Merry Pharmacist Day!!

Fantasy phone sex

I had no idea what pharmacist even does outside of counting medicine, but I learned a whole lot about the profession today. Monday’s seem to be the slowest day for these guys, so it was the perfect day for me to wonder on in needing a pregnancy test. I was stuck at the counter when the pharmacist popped up on me from behind and asked me if I needed assistance in a deep sexy voice. One look at him and a high YES came jumping out of my mouth before I could stop it. He giggled when he noticed my embarrassment, and went on to help me grab the correct test. I followed him to the counter, paid and asked to use the bathroom. He took me to the back to the employees bathroom because the one in the store was broken.

The pregnancy test came back negative and I screamed with joy in the bathroom. The pharmacist must have assumed there was something wrong because he came barging into the bathroom with a scared look on his face. I laughed when I saw the look of fear leave and lust take over as he stared at me in my underwear breathing hard with excitement. I walked up, closed the door and fucked him hard right there in his tiny employee bathroom. He was tightly holding onto my waist and pushing his dick hard inside me. With his face stuffed in my tits I slide my pussy up and down his cock and pounded it right back on top of him. He was fucking me so hard that his dick kept popping in an out of my pussy, the last time he slipped out he slipped back in my ass and I nearly fell out. He fucked my ass with the same strokes he gave my pussy and it felt so good to take a big cock up my ass, stretching me out good. He gave me a huge load to clean up, I had no idea how I was to get all this nut off my back! I learned so much about the pharmaceutical industry that day.

Killer Phone Sex with Venus: A Family That Slays Together Stays Together

killer phone sex evil bitchI’m a dark girl. I think you can tell by looking at me that I am not the unicorns and rainbows type. In fact I despise spoiled rich brats who think they are princesses. I was having lunch with my mentor, my lover, John, at this quaint little truck stop, when this blonde bitch came in demanding a phone. The fancy sport car that daddy bought her had a flat tire. All that money and no AAA. So young, and so demanding. Of course we offered her a ride to our cabin, where John said he could get her a spare and fix her car for her.

He lied. We had other plans for the spoiled rich bitch. She was going to be a torture doll for his daughter Amy. You see we are grooming her to take out the trash like we do. Our little guest was not grateful. Bitched about our car, complained about how long the drive was, even said our cabin looked like something from a Wrong Turn movie. She didn’t want to get out of the car and come into the house! John told Amy he brought her a present and that she had to get it from the car. She is going to be my step daughter some day. I was so proud of her. She got a baseball bat, went to the car, and hit her present so hard across the head, her blood splattered all over the car. She dragged her barely conscious ass into the house where her put her on a dirty old mattress. This bitch was in a Wrong Turn movie!

killer phone sex snuffAmy  was in total control of her present. This would be her first solo  kill. My pussy got wet knowing what a good protégé I had trained. Amy is young, still learning, therefore she  was a bit impulsive with her kill. John and I prefer long, drawn out pain and suffering. We can keep our victims alive for days, weeks, even months. Barely alive I guess is more accurate. But Amy was just so excited for her own plaything, she went crazy. Sodomized her with that baseball bat until her ass was a bloody mess. Turned me on when she shoved that bat covered in princess blood and shit down her toy’s mouth making her gag till she puked. Amy is a natural born killer. Sick little bitch. Just like me. That’s such a turn on.

Here was the princess, cover in blood, piss, puke and shit, naked, part of her head bashed in, barely breathing, and Amy wanted to share her kill with her father and I. She knows how much we too love to beat a whore to death. We are a family, so I excused myself, and returned with a baseball bat for John and I so we could all beat her to death together. A sweet little family bonding moment.  We left her broken, battered body on the mattress. If she was still alive in the morning we would have some more fun, if not we would just go hunting again for a toy that might last longer.

A family that slays together, stays together.

Indigodone HCL

Medical fetish phone sexIn honor of National Pharmacist Day I have decided to turn myself into a drug.  Wouldn’t that be fantastic? Me? A drug? I think so and what is a drug without a commercial. Without further ado I give you Indigodone HCL.

If you have experienced Pissing me off, giving me dirty looks, talking about me behind my back, being a full on cunt, being annoying, being worthless, or I just straight up do not like you for no reason in particular, then you should talk to me about Indigodone HCL. 

When taking Indigodone HCL it is important to know the risks.  Side effects have been reported which include: Sudden onset of stab wounds, burn marks, evisceration, beheading, torture, ligature marks, hemorrhaging from your genital areas, forced penetration, widening of your asshole, widening of your cunt, grotesque mutilation, abuse of a corpse, being brutally violated with something sharp, head injuries, and psychological breaks.  In extreme cases death has occurred…who am I kidding, death always occurs.

In a double blind study where those given Indigodone HCL experienced traumatic deaths.  Those who were given a placebo were grateful to survive.

Do not take Indigodone HCL if you are: Pregnant, planning on becoming Pregnant, ever thought of being Pregnant, sat next to a Pregnant woman on a bus, walked past the Maternity section in a store, or asked someone their due date only to find out that they are not pregnant…awkward.

Indigodone HCL is not available over the counter, or in any store.  If you think you would like to try Indigodone HCL then you are one crazy son of a bitch. 

Killer Phone Sex Reagan * Pop Your Fucking Pills

Killer Phone Sex ReaganI decided to celebrate National Pharmacist Day with a Killer Phone Sex blog, dedicated to snuffing out those pricks. Those assholes don’t deserve their own day. Have you seen the prices of pills now a days? Fuck that. I know what I am gonna do this January 12th, I am gonna fuck up my pharmacist. The corner drug store is ran by some old stupid fuck in a white coat. I take some pretty dam strong psychotropics, and they are not cheap. One time he put the wrong damn pills in the bottle! I got so fucking sick from his ignorance, and I have been waiting for the right time to pay him back for his stupidity. This will be the perfect day to give him a taste of his own medicine!Killer Phone Sex ReaganHe normally works way past closing, and I know how to get into the store after hours. I sat in the shadows and waited till he was filling pill bottles. I jumped him from behind and hit him pretty dam hard on the back of the head. I laughed as I watched him struggle to stay on his feet. Once he was down I straddled his chest and bound his arms and legs. Then I put a metal gag in his mouth, forcing it open. Waiting for him to regain consciousness, I gathered up a few of his bottles of pills and got them ready. Don’t you love these Murder Phone Sex Fantasies? Once his eyes opened he struggled of course, but to no avail. I just laughed as I read each label and dumped bottle after bottle down his throat. He could not speak well with the metal claws holding his jaws open. But of course I cold make out a few words like “Please, No, Please, No”. I just had so many colorful pills to choose from! It was a rainbow! And since I am such a nice gal, I made sure he had plenty of booze to wash it down with! Funny thing is, once he was gone I was not sure if it was the pills he overdosed on, or just choking on his own vomit?Killer Phone Sex Reagan

Money, Pussy, Weed….

I have been a naughty whore…  

See I love to get fucked up, fuck and fuck someone else up. 

My new dope man is just like me. 

They sex is fan-fucking-tastic, 

I love the way he smacks my in face with his big 10 inch cock. 

I fucking love it when he slams me around, and forces my legs open and slams his black cock inside me. 

This all started when I wanted some smoke. I had him come to my place and he laughed in my face with his cocky laugh and said he would eat my pussy if and only if I could smoke a blunt by myself. 

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After that day is has been a series of random fucking in the street. 

Pretending like he is breaking into my home and he forces me down.

He makes me take his cock, all off it! 

Then one day… He looks me in the eyes and tells me to pick someone in mall. 

I know he wanted a bitch, so I searched and searched for this one girl.

You know the type. The girl that thinks she is the baddest bitch in the room. 

After promises of drugs and drinks at my place we got the girl to my place. 

I started smoking and slowly taking my clothes off. 

Taboo phone sex

Finally I got her panties off and mine. 

I pulled her head down to my pussy and she started sucking my clit. That is when he got behind her and started rubbing her ass. 

I could see that she was getting uncomfortable, so I wrapped my thighs around her head and helped her into my pussy while he fucked her from behind! 

Babysitting with Goth teen phone sex ~ Morticia ~

Taboo phone sexThere is something about the blood of a sweet little angel that makes my pussy wet. Tonight I went to the park, and found myself entranced by a angel. Normally I don’t go for the wee-ones by myself, but this one had me so enamored that I had to have her.

I walked up to her and asked her to help me save a little kitty, she was more than willing to help me. I told her the kitty was at my house and I could not get to her. It was all to easy to get this sweet angel to do as I said. She was so beautiful with her long blonde hair in a lose braid in a pink sundress but her innocence made me crave her.

Once we got to my house I told her the kitten was in the kitchen, as soon as we walked in the front door, I kicked her down hard on the floor and she hit her head hard and passed out. I waited until she woke up. While I waited I wanted to dress my little angel up. I started off with taking all her clothes off.

I inspected every inch of her body. I then washed her from head to toe. I spent extra time in her tight cunnie. I opened her pussy lips and washed it with a warm soapy cloth. After I dried her off I put oil all over her naked body. As I was rubbing her body with the oil my pussy was soaking wet.

I grabbed my hand held vibrator and placed it against my clit. Within seconds my body was shaking, I could not help myself but cum all over myself and fell to my knees. As I was sitting there on my knees with my pussy dripping and my body shaking, I knew that I made the right choice in bringing my angel home and keeping her for a toy.

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I was all too excited to dress her in a see through night gown and little white cotton panties. I put make up on my little doll and then I sewed her lips shut. When she woke up I didn’t want to hear screaming. Now all I had to do was wait for her to wake up.

Call me to find out what I did to my doll when she woke up. I had so much fun with her..

The New Girl

I woke up to loud thumps coming down the stairs. It sounded like something huge and metal was being dragged down to the basement. I knew the sound, as I had experienced it before. You had a new slave and she was being delivered. I tried to sit up to watch the unloading, my heart racing, wondering how long she had been inside the safe. You hate dealing with their screaming when they first arrive – so they get locked away in a safe. Memories of my time in the box came rushing back to me. It had to have been days, but it felt like years.

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I was locked inside by some stranger who had grabbed me, and left there – cramped and starving. By the time the box was opened I was barely alive and nearly blind as the dingy basement lights tried to make my eyes focus. I remember being terrified but so thirsty that I couldn’t scream. That was of course your plan all along. To break us before you even let us out of the safe. To mind fuck us so intensely, leaving us for days to accept that we had been left to die – only to then let us out into our new living hell in the basement.
I watched as you unlocked the lock and swung open the door. Her naked body climbed out, weak but alive. She was bound and blindfolded, but like me, didn’t make a sound. She was already broken. You guided her to the table to introduce her to a new kind of pain. As the feeling came back into her limbs, from being cramped so long, you cut them and burned them and her body just seized on the table from the stimulation. I remember those first cuts and burns and my pussy came uncontrollably.

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She has been added to your collection of whores. We are here for you to experiment all your sexual desires on. I continued to watch her be tortured with the knives, still blindfolded. I knew she had no idea the future pain she will have to endure, and in fact grow to crave like a sick addiction. I felt myself drooling at the site of the blades cutting her fresh skin. I wanted another turn under your cruel hands. I needed to be touched, even if it only brings agony. I was jealous of this new whore. I wanted to go back to the day that I had first come out of the box….

The Devil Inside

The drugs were beginning to wear off, and as my vision started to clear and my hearing return, I began to feel their hands all over me. My head was spinning, and I ached all over, especially between my legs. I sensed at least two men groping my body and grabbing my tits so hard that I could feel sharp pain even in my altered state. I began to moan in agony, and their grip got harder on my naked body. I had no idea where I was or how I got there.

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I tried to focus and understand what was going on, and I reached my hands out trying to feel my surroundings. Yes, there were two men. I could feel their hot breath on my neck and chest. They were fondling my breasts and one has his hand down between my legs rubbing my raw pussy. It felt like fire as he kept grinding his fingers up inside me. It felt as if I had been fucked for hours already. They must have been fucking me while I was asleep.
I felt like I was outside of my body looking down, and I began to see them more clearly. They were very strong, and I was their plaything. Their cocks were hard as rocks and one of them even had blood on him. Judging from the fire between my legs, I knew the blood had come from there. My pussy ached and throbbed and felt so swollen that it could burst. My awakening had aroused them again, and they placed my reaching hands on their hard cocks. I saw one of their faces, and began to remember.

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He was the man from the party. The one who had been wearing the devil mask, and whispering in my ear that he was going to make me his satanic slave whore. His tongue had felt amazing on my neck, and I had let him grab my body in front of everyone that was watching. I don’t remember anything after that. I am certain he must have drugged me and brought me here. How long had him and this other man been taking my body? I have no idea, and before I could try to piece any more memories together, they put me on my hands an knees and made me take their cocks again.

Snow Storm

snuff porn stormIts cold outside. And I have to admit. I do have one thing I love to do when it is frozen and cold. I love to visit this little lake in the woods. It has to be the PERFECT weather. When it is icy cold AND going to freeze overnight. That is when it is perfect. I have been waiting for months for the perfect storm! Waiting for the weather to to be warm enough in the day to melt the ice. BUT cold enough at night to freeze it over. So I was SUPER excited today when I saw the weather. I have a list of possible victims for just this occasion! But I already knew who I was going to take. There is this little bitch down the street. She thinks she is all that. And she is always saying, “That is so hot” or “Isn’t that hot” Every fucking sentence. I would just ignore her, but she is my local rep to order parts for the store. I have to talk to her several times a day. And I just can’t take it anymore. I called my friend Ryan over. I snatched the little slut right from her bed. I let Ryan have fun with her first. Ryan beat her. Then fucked EVERY single hole. She was crying and begging for him to stop, but that just turned him on more! I loved watching Ryan rip her open! And when he was done…it was my turn. I drug her out to the lake. I placed her neck deep in the water. And waited. The cold water turned her lips blue. And they swelled up. She looked so pretty. The paler she got. The wetter I got. I watched all night as she slowly froze to death. As the pleas turned to whimpers. As she froze. Her tears looked like frozen water flowing down her checks. So pretty. It was so pretty Ryan had to stroke off one last time looking at her. The last thing she will ever know… is she is dying while cum is poring over her. I love it!

A Kitchen To Die For

Journal Entry

January 10 2015

It’s dark I don’t know where I am. God where did this headache come from? This doesn’t seem like my room it’s a lot colder and wait is that windows?  Where in the fuck am I?  I get up to explore. I try to clean a mud covered windows.  It’s hard but it seems to scrape off.  I see nothing but open fields and wintery trees, I’m in the country damn those people!.  What are they putting me into next?  I turn to walk over to another door. It bursts open and a man with a heavy smell of whiskey approaches me. He is older looks to be about 50 or so. The years of drinking have not been good to him he’s aged poorly.

torture sex He smiles with his half-filled mouth of teeth. This old lodge has been abandoned for years.  I bought it to torture and have my way with young victims like yourself.  Don’t get any smart ideas your all mine no one will hear your screams.  I paid good money for you. Don’t get smart you hear me?

I try to back way and trip over, what seems to be a locked trap door on the floor.  I fall on my ankle.  He steps closer and as he does I can see bondage cuffs in his hands.  I try to move but for an old man he’s fast. I’m caught! He bounds my hands together and drags me to another part of the lodge.  I whimper the whole way begging I’d do anything to be let go.  He seems to drag me to what looked like to be an old kitchen.  I was hoisted up on the counter.  I beg are you going to kill me? His replied you can only wish.  He took out utensils. First it was the ladle, he spread my legs wide and slid it in me.  I scream with pain and he hit me hard. He brought out a whisk and put my legs in the air.  Felt in tear apart my hole. He told me he was mixing my insides.  His groin area grew, torturing me here was turning him on. He continued to use utensils on me and forced his swollen cock in my mouth.  It tasted salty and unclean, but if I wanted my life I complied.

After being tormented for days I was drugged and sent back to my cell. I laid there trying to recover.  I have to plan my escape I can’t take this much longer. torture sex