Category: Accomplice phone sex


Then I grabbed my knife and used the handle to spread her plump, pale, fat ass cheeks. I whistled lowly. “Well, would you look at that,” I narrated, running a finger from her pert, tight asshole to her soft knocked-up vaghole. Then I trailed the sharp knife around her cunt so she could feel it and know what was coming to her. “It’s cold, huh?” I whispered down at her. “I like it like that.” She started bawling feebly, wiggling her ass in my face as though she expected to escape. I plunged the sharp blade into her babyhole and listened to her horrible scream as it sliced through her fragile canal. Then I smiled and began moving it in and out of her. Wiggling it back and forth and fucking her with the pocket knife. Hayley was hysterical, her eyes rolling into the back of her head and making tons of noise. Shivering and arching her back, contorting her body strangely. Blood poured out of her, all of the cuts from the sharp tool and the jerking meant that her warm, thick, red blood was pooling out at a fast rate and was already coating my entire hand. Listening to her pitiful cries, I mocked her. Feigning sympathy, I leaned in close and cooed: “Do you like the way I fuck you?” I pulled the pocket knife out of her cunt with one last stab that released a howl from her parched throat. I knew I’d nicked her cervix and it’d hurt like fuck. Then I flipped her over and took a look at my progress. She wouldn’t last much longer–Hayley was already delirious, very injured, and near dead. I stabbed her tummy with my blade and started cutting, smiling all the way. I was going to get that baby out, sever the cord, and stick the fetus down the garbage disposal where it belongs . . . but I woke up. My half-brother is a real dickhole, and made the mistake of betraying my family and sending my Mom to jail a few months ago. This dream will become a reality . . . he’s going to get what’s cumming to him–and his little wife, too . . . I guess it’s just like in the movies. Everyone has an endgame. It’s too bad for them that theirs has already been decided . . . by me.

Mr. Self Destruct

“Mr Self Destruct”

I am the voice inside your head
and I control you
I am the lover in your bed
and I control you
I am the sex that you provide
and I control you
I am the hate you try to hide
and I control you
I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. Self-destruct
I speak religion’s message clear
and I control you
I am denial guilt and fear
and I control you
I am the prayers of the naive
and I control you
I am the lie that you believe
and I control you
I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. Self-destruct
I am the needle in your vein
and I control you
I am the high you can’t sustain
and I control you
I am the pusher I’m a whore
and I control you
I am the need you have for more
and I control you
I am the bullet in the gun
and I control you
I am the truth from which you run
and I control you
I am the silencing machine
and I control you
I am the end of all your dreams
and I control you
I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. Self-destruct

Head Like A Hole

accomplice phone sex reagan

If there is ever a theme song that I would choose for my sick and twisted games.. it would be Nine inch Nails… Head Like a Hole.. it gets this bitches blood pumping! Mmm I like putting holes in heads… 

God money, I’ll do anything for you
God money, just tell me what you want me to
God money, nail me up against the wall
God money, don’t want everything, he wants it all

accomplice phone sex ReaganNo, you can’t take it, no, you can’t take it
No, you can’t take that away from me
No, you can’t take it, no, you can’t take it
No, you can’t take that away from me

Head like a hole, black as your soul
I’d rather die than give you control
Head like a hole, black as your soul
I’d rather die than give you control

Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve

God money’s not looking for the cureaccomplice phone sex Reagan
God money’s not concerned about the sick among the pure
God money, let’s go dancing on the backs of the bruised
God money’s not one to choose

Do you have a song that you like to imagine killing to? And after the life has left that young body, do you have a song you like to fuck that cold dead bloody while singing? I think we have a lot in common, don’t you?

Cum be my accomplice…

Accomplice phone sex JadeI’m a Snuff lover fascinated with torture, accomplice, rape fantasies! Bring you Most erotic, sadistic fantasy to me so we can indulge in our interests together. I love plotting a swift kidnapping of a sweet, virgin little one, imagine how we can make them our sex puppet. Perhaps we will molest their tender flesh over and over until we’re satisfied. Are you up for it?

Cutting and slowly killing gets my juices going. The thought having you hold them down while I skin them alive is quite addictive, just wait until they start twitching. The ability to see their blood run through their veins is a high experienced like never before. Let’s be partners in crime, I have a feeling we will make an excellent team.


Perfect Strickes in Red

Violent phone sex Jezabel1

I hate all of the stupid little “fun” things that most people do; so, when my coworkers asked me to accompany them to the bowling alley, I tried to be as nice as possible when I said “No.” But, I’m sure it still came out as a snarl. I went home, walked around my sweet dark dungeon…and my mind kept wandering to the bowling alley, and how it could serve as quite an ample torture chamber. I poured a glass of red wine; and the more that I thought about it, I knew I had to go at least to check out the scene.

When I arrived, the parking lot was pretty empty. And, the lights seemed halfway out. I was disappointed but decided to investigate further. To my surprise, I opened the door and I saw a couple of young guys working, cleaning…and drinking beer. While I would’ve loved to play with my coworkers, I thought this pair would do quite nicely in order to satiate my desire for torture.

Violent phone sex Jezabel3

The boys looked my way, and I watched their eyes go from my whore-red lipstick, down my breasts and legs that were all augmented by tight spandex. It was almost too easy, really; but, what the hell?! I was already there, and my hunger for inflicting pain was mounting. I asked if they wanted to have some fun, and the idiots laughed like nerds. I took out my whip and their eyes almost popped with anticipation. “One at a time,” I said and waved my finger.
I pushed the blonde one down on the conveyer belt; then, I dropped an 11-pound ball on his head. The delicious split and crack echoed. The brain is a wonderful fountain of blood….and he was still gurgling. How I love that sound in the back of the throat, the blood spilling into mouth. I shoved his body further down the conveyer belt into the hub and went looking for my second victim.

Violent phone sex Jezabel2

He was easy to spot, like an eager squirrel dancing around a tree to get a nut. I met him at the door to the back, which was conveniently close to the pins. I took a pin and hit him over the head, rendering him on his back. I took the pin and shoved the round knob into his mouth. It was such a tight fit that the delicate skin around his mouth was breaking. I slid his body closer to the opening where the pin machine was; and, analyzed the position of his head. Yeah, that was about right; and, I pushed the button like I had seen him do when I walked into the door. The levers came down, piercing his flesh. I had to give it to my coworkers: yeah, bowling is fun. Especially when it’s a violent strike in red!

The Chase

I bashed her stomach with the lamp next to her bed and I smiled brightly when I felt the blob I’d beaten within. I jumped on her like a wildcat–I couldn’t stop raking my nails into her eye sockets, kicking her, smacking her and ripping out her hair. She fell against the bed and took it like a good whore. Screams for help soon graduated to lowly and half-assed whimpers and raspy cries as her energy was drained away from her. Hayley bleeding from her mouth, her eye was swollen shut, and she sobbing hysterically. She’d lost control over her mouth, where teeth were now sparse, and so I took her maternity pajama top into my hands and ripped it open down the front, exposing her huge milk-brimming tits, swollen and achy and pregnant. Her nipples looked like little red buttons I just wanted to slice off to see what was inside. Begging pathetically, trying to cover her stomach with her arms. Trying to save the baby I wanted to kill for my own. I took out my pocket knife and slashed her pajama bottoms off. “Ever been fucked by a knife, you stupid cunt?” I asked her. She moaned and struggled weakly, flailing. I laughed. “I’m going to stick this blade up your cunt and fuck you real good with it. It’s about time we used that babyhole for what it’s good for.” She was too beaten and abused to resist much. I flipped her over like a nice piece of preggo ass and spread those breeding whore legs for what they were good for. “Bradley’s dead now,” I told her through my smile. “You’re a widow, and since I’m your next-of-kin, you’re my wife now.” This caused a horrible shaking to overtake her weak body, and tiny sounds of abject terror and fear escaped from her bruised lips. “I can’t hear you,” I told her chidingly. “You’re face down, ass up, like you belong.”

Violent Dreams

Violent phone sex with StromI had the WEIRDEST dream last night! I was a lifer in prison. My shank was a metal spoon. My target was my cellmate, my lover. When it comes to property, prison rules are strict: what’s yours is yours. She was mine before she gave herself to that bitch guard on the midnight shift.

We sat on her bunk and chatted. She was surprised when I asked her to stand up for a kiss, but she did it with enthusiasm. I held her close and while my tongue was dancing with hers, the shank made three dead-center thrusts. Her head jerked back but she didn’t break the embrace. Her eyes wide and saying “please,” but wasn’t sure if that meant “don’t do this” or “do me right.” Then, she took my hand and shoved it down her pants. Immediately, I fingered her soaked pussy. Blood was covering both of us as she moaned, then shrieked, then sank to her knees. Before falling prone, a shaky hand stroked my hot spot. I came as if by command.

I woke up so turned on I had to play with myself two times!

When Giants Attack

Taboo phone sex Pandora3

My friend’s brother is always stalking about how sweet and petite women are supposed to be, how demure. And it makes me want to wretch. I’ve thought about suffocating him with my own spit at night, but I knew that wasn’t even good enough. No, I had to be patient and wait for the right moment.

Since we haven’t been the best of friends, I invited him out for lunch, under the pretense that I wanted to get to know him better. He sat aside from me and I let my hate build to a boiling rate as his mouth flopped about “a woman’s place.” I smiled, evilly, thinking about him finding his rightful place soon enough. After lunch, we headed out to a house that I had previously visited. He thought we were going to have some kind of cookout. Ha!

He looked around, surprised at what he saw: massive women in one corner and skinny men in the other. He laughed and said they were freaks. And, he enjoyed the show, watching as these men sometimes lost consciousness as their heads were squeezed between the thighs of the giant woman. He shouted and called those men, “pussies” and anything he could think of. He shook his head and said, “Damned if I’d let a woman do that to me!” I urged him on, riled him up. “Look, that fucker creamed himself? What the fuck?” He yelled, “You’re not a man!” Finally, as he was getting louder and louder, I stood up and screamed, “Hey, my friend wants to try!” I could see the oh-fuck-you look in his face; but, then determination replaced it. Yeah, he was gonna prove what a tough man he was in front of me and everyone else.

Out of all the women in the pack, the largest stepped forward. Apparently, she had heard him yelling during the exposition and was ready to teach him a little lesson. Laughter escaped my lips and I sat down, ready to enjoy every delicious moment.

He danced around like a freakin’ monkey and I rolled my eyes. Where’d he learn those moves, I wondered. As he tried to make something akin to karate noises, the woman was growing increasingly annoyed. She put her forearm against his throat and threw him to the ground. Her booming laughter sounded like a mix between a gorilla and some monster on television. I loved it!

He continued to ‘mouth off’ and she rubbed her pussy in his face, looking at the audience and laughing. Crossing my legs, I rooted her on; and we seemed to share a connection as our eyes met. Yeah, give that bastard what he deserves! She told him that she would get off of him if he shut up; she gave him several chances and got up. He tried to regain his strength; but everyone could see he was on his last leg. She gave him one more chance to shut-up but he shook his head ‘No’ and she kicked his legs out from under him.
She took off her clothes. Pushed her massive titties to his face. “Suck on momma’s boobies, baby,” she said in her husky voice. She rubbed her bush against him, leaned up so he could see it. His dick was getting hard in his pants and she pointed at it. “Is that all? You have a pencil dick?! You can please a woman like me with no pencil dick!”

I almost fell out of the bleachers laughing. Finally, he stopped moving. The guys who had wrestled before him took turns fucking him in the ass while us women beamed and were pampered. When we were done with him, a couple of the ladies took him to the curb and dropped him. When I was driving past, I saw a sign in red letters that said, “Pencil Dick.” How appropriate! He tried to avoid me ever since that day; I want him to live in fear for a little bit longer…

Taboo phone sex Pandora4
A few weeks later, I received a drawing in the mail; apparently one of the women in the group was an artist. It was me, my large feet stomping out all of the rejects of the world, all the stupid motherfuckers. That’s right, bitches, I am Giant, hear me roar!

Making dreams come True

Marti was enjoying her big glass of wine. I was glad about that. It would be her last one. a few days prior, I paid a grand for the tasteless, odorless chemical mixed in with her Merlot. In about an hour, heightened physical activity would made it rush through her system. She would overload like a desktop with no surge protector in a lightning storm. Afterward, she’d be just as useless.

When I saw it starting to take hold I motioned for Ben to move in! This was his fantasy after all. The woman he has always loved and hated! His dream girl he wanted to fuck while she was dying. The drug made her so playable. And when he suggested they go to his room, She eagerly agreed. I followed and he left the door open for me. Ben knew the rules. I set it up and I wanted to have the full experience. I also wanted a front row seat.

Since she was wet and ready, Ben let himself in. Shoving his cock inside her. Steady, even strokes, just the way she liked it. When her cheeks showed that red flush, He did the upshift. Her legs spread wider, her fingers groped his back for dear life, something I found ironic. When she did that shimmy-shudder, I knew it was showtime. Go time. Eyes went wide. Mouth formed a perfect “O.” Insane spasms that vise-gripped on Ben’s rod for a few intense seconds. Of course he came when she locked down. Then slackness. Stillness. Green eyes fading while staring at some invisible apparition overhead.

Ben wanted to keep her body. That was all on him. My part was done. I gave him exactly what he wanted. I love it when a plan comes togethe


So there’s this bitch that lives down the street. She’s pretty much friends with everybody in the neighborhood. She’s always inviting them over for little Parties, card games and board game nights. I have never had any desire whatsoever to attend any of her functions. Even if I was invited I would decline. So I was pretty surprised when this uppity bitch walked right up to me at the gas station. She said that she had heard I was complaining about not being invited to her parties. I told her she was mistaken. That I would not wish to attend. When that’s fucking bitch started laughing at me. She told me that I would not be welcome at her house. That she would never have a freak like me around her. She said it really loud so everyone could hear laughing at me the whole time. Oh she doesn’t know me very well. I don’t give a fuck what people think about me. And I don’t let people make fun of me and get away with it. It’s time to put a bitch in her place. I walked away from her there letting her think that she had won. But when she came home that night she never made it in her house. I made sure there was a branch blocking her driveway. When she got out to move the branch I was waiting for her with a brick. The bitch never even saw it coming. When she woke up she was already in my cabin. She snapped to pretty quickly. Started screaming and yelling “somebody help me, somebody help me”. And then I let that fucking bitch know she could scream as much a she wanted, no body can fucking hear her. She had the nerve to invite me to some of her party’s. Like I would let the bitch go to go to one of her fucking parties. I laughed in the bitche’s face. I let her know that we’d be playing my game now. And surprise surprise the bitch didn’t like my games. I started by ripping out all of her toenails and fingernails. And I took to my knife and started slicing thin layers of skin off. Oh she was screaming so loud. And it was music to my ears. She kept begging for me to let her go. And she knew I actually thought about it. After I had torn big pieces of skin off of her face and knew she would be scarred up forever. I thought about letting her go but I hadn’t kept my face covered. So I had to kill her. When I told her that she freaked the fuck out. I covered her mouth was a piece of tape so she would hear me. “Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” That is my favorite quote from Stephen King. As I said it to her. I picked up my big knife and plunged it into her heart! The look on her face was fantastic! It will keep me wet for months!