Nothing is more pathetic to me than people who go to church or believe in a god. I don’t care what god you worship, it’s pathetic! Christians and Catholics are the worse though. That’s not just my opinion that’s a fact. A lot of the people you see flocking to church every Sunday, or sometimes even twice a week, are just as morbid and twisted as me. In their minds, they’re saved so anything they do in this life is forgiven as long as they ask for redemption. At least that’s what they like to think.
One of my favorite things to do is kidnap these stupid bitches and torture them until they loose every once of their faith. Just loosing faith in god isn’t enough for me, I want them loose faith in everything including their salvation and humanity. Their last seconds on earth will be so horrible that there won’t be any flash backs, there won’t be time to reflect on the past. All there will be is pain and anguish.
The Hell the created to scare people into following their beliefs will be their only reality and I always love every second of it. Watching them suffer and squirm, listening to them beg for their sad little lives–it’s what I live for!
One time I even forced a pastor of a small Baptist church to wear heels and shoved a crucifix up his ass. Fucking him with that crucifix hard and deep was one of my favorite memories of all time. Don’t think he didn’t deserve it! They all do! He’s rolling in money while all the members of his church struggle and they’re all blind to it too. Don’t worry, those sheep aren’t of the hook. They all got pictures in the mail, it was a warning that I’m coming for them too.
Blasphemy Phone Sex with Toni: Torturing the Sheep
Biker Night
I needed a drink last night after a crappy day at work, so I stopped at this bar called The Strap. It was full of hardcore bikers and when I walked through the door, I felt like a gazelle running right into a pack of lions at dinner time. “Well look at this tasty piece,” the biker nearest me said, and before my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the bar, he grabbed me around the waist and pushed me right into a booth where he was drinking with a couple of his buddies. “Who says no one puts ‘Baby’ in the corner?” he hoarsely chuckled, and the smell of whiskey and mint chew was unmistakable on his breath. Three cold beers and two tequilas later, I was going home with three horny bikers, riding bitch with the guy who was my doorman. He may have laid claim on me first, but all three took turns with me that night. I was on all fours for most of what I could remember, getting every hole pounded as the bikers took turns with me. Two would be fucking my pussy or mouth or ass, while one of them was taking a video of all the action. When Biker #1 rode me back to my car in the morning, he said if I wanted my hands on a copy of that video I had better show up at the bar the same time next week. No doubt I will be there. Those guys don’t realize I can take a whole lot more of what they can dish out. This week can’t go by fast enough…and now I have to go to work with a fucking hangover and smelling like a truck stop ho.
Castration Phone Sex: The Venus Penis Fly Trap
Have you heard of the expression, “A 100 ways to skin a cat?” Well, I like pussy too much for that, so for me it’s, “a 100 ways to castrate a chap.” Sure, being a twisted little butcher babe, I could give a chap fifty whacks. That’s too easy, too boring, too conventional. I have been experimenting with castration methods for years now. Tiny dick losers, asshats, perverts, deviants and annoying fuckers have long been saying goodbye to their junk at my hands.
I think my favorite method for removing worthless and improperly used appendages is my special creation: The Venus Penis Flay Trap. My first test subject of this method was Paul: a drunk trailer park daddy fond of diddling little tykes of both genders. If you can’t use it properly, you should not have it is my motto. I paid Paul a visit one day. Caught him red handed with his worthless pecker up some poor young school girl’s ass. I told him I was a disciple of God, and it was time to have a come to Jesus conversation about his man bits.
I had his little victim help me show him both the error of his naughty ways and his road to redemption. I pushed him to the ground, while she removed my special instrument and set it on the floor in front of him. I invited her to take a front row seat to what I like to call a little trailer park justice. I gave Paul an option. My knife could slice his throat, killing him instantly, or he could tea bag my Venus penis fly trap, remove his evil appendages on his own, thus saving his life and his soul. For whatever reason, Paul struggled with this choice. He took too long deciding if his balls were worth more than his life. Idiot. No life, what the fuck does it matter if you got balls or not?
His little victim became my accomplice in the time it took him to realize that life is more important than balls. She leaped off the couch were he violated her little ass, pushed him hard enough that his drunk ass fell onto my contraption. Bonus. Not only did it take his worthless balls, but his pecker too. All of his evil appendages snapped clear off. Suddenly his living room looked like a crime scene. Blood splatter everywhere, male parts tossed around like dirty clothes, and a drunk p daddy passed out, bleeding all over the shag carpet. My youngest little accomplice stood over his lifeless body, gave him a swift kick where his gonads use to be, then pissed on his bloody stump. If I ever were to have a daughter, I could do no better than this perfect angel.
Girl power was alive that day. Like me, she would be a victim no more. She has become my little castration accomplice. Some things in life are better shared with a friend.
Castration Phone Sex: Loser
Castration phone sex with Dusty will have your pathetic dick twitching. You’re a sick fuck aren’t you? Your desiring my skill for making your pathetic worthless manhood *if you can call it that* obsolete. I will castrate you and make you nearly bleed out before I allow you medical aid. I am interested to see if I can’t see how long it takes to bleed to death from such a wound. Can you imagine it?
Your testing me by attempting to be an asshole. Well mother fucker that shit does not fly with this Bad Ass Bitch. I approach your loud pathetic ass at the bar where you just get more obnoxious. My friends all look on in silence, they know me so well.
The cold steel pressed against your scrotum as I have you believing your going to stick that dick inside me. You really think I am going to let you stick that thing in me? I run my blade down your inner thigh and back up the other teasing you as I do so. I feel you getting erect as I push the tip of my stiletto into your ball sack. I caress the flesh as it tightens. Your pushing towards me and I hold my blade perpendicular to your balls. Your hands start groping at my tits, I slide the blade across the base of your scrotum as you let out a scream.
Smiling at you I hold your dismembered balls in my hand as I hold them over my mouth lapping at the blood. I lean in close and spat it in your face. “You’re a useless piece of shit”, and I toss your testicles at you and walk away.
My first time
My first time wasn’t planned out. I had no idea what I was doing. It didn’t feel wrong, it felt so right. I felt like I had done the world a great service. I guess to really tell you how I did it I should start from the begging.
It was after my first period. My mother was so excited, she told me now was my time to breed and make demon brats with her god. I didn’t want anything to do with her witch craft and demon worship. My mother set it all up. We went to the woods where she had a roaring fire. All of her followers where there. They danced naked around the fire.
The gave me wine that was mixed with some kind of drug that made me weak and see things. What I remember is hazy but I have little flash backs of all the men having their way with me. One by one they fucked me and came inside me. By the end of the night I was full of demon worshipers cum. They tied me up and had me hang upside down in a tree for 3 hours. They wanted to make sure it took.
A few months later I was starting to show. I didn’t want this thing inside of me. I grabbed a rusty old hanger and folded it up. I shoved it in my pussy. I ripped that thing out of me. I was in pain and sick for a few days. My mother told me it was apart of the torture I was yet to experience. What she did not know is that little demon was nailed to the work table in the basement. I cut it up into little pieces. It was such a good feeling knowing that the creature would never live. Since then I have had a want and thirst to cause pain to anything alive.
Fantasy phone sex with Ivy
It started out as fun. My dope dealer came by with some new crystals. I offered him a few lines. As we were getting high we started messing around with each other. I danced for him, rubbed my pussy in his face. Laughed as he got hard. He grabbed my arm and told me to do something about it. I asked him what I would get. He tossed a sac on the table. I laughed at him again, which made me angry. “You couldn’t handle me. Take a another line and get the fuck out.” His grip got tighter around my arm. ” I like it rough, You can not do it the way I like it.”
He slapped me in the face, it was hard but nothing what I like. “Hahahaha you hit like a bitch.” He punched me this time, making my lip bleed. I got in his lap and started to kiss him. I bit his lip real hard as I wrapped my hands around his neck. He pushed me off. “You is a crazy bitch. Alright bitch. Lets do this.”
He got up and grabbed my hair. He pulled me by my hair to the table. He picked me up and started to take my clothes off. I kept fighting him. I kicked, punched and elbowed him in the eye. He got real fucking mad and slammed me down on the table. I was laughing as he grabbed me by my throat. “Do you want to fucking die whore?” I nodded no, playing innocent. “Then you are going to do every fucking thing I tell you to do.”
I nodded again as he sat down and told me to take my clothes off. I slowly took off my shirt and jean shorts. He had his cock out and was stroking it. “Get down on your knees bitch. Suck this big dick.” I licked my lips and got down, I started to open my mouth when he grabbed my hair again. “No teeth you crazy bitch. If I feel one tooth I’ll kill you.”
I smiled and wrapped my lips around his cock. I was sucking it for a good 10 minutes and then I grabbed the tip of his cock and bit that mother fucker. “Next time you think you are a bad ass mother fucker, think of me bitch.” I spit in his face and dragged his ass out of my apartment. I think I need a new dope dealer!
Blair’s Lesbian Gangbang Rape Porn
My son texted me to pick him up at school, so of course I went like a good mommy. When I walked into the gym where he was supposedly waiting, I did not yet know I would be the star of a gangbang rape porn. The cheerleading squad informed me that my son paid them good money to make me a part of their lesbian rape porn and resisting me was futile. I thought this was part of some early April Fool’s joke. Was I being punked? I looked around for my son, some sign this was a hoax. I laughed, sure it had to be a joke, and started to leave.
A girl grabbed me by my hair gruffly, slammed my face against the bleachers and said, “Whore, you leave when we say you can.” My nose was bleeding. I even bit my tongue. All the girls started smacking me, beating me into submission. Kicking me, calling me names, spitting on me, pulling my hair, they taunted me, made sure I knew that I was their bitch. If I wanted out of Satan’s School for Cheerleaders no more scathed than I already was, I knew I had to be a good little whore.
They pawed at me like I was a piece of raw meat and they were hungry animals. Ripped all my clothes off exposing my body. The harsh auditorium light nauseated me. Fingers were crammed in my cunt, my ass and even down my throat. Two girls shoved their fists up me simultaneously. I was being double fisted by teen cheerleaders who could be my own offspring they were so young. No lube, no warning, just dry fists up my tight holes. I could feel the head cunt cheerleader pulling my asshole out. My ass was prolapsed, bleeding, swollen just from their fists, when I was introduced to the biggest, thickest dildo I had ever encountered.
Before I had the pain of the dildo from hell up my ass, they each fucked me with a strap-on. Gangrape porn was being made with my ass as the star. Seven bitches violated my already tortured ass. I didn’t know lesbians could be so rough with another woman. My asshole was gaping open, blood was trickling down my taint. The site of my blood made them ravenous, and they took that huge dildo and rammed it up my asshole so hard, I swear it could have come out my mouth. My ass never hurt so much before. These cheerleader cunts shredded my ass; hurt me more than a gang of cocks ever had before.
After several hours of anal abuse at the hands of evil cheerleaders, my son showed up to get me. He did indeed sell me to these bitches to settle a drug debt he owed. Apparently even teen lesbian cheerleaders from hell enjoy a soccer mom’s ass for some gangbang rape porn. Can you hurt my ass worse than 7 evil cheerleaders?
If you know anything about Greco-Roman Mythology then you know who Arachne is, if not, I will take a moment of My precious time to enlighten you. She was a mortal woman who was turned into a Spider woman by Athena. There are various versions of the story, but the one thing that remains the same is that she was turned into a Half woman/Half spider.
Today I had the honor of doing one of the most sensually deviant roleplays of My Sadistic life. In essence I was Arachne but with a twist. I crept into his bed one leg at a time, showing him my beautiful face, my lovely breasts and of course My gorgeous spider abdomen. I used a special spindle that I could protrude from my pussy/mouth and plunge into his cock. I deposited as much venom as I could, fucking him, drawing him in deeper and deeper into my undulating abdomen. I wrapped all of My legs around him, holding My prey steady as my proboscis snaked out of my grinning mouth so that I could force it down his throat to feed.
While I pumped my sharp spindle into his now overly swollen cock, I told him how I needed his seed so that he could fertilize My eggs. My spider offspring needed to be born. They would mature in the same room where his lifeless husk of a body would be left for them to have something to eat once they hatched. Which I thought was rather nice of Me.
I loved every single minute of this fantasy and I honestly hope I get to speak to My willing, horny victim again soon.
We didn’t start the fire
I woke up to the smell of smoke and the sound of crackling wood. I opened my eyes and my bed was encircled in fire. I screamed and bolted through the flames. I was sleeping in the buff and luckily there was nothing to catch fire, but my skin was burnt. I started making my way to the front door, blinded by the smoke. I suddenly came face to face with a firefighter, and my naked body was expertly thrown over his shoulder. I was taken out into the cold. The firefighter who’d saved me took me into the ambulance and left me to fight the fire. I looked up at the paramedic, who was probably in her twenties, black haired and gorgeous. She asked my stats and asked how I was feeling. Honestly? I was terrified and that got me so hot I reached up her scrub top and she tensed at my touch. she relaxed and returned the favor, and I sat up and kissed her. She bit my lip and forced me back onto the stretcher. She straddled me and ground her pussy into mine. My pussy was dripping wet and she felt it, finding that the perfect time to take off her pants and sat on my face. We 69’d and we came together, covering ourselves in sweet pussy juices. She laughed as she put her clothes back on and covered me in a blanket. “What’s your name, anyway?” she asked me.
“Marley” i chuckled “what’s yours?”
“Ivy” she looked into my eyes as she pulled out the defibrillator. “And, ‘Marley’, you little cunt, I started this fire. And that’s just the beginning of your worries”
My jaw dropped to the floor and the last thing I heard was “Clear”
Mutilation phone sex Makayla
Today daddy was different. He walked down the stairs with a look in his eyes that scared me. He put my collar on me and then grabbed another daughter. Last time this happened one of the girls never came back. As we walked up the stairs I knew one of us or both of us were never coming back to the comfort of my little pallet beds. We would never see our tiny holes that we called home. Once we were upstairs daddy stripped us naked. He was looking over our bodies. He finally handed me a basket full of clothes pins. He grabbed Gabby and slammed her down on the table. Daddy is so strong. He strapped a choke collar on her and tied it tight to the table. He tied her arms and legs down. He told me to get started. I pinched her skin and pulled up as much as I could on her malnourished body. After I pinched and pinned as much as I could, then daddy pulled out his knife and started to make little cuts on her body. asking her if it made her pain go away. She was still crying and screaming in pain. He told me to make her shut up. He handed me a pair of pliers and told me to be creative. I took the pliers and pulled out her tongue piece by piece. The look in her eyes as she watched me do this will haunt me till I die. I don’t know what happened to her after daddy kicked me down the stairs. But we never saw her again.