Taboo Phone Sex: This Girl is Poison

taboo phone sexYou remember that insipid song “That Girl is Poison,” by Bel Biv Devo? I hate hip hop, but that song is my anthem. I am poison. Literally. When there is a man that annoys the fuck out of me, who won’t take no for an answer, who won’t get a fucking clue that I am not interested in him, I put on my special lipstick and give him head to die for. Meet Charlie. He used to a live mother fucker. Now he a dead mother fucker. Why? Because he mistook me for some pathetic desperate needy bitch playing hard to get. Listen up ass hats. When I say move along loser, you better fucking move along.

snuff porn poison deathCharlie hit on me at the grocery store. Like my “Goth I could kill you with my eyes look” wasn’t enough of a clue. He missed the big box of tampons and bottle of Midol I was holding. His biggest mistake was grabbing my arm as I tried to get into my car. Yes, the annoying fucker followed me to my car trying to get my phone number after hearing “fuck off you annoying loser” at least a dozen times. I got in my car, took a nice deep breath, and applied my special red lipstick. “You know, you are right. Of course I want to fuck you. I bet you have a huge cock and are being so persistent because you know the only cure for my cramps is a big fucking cock,” I said sarcastically. The sarcasm of course was lost on the loser.

castration phone sexAll he heard was fuck and his dick was out of his pants. I laughed, but of course he had no clue I was laughing at his shrunken baby dick. I wrapped my lips around his sorry ass excuse for a penis, counted to 5, took my mouth off his loser dick and guzzled down some mouth wash as I watched the poison take effect in the parking lot of Krogers. The paralysis set in, which made it easy to push him into the back seat of my car, so I could toss him in a wooded area on my way home. I watched as his body transformed into some zombie plague looking creature. When his dick fell off, I started singing Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust.” I should be getting paid for riding the world of annoying tiny dick mother fuckers. I dare you to hit on me with that shrimp dick of yours. I’m a castration junkie and I’ve got 99 problems but small junk ain’t one.

Daddy is my prize

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Daddy loves playing all kinds of games. And I always love being his number one player. Today though daddy took me to the park so that we could find a player number two to fuck. We found some random slut and daddy sat us on the bench. He first wanted us to know exactly who we were. He ripped our clothes off of us leaving a few marks here and there. He wrote slut one on my forehead and slut two on hers. He then would point out flaws in our little bodies. She other girl had small boobs, so I had to pull and twist her nipples until she cried. Daddy says that my ass was not as nice as slut 2’s she had to beat my ass with a switch until it bled and then lick the blood off of it. We went back and forth torturing each other while daddy played with his fat cock and told us how pathetic we were. He would slap us both in the face and put a burn mark on our ass anytime we were not fast enough and had not pleased him. Eventually slut two decided to complain about being thirsty, what a dumb bitch! This pissed daddy off of course. He stops and gives us both a drink which really surprised me… As I finished mine I realized that the other player was dead. Turned out that her drink had been poisoned. Since I won I got to live and Daddy was my prize. He now was only focused on me! He Punched me in my mouth and it filled with blood, he whipped my sides leaving huge welts everywhere. He bent me over the bench and fingered my little pussy while fucking my ass raw. I began to moan and he spanked me over and over. I was daddies little winner today.

Bye bye stupid slut

snuff phone sexIt is the stupid sluts that annoy me. The ones that don’t know a dick from a dildo. They make me want to just tear out their own throats then shove it up their stretched out ass. There was this one fucking slut that I really had it out for, I mean even her face pissed me off into next week. And I knew I would be doing everyone a favor if I just ended her miserable life. I am sure it was already ending because there is no way that she was not infested with every disease known to mankind. I am sure she even got fucked by a beast or two because she could easily take a giant dick like that. Slut. Anyway, I just could not handle her being alive so my only option was to do something about it. So I had to find a way to end her in a more creative way that usual but I did not want to fuck this skank. One day I asked her if she wanted to come over for dinner and fuck me after and obviously she said yes (ew!). I planned on ending her miserable life two ways…by feeding her meatballs laced with rat poison and using my new favorite toy…it was a strap on, but not just any strap on, it was a strap on that’s cum was pure poison. She came over and I was already waiting for her. I sat her down to a candlelit dinner and made sure she ate every bite. Then I led her to the bedroom and grabbed her and threw her onto the bed. I wrapped her wrists in acid coated chains and I could hear it sizzling her skin. She began to scream but she couldn’t scream for long because I went straight to fucking her mouth senseless. I watched the tears roll out of her eyes and I told the nasty slut to hold the fuck on it would be over soon. I pounded her face breaking her nose and ripping her lips. Finally I released my poison down her throat keeping my strap on in place so she couldn’t spit it back up. Finally the bitch was dead.

Home invasion phone sex

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I told my neighbor that I would keep an eye on her house when she goes out of town. She has some animals that need some care. Long story short, I went out tonight with some friends and completely forgot to go by her place to take care of the animals. I felt awful, so I rushed over there- even though it is very late. The house feels colder then usual and I swear I locked the back door.

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It is completely wide open now. I walk over to the home phone to call someone. As I pick up the phone I realize it has no dial tone. I look back at the door and it is now closed. I think I am loosing it. All the sudden I see a dark figure and everything around me goes black. I awake to a bright light above my head. I feel so cold I think I am in a freezer. As my eyesight clears up, i realize I am strapped to a table naked, covered in blood. Is it my blood? Is that why i am so cold? I manage to reach at my thigh and touch some of the blood. I feel a gash of my open flesh. Holly shit it is my blood. I am getting feeling back, oh my gosh my body hurts so bad. The man in black comes over to me. He tells me he has missed me so much. I am in a lot of trouble. I get this feeling my life is no longer my life any longer.

Sadistic Bloodthirsty Accomplice

taboo phone sex indigoI’ve noticed how your new neighbor gives you perpetual blue balls. She’s such a cock tease, the bitch needs to be taught a lesson. She’s constantly jogging past your window in those tiny little shorts with her barely there sports bra on. You can see her ass cheeks sticking out of the bottom of her shorts and her tits bouncing over the top of her bra. She knows exactly what she’s doing. I’m going to wait in the bushes near her front door and when she finishes her jog and goes to unlock her front door that’s when I’ll make my move. I come up behind her and clamp my hand down over her mouth while my other hand presses the cold steel of my switchblade against her throat. I whisper in her ear that if she even thinks about screaming I won’t hesitate to slit her throat and leave her to die in a pool of her own blood. I bind her hands tightly behind her back and drag her over to your apartment. I throw her at your feet and cut her clothes from her body. She’s crying and begging for mercy but she’ll get none of that. Choke her with your cock ram it down the back of her throat while I shove her face so far down that she starts gasping for air. Then I’ll give her a hard kick with my boot so she goes flying onto her back which is the perfect position for me to hold her thighs open while you fuck her like a ragdoll. Don’t hold back and don’t feel bad for the little cock tease for even one second, she’s getting exactly what she deserves. If the bitch keeps carrying on I’m going to really give her a reason to scream! Use every single one of her fuck holes and when you’re done with her, we’ll drug her and dump her on the side of the road somewhere. She won’t remember a thing.

Working Off A Debt

Taboo Phone SexI got into a bit of trouble this past weekend.

I went to my local bar where I hang out and tried to get a shot. The bartender told me that I had run my tab up to high and would need to pay it down before he could serve me!

Damn! I didn’t have any money!

He told me that I could work it off and sent me back to the stock room.

I figured he wanted me to bring up some supplies but when I heard the door lock behind me, I knew I was in trouble!

I could hear him out side the door, telling all the men that it was $20 for ten minutes with the whore and to pay the bartender for the key!

I know I am the town slut but I ain’t no prostitute!

The door opened and the first guy came in and locked the door again.

He was a big man and I tried to struggle as he shoved me, face first against the wall.

He wanted nothing to do with foreplay! All he cared about was dumping his load!

He spit on his fat cock covering it with a combination of thick spit and chewing tobacco!

I could feel the strands of chew as he forced his filthy cock into my dry ass!

He pounded my tight little fuck hole for about four minutes before he dumped his chunky dick spit inside my sore rosebud!

I thought he was done but when I dropped to the floor, he yanked my head back by the hair and said he paid for ten minutes and plans to get his moneys worth!Ass Rape Porn

Then he held me by the throat and held my nose as ordered me to clean his limp cock!

He didn’t want his wife to know he had just fucked a whore!

I choked on his dirty cock as I licked every ounce of his spit and chunky cum off of it!

He finally let go of my throat and dropped me to the floor as he zipped his smelly jeans and walked out, only to be replaced by another fat cock wanting ten minutes with the town whore!

That’s ok guys! Bring it on! I can take all the pounding punishment you can deal out! And when it’s over, someone better buy me a damn shot!


Accomplice phone sex


Accomplice phone sex

My favorite man in the world loves eating young sexy hot teen ass. I love eating it with him. We get together and go out looking for hookers to bring home. The whores we look for are the shy ones, the ones who are new to the street and who need to make fast money. These young whores come to the big city of sin looking to become a star. The only problem in Las Vegas you have to be willing to do anything to get the job. Most girls are virgins when they come to town and if they make it out they are diseased and drug addicts. That is why we look for the perfect young whore. We bring her home, we throw hundreds of dollars at her. We fuck her. Then we prep her. She gets scared but my man has such a calming voice. We talk to her and keep her calm as we prep her for our meal. While we watch her skin bake in the oven he bends me over and fucks me. Together we eat that young whore’s ass!

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Pain Whore at Your Service

I love being your perfect little pain whore. You chose your girl of the month well, and your sexual appetite keeps me in pain nearly all day and night when you’re around. Once you’ve given my pussy a good whipping with your leather riding whip, and twisted my nipples so hard they bled, then you’re ready to fuck my throat. This is one of my favorite things that you do because your cock is so long and so hard that you make my throat bleed.

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I love the taste of the blood all in my mouth and covering my teeth and tongue as you fuck my face with no mercy. Telling me the whole time what a worthless piece of shit I am and how women need to know there place on this planet – serving men like you. I am happy to service you and happy to be your first choice when it comes to making me bleed. Your set of needles and blades and larger than life spiked dildos keep me cumming over and over while you’re torturing me. I know that makes me a good little slave whore.

My throat is raw from the fucking it took just hours ago, but your pounding your cock so hard against it that my eyes are streaming tears. You smack me across the face for crying even though I’m really loving every second of it. I am your worthless little piece of ass and I know my place and my duty to bleed and then make your cock feel good. I must empty your balls until you are satisfied with me and then you toss me aside or make me go make your dinner. Either way I am happy to be used by you and cannot wait for another throat fucking later tonight.

The X has got me Rolling

Twenty minutes ago I hated you and was fighting to get out of this room. You’re an old disgusting perverted old man and I know you’ve been wanting to do things to my tight little cunt since the day you became the janitor at my school. Something has changed. I remember you knocking me over the stairwell in the hallway at school and then I woke up here in this shithole you must call home. Stripped down to nearly nothing. My head was hurting and oddly enough you offered me Tylenol… hey wait a second… those weren’t Tylenol were they??

I feel hot and tingly all over and I just want to fuck the shit out of you. You slipped me some X and now im rolling hard and the music seems like its beating in my mind making you sexier by the moment. I can look at you and know how fucking sick you are for wanting to rape my ass here in your filthy house, but my pussy is wet and throbbing and needs cock so bad I can hardly control myself. My heart is pounding and I lay back on the bed in an attempt to seduce you! I am aware of what I am doing, but I can’t help myself.

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You pull your cock out and smile at me with your nearly toothless grin. Normally so disgusting, but now I just want that stinky mouth down between my legs and sucking my clit. As I feel your slimy teeth and slobbery tongue begin eating my tight pussy, my stomach turns but then I feel the butterflies of orgasm rush over me. You slap my face with your cock and I just want to suck it even though it already smells like someone else’s pussy. As I take it balls deep, I wonder how many of us girls you drug and violate like this. The thought just turns me on even more and I am powerless to your concoction of lust. We fuck all day and night and you offer me two more pills… I can’t refuse…

Taboo Phone Sex: Pig Roast

Taboo phone sex brings out the cannibalism factor in many when they attend my big bash tonight. In store for the cannibalism phone sex scene we have a plump piggy in need of oiling, seasoning and slow roasting over hot coals.

The big bash tonight is hosted by yours truly and I have something extra special in store. I have this annoying fucking piece of shit land lady and she has pushed her fat ass too far into my business to be allowed to live. This fucking piggy is going to get just what she deserves. I set her up to have a couple of my biker studs flirt with her and lure her to a beach front cottage. While she is unaware of what is about to happen she actually believes these two want to fuck her piggy cunt.

They get her stripped and start rubbing her juicy fat limbs with avocado oil with some herbs de province and garlic mixed in. Her fat fleshy cunt is going to be stuffed all right but not by the kind of sausages she is expecting. Ring me up to hear all about this bash!

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