going to enjoy this for years. As she slowly loses hope. As she dies inside. She’ll never fucking have a happy Mother’s Day again.
My First Kill
Are you an evil fucker that loves blood, torture and cumming while creating it? Then you are my kind of dark soul. Don’t you just love walking on the darker side of life? I know I do. So is your cock hard waiting for my next revelation? If it is, pull up a chair and let me take you back to my first kill. It was a cold day, the snow was fresh and white on the ground and the chill hung in the air waiting for me. I was walking along the sidewalk of our well manicured neighborhood when I saw him there. I was drawn to him immediately so small and frail, playing in the snow all by himself. He had a playful look in his eyes as he built that snowman. My body began to shiver but not from the cold, it was from the excitement I was feeling as I envisioned his blood spilling over the lily white snow, turning it red. I walked over to him and began helping him build his snowman, laughing wickedly as we worked. I started a snowball fight and as we ran and played I lured him further and further from his yard. In the distance we heard a woman calling his name but before he could run toward the sound I scooped him up, covering his mouth and as he kicked and fought I carried him to his doom. Once in the clear I held him down in the virginal white snow and picked up a huge tree branch. Lifting it high into the air I watched it connect with a sickening thud that made my cunt tingle and my heart flutter. Smashing it over his head over and over again I watched the blood poor out of him as his body fell limp and the snow became tinted with his crimson blood. The primal urge for more spurred me on and when I finally finished his face was not recognizable, his head split wide open and brains and blood mixed with the snow. I grabbed his dead, limp hand and used it to fuck myself until I came hard all over it. The clouds on the horizon told me that another heavy snow fall was quickly approaching so I left him there to be covered by the new virginal white snow.
The Killer Clown
The Clown, a character created to bring laughter and happiness to young and old. However being the dark twisted and sadistic bitch that I am, my heroes are different then most people’s and I love a clown of a darker evil nature. In fact not only do I love him, but I admire him and strive to emulate him He is my all time favorite, The Killer Clown, Mr Gacy himself. The greatest serial killer of all time because of his M.O.! Tomorrow, May 10, is the anniversary of the day he was executed in 1994. I have the perfect day planned to show him some love, wicked and twisted style. I will dress as a clown just like him and go find me a little brat to torture and kill the same way he did, suffocation or asphyxiation with a tourniquet. I will likely stab the little fucker to in honor of his first victim, This is going to be so much fun! I hope he is watching from the great beyond.
Wickedly Sadistic Fantasies With Deviant Natasha
You’re both intrigued and a bit frightened of me because you know exactly who I am and what I am capable of. And that makes your cock throb and ache for me, you’re completely mesmerized and there’s nothing that you wouldn’t give for a chance to put my wicked, wicked ways into action.
You’ve tried to stop, but it’s impossible to get me out of your head, it’s like you’re under my spell. Well, if you think about it, you are….admit it. I could see it in your eyes, you’ve fantasized about something like this happening but never once thought it could really happen.
The opportunity is here and now, so are you man enough to follow through and clean out all that useless baggage in your life? You need not worry about all the details, I’ll take care of everything, it’s what I do remember?
You have the most deviant, evil Accomplice at your service and I can safely say I enjoy and savor every second of what I do. The last few years have been a nightmare, your pathetic excuse for a wife is like having dead weight around your neck and you can’t free yourself, hmmm until now.
And, just because you have been through hell with that worthless troll, I’m gonna let you have a front row seat for delicious torture session I have planned out for her. In fact, I’m going to insist that you participate, she needs to look into your eyes and know that you are responsible for this!
You are going to save her, rescue her, comfort her, oh no….you’re going to tell her what a useless cunt she is and how every moment with her the past few years have been sheer torture for you and now it’s her turn. Mmmm, nothing is too graphic or gory for me, let’s push the limits and see how far we can prolong her suffering and agony…are you game?
Kiss Of The Dragon
I have always been fascinated by the mystical creature, the dragon. A large flying scaled creature with claws sharp enough to slice a human in half and breath that shoots flames burning down towns and searing the flesh off the bones of anything it touches. I imagine it’s huge cock pointy and red like the flames it breathes, able to shoot gallons of thick milky cum that would cover my body several times over. It was no surprise when he showed me the dragon ornament that he bought for his cock that I wanted it deep inside my dripping cunt to help fulfill a life long fantasy. But first I wanted it to cause as much carnage as the creatures of folk lore. So I had to find a young virgin for him to fuck. I wanted her virginal blood to cover my dragon before it kissed my pussy lips and brought me to the heights of ecstasy. I watched as he held her down while she was kicking and screaming as he forced the dragon into her, ripping her tight pussy lips wide open before penetrating her sweet little cherry. The blood was every where and I couldn’t tell if she was bleeding more from her ripped flesh or the loss of her virginity, but it didn’t matter, my beautiful dragon was fucking her and soon it would be inside me covered in her blood. I could hardly keep myself from cumming as I waited to finally feel the kiss of the dragon. To finally live my fantasy even if it was in a small way. To finally feel his claws and teeth as he penetrated my waiting cunt!
Stone Cold
A nursery rhyme come to life in the most delicious way!
We stole the fucking ice cream truck and gathered as many different drugs as we could get our hands on. The more we “doctored up” the ice cream the wetter my cunt got. We couldn’t wait to get him dressed in the creepy ice cream man costume and hit the streets, giving away ice cream and getting all the fucking brats in the neighborhood all fucked up. Of course the ice cream is going to be free and we will have the little fuckers lined up to get their free treats and see the creepy ice cream dude before we sit back and watch the show. We saved some of the good shit for ourselves so we can sit back, get high as fuck and watch the fucked up little brats running around tripping balls. And the best part is I am going to get the fuck off fucking the creepy ass ice cream dude, my accomplice in all this!