Want to have a bloody phone sex good time? I do mean bloody. I am not for the faint at heart. I have been called a gore whore for a reason. I love the site of blood. It is an aphrodisiac to me. I got a taste of blood as a schoolgirl. My first kill, I rarely talk about, but that is not because I am worried about getting caught or anything. I know there is no statute of limitations on murder, but I know no one will ever be able to find me and make anything stick. I rarely talk about it because it was messy and impulsive. I had not yet become the stone-cold killer I am now. I am a snuff porn queen now. Back then, however, I was still learning my way. My grandfather was the only person I ever trusted. He helped shape my sadistic mind. I told him that I had stabbed a bully to death, and I needed help covering up my crime. He was not mad at me. He disposed of her body for me and made it so she would never be found. To this day she is still listed as a missing person. She had lured me into the woods near where I lived and taunted me. I had a small knife on me, and I stabbed her in the juggler. Blood spurted everywhere and covered me. She took a long time to die, but I watched in awe of all the blood and her pain. The bitch had it coming, but I panicked afterwards. My grandpa cleaned up my mess. But that was the one and only time anyone had to clean up my mess because my grandpa helped me become a stone-cold killer phone sex bitch after that. He was a masterful killer himself. Very prolific and never caught. I am his progeny. The days of impulsive killing are long behind me. I got a taste for blood on that first kill, but now I know how to kill without ever being caught. And I can take the risk for you so neither of us get caught.