Killer Phone Sex Nigger Cunt

Killer phone sex

  Killer phone sex Nigger Cunt got me in so much fucking trouble! I have to thank that asshole for this.   This motherfucker was trying to put his whole hand in my ass. Attached to the end of his hand was some kind of fucking razor. I felt every drop of blood and shit mixed together as my ass was being pulled apart. I was fighting all of them but it wasn’t going to be very long before the end came. Sucking their fucking cocks now they had me shitting out bricks of heroin for them. It was in their nature to make me swallow balloons of heroin and then smuggle it here. I was paying for that  fucking asshole’s mistake every day of my life. I don’t think they ever had any intentions of ever letting me go back alive. Its not like I would want to. Who would want to go back to a crack addicted motherfucker ? It was his stupid motherfucking debt that had me with a razor crazed motherfucker pumped in my asshole! I guess that’s how things went when you tried to reason for your life. Every move you made was fucking stupid!

     Being tied  to a tree the night before and being forced to eat shit was the worst that these motherfuckers; I thought, would do to me. Barfing up instantly, I had been ordered to clean it up. They then gathered around me and called some asshole. I don’t know what the fuck they were doing but after I was taken for this killer phone sex game to see who was going to beat me first they had been calling whoever for the longest! But that was not the worse par the worse part was being tied upside down from my ankles with my legs firmly apart while these mother fuckers practiced arrow throwing and even that would have not have been  so bad if they hadn’t gotten the little one involved to come in and join this little game. He would bite into my flesh and pull my nipples so hard I am sure they were torn off!

        As I fought him off , I struggled to see what was going  on as a door was opened. My eyes grew big and I was scared as hell! “Hi Layla long time no see!.” Stroking his 12 inch cock I widened my eyes and the only thing I could say as a cock was stuffed in my mouth was “You!… I saw the hook at the end of his hand and then nothing else! I am sure what ever that bitch was sticking in my ass was leading to  my death but it was much too late to know.

Murder Phone sex Fantasies with a Cannibal

Murder phone sex Fantasies


      I felt the teeth in my back and my flesh being ripped off. I knew he was trying to eat me alive but there was nothing I could do to get away. There was nothing I could do but try to brace myself for the surrender of death. I don’t know if I was  going to make it or not at this point I didn’t know if I cared. I just wanted him to hurry up and get whatever he had planned to do to me over with. It didn’t matter what it was as long as it came quickly and took me out of this misery. Unzipping his pants and moving toward me for the umpteenth time made me know what to do. He wanted me to bite down on his cock with all the strength I had left.  I was trying to do that but the pins in my eyes were blinding my vision Blood pooled in my ears and I knew it was going to be all over soon. I tried fighting and yelling but all that came from my lips now was a squeal it was going to be the end.

     Pushing my head down further on his cock he was suffocating me and my eyes began to bulge. But this was not to be the end, further pushing me down he took my head in his hands and slapped me across the face spitting on me. Turning me around he rammed his cock in my ass and I felt his hands around my neck tighten and  I was clawing at him to breathe but it was much too late. I felt the tear of my flesh again and the release of my spirit to Hell. I had gotten what I deserved from this murder fantasy and you with all the sick twisted games have never been caught! Doesn’t that just make your cock hard all over again?

Torture sex a snuff porn dvd and you

torture sexNow that I think back I suppose my malicious and cruel nature might be tied back to my younger days. Back when my piece of shit father used to hold my head as he fucked me raw and made me watch his vast snuff porn DVD collection. See Daddy was a mean fucker just like me. And once I got old enough I snuffed him right out just like I had seen in every single video he made me watch. And I never again was forced to do anything, but grew to love the pleasure of forcing other seemingly innocent whores into things they would never admit they did. And then of course, getting rid of their disgusting ass in the most violent ways you can imagine. So yeah, maybe my mean nature is linked to that fuck, but it doesn’t change the fact that doing all these things, giving people pain, and having 100% control of them turns me on like nothing else. Blood and tears is what gets me off, not that soft vanilla shit that you see in other little porn movies. I like to push and see what I can make them do, before I start cutting them slowly and surly, cutting off nipples and fingers… and best of all watching the life leave their terrified pathetic eyes. Oh is this too much for you? A little too graphic? Then you shouldn’t be wasting your time with me because this is exactly what I’m all about and if you aren’t willing to participate then you’re going to be tied up and bleeding right there with them. But if you are just like me, you can force them to do whatever you want! How amazing is that? And you can even help me think of more creative ways to snuff them out.

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His Dark Angel

As I lay here in the dark I think back to all the fun we have had. 

I am Daddy’s girl.

He picked me and I was willing to go. 

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I am Daddy’s dark angle.

My eyes have been forever opened, and my soul is forever darkened. 

Daddy has molded me into his perfect Accomplice.

I am by his side through all the kidnapping, knife and mutilation fantasies. 

We make them our own and I am proud to be daddy’s girl.

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As I lay here in the dark, I think of today. 

Oh the fun we had as you mouth fucked the gutter whore.

Watching her mouth rip open, and licking the blood as it drips down her face. 

You smile at your dark angle.

Oh daddy I love you. 

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Daddy I worship you.

After she is long and stiff daddy you and I continue to fuck her. 

As her body get colder and her pussy drys up.

I am there pissing in her mouth and being your perfect accomplice. 

Forever and always your Dark Angle.

Killer Phone Sex: A verse of Demise

Here is a Killer Phone Sex diddy I wrote based off of the Christmas tune so true to my soul rotting in hell version. I am a sinner, but only to those whom are bigger sinners in that they pretend, lie, and cloak their true selves with flesh masks of soccer moms and dads. Those holier than thou are the biggest sinners. Those of deafening religious righteousness only anger me into hate fucking their sullen skulls.

Killer Phone Sex

Silent Night, Deadly Night
Nothing insight, but the burial site
Pound yer steak, make no mistake
Unholy varmint, so tender and blight
Rotting in a stench ridden night
Rotting in a stench ridden night

Unholy Dead  so rotted and smelly
Hell welcomes them into it’s night
Unholy creatures dredge from below
Unholy hosts chant incantations of murder and sorrow
Undead, the undead have risen
The undead of the netherworld has risen…
Silent Night Deadly night
Son of Sam takes another soul..
Gory secrets from below unfold
Deaths rotting stench fills the nostrils of many
Once the stench is smelt the living become dead
Unholy night, silent cries
Blood curdling screams of death unearthed…
Unliving  evil purged and with blight… Unholy night of innocence lost..
Bludgeoning heads of girls so young
Son of Sam makes my dreams cum true… at last…
Blood curdling screams of innocence now gone.

Mutilation Phone sex

The Wrong Bar to Score Drugs

ass rape porn dirty motherI knew the moment I walked in to score some coke, this was no ordinary bar. A wholesome looking soccer mom with a dirty habit stood out like a sore thumb in this leather biker bar. But, the bartender is known for having the best coke for the cheapest price in town. I tried to act like I fit in as I walked up to the bar, but I was shaking in my pumps.  “You look like someone I want to abuse,” the bartender informed me. I felt eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. “I’m clearly in the wrong place,” I stammered. I pivoted on my heels to leave, but he grabbed me gruffly by my red mane, yanked me back. “Not so soon MILFY. I know what you want and I got what you need,” he seethed before slamming my face down on the bar.

Dizzy from the blow to my head, I teetered in my pumps until I collapsed over a table. Before I could regain my composure, strangers were pulling my clothes off. Dazed and confused, men violated my holes. I felt fists being shoved up my cunt and my ass. Men were pissing down my throat. I was being violated in the worst way. The creepy bartender came around me from behind. Grabbed my red locks so hard I thought my hair would pull out from the roots. He started force fucking my ass. I started to cry, but I got my mouth muffled with huge cock. “Nothing more we hate than soccer moms slumming for drugs,” he spewed. They used my ass as a cum dump for hours, my body as a punching bag.

When they were finished with me, they spit in my face, tossed me an eight ball and the bartender told me to get my skanky ass out of his bar. Battered, filled with cum, bloody, sore, humiliated, I crawled outside to my car where I guess  I passed out. I woke up with WHORE written across my forehead in what appeared to be my blood. I knew that bar looked sketchy, but I needed a fix badly. At least I got it.

Working Girl

Teen Rape PornI got another job last week and the job was so fucking easy to get away with. Their mom’s a drug addict totally out of her mind so setting her up to take the blame for what I did was as easy as tying the brats up. Their mom was out probably on an all night binge, so I had plenty of time which I didn’t even need but enjoyed. It’s nice to take it slow every now and then. I tied the girl’s hands to her ankles and laid her out spread eagle with her little pink pussy up in the air, easy to carve up like a turkey. I broke her legs like little wish bones and said a prayer, even though my fantasy was already coming true, taking the kitchen knife gliding it across my nipples until they’d get hard, painting my naked body with her blood. It was almost too easy. Then I just stuck one of her junkie-mom’s needles in the girls arm and I assume the cops just thought she went too hard on the smack because I never heard from her again.

I Am Worthless

Suffocation phone sexI am nothing more than a bonafied snuff and pain slut.  I want the pain, I want the hurt.  I want to run my hands over my body only to wince why I fight back the tears from the abuse you cast upon me.  I want you take me, hard.  I want you to show no mercy.  I want to walk around for days with the taste of you mingled with blood in my mouth.  I want to feel the impact of your nails digging into my skin.

I beg to have your strong hands clamped around my smooth neck.  I want to feel this world fade from my eyes, only to be revived to be fucked again and again.  Yes, I will cry out, but my cunt will drip.  I crave this, I love this, I live only to die by your hand.  I want to be your cum guzzling, shit eating, piss drinking, bruise wearing slut.  You can never go to far with me fore this is what I was born to do. To be a worthless object in your eyes.

Starvation Humiliation

I knew if I wanted to eat this week that I would be required to perform well for your friends at your party. You left me alone in the room that locks from the outside and all night long I could hear the music playing and the men laughing. I could even smell the alcohol and hear them as they went down the hallway to take a piss every so often. I knew they were getting more and more intoxicated. Then they would be coming for me.

They come to your parties for the entertainment after all – and they know what is waiting for them once midnight comes. They pay their way in at the door and know that a once-beautiful little pain whore will be satisfying their cocks before they leave. I can hear them laughing and joking about what a worthless slut I am and cracking up at all your stories of the things you have done to me. The more gruesome the story, the harder they laugh, and I know you love the attention.

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I feed your friends, they feed your ego, and then I will finally get fed. My stomach grumbles as I wait for the stroke of midnight. I hear the clock start to chime and I know its time to make sure I am wet and ready for all the cocks that will be cumming for me tonight. The doorknob turns and I can see a little through the dim light in the room. Its a huge man and he is already undoing his pants. His cock falls out below his giant belly and I can smell his drunken sweat from across the room. He lays down on the bare mattress and calls me a whore.

I climb on top of him and he tells me to put his cock in my ass. I obey him because I  know I have to. He is disgusting, but I have to pretend to like it as he sinks his hard-on into my tight ass. The pain sears through me as he pounds my ass mercilessly. His cum shoots up inside me and starts dripping down my thighs. No sooner is he off the bed, than another man comes through the door. He is no better than the first, a gross pig of a man, but he will have a gorgeous little fuck doll tonight. He grabs me and has his way, and I hate myself for it, but I need to eat….

Stupid Whore!

Killer phone sexA good woman knows her way around the kitchen, mama always told me. Good thing I’ve got some prime meat left over from the game I made last week. She was a runner, but I was horny so I couldn’t let her get away. Most of her clothes had already been torn off from running through brush since I chased her into the woods. What a stupid whore. She tripped and I sunk my favorite knife into her back, severing her spine to keep her from struggling any more. I was already pissed since killing the stock while it’s stress toughens the meat but I had eaten right in so long I decide it was worth it. I took a little taste while she was screaming, like eating sushi, tender raw meat, then had to make myself cum since I was so pent up from all the excitement. I still can’t get off while rubbing my pussy without taking the knife on myself so I nicked my thigh just enough to bleed so I could get off. The whole situation was just so fucking sexy that I had to share it with somebody.