My cunt was pumping out juice to the rhythm of my heart beat as I gathered the tools we needed for our midnight madness in the cold night air. I love to go exploring down old dirt roads. You never know what you will find and the other day I found a hidden treasure. An old graveyard, over grown with weeds, secluded and forgotten. The perfect spot for some fun by the light of the moon. It was chilly out when we got there. Fog hung low to the ground adding to the excitement and ambiance of it all. My nipples were hard but not from the cold night air, from the anticipation of unearthing the old graves. Opening old coffins and removing the remains of the bodies. The feel of the brittle old bones, the musky smell when the coffin lid is first removed, taking old relics and making them my own, rubbing disintegrating pieces of cloth or the remnants of hair against my body, it all serves to excite me in ways that are forbidden and taboo. Which just makes the lust and the desire so much more satisfying. We got lucky on this one, the dead here must have been well off when they were alive. The coffins were not wood, but concrete and ornately decorated. They were well sealed and the remains inside better preserved then the graves of the poor of the day. One coffin in particular held the remains of a woman who was laid to rest with some beautiful old jewelry which I put on right away. Carefully moving her bones to one side, I laid in her coffin and used one of the bones to fuck my cunt until I came all over what was left of hr clothing. I took her skull with me to add to my collection. We didn’t get to unearth all the graves as the sun came peeking up over the horizon, we will go back tonight and finish what we started. We will never tell a soul how much we love taking it to the grave!
Taking It To The Grave
The Nail In The Coffin
As my master it is his duty to test me and push my limits. Find out what my weaknesses are and to not only abuse them, but use them to his advantage. And on one fateful night of torturing, as a punishment master told me I was going to be confined to a coffin. Closed and just in there for how ever long he chooses. I freaked out so bad. I couldn’t breathe. I begged master over and over again to please let me out. I think I did end up passing out from my anxiety. When he opened that ‘lid’ I went to jump out and he pushed me back down. He said he realizes his pet is afraid of this and he intends on taking full advantage of it. He ripped my clothes off and jumped on top of me. He pulled out his cock and shoved it down my throat. Making me suck his big fat fuckrod. All I could feel was him ramming it down my throat. Feeling a little bit of his oozy cream running down my throat, barely giving me a chance to catch my breath before he was shoving it back down my throat! When he started ramming faster and harder I knew he was getting ready to cum down my throat. He shot load after load of his oozy salty and sweet cream down my throat. He climbed out and pulled me up and told me, now every time I start freaking out in spaces like that, just think of all the dirty things he can do to me in them.
Suffocation Phone Sex with Blair: Break Me Master
Sometimes a bitch needs broken. Not every bitch breaks easily either. I try to be a good bitch. I do know my place. But I am not always great with the pain, which causes more pain to be inflicted upon me. I need to learn to cry and scream on the inside only. I was suspended upside down being whipped nonstop while being sodomized. I tried really hard to hold in the pain, but I was weak. Master cut me down and put me in a rubber suit. It was so tight. It hurt my flesh. I could barely breath, but I could not talk or scream. Master wanted me quiet, as in dead quiet.
I had little slits for eyes so I could see what was going on still. Master dumped my body in a coffin. He shut the lid and dared me to scream and cry all I wanted to. “No one will hear you now. No one will care,” he said. I knew he was right. No one cares about worthless whores. I wanted to still scream though, but even if I could it was futile. I needed to conserve oxygen. Master was trying to suffocate me. Force me to be quiet, maybe forever.
Not sure what happened next, but pretty sure I passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up still in coffin. Could hear Master and his pals laughing, speculating if I was still alive or not. They were amused by my predicament. At that moment, I heard the coffin door open. I was pulled out of the coffin, stripped of my constraining rubber suit and hung back up for more whipping and anal torture. This time the whippings were more severe; so severe my flesh was being sliced and torn. But you know what, I didn’t make a peep. I am a good quiet whore. I learned my lesson. I would rather suffer quietly as the flesh is ripped from my body than to suffocate in a dark coffin any day.
How would you break me?
Paralyzed Snuff Phone Sex Slave
I woke up on the table, naked and cold with something around my neck… a collar? My head was clearing form the chloroform you used to get me here and I felt weak all over. The last thing I remembered was walking from the store towards my car and then you grabbing me from behind. I knew you had already fucked me while I was out, my pussy was on fire and it was so wet between my legs it felt like I had pissed myself. My tits were aching and burning like they had been whipped.
I looked up and there you were above my head. I tried to scream but realized I couldn’t move. You had given me something to paralyze my body. My heart began racing and I kept willing my brain to move my arms, legs, anything, but nothing was happening. I was trapped inside my lifeless body but able to see and hear and feel pain. It felt like a nightmare, but I knew it wasn;t. I could smell your lust sweat on me and the pain all over my body told me I was verymuch awake.
You pulled me by my hair to the edge of the table towards you. My head was dangling at the edge, right under your hard cock. You were upsidedown to me, but staring right into my eyes. Your stare made me even colder, as you pulled my mouth open with your hands and tilted my head back. You took your hard cock and rammed it into my mouth so hard that it went directly down my throat. I choked but you showed no mercy. You kept fucking my throat as I lay there unable to fight.
Then you reached over me and grabbed my nipples. You pulled them towards the ceiling with all your strength. The pain shot through my body and I knew you wouldn’t stop pulling until you pulled them right off. I vomited all over your cock and you still keep fucking my face as I choked on it. My nipples finally started to give away, and one popped off. I could feel my blood – warm as it rolled down the cold outside of my skin. Then the other one opped offand my nippleless breasts bounced back to my chest.
I could smell the fresh blood, even though I couldn’t see it like you could. The sight made you fuck my mouth, filled with my vomit, even harder until you came. Your hot cum squirted down my throat and I swear I could feel it so deep that it seeped out of the holes where my nipples used to be. The cum mixed with my blood, drained from my chest as you removed your cock from my mouth. I was still choking as you put the chloroform back over my face. You softly said, “Until next time, my Snuff phone sex whore.”
Cannibalism Phone Sex with Cassandra: Thanksgiving Dinner
I was on my way to yoga when I got a flat tire. This nice young guy came to my assistance and gave me a lift. He did not take me home or to the garage. He took me to his place where he preceded to break me into submission. He said I was a stupid worthless whore, but he could find a good purpose for me; he just had to break me first. After a week in a cage deprived of my narcissistic wants, I came to accept that I had a greater purpose in life; one that revolved around serving and helping others.
During this month of thanks, I now find myself grateful for my healthy, ample body. You see at 5’9 170 lbs with good muscle tone and excellent health, I can feed a less fortunate family for an entire year. I lack the financial means to support an impoverished family; I can barely support myself. However, I can nourish them; provide a warm meal on a cold day. My life has purpose now. HE made me see that. I have been eating like a bird and working out daily and using all sorts of chemicals on my hair and body to just be a vacuous dumb Barbie who only serves her own good. That all changed the day I met HIM.
HE had been watching me, stalking me, knew I needed to find meaning in my life. To give back for the gift of beauty and health I was given. My tire being flat was not a random act; there are no random acts in life. It was a calculated chance to renew my life; to become a better person. I just needed HIS help to realize this. In that cage for a week being fed cornmeal and protein shakes, I realized with HIS assistance that I can give the ultimate sacrifice to help others.
So, this Thanksgiving, dinner will be served and I will be the main course. HE has been preparing me for a feast. HE has been preparing other lucky women too. From my feeding cage I can see him harvesting organs, preparing them in a special manner as to provide the most nourishment for others. All the women HE has collected have a purpose. I am just happy to be the main course. I will soon have a large skewer up my ass, an apple in my mouth and thermometer in my cunt as I slow roast over an open flame.
I love cannibalism phone sex. How can I serve you? Or perhaps the better question is, how will you serve me? Maybe with a butter base, carrots and potatoes?
International Slut Hunt
I knew when I saw the camo you bought for me that the hunt was on. What I didn’t know is that this year the game had been ramped up. As you loaded up us cum whores in your truck, you handed us each a passport. Wtf? One of the older girls told me that this year was going to be an international hunt – men from all over the world would be meeting across the border to hunt us. I couldn’t figure out how it would be possible – you would never get through the border with a truck full of naked and half naked cum slaves like us… not even with passports.
But the girl who told me obviously had been thru it before so I figured you had a plan. Sure enough when we pulled up to border patrol, your truck was pulled over. I could barely see out the one dirty window in the back, but I saw a wad of money exchange hands and then the back doors swung open exposing all us girls. There was a border agent and he pointed at a couple of the other girls and you grabbed them abd dragged them out. Of course – I should have known – you traded them to get us through the border.
You left them there and I watched out the window as we pulled away and the border agent brutally fucked the girls. You had it all figured out. We finally stopped hours later and got out in a large open field. There was a dead woman impaled on a pole. She must have been the prize from the last hunt. There were men everywhere. Some with guns, soome with bow and arrows, and some didn’t even look armed. We all got dragged out of the truck. I remember thinking how happy I was to be wearing anything at all – especially camo. My desperate mind told me it might help me survive this hunt.
We ran, as we always did, and then heard one gunshot in the distance. That meant the hunt was on. I didn’t want to end up like that woman on that stake so I ran my ass off through the jungle. I found a deep brush area and decided to hide. I didn’t see anyone for hours, and then I saw you. Your gun was drawn, and you looked right at me. My heart froze. Then for whatever reason you turned away, and went the other direction. Why did you spare my life? I know you saw me. I laid down in the brush and began rubbing my pussy. The thrill of you seeing me, and expecting your bullets to be fired was just too much. I came all down my legs and then fell asleep in the bushes…
Home Invasion Phone Sex with Dusty
“Serial Killers Turn Me The Fuck ON! There I fucking sad it, are you happy now?” that was one of the final things said by me as I left home. You see I had a online relationship going with this complete psycho from a Serial Killer Newsgroup. Well I was always seeking darker and more deranged and it started young.
Well I met up with him one afternoon and let him drive me home. I just sort of felt he was lame and kinda brushed him off. One night I heard a loud noise outside, and got up to look. My younger brother and mother were asleep. I didn’t notice anything unusual and figured it was just a stray or raccoon.
Heading back to bed something didn’t feel right so I turned some lights on and the television and grabbed some juice. As I walked back into the living room I saw a shadow in the hallway. I crept back to the kitchen but was grabbed from behind a leather hand on my mouth and a knife held to my neck. God, I was getting mother fucking wet.
I hear my mother scream and some thumping around back in the bedroom. My brother is whimpering and keeps saying please. I hear another man’s voice, it sounds familiar as he is throwing out commands. His buddy was laughing as he ran the knife blade across my skin. I could feel his dick hard against me. He walks me down the hall to my mother’s room and I see my brother and her are naked and bound.
It just crosses my mind – oh fuck – this is all too familiar. While talking and joking with the psycho I half heartedly played out an Home Invasion Phone Sex scene I would love to put a good scare in the bitch called my mom. I was stripped right there as I watched my mother and bro get anally violated by the other guy. My psycho acquaintance took his knife to me slightly grazing the skin as he started pushing his cock inside me.
As he fucks me he whispers how we are going to fuck his accomplice and how he has a nice big strap-on for me to use. We are going to fuck him, beat him, and stab him to death and then fuck his corpse. While we snuff him we will be recording it.
I think I came so fucking hard just listening to what we would do.
Pregnant Cows
Aren’t pregnant women beautiful? Doesn’t it bring a smile to your face every time you see one? That ‘glow’, the swollen belly, the pure joy on their faces? What the fuck is wrong with you? There is nothing special about a fat swollen cow carrying around a parasite. Something that sucks the very life from you. Pregnant women are nasty. Sweaty, complaining constantly, puking, pissing themselves, walking around thinking they are special because they have a lump of meat growing inside them. So the fuck what? All female life forms can reproduce.
So now what do we have? A woman that forgot to take her birth control who is now super fat, huffing and puffing through the day acting like they are a queen. Who gives a shit? Not me. I call them cows because that’s exactly what they look like. Eating shit all the time, expanding to epic proportions. The good thing about all this is, that cows get slaughtered. That is right, cut up into nice bite sized bits. And if that bovine just happens to be carrying a calf inside her, that just means double the protein.
Home Invasion Phone Sex with Venus: Your Evil Accomplice
I’m a sadistic bitch. I am unapologetic about that. The world is over populated by sweet, boring vanilla chicks. I’m not the girl you date, I’m the girl you plot revenge with; the girl you stalk and kill with. I’m your evil sexy accomplice. An old friend of mine recently reached out to me for some help with her philandering husband. My reputation as a sick bitch is common amongst certain crowds. We devised a genius home invasion plan that would result in revenge with no culpability on her.
I broke into their home late at night. Walked right into the bedroom yielding my big ass knife. Told them to get the fuck out of bed. Of course he offered me money and the jewelry to leave. I wanted jewels that was for sure, but the family kind. I had his wife, my secret accomplice, tie him up, while I tied her up. I played cat and mouse games with them for awhile before I got to my nefarious intentions. I untied my girlfriend and “forced” her to untie her husband and put him on the bed, where I tied him spread eagle. The fear in his eyes was intoxicating. I told him I heard a rumor that he has a little trouble keeping his pecker in his pants. “Is that true?” I inquired while I held the knife under his worthless balls. He looked at his wife and tried to lie. I pushed the knife harder under his testicles, drawing blood and he sang like a canary.
I informed him that cheating was a sin and I was an old school Bible thumper; a believer in an eye for an eye. I was prepared to cut them clear off right then and there as planned, but I gave the knife to his wife. I then pulled out my pretty little pistol and held it to her head. I explained it was simple. Take your husband’s worthless balls and you both live. She started crying. Crocodile tears I’m sure, but nice touch. He begged and pleaded to keep his worthless nuggets. I started Russian Roulette with my pistol. He had no clue the gun was empty, neither did she. It added to the realism of her fear, made our game more fun; well for me at least.
After 3 rounds of nail biting Russian Roulette, my pal looked at her husband, apologized and cut his balls clear off. There was a lot more blood than I imagined. A lot more screams and tears too. Blood, tears, screams…total turn ons for me. I made her put his balls in a plastic baggie. Told her she should keep them as a reminder of her pathetic excuse for a husband’s infidelity. I kissed him on the forehead. Told him to keep it in his pants or he would lose his pecker the next time. Told her she should get him some medical attention fast. Some folks see me as a sick bitch. I see myself as a helper. I assist folks in making better decisions in the future.
Perhaps I can help you with wiser choices. Perhaps I can help you get revenge. Perhaps I can punish you. I am the accomplice of your nightmares.
THAT Belongs To Me
You silly little man. Did you really think that I would let you treat Me that way and get away with it? Your stupidity is much more vast than I had thought, if indeed that is what you think. Now you have found yourself in a very uncomfortable and unfortunate position. Tell Me. How does that cold steel feel beneath you? Do you enjoy being in five point restraints on a hard surface? You can try and try to get out of it but I can assure you I am most adept at knots so you just go and struggle your little heart out. You aren’t going anywhere sunshine.
First things first I need to get undressed. Don’t get your hopes up doll, this isn’t an Edge Play type of thing. This is so I do not get blood on my dress. Do you recognize the lingerie? It is what you brought for Me when W/we were in Paris. I thought it only fitting to wear something that makes your pathetic penis rise.
You just lay there and I will get the instruments ready that I will need. See, you seem to think that just because W/we are dating that you “own” Me. Nobody owns Me, and nobody ever will. You have thought it necessary to be domineering in public settings when your friends are around. Although I said nothing, do not think that I didn’t hear every word. Now you leave Me no choice but to teach you exactly what belongs to Whom.
That thing that hangs between your legs is Mine. You can shake your head no all you like, it doesn’t change that fact. Since it is Mine, I am going to take it. I am going to rip it from your body then feed it to you. One bite at a time. They say you are what you eat, and you My dear have been nothing but a Dick.