Fun Run

snuff phone sex

I had to go on some stupid fun run this week end. My mom said I needed to start working on my community involvement. I can tell you it pissed me the fuck off! I can’t fucking stand all the fuck heads from my school. And now I have to put up with them on the fucking week end. The only reason my mom is still alive it I don’t want to be put in foster care! So I went to the fucking fun run. And I made my way thru the trail. 5 fucking miles of heat and nature! Not fun for me. When I came across Janet sitting off to the side. She is a few years younger than me. And one of those perky people I hate. I was gonna just walk right past her and she called out to me. “Hey bitch you don’t see me here? I am fucking hurt freak! I need help” At first I looked around cause I know that bitch isn’t talking to me. Then I realized she was. I did know exactly where we were. I have used a little bunker just a few hundred feet over the hill. Too far for anyone to hear her scream so I told her I was taking her to safety. And she walked with me. When she sees the bunker she starts to balk. I have to hit her over the head. And knock her out to get her in. She wakes up as I am ripping her clothes off. I have always wanted to look at her pretty little body. She is small and has tiny nipples. Her pussy is bare and soft. She wakes up long enough to ask what the fuck I’m doing. And that is the last thing she will ever say. I picked up a rock and beat the life right out of her. I made sure to take the rock with me and go swimming before I finished my run. And I took a short cut to make sure I finished in a good time. Mommy will be so proud of me.

Sadistic Phone Sex and My Sacrificial Lamb

torture phonesex karmaIn two more days, on October 4th the New Moon rises. This is the time for a very important Satanic sacrifice.
I planned long for this sacrifice. I had to get sinew and a hooked upholstery needle. I had to break into a church and steal a chalice, holy water and some holy communion hosts. I had to construct the cross.
All of this was just in preparation.
Once I had all the things I needed I had to time the acquisition of my sacrifice just right. After all a person can only survive so long before they die.
I found her fairly quickly and abducted her two days ago. She was a young run away on the streets and no one will miss her. The first thing I did was strip her and insert her crown of thorns, You should have heard her scream as the large barbs were pushed into her skull!
Next I nailed her to the cross I had constructed and the blood curdling screams she let out were hellish! I almost thought she would pass out from the pain, it was so perfect!
Then I threaded the needle with the sinew and got it ready for the next step. I shoved her mouth full of the holy communion hosts till she looked like a chipmunk. She was still gagging as I sewed her mouth shut with the sinew. This time all she could do was moan in agony as tears rolled down her face. It was exquisite but I wasn’t done.
I then re threaded the needle and sewed her cunt and ass shut.
She has been hanging there for two days now and is clinging to life, I know she will make it another two days because I have done this before.
By the night of the New Moon she will be very near death and that is when, with the moon high in the night sky, I will sacrifice her by gutting her nearly lifeless body letting her blood drip into the chalice and mix with the holy water. Then I will remove her barely beating heart. I will offer it up to the King of Darkness before feasting on it and her blood while they are warm and fresh.
In the mean time I am enjoying watching the life slowly drain from her.

Kidnapping phone sex with wicked Alice

Alice 7There are some people these day that have terrible parenting skills or just none at all. So with that in mind it just makes it too easy for individuals like me and you to snatch them up way. Long after the fact that their parents finally notice they are missing. Lol! Oh but I must say that out of all the little ones in the the world to steal away for our fun times, it would have to be the ones that don’t listen and are greedy. You know which ones that I am talking about. I am talking about the ones at the store that wander off away from their parents to go look at the toy aisle or that fucking cryin’ , whiny brat that screams at her mommy for that candy that is in the check out lane that won’t stop making a huge ass scene. Yes, those are the perfect ones to take away to a dark place where we can do to them what their parents failed to do for them … punish the fuckin’ shit out of them for their horrid behavior. But why stop there, your cock is still hard and I need to satisfy demented thirst deep within my existence. We both will get off taking care of this precious, young one and the world will be a happier place without one less annoying lil’ shit around to pester us. So what are we waiting for? Let’s go grab that one over there.

There is always a bigger Bitch

Bloody phone sexFuck that BITCH. I have been doing really well. I haven’t lost my temper. I haven’t had to beat the shit out of anyone for pissing me off. Sure I had to help snuff out some little bitches for my friends. But that was scheduled pre planned fun for some friends. I have been trying not to just snatch a bitch and snuff her out. That is how you get caught. And I really want to savor the fun. Just enjoy it. I do get suck pleasure from the planning. I have been so good lately! But…Bitches keep fucking with me. I have a new neighbor. A few doors down. She lets her dogs run lose. They bark all night long. She speeds up and down the road. Little stuff I can overlook. Now she is fighting on the front porch and parting so loud I can sleep. I have asked her to keep it down. But she won’t. Last night all I could hear was yelling, laughing and breaking bottles. The fucking dogs were going crazy. So I went down and asked her to keep it down. She told me to fuck off. I have been a good neighbor. And even with that… I walked away. This morning I went for some breakfast. And BAM! Flat right in front of her house! A broken bottle.. in my brand new tire. And to top it off she came out and laughed at me. She doesn’t know who the fuck she is laughing at. It took me half the day to get my tire fixed and be back on the road. I called a friend and asked to borrow his cabin. I had the chloroform in the car. Then I parked in front of her house and ran to her door. I told her I hit a dog and I think it was hers. She got so upset. She ran right out to the road. I said the dog was in my front seat. When she bent over to look, I slammed her head in the car and grabbed the chloroform and dosed her good. I pushed her in the front seat and drove straight to the cabin. When the bitch woke up… I was ready. I started by beating the shit out of her. I punched her in the face over and over till she was begging for me to stop. But it was way past that. I enjoyed breaking her nose. Then I knocked her teeth out of her mouth with a baseball bat. I moved down to her elbows and knees with the bat. When she started passing out I had to use smelling salt to wake her up. Then I let her see what I had in my hand. It took a while since her eyes were almost swollen shut. But when she saw the machete she went fucking crazy. And I told her. It was her own fucking fault! She should have realized there is always a bigger Bitch out there. I walked up to her and shoved that machete up her cunt hole! Taking so much pleasure from watching the light leave her fucked up body!

My New Gift Of Evil

torture phonesex angieSeveral months ago a dear friend of mine and I were having a movie night. The movie of choice was “The Serpent and the Rainbow”. A movie based on voodoo rituals and potions of Haiti. I spent the whole movie with a hand full of my cunt, getting off on the things that the voodoo priests and priestess were able to do. In turn my friend’s cock stayed rock hard at the thought of being able to obtain and perform the things depicted in the film. At the end of the movie he said he was going to take a trip to Haiti and attempt to study the arts and obtain some of the potions to bring back. Since then I hadn’t thought much about it and I hadn’t heard from him in some time. That is until three days ago when he showed up with an evil grin and a surprise for me. He went to Haiti just as he said he was going to and just like he promised he studied and obtained what he needed. He came back to the States with everything he needed. He found a homeless girl and gave her the poison which rendered her dead, or so it appeared. He followed the movie to the letter, burying her and then digging her up after several days reviving her with the herbal potion he had. He really didn’t think it would work and so he didn’t tell me what he was up to. But it did and his gift to me was what he created, a zombie like being. She is hideous and beautiful and I can’t look at her without cumming all over myself. We have enjoyed several nights watching her chained to the wall as she attempts to reach us. I want to feel her long and slippery tongue on my pussy lips and flesh, we just haven’t figured out a way to do so safely. Up to now all we have done is fucked in front of her and masturbated a lot. I can’t wait to feel her tongue on me and hopefully it will be sooner rather then latter. Until then I have named her Medusa and I am enjoying my new pet.torture phonesex angie6

Sadistic Play With Jezabel And Natasha

2 girl call phone sexNatasha and I normally some very sadistic bitches. We love blood so making someone bleed is what we are all about. Tonight though was a little different. We wanted to feel some pain with our pleasure. Instead of going out and finding us a little victim we just had fun amongst ourselves. I have never been able to keep my hands off of Natasha she is that fucking hot. We walked into the bed room ripping each others clothes off on the way. I pushed her down on the bed and fell on top of her kissing her as I pulled away biting her lip hard enough to make her bleed. While I was sucking the blood from Natasha’s lips I reached underneath me and pinched her nipples until she tried to pull away. I pulled it tighter. I knew she loved it cause she opened her legs. I leaned over and grabbed the clothes pins off the bedside table and put them right on to her nipples. I slid my way down till I got to the hottest part of Natasha’s body her juicy creamy pussy I licked it as I reached up pinching the clothes pins hard making her explode inside of my mouth. I worked my way back up to her lips, that is where she decided to take control pushing me over on my back pulling the pins off her nipples and placing them on mine. Working her way down she got right to my pussy and then came back up grabbing the knife as she went back down licking and sucking my clit she took the knife and slowly moved it around my breasts cutting me very lightly just enough where i could feel it. The sight of blood dripping down my body make me cum hard inside Natasha’s sweet mouth.

The Dark Soul

torture phonesex karma3I can not hide behind a mask,
My soul is dark, pitch black,
I live for blood and make it rain,
Deriving pleasure from your pain,
Your agony is oh so sweet.
As you beg at my feet,
I love to kick you when your down,
I wear your pain like a crown,
I am the queen of evil bliss,
Death will be your last kiss,
I give it with sadistic lust,
Killing you is a must,
Karma is my name,
Fucking you is my game,
Beware of my mask of glee,
It hides the darkness deep in me,
  Laughing as you beg and plead,
Knowing that it’s your blood I need,
Do not wonder in the night,
Once we meet there is no flight,
Fear and pain is what you will feel,
Before I make my final kill.

Accomplice Phone Sex….Do You Dare?

torture phonesex angie5It is almost that time of year. The time that keeps me so fucking horny because I know I will recruit accomplices to help me every week with my annual ritual. October is the month for grave digging. Yes my accomplices will have no clue what we are about to do, until we get there of course.
We will choose a different cemetery each week. They must be old and secluded. The older the better, no modern day cemetery will do.
We will enter just before midnight and begin looking for the oldest graves we can find, those are the ones we will unearth. We will caress the corpses rubbing our naked bodies all over the remains until we cum hard and long.
We will choose a relic from each grave and take it home to put in my special room and I will cherish it always, masturbating while holding it often as I recall the excitement and thrill of unearthing the ancient remains that it belonged to.
Some of the accomplices I choose will try to get out of out adventure once they find out what we are doing, but they will not escape, they will submit to my will and cum all over the ancient bones while rubbing their cocks on the corpses for me.
Before we leave for the evening we will fuck on a grave letting our cum soak into the earth and offering it to the dearly departed.
Do you dare join me?

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies With Jezabel

rape phone sex fantasies

A old friend of mine came over today for a visit. He said that he hadn’t seen me in such a long time and wanted to visit. I was fine with that I was very happy to see him. We talked for a very long time about everything when we were younger. After a few hours I told him that I had some things to do and he needed to leave we could see one another in a few days or something. I was walking him to the door when I felt him grab my hair and push me down on the floor pulling my pants to the side and trying to force his cock inside of me. We fought for a few minutes and then I told him baby if you want to fuck let me show you a real good time. We walked upstairs together and we both took off our clothes. I told him to lay on his stomach that I wanted to give him a massage. I took my handcuffs and cuffed him to the bed and tied his feet to the bed posts. He kept asking me what the hell I was doing as I walked out of the room. I came back with a huge ten inch dildo. I went over and grabbed him by the fucking hair and made the little bitch gag on it while I crammed it deep into his throat. When it was soaking wet by his spit and vomit. I took it over and spread his fucking ass apart and with no hesitation and stuffed it in his fucking ass pounding him with it while he screamed begging me to stop. I told him you were going to violate me now you will be violated and you will not be able to sit for fucking days.

Do Not Violate Me


My mom and dad invited a friend to come over and stay at our house while they went out of town to visit my sister. They had my dad’s friend from work come over just to keep a eye on things and he did alright his eyes were all on me. He has always given me the creeps. I can not stand him. I got up this morning and was in the shower, I turn around and the fucker is standing right there looking at me through the glass shower door. When I yelled at him to stop he walked away. I got out and went in my room to get dressed. I was standing in front of my bed when I was pushed over on my bed and he began trying to violate me. I begged him to please stop that he was hurting me but he wouldn’t. He just started fucking hitting me. I reached over grabbed my pink baseball bat that my dad got me for protection when I am home alone and turned around and just started beating him with it over and over again. I must of blacked out because when I came back to there was blood all over the room and he was laying there on the floor face down he was completely unrecognizable. I did not know what to do. I called over my friend Pandora so she could help me dispose of the evidence.