Category: 2 girl phone sex

The choking game

torture sexI have gotten into the choking game recently. I like having my guy fuck me hard and choke me and make me pass out. It gives me a high. This past Friday he took it to a different level. I thought I was going to completely give out and he was going to end up fucking my cold dead body. I know deep down inside he has had fantasies of fucking my lifeless body and when he was choking me I could of sworn thats what was going to happen. I really believed I was going give out and then he was going to fuck me till he had his fun. I woke up from a euphoric state. I came so hard and passed out at the same time I was out for what felt like an eternity. It was such an intense feeling and It made me feel like fuck slut. I wanted to keep going and never stop. I know I am playing with fire but I love getting burned.

Bachelor party gone wrong

torture sex

I had one to many drinks at the bachelor party I was at. It’s all a blur but last thing I remember was trying to get to the ladies room. It was packed and I couldn’t  take it any longer. I decided to go outside in the back alley. I was sure no one would see me plus I was high and drunk all I wanted was to pee in peace. After I finished pissing I felt someone push me over. It was a guy he was tall. He put his finger over his mouth telling me to be quiet. He flashed his bladed knife at me. I was going to be his torture sex slut for the night. He motioned me over to his cock and made me suck. I was frozen in fear and didn’t move. That’s when he started to pierce me making me bleed all over the place. I knew he meant business. I knew I had to submit. He fucked all my holes and even got my ass. I tried to hesitate and even covered my ass . He slashed my asshole and made me bleed. It was like the more blood he saw the hornier he got. When he was done he tossed me over and I awoke in the morning. It was all a blur but as the day went by I figured out who it was. It was my best friends soon to be husband. I can’t believe  I enjoyed it so much much less figured it out.

Having Some Fun with Indigo

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Everyone thinks it’s so fun to torture my sexy little teen body, but what happens when I finally get the opportunity to be the torturer?  What happens when I finally blossom into the living dead girl I have always wanted to be?  A huge thank you goes to Indigo, for showing me the murderous bitch I really am.  I had gotten myself into one of those situations again, where I was a damsel in distress.  I was cornered in an alley by some drunk man, and Indigo came from behind him with a dingy rag.  Within seconds he was laying on the ground, out like a light.  She told me she helped me because I reminded her of herself, big tits and one hell of an attitude.  She asked if I wanted to have some fun with the dirt bag, and I was so in.  I helped her drag his limp body too and from the car.  We had him in a secluded cabin in the woods.  She told me normally she likes to do the torturing herself, but this time she would settle for watching.  I chained him up spread eagle, I wanted to wait until he woke up, but Indigo really wanted to get her hand on him.  He woke up the her carving a permanent smile on to his smug face.  Watching someone else cry and scream in agony was such a turn on!  Then it was my turn.  I grabbed the dullest knife Indigo had, and began sawing off his tiny little cock.  By the time I was done with that Indigo had enough of his screaming, and ripped out his tongue with a pair of pliers.  I went around to the back, and decided that his asshole needed to be a little bigger.  It felt so good watching the knife tear through his flesh, making his ass gape wide open.  I shoved his limp, bloody, stump of a cock into his newly extended ass hole.  Indigo was kind enough to teach me how to sew, his ass shut that is.  Then we slit his throat, and fucked in his pool of blood.  Biggest orgasm I have ever had!

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I don’t fuck with broke bitches

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I enjoy snuff sex because I’m a super dominant bitch. When I agreed to go on a date with this guy who wouldn’t stop flashing his amex and his fancy things at me I thought I could fuck him and get some coins from him and toss him away like a stupid worthless toy. When I realized I could make him my sissy slut I thought that would be so much better. I ended up accepting his millionth invite. When we got to the restaurant after ordering and getting thru what felt like forever, I anxiously awaited for him to pay the bill. When the waitress made her way back she said the card didn’t go thru and was cancelled. I should of known he was probably using his mommy and daddies money. I was beyond furious and decided the best way to get back at him would be to take him to my place. I footed the bill and brought the dweeb back to my house. When we got to my place I didn’t hesitate to sissified the idiot. I dressed him up and invited some friends over to use his man pussy. He wasn’t man enough for me and he should of known I don’t fuck with broke bitches.

Kim and the Khaos

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Kim is controversy with a K. When she called on Tinseltown hottest photographer I knew she was looking to push the envelope some more. She had already gotten backlash for taking pics with her little ankle biter in a bikini. She loved the attention and as always knew that any publicity is good publicity. As long as she is making headlines she is content. No matter what the context is she enjoys being in the tip of the tongues of everyone. Social media queen is what she wants to be and she hates the fact that her youngest sister is stealing the shine and is the new it girl. She was willing to do anything and everything to keep her name in the tabloids. Her photo shoot was more than risque she was going to put a whole new meaning to the term “sex sells” With her tot she began to undress and follow orders. Spreading her twat and making her mini me do the same. Kimmy had to do everything from blowing the photographer to letting him fuck bother and her youngin. It was imperativet that she did every single thing. One thing Kim is good at is taking direction and being a real slut. Anything was game. Tot fucks, snuff sex, even scissoring with her Northern Star. As usual Kimberly makes a comeback with a K 😉

2 girl phone sex



Please Don’t Kill Me Jezabel!

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Girls can be so mean, and I would know because I was violated, abused, and murdered because of it. To me, me making cheer captain was the best thing that could happen to me, but for my competition, it was the thing that pushed her over the edge. Jezabel was always so nice to me while they were putting me through hell as the new girl, but when I got what she wanted then she snapped. She acted nice at first, and kept telling me how happy she was for me. She even offered me a gift. She told me she had a modeling gig this weekend, and there was one more slot. Jezabel said that if I was hot enough for cheer captain, then I was certainly hot enough to be a model. When I got there I was in utter shock. She neglected to mention that it was a nude photo shoot. I was going to go home, but Jezabel convinced me to stay. The photo shoot was just me and her. The only other person there was, was the creepy camera man, and him and Jezabel kept looking at each other like they were gonna fuck right then and there. Half way through, Jezabel offered me a sip of her water, and I took a big gulp. You would think I would know better by now then to drink or eat something from someone else, but I just never learn. I passed out almost immediately. When I woke up I was strapped down to a hard metal surface in a dark moist room. Jezabel and the camera man are off to the side talking until they notice that I am awake. At first, I didn’t believe that Jezabel could do something like this, so I screamed for her to help me. She laughed at me, and that was when I seen her face just how twisted she really was. Her and the camera man completely mutilated my naked body, and she told me it was for taking her spot as captain. After a few hours of torture, she slit my throat, andt hey had sex on top of my lifeless body.

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Ruin me

torture phone sexI have the sickest fantasies ever since I have been a slave slut. I think about torture sex more than I should. I hate the thought of fucking usually. I don’t crave or want or need vanilla sex. I need it rough, and I want to be in pain. I have learned that my satisfaction doesn’t matter not one bit. I need to feel you climax on my face. I want to be a bukkake slave. Bring all your friends over and let them ram me and fuck me till I am in tears and begging for mercy. I love that you ignore my pleads. You laugh in my face and tell me to shut the fuck and to take it, or it will be worse off for me. I like how much I can get your cock to cream. It is my only purpose in life. I want you to  ruin me.

3 snuff sex slaves sleepover slaughter

snuff sexSnuff movies2 girl phone sexI had one task, and it was to gather two friends that can deliver a live webcam show to thousands of viewers. The microscope was focused on me, and I had to make this a success. My owner makes a ton of money out of my worthless existence. I was born to make him cash and be a pathetic snuff slave.I had two perfect pathetic whores. Macey and Makayla. I knew the three of us would make it a successful live broadcast session. I tricked them into thinking it was going to be a typical girls night. I lied, I would be dead meat if I didn’t get them gathered and ready for the show. They both have had their fair share of masters. Once I got them to come over for this sadistic sleepover, they knew they were into deep. Had they left they would be caught and killed on the spot. We had to be good snuff sex slave sluts. We had to keep the views and hits going. It was showtime, and we had to improv. I had plenty of tools to use on them. We had to snuff each other out for 10 minutes. Once the red light came on we were all turning on each other. Who could clip the clit was the first suggestion. We each took turns on each other. We were giving the audience what they wanted. Macey had a pocket knife, and she began to stab Makayla’s cunt. Her screams were so loud my ears felt like they were bleeding. I ended up grabbing a kitchen knife I got Macey in a weak spot. Makayla was down, and I had the upper hand. Macey was exhausted from ruining Makayla’s twat. I had Macey right where I wanted. My 10-inch razor blade dildo cut Macey twat, and it was a bloody pulp substance. I looked at both of them almost paralyzed on the floor and glanced over at the screen. Our show was a hit. I smiled thinking it was over. When the door open wide. My master had sent over someone to clip my clit I should totally have known better than to sigh with relief.

End of summer torture sex doll auction

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I had the perfect slut picked for my summer hoe auction. Macey was a malicious blonde who had a loud bark but no bite. Macey made my year in campus hell, and I was going to give her some of her medicine right back ten-folds. I couldn’t wait to see her reaction when she’s being sold off to some nasty pervy smelly men.

The plan was to get her to come over. I made her believe I finished her summer assignment. We were paired to complete a chemistry project, and I knew she wasn’t going to be willing to spend her summer working on a school project. I told her to stop by, and I was going to help her get a secure A for the new school year. Macey came right over and thats when my boyfriend was able to get her right where we wanted her. We used some chloroform on her knocked her right out. We tied the slut up and made sure she was prepped for the auction. Macey was sold to the highest bidder. A group of truck drivers that were going to fuck the life out of her. It wasn’t a wrong way to end the summer. I got some sweet revenge on a whore made a killing and watched her have torture sex with gross truck drivers. I’m sure she learned her lesson. It took some getting use too but eventually Macey got the rythm down. Macey was getting banged left and right and she was the perfect cum dump. I had to take pictures and had to save these memories. I was so happy to see the slut be fucked and used like a sex doll. The make up running down her face mixed with cum was a priceless picture. I will never forget this summer.

Welcoming fall with plenty of torture sex

torture sexWelcoming fall with my master is something that always leads to some excruciating pain. My master is most alive in the fall. The fall time is when he has most of his day’s off, and he can ruin my life some more. Halloween is his favorite holiday, and he has an annual Halloween party where he gets together all his pets to serve men. I can already foresee what he has in store for me. There is no way I will be getting away with things. My master watches me like a hawk. I have to be ready to make him money at all hours of the day.
The outfits me and the girls wear are short and revealing. I know that I will be used and all of us will be making him top dollar. We are his money making pets. It doesn’t matter if we don’t like being gang banged if the price is right it’s going to happen. Last fall my master had a total of forty parties. Each one made him more money than the next. I know this autumn season will bring plenty of brutal beatdowns and fantasy rape fucks. Torture sex is what he thrives on as well. Master loves to watch his slave slut get rammed and hurt. The blood and cum combo make him wild. I know I am where I need to be. Each of us get lined up and end up being fucked till we are all bleeding. It’s a bloody scene. Cum and blood all over the floor. None of us escape without being used in each hole. I can’t help but get turned on by being used and feeling so much pain. My body shivers from the cold and the rock hard cocks ramming me make me want more. It’s crazy how much pain can bring pleasure.domination phone sex