Suffocation phone sex

Suffocation phone sexAlley is this bubbly little cutie pie and she is always really cheerful and talkative and it makes me want to fucking puke! OMG I can’t stand hearing all that happy shit, it really makes me crazy! That’s why I invited her to go stay the weekend with me at my grandpa’s cabin in the woods. I knew that I would have all kinds of privacy there to shut that whore up for good. She was her usual bubbly self when we first got there but once she saw my grandpa standing on the front porch completely naked and looking like a wildman she snapped out of that happy bullshit real quick! She started to cry and asked me what was going on, why was that crazy man standing there naked but I just told her to shut the fuck up and dragged her over to my grandpa. He grabbed her by her hair and pulled her inside where he stripped her and strapped her down to the bed. We put a clothespin on her nose and a dental spreader in her mouth so she couldn’t bite and then my grandpa shoved his cock down Alley’s throat and held it there so she couldn’t breathe at all. She looked terrified, the tears were streaming down her face but that didn’t stop him, he just started to fuck her throat until he filled it with cum. Of course she was passed out by then so we just left her laying there, I wonder if she will ever wake up…

Home Invasion Phone Sex


I was sitting at home alone all day wishing that I had a little fucking mutt to torture and cut up. My mom and dad use to bring little pets home all the time for us but they never made it past the first week. Sometimes I would chop them up in little pieces or I would just torture them till they would die. Sometimes I would even eat the fucking little things.

Now that we do not have any at home. i decided it was time to go find me some. The lady down the street has 4 dogs,2 cats and 3 ferrets. She went out of town for the week and guess who she asked to feed them. Yes me! She really has no idea of the little twisted shit I love to do to little animals.

When I got there it started with just me kicking the little mutts around. Then that night I was sitting at home having a few drinks and it crossed my mind. I wanted to know how it would feel to be in a room full of little animals all chopped up in pieces.

One by one I took each and every little animal and chopped them up and played in their guts. LOL I have never tasted ferret so I had me a nice fried ferret sandwich! I must say I will be having more of these. I have one in my freezer at home for later.

She came home crying and screaming so I told her that in the middle of the night I saw two really big men break into her house through the back window and I could hear glass breaking and then heard the animals whining. I knew she was so upset so upset so I took her a sandwich for lunch. She had no idea she was eating her little baby ferret.

Babysitting for two

Alice 2So my mom told me that I am going to be babysitting two little girls that are sisters named Cara and Tara. I have babysat for them in the past and I really can’t stand their pathetic girlie asses. Just looking at them just makes me want to go eat broken glass instead of spending another minute with these ho’s. But when they came over last night, I decided to invite my perverted neighbor who just loves to play with little girls like these two. ~Lol~ I called him to come over here after they went to bed. We went upstairs together to go join these fuckin’ little brat where I would get some excitement for my night. Of course my neighbor helped me tie up these two and pulled off their ‘pretty lil panties’. He wasted no time when he struck his cock in Cara‘s twat as he was fingering Tara‘s tiny slit. When they both woke up screaming and crying, I reached over and started hitting them with their own fuckin’ Barbie doll. ~Lol~ Then I grabbed Tara‘s face right down towards my neighbor’s cock so he came cum all over her ‘pretty lil face’. ~Lol~

Cum to FamilyDesiresPhoneSex.Com to fuck Lil Cara and Tara some more!


Bring a friend and cum down to my job

Pandora 2There is no other job in this world that is better than working at a morgue. If you think about it really, I work alone in a private place that is surrounded by several bodies. So this would be the perfect place to bring a sexy friend of yours down here to have some fun. Think about how hot she will look on my work table being stripped naked, bond and gagged. We can thoroughly clean her naked ass while we pinch those tits and rub that clit. Hum, I want to spread that bitch’s pussy lips wide open so you can slam your cock deep inside of that whore. After you are ravaging her cunt, I want to choke her out to watch the terror in her face. I want her last moments to be that she died for your pleasure as well as mine. My nipples are getting hard as hell as I feel her tits pressed up to mine while finish her off and you dropped a fat load inside of her still wet, hot pussy. Thank you for bringing your friend over.My job pic


Violent Phone Sex


Some people say I am a alcoholic. I started drinking when I was younger with all the other little twisted girls in our neighborhood. For a long time I thought the more that I drank the more my demented twisted thoughts would go away. It was completely the opposite though the more I drank the more demented and violent thoughts crossed my mind. Once they were there and it didn’t matter if I drank or not I just accepted that I really was a twisted and demented soul.

Now, I do not hold back anymore. I am going to go all out and have me some violent phone sex. Tonight I am going to get wasted so that my crazy demented thoughts will be even stronger and then I am going to go out on a hunting trip. Not your normal kind though. I am not looking for animal meat, I am looking for your flesh! I need to have lots of meat to make my  meals for the week. I know there are some young victims out there that will make very tasty meals just for me.


Snuff Phone Sex That Is Heart Stopping

hot phonesex karma5My Gods love sweet innocent sacrifices. She was so kind. She offered to take me home and feed me a nice hot meal. She offered me a hot shower and the use of her clothes. She even offered to let me spend the night.
As soon as I entered her home, all cozy and cheerful and well kept, my cunt came alive. She is perfect and the Gods are going to reward me well for this sacrifice. I took some powdered herbs out of my bag and slipped them in her drink as she bustled around the kitchen preparing our meal. My cunt got wetter with each sip she took as we chatted and she cooked. Soon she would be falling asleep.
I watched as she neared the end of dinner as her eyelids got heavier. No sooner had she set our meals on the table and sat down was her face in her plate. I turned her head so she wouldn’t suffocate in her food and began to ransack her house.
I helped my self to whatever I wanted, filling bags to take with us. Then I sat down and enjoyed the dinner that she so kindly prepared for me with an evil smile on my face. Of course I had to save room for dessert which would come latter.
Once I was done I gathered up all the things I wanted and loaded them in her car along with her limp body. I made sure she was positioned in the front seat with her skirt hiked up high and her pussy showing. I rubbed my cunt all the way into the woods as far as I could drive. I unloaded my stash and finally carried her body to my camp.
I tied her up and bustled around putting away all my new goodies waiting for her to come to. When I saw her eyes start to twitch and knew it was almost time I let out a load of cum like I haven’t in a long, long time.
I waited till she was coherent and then told her how grateful I was for all she had given me. And for her kind heart. She had no idea what I was talking about but she would soon.
I said a prayer to the Gods asking them to send me good fortune and smile upon my sacrifice. Then I raised my knife into the air and came down between her breast bone, ripping deep into her flesh and gutting her like a deer. I quickly ripped her breast bone open and reached in to rip her beating heart from her chest.
While it was warm and beating and dripping fresh blood I took it on my mouth and began to devour it, taking in her life force.
The rest of her was placed on my alter and she was burned the smoke and ash rising to the heavens and received by the Gods.
I slept well because I knew I had pleased them.

Domination Phone Sex With Mistress Angie

hot phonesex angieI finally decided to get a new toy. The old pet was so disobedient that his  discipline killed his stubborn ass one day. Fucking insolent bastard.

Wouldn’t you know not 24 hours into my ownership and this fucker is not obeying either. I told him, no fucking touching your self. No masturbating…unless that is what you are told to do. Do you think the bastard listened? Hell fucking no.

I spent the entire first day of his training fucking him dry and teaching him the art of obedience and the consequences of disobedience. I decided to let him rest after a grueling 24 hours of training. When I walked in to retrieve him for his second lesson his hard dick was in his hand and he was going to town jerking it for all that it was worth.

I snatched his punk ass up and dragged him into my room of pain. He has been chained there for several hours now. His wrists are shackled and chained to the walls out stretched to either side. His ankles are chained spread wide to the floor and his dick is chained stretched down and attached to the floor.

I walk in with my accomplice and we look at each other with a smile. “Are you ready to be punished?” I ask. The look on his face tells me he thinks he has already been punished and I can tell he is afraid to speak. Looks like he might be smarter then I thought.

We stand in front of him dressed in our leather out fits and begin fucking each other in earnest. Cunts rubbing together, fingers going from pussy to mouth and back again, letting him watch our tongues as they lick hard nipples and entwine in a kiss that is long and provocative.

His dick is hard and wants to stand erect, but the chain is keeping it in it’s downward position as he groans and fights his restraints. We begin working on him. Licking and kissing him and rubbing our hot wet cunts all over his cock and balls. I pull out a huge butt plug and shove it deep in his ass as he lets out a cry of pain. It is stretching his ass to the max while his cock still fights to stand straight up.

Leaving him there we lay on a table in front of him and make each other cum over and over again. I tell him to beg. Bark like a dog, beg like your life depends on it for mercy and for this pussy you want so badly.

Finally after two hours I release his cock, leaving his wrists and ankles chained and the huge butt plug in his ass. I warn him that if he cums in less then an hour this process will be repeated. His cock will go back in chains and he will be left over night shackled here to do it all again.

He begs for a cock ring to keep him from cumming and of course I refuse. It is going to be a long night for him it seems.

Angel of Death

Dark Angel of Death Come little one.  It’s okay, I won’t hurt you….yet.  The innocent are easy to prey upon.  I find the most dainty little lambs waiting to be slaughtered.  I do it because I am a monster.  You might as well reap the benefits right?  Come with  me and I’ll take you to places you never knew were so dark inside your soul.  We’re going to do terrible things and we’re going to do them oh so very well.  We’re going to savagely beat, violate, dismember and bleed every innocent we come across.  Your cock is going to destroy every one of these bitches while I wait to take their last breath.  Wrap your hands around their necks while you plunge your cock in that gash.  As she starts to have a hard time breathing you can feel her whole body tighten up around your dick and it makes you squeeze even more.  I’m right there though telling you to go steady, don’t snuff her out yet…. that’s my job babe.  I will be the one to watch the light die out in her eyes.  To hear her softly brush that last breath between her lips.  I am the Angel of Death, the Reaper.  And today and everyday is a good day to die.


Taboo Phone Sex

picture2life_01946_originalI have this “friend”, I don’t really like her but you know that old saying… keep your friends close and your enemies closer… yeah it’s like that. I act all sweet towards her even though just looking at her face makes me want to rip her skin off with my bare hands and hearing her voice makes me want to shove a screwdriver in my own ear just to stop her incessant whining! It has been very hard to keep up the act but finally it will all come to an end tonight. I am taking her to my friend’s house tonight, she thinks we are going to a party but it will just be the three of us. I can’t wait till I can rip the tongue from her mouth, gouge her eyes out and peel all the skin off her body! I am going to take my time and make her suffer as much as possible before we kill her. Don’t you worry about this fucking whore though, she definitely deserves everything she gets!

I’ll Make Her Disappear

natasha sexy in black1If this cunt thinks for one second that I’m going to let her continue to live and be a constant inconvenience in my life, she is sadly mistaken.

After so many years of wasting your life with that dried up, old, ugly, fat-ass of a wife, it’s time to cut the fat, so to speak and completely enjoy ourselves and be together.

I have it all planned out too. I use the spare key to your house and while you’re innocently working I’ll make sure today that useless cunt will breathe her last.

Let’s face it, I’m doing not only us but the world a favor killing this bat faced bitch. I almost had to laugh when she saw me standing there in the living room completely nude…… well I’m not going to stain my clothes with this cow’s blood am I? This fucking moron still doesn’t get it; babbling about who was I and how I got in the house. Finally, she notices the long shiny blade in my hand and with that I jumped on her like a tiger and just began stabbing her flabby, pasty carcass. Pissed me off that I had to stab so deep to get through the layers of fat to actually kill this piece of shit.

My favorite part was when I was beating and punching her face to a bloody pulp, I was telling her all about how long we’ve been fucking each other and that you knew all about what was going on and set the whole thing up! Oh my goodness, watching the look of agony, betrayal, fright and helplessness wash over her ugly ass face was priceless.

And finally, straddling her massive frame, I hold the blade up over my head in both hands and tell her as I thrust the knife deep into your barely beating heart that after this that me and you are going to celebrate and fuck and fuck and fuck. Mmm, bye bye you fucking pathetic cow, that was a pleasure…….