Blood Rave

I had found myself on a Euro trip overseas with a few friends. It was amazing. Though we were still in our teens, we were considered old enough to drink and party over there. And party we did. We were hitchhiking our way through Germany when we got ourselves an invite to the craziest party around. They call it The Blood Bath.

We were all down for something different. The place was some old factory building. It looked run down on the outside, but inside it was a huge tiled room with a raised platform where the DJ stood. The music was pumping and we found ourselves caught up in the crowd.
It was a while later that things got weird. I started feeling something warm and wet falling on me and when I looked arm my arm.. there were red dots on it. At first my mind tried to make sense of it… they wouldn’t use real blood would they? But looking up I saw them in the flashing and pulsing lights. They had people hung upside down over the dance floor and others that were walking around slitting throats. This was real human blood! I tried to scream but my voice was lost in the loud music. Then I felt someone grab me.. A hand over my mouth with a cloth that smelled funny. I was making me feel dizzy as I was dragged away into darkness.. Was I going to be put up there too?Snuff phone sex

I Am Waiting

mutilation-phone-sex-karmaIt has been some time since he has come to me for his special therapy. You see he has dark desires and fantasies that he feels are so wrong and yet they feel so right. I am his fallen angel, the one that soothes his savage beast, that leads him to his desire and whispers in his ear that it is all OK. I urge and encourage him to take her. To run his hands along the lean straight lines of her underdeveloped body. To inhale the sweet innocent sent of her flesh. To let all of his senses be consumed with the desire of his flesh. To shut out the sounds of the voices in his head that are keeping him from enjoying the one thing that satisfies every fiber of his being. I am his accomplice, his voice of reason and I give him permission to feel what he longs to feel, to take what he needs to have and to loose himself while satisfying the both of us….I miss him.

Worth Every Penny

You’re finally here and I am finally ready for you to get what you paid for. I watched you buy me from that scummy guy in the basement of that shithole. Now I am in your mansion and you gave me pretty things to wear and allowed me to shower and smell sweet for you. I lucked out – you are handsome and have a certain dark charm about you. I know I will not live through the night, but if I am going to be snuffed then I am glad it will be by a man like you.

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You enjoy toying with my body and using small blades and needles to cause pain and bright red blood to drain from my nipples. You lick it off and then kiss me so that I can taste the sweetness that pumps through my veins. The pain is what I crave and you are delighted that you finally bought a girl who enjoys it. You keep telling me that I am going to die, and I just smile and say nothing. You appreciate me showing no fear.

You fuck my body slow and hard as you continue to slice my torso and arms. You do everything with exact movements and the designs of cuts look gorgeous on my tiny body. You lean down to cover yourself in my blood and it looks so gorgeous on your strong chest. I reach up and touch it with my bloody hands, leaving my prints dragging down your stomach. As you cum deep inside my tight pussy, I know the time has come for me to say goodbye. You place the blade next to my right ear and pull it to my left. I feel myself getting cold and the vision of your piercing eyes begins to fade. I hope I was worth every penny.

Babysitter phone sex

Babysitter phone sexI am suppose to watch my younger step sister tonight. It is a weekend so I know she is going to be annoying wanting to stay up. I don’t really know her too well, I actually didn’t know my mother had another daughter. Her father I have met a few times, but my mother and him decided to try and rekindle things recently. They warned me not to open the door for anyone. I thought that was strange because I am old enough to asses if  I would open the door or not. They are being dumb obviously. So anyways it is getting later and later and this brat is still up. The door bell rings and she goes to look at the door. She tells me it is her brother. I think nothing of it and go ahead and open it.

After all, I will never object to meeting my other “family”. He comes in and I immediately get a strange vibe. My step sister is very quiet, he tells her he misses her and asks her if is it time for her to go to bed? He immediately grabs me and ties me up. I start screaming and he quickly puts something in my mouth and tapes it closed. I look up at my step sister and she is just watching. He caresses her body, and I squirm trying to break free. He grabs me and takes me to the garage. He then introduces himself and begins making every inch of my body full of pain. I guess this is what my mothers boyfriend was  warning me about. I wonder if they will be home soon. He tells me how pretty I am and begins examining all of my holes while his sister watches.

Rape phone sex fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasies  I was at work today when my boss asked for me to stay late and help him close the store. He also needs me to help organize his office, but I am unable to do that tonight. As the night comes upon us and the last of my co workers have left, I make my way to his office. He seems to be intently watching something on his computer screen and does not even bother getting up.

I tell him I am unable to help him organize the office tonight, but I can help him clean. He does not seem to care for my answer and tells me to close his door and come near him. I do as he says, and he tells me to look at his screen. I then notice his cock is pointed up towards me and the video playing on his screen is a film “made from home”. He tells me he made the video, as the girl screams and cries in the background. She puts up a good fight, and before I can react he grabs me and tells me he wants me to make a movie of me. I start trying to fight him off but I have no luck as he overpowers me.

He rips my black dress off of my body as he undoes his belt and whips his snake out. He pounds himself into my pussy, not being gentle at all. I start whimpering begging him to please stop. He only gets more off on that as he holds me down and rams himself into me, making a mess of his office. Blood starts dripping down my legs as he viciously stretches me out.

Meal Prep with Ivy


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I love cooking, I search all day for the right veggies. Everything must be fresh every day! I keep some pieces of meat around. But I save those for special times. Like for dinner parties, I keep my meat tied up and well fed to fatten them up. I keep them tied up so they stay nice and tender when they cook. Besides living alone I like the company, it is comforting to have my meal be able to talk to me. I love it when they beg me to let them go. They beg and beg, it just makes me want to get them in the oven right then and there. But I wait. I wait until they are ready. The one I have tied up right now is getting prepped. Every other day I make a liquid mix of butter, garlic and other herbs and put it in a meat injector. I think go to all her fleshy parts on her body. I do it to give her flavor. The added flavor with be amazing after she is roasted!

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Torture Sex Doll Fun

torture sex funWhen I was a little girl, I was like Wednesday Addams: a creepy little Goth girl with a love for torture sex.  I had this one doll I loved so much. I called her butcher Barbie. She was a sick little thing in the best way. Pale, creepy, came with her own knife. I used her to act out my most violent and twisted fantasies. While girls my age played house with Ken and Barbie, my little dolly was butchering the brats of Ken and Barbie all over the neighborhood.

knife play phone sexAs I grew up, I never out grew my love for dolls. One day I saw this beautiful Goth girl with pale skin and she looked like a human version of my Butcher Barbie all grown up. What demented girl doesn’t want a life size doll. Especially one she can turn into an evil accomplice. I kidnapped Lea. Drugged her, tossed her into my basement. So lovely. So perfect. When I told her she was going to be my play thing, my forever dolly, she freaked. Called me names. She clearly thought I was crazy. She didn’t know just how crazy I was until I sewed her body together like a doll. I ensured she could never leave me.

fantasy phone sexShe screamed in pain as I pierced her skin with a big needle. The crimson blood dripping from the needle excited me. I threaded her flesh together with pink ribbon like dollies always wear. She was immobile. The perfect play thing for me. Just she didn’t want to play with me. Pissed me off. I decided to make her a torture doll instead. I carved my name in her flesh. I cut off  her nipples. I sliced off her clit. I sawed her labia off. I fucked her ass with Butcher Barbie’s knife, her cunt too. I cut tiny slashes all over her body. I waited until she bled out. Took days. It was so much fun. Her pale cold body was beautiful.

Mistress of Darkness

snuff phone sexRain was pouring down the night I made my first kill. My lover had fed me drugs and shots of whiskey and I was feeling no pain. Even in my fucked-up state I knew I had to obey him or my punishment would be without mercy.
Looking for my prey brought out my seductive side. I would sidle up to men, brushing them innocently with my huge 36FFF tits. The more attention they gave me, the more my pussy would twitch. I had no interest in having sex with them though. It was just a game to get them to take me home. Once we got there, it would all change.
My current Master was waiting there for me. If I complied and brought a victim home, he would reward me with a shot of liquid paradise, right into my vein. I was addicted to it. It made my inhibitions melt and brought out my animal side. I became a huntress, ready for the smell of blood.
My catch tonight was a skinny young drifter. After a few drinks and the promise of a sexual marathon, he was ready to follow me anywhere. He barely made it through the door before the Master was upon him. I heard him gasp once as he realized his mistake.
The Master hit him hard. He tumbled once and we were both upon him. I knew exactly what I was supposed to do. I tied his hands together and left him facedown on the floor. I took a long , sharp blade and sat down at his head. Master knelt behind him, ripping off his clothes, revealing a firm, round ass. His eyes sparkled with joy as he pulled out his cock. It was then my job to grease it and guide it against the puckered ass-pussy of my victim. I heard the drifter scream as Master rammed him hard. I pulled the drifter’s face against my pussy so I could feel his pain and the vibrations of his cries. It seemed to go on forever as Master violated his young ass, tearing it like raw meat. Finally, he reached his climax, filling the damaged fuck hole with cream. I screamed to the devils in hell.
I flipped him over. He babbled incoherently as I raised my stiletto over his scrotum and popped his nutsac like meat balloons. His scream was cut short when Master cut his throat. Afterward, Master would give me another dose and we’d fuck in the blood of our victim.
Tomorrow, I may be dead at his hands (or yours) but tonight I will just bask in the glory of the kill.

Snuff Porn Harper Quits Her Summer Job Like A True Bad Ass

It is not that I do not like to work, or even that I am no good at it. It is just, every time I find myself in outside employment I have to deal with shitty people. Shitty people with shitty attitudes who need a fucking adjustment. This last summer I got a part time job at a car wash. It was not really a big deal, and did not bring home much money, but was a way to get my parents off my back. Making as much money as I was with snuff porn they were starting to question some of my more hefty purchases. So I started working at this car wash, made minimum wage, and got shitty tips from all of the rich folks her were too lazy to use their garden hoses. This one cunt struck me more then all of the others. She was a rich bitch and always hoovered over me with her disgusting winy voice. The bitch needed to be put into her real place, but of course Boss man though I should hold my tongue. 

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Well, there came the day that he was not around. It was slow ans he needed to run some errands so he left me there my myself. Guess who pulled up? Miss Priss Bitch. She had the same attitude she always did. Ragged on me for my boyish appearance that day and demanded I do a good job because I always left her car spotty. I could feel my blood starting to boil and felt like I had steam coming from my ears. As I finished the job she had nothing to offer but nag, nag, nags.That was it, I just snapped. I turned around and stiff armed the wretched cunt knocking her to the ground. She yelped and went to grab the back of her head as I wrapped my hands around my throat till she was unconscious. 

Taboo Phone Sex

As she came to I had the water hose wrapped around her. She laid there completely stark naked. I knelt over her. She told me I was a dike and to get off of her. You know when someone has you nude and tied up the last thing you want to do is antagonize them. That was all there was to it too! I took the end of the squeegee and began to force fuck her ass hole, ramming it all the way inside her. As she tried to yell I took the hose and shoved it into her mouth. Water filled her. I began to get excited listening to her choke. Turning around I held her nose shut and let her drown, drown while I watched the bitch die. When my boss got back he was not the least bit surprised, in fact he fucked her cold dead body just for one last fuck you. I quit, I am not good at dealing with cunts like that. And she was thrown into some chemicals to decompose, and her car was sent to a chop shop. Bye bye little slut!

Chelsea and Ariel: Incest snuff fun.

teen rape pornI love being my Master’s Accomplice. He is so pleased with me. I brought him my very own niece to play with. Her name is Ariel and she is one fine piece of teen meat. No one will miss her but my brother. He’s been fucking her since she was a little twat after her whore mama died. Like mother, like daughter. I have no sense of family values. I just don’t want to be tortured and beaten for not pleasing my owner. Ariel was such easy prey. Hey, it’s not like she was a virgin prize. Daddy has violated every single hole hundreds of times. She is nothing but an incest whore. What reason does she have to live? At least here with her loving auntie she gets to try new cock and new shared experiences.
We have so many plans for her sweet young body. Yesterday I taught her to properly suck Master’s cock without just fucking drooling all over the head. I grabbed her pretty head and forced it down on his 10 incher and made her swallow it. She screamed around it and choked, finally passing out as he blew a load into her head. Tomorrow we have a pack of sex starved animals from a local gang coming to pounce on her and have their way with every orifice on her body. If she fails to perform she will be snuffed and dumped like roadkill on the side of the highway. If she lives, she will be forever tormented and tortured like a caged animal. Awwww, no more Daddy cock for baby girl. No worries though. She will have plenty of new daddies eager for a piece of teen ass.
Yes, I’m a filthy incest snuff whore. Believe me, I am getting me some teen pussy too before master turns his wrath back on me. Join me and Ariel as her training commences and the pain begins. Ta-ta for now.

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