Taboo Phone Sex Taught By Snuff Porn Comics

Taboo Phone Sex

I have always dreamed of the day that I would be able to be as big of a bad ass as one of my favorite comic book heroes that I look up to. I guess hero is not that right word, well not the word at all. Villains of course are my cup of tea. My favorite, and who I base a lot of my taboo phone sex mayhem from is Harley Quinn. She is a mean nasty little cunt who laughs as she dismembers her enemies, or someone who just makes her mad at that second. I love how she smiles and giggles her way through torturing her victims in the snuff porn comics that I read.

snuff porn comics I giggle too, as I tear my hand up through one of my little brats that I am turning into my own little play puppet. She likes to fuck too, uses her sexuality to her advantage. I also am like that, my pretty colored hair and tattoos are starting to grab more and more attention. My clients flock to me for all of their play time fun. One day I shall make a xxx snuff porn of Harley Quinn, actually I think I am going to make that my next project. HA!ha!HA!ha! Now I just need to find my Mister J.

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Castration Phone Sex Inspiration from Snuff Porn Comics

castration phone sex knife playCastration phone sex really excites me. You would be surprised how many men know they don’t deserve their balls. I consider myself a castration queen. I have no qualms about taking your balls on the phone or in real life. I’ve been saving the world one ball at a time for awhile now. Certain people should never be allowed to procreate. Some do not deserve the pleasure of cumming. Hell, some don’t even deserve the right to continue breathing. On occasion, some pathetic excuse for a man will hire me to castrate him and I deem him more suitable for snuff porn. Usually, any loser who wants his junk removed by someone else is so weak and wretched that they are worthy of death anyway.

Eli was one such loser. I was all prepared to take his balls. I watched some torture porn, castration videos, even looked at some hot snuff porn comics for inspiration on just how to remove his junk. I hate to be boring and just snip balls off in a nice neat fashion. The way I see it, if you want your balls removed with a surgeon’s precision, you call a doctor, not me. I’m like the back alley abortion doctor for castration! The more I researched Eli, however, the more I decided he needed a hell of lot more gone than his nut sack. He has sired 9 brats that he doesn’t pay for; been married 4 times; been collecting disability for drug addiction for years; and has several charges against him for animal abuse and domestic violence. Clearly this loser can’t pick a fair fight and his testicles are the least of his worries.snuff porn comicsWhen he arrived, I collected his money, strapped him to my castration chair and let him believe I was going to just give him the service for which he paid. He asked about all the plastic under the chair. I was matter of fact in my response, “I don’t want you making a mess on my carpet.” I tied up his balls tight to restrict the blood flow, strapped his cock to the board, then used my big jaws of life pliers to take his balls clear off with one motion. There was a lot of blood, which I didn’t mind, but it made him so queasy he passed out. When he woke up, he wondered why he was still strapped to my chair. “Because you are a drain on society. No one will miss you. And I want you dead,” I replied blissfully. He thought it was a joke, I read back to him his litany of offenses. “Mother Theresa would want you dead, you fucking loser,” I retorted.

taboo phone sex castration fantasiesI let him plead and whine for a bit on why I should spare his life because it was amusing. I channeled my inner Mrs. Voohres and chopped his head clear off with an axe. The blood was profuse. It was exciting to watch his body twitch, blood spurt from his neck stump until he finally went lifeless. I felt myself getting my angel wings for ridding the world of another dreg of society. Something I had seen if one of those snuff comics stuck with though. This image of an evil seductress like me, covered in blood, sitting naked on the head of the loser she just killed, like it was her trophy. I decided to imitate art. I sat on his head like a tyke does on one of those bouncy balls, rubbed my pussy on his dead head while holding his lifeless pecker and celebrated another dead loser. Perhaps I could mount his head to the wall like a deer?

Be careful what you ask for with me because you might just get it. snuff porn castration

Snuff Porn is Better Than Spiders: What is Your Fear?


snuff porn big titsWhat is your worst fear? Mine is spiders. Snuff porn is better fate to me. I hate spiders. I have a horrible fear of being paralyzed and covered in mutant spiders. Not your garden variety daddy long legs, but SyFy movie channel 8 legged creatures from hell. One of my masters discovered my fear and used it to break me. I was sitting in his dungeon, chained. It was dank and smelled rotten. I had no idea what he was going to do to me. He was not my full time Master, but a guy my Master sold me to for a weekend. He found me obstinate, but really I was just scared. I promised I would be a good slut, but he smacked me, chained me up and left me in the dark to think about my “unacceptable willfulness.”

I wasn’t down there long when I felt things crawling all over me. Was I imaging it? I’ve heard that fear can induce psychosis. I tried to swat the creatures off me, but my hands were bound. I tried twitching my body as much as I could to get whatever was crawling on me off. Then panic sunk in. More started crawling on me and I knew it was spiders. I could feel them falling from the ceiling. My heart raced, I peed myself, and I started shaking and sobbing. I heard laughter from above me. They weren’t falling from the rafters, they were being dumped on me. Suddenly, the lights came on and huge ass creepy spiders covered my body. These were inbred looking mother fuckers. Not regular spiders.

taboo phone sexI screamed so loudly, but one got in my mouth. I tried to spit it out, but more fell inside. I tilted my head, spit them out and begged for mercy. Managed to get out a “I’ll do anything,” before an 8 legged freak tried to climb in my mouth again. He came down from the rafters with a fire hose. Although I was glad they were off me, the hose was so forceful it bruised my skin and took off some flesh. “You gonna be a good fuck pig now,” he inquired with a devilish smile. I nodded incessantly; I was still too freaked out to utter a word. His scare tactics worked. I would do anything no matter how sick or perverse to not endure my worst nightmare again.

Ass rape porn was what was in store for me next. Master cleaned me up, tied me to a bench and ushered in about 50 men who sodomized me one after another. My ass was gaping open with what felt like as much cum as there was water in that fire hose running out. But I was happy to be anally tortured and force fucked. I’d rather be snuffed out than be covered in creepy 8 legged creatures ever again.

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Cannibalism Phone Sex Hamburgers

Cannibalism Phone Sex

       Cannibalism phone sex is what these mother fuckers and you crave. This caller had more than a taste for a hamburger. He wanted nigger flesh in his mouth. He would degrade and call me all sorts of names and that didn’t bother me. He couldn’t do much worse then the gang who imprisoned me here right? But things started taking a twist..

      They quoted you 200 bucks for the hour. You thought that was a bit steep but you decided to go through with because your wanker really needed to sucked and fucked. Nobody would suspect a thing typical scenario where a guy picks up one of the students on campus. Grabbing me by my arms you locked my hands behind my back so I could not move and put the pocket knife to my throat. You told me if I screamed you would fucking kill me! Releasing me from your grip you demanded that I strip which I did. Taking some duct tape you began to bind my hands and legs together. I was complexly helpless and could do nothing but wiggle a bit.

      Now you started to prepare the burger, you got everything you would need. Lettuce, buns, tomato sauce, everything but the burger. Heating up a pan you took the large knife and approached me. You said you needed the final ingredients for the burger. Pulling my tit tight you began to cut. I heard the sizzle of the pan as my tits were placed in the hot oil. You told me you would get rid of me after you had finished your meal.
My breasts were nicely fried and placed in the buns. The taste of the burgers were so good you said. Placing the knife at my throat you sliced it open and I collapsed. Taking your cock out you pissed on my body making sure to aim right in my mouth.

What would you do with the body, with me well I guess you will have to call to find out!

Dating on Craigslist

Taboo Phone SexI answered this ad on Craigslist for a guy who was looking for a date. We emailed back and forth a few times and exchanged pictures and then decided to go out.

So we head to this local bar for a few drinks. The date totally sucked. He paid no attention to me at all. My date started playing poker with this guy almost as soon as we got there. The guy he was playing with came up next to me and got a drink and said, “It looks like you are going home with me.”

I looked at him kind of funny and he said, “If your friend loses, I win you.”

What the fuck! He is using me in a bet!

When it was over, my date had lost. The other guy grabbed me by the hair and dragged me into the men’s bathroom.

He pushed me against the wall and forced his cock in my dry cunt. He was forcing my face into the wall and I could smell the whiskey on his breath as he rammed his cock in me over and over.

He shot that chunky dick snot up inside me bringing a little relief to my stinging raw pussy. Then he let go and pulled up his pants and said that he didn’t care if I played along or not, but he won me fair and square and I am his whore for the rest of the night.

Before I new it, he slapped a collar and chain around my neck and started yanking me back out into the bar. He told me it wouldn’t do me any good to fight and shackled my wrists and pad locked me to the bar! Before he walked away to shoot another game, he introduced me to his friend, Joe. Then he ordered me to suck Joe’s cock while he finished up his game!

Bondage Phone Sex

I looked at him like he was crazy and that’s when he slapped me across the face!

“I said….Suck Joe’s cock you fucking whore!”

I knelt down and did as he said, my wrists and neck, still chained to the bar. Joe held my had and chocked me with his meat. I cried as he slammed it down my throat. I was so relieved when he finally shot his load, filling up my mouth.

My hair was a mess and hurt from being pulled. My mascara ran down my face. My mouth was tired and filled with the nasty taste of Joe’s bitter cum!

I thought I was done when he zipped up his pants. But as he turned and walked away, I saw a line of men waiting to dump their salty load in my gaping mouth!

One by one men fucked my face as my limp body stayed chained to the bar. My stomach turned from guzzling so much jizz.

The next thing I remembered, I woke up and the place was empty except for some old guy who unchained me so he could mop around me.

My body hurt so much as I made my way home, once again doing the walk of shame through the streets as the sun comes up.

Domination phone sex

Domination phone sex

He started calling me a few weeks ago.

He wants to be my slave, my cum slut whore, my knotted dick lover.

Last night during our call he became my scat man.

I loved playing with my pussy as he grunted and dug into his own ass hole.

He finally shit letting out a very sexy low moan.

I listened as he did what I told him.

He walked into the other room, and wiped his shit on his cunt wife’s face.

He shouted in her ear “I am IVY’s WHORE! I love her bloody pussy, I will do anything I can do for her!!”

I laughed and laughed as he shouted at her over and over.

I listened to him rub his cock until he finished all over her shit covered face.

I wanted more, But our time over.

Sadly I couldn’t get him to bend down and pull my tampon out and use it for his morning tea.

I would have loved watching him drink a part of me.

Cannibalism phone sex

 Cannibalism phone sex

Something about the beach makes women stupid. I think it is the combo of sun, water and booze. I go down to the beach from time to time, looking for the too drunk party girl who is easy to pick off. She is usually the slutty one who disappears from the pack for a few days and goes on to fuck random men or women. She is the one who eats her problems, but not too much. I like them juicy. I like them thick. They cook up very nice. I have been wanting a very nice personal roast. I figured I start off with his chunky lower legs. I will skin them, cut them in cunts and wrap them in bacon. Cover them in flour and brown them in a skillet. Mhmmmm just the smell makes my mouth water. I’ll remove my meat and place them n a baking pan. I’ll add onions, chopped carrots, celery and so many spices to the meat gravy. After they are cooked Ill pour them over the meat. Bake at 350 fr 20-30 minutes. Pair with a nice red wine and some type of vegetable. Would you join me for dinner?

Every Devil Was Once An Angel

knife play phone sex karmaI know what he wants. I know what I want. I know what we need and how great it is when we are together. The big difference is that I embrace my evil ways and walk confidently within the parameters that others find offensive and wrong. He on the other hand needs to be reassured that even though this is so wrong it is OK because it feels so right. It really doesn’t matter I am both the angel on his shoulder with the lilting voice that is soothing and calm and the devil on the other shoulder that is encouraging him to touch that young and perfect body, The one that hasn’t been tainted by puberty or thoughts of sexual gratification. I give him instructions on how to touch her, how to take her, telling him that it is a good thing that he is teaching her the ways of womanhood. Soon she will be required to satisfy a man. It is what she was born to do. But for now she is going to bring him satisfaction that she will never be able to give again, Her youth, her innocents, are going to please him in ways that can only happen once for both of them. I get to watch and enjoy the fact that I am contributing to the wicked corruption of all involved while enjoying my own special satisfaction. Our orgasms are so strong when we have these special moments together.

Taboo Phone Sex Games with Blair: Submissive Whore for Hire

taboo phone sex submissive slutTaboo phone sex subjects are my favorite for phone calls. Incest, rape fantasies, torture, BDSM, bathroom play, four legged friends, even snuff. You don’t call me if vanilla is what you crave. I’m a subby bitch whore in real life and on the phone. This weekend my son pimped me out to one of his friends. He does that often. “Why should one of my friends pay for common street hooker, when they can buy you. A suburban, classy, clean soccer mom,” he said to me as he pushed me into the arms of Edgar, a 45 year old co worker of his with a love for S and M games. I was blindfolded and thrown in the back of his van.

He threw me in a cage in his basement where I remained for 24 hrs in the dark with no food, water or human contact. I was forced to pee and defecate in the cage. Because I could not see, I was stepping in my own waste. I felt so violated. When Edgar returned for me he called me a “filthy pig.” I was forced to oink like a pig and roll around in my own shit. I wanted to wretch. This was not how I wanted to be treated. “You were bought and sold bitch. Stop your whining. I own you for at least another day,” he quipped as he pulled my head back gruffly and slapped a heavy chain around my neck.

torture sex submissive whoreI stood before him, naked, covered in my excrement, shackled and scared. He used a cattle prod to shock me, which made me piss down my leg further. He shoved the prod up my ass and I convulsed so hard I shit and puked all over the floor. These torture sex games went on for hours until I passed out in a pool of my body fluids. I woke up back in the cage with the words “dirty fuck pig” carved into my chest.

I thought that was the end of it; that I would soon be home to my son. It was just the beginning. I felt a fire hose turn on me, washing the skank off me. Naked, wet and scared, I was yanked from the cage, thrown in a room and sodomized for hours. Ass rape porn was part of the package. Edgar shared my tight asshole with about 50 of his closest friends. Instead of being covered in my own shit and piss, I was now doused in cum. By the time they were done with me, I prayed for death. I wondered if my son knew just how badly his business associate was going to treat his mommy? How would you treat your mother?

Check out other submissive whores like me at our new site SubmissiveWhore.Com.

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Killer Phone Sex Unnatural Orgasms

Killer Phone Sex

    Killer Phone Sex calls make the best orgasms. There is just something about dying and fucking that really turns me on. Include a gang and things get even more interesting….

    I felt like I was at an audition to be their snuff toy. The gang would love to torture me. Using a hot iron grid iron the words Nigger whore were branded on my chest. Placing a ball gag in my mouth was to help me endure the pain. At first it started as a light sting then it increased into a lightening pain that started at my backside. I felt the wetness of my pussy and my body shook from an uncontrolled orgasm due to the pain. My ass cheek was decorated with what I was called now. I bit harder on the ball gag in my mouth.

     “I want to fuck you then gut off your tits while I cum in you.” He whispered in my ear. Unzipping his pants, he immediately pushed his cock in my mouth until it became rock hard. Pushing me over on to him I straddled him while he pinned my arms to my sides. Ramming his cock in my asshole the pain was truly unbearable. “You will beg me to gut you he said. He was squeezing my tits so hard and moving down to my belly. Picking up the gutting knife he continued fucking me in the ass. I don’t know if it was the branding that had me delirious or what but I wanted him to gut me! Getting gut up the ass seemed to be a huge turn on. I felt his hand grab my tit and the blades cold steel under my tit. I felt the cold steel cut into my tit severing it from my body. I felt the hot semen rush into my asshole while my body began to quiver. They were killing this hood rat bitch!

As I heard the dial tone I thought of that fantasy for a long time. I can’t get it out of my head nor can I wait to live it all over again.