Gangbang Rape Porn with a Filthy Whore

The stillness of the night was penetrating as I slipped off the motorcycle with assistance from Master.We were in an area of vacant warehouses and I had no idea I would be participating in a gangbang rape porn. I was told to wear the red silk slip dress, and the red leather stiletto boots. When Master arrived he helped me into a leather jacket and lead me to his bike. I am to never ask Master questions, on my own anyway. He whispered in my ear as he helped me off the bike “Are you my favorite Filthy Whore?” I could only nod.

“Good Girl” Master cooed at me as he led me into a back entrance of one of the warehouses. Upon entering there were bright lights and cameras set up and I could see a crowd of men surrounding an area with some hanging chains. Led into the center of the crowd guys were echoing their approval, they all stood naked. My arms were pulled over my head and my dress removed followed by my wrists being clamped into cuffs that were then attached to the chains.

Gangbang Rape Porn

Without warning I was blindfolded and in seconds felt my ass and cunt penetrated by cock. I wanted to cry out from the pain of being stretched but knew better. These first two guys ejaculated in me and pulled out allowing another pair to slide into my fuck holes and do the same. This went on all the while I was being videotaped. I was the star of a 100 man gangbang rape porn and it was fucking brutal. In the end I felt my holes ripped and ass gaping and dripping with cum.


Fucking Cops

Rape phone sex fantasiesI knew better than to take my Daddy’s car that day. My friend and I wanted to go shopping so bad, though. Daddy wouldn’t be home for hours and he would never know. So, I took his beautiful BMW out for a trip to the mall. All was going well until we were on our way home. Behind me I see flashing lights. Oh no, I couldn’t believe it. The officer approached the car asking if I realized I was going 65mph in a 35mph zone. “I did not realize I was going so fast”, I told him.. He took my drivers license and registration and went back to his patrol car. Daddy was going to kill me! The officer came back and asked was the owner of the car my father. I told him that it was and he advised me my Daddy was in big trouble with the law. He was going to impound Daddy’s car and take me to jail for being a Super Speeder. He told me he needed to know where my Daddy was hiding out so they could pick him up on his warrant. He said he had other plans for me first with my fine little ass. The next thing I know he had me in cuffs spread over the car hood. Other officers were pulling up and I was getting more frightened. I knew he wanted to fuck me. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I was not allowed to fuck anyone Daddy didn’t tell me to, but if I didn’t he and I would both go to jail.

Gangbang rape pornThe cop didn’t give me a chance to say no though, so it really didn’t matter. He and his fellow officers on the scene kept me in cuffs, stripped me down, and started to fuck me in any hole they could find available. The original cop rammed his cock down my throat all the way to the base, choking me, making me gag and cry, and taking my air supply. He would pull out a little and shove it back in hard. All the while, they were telling me they had heard stories of what a worthless whore I was and how Daddy gave me to all his friends and now it was their turn. I was placed on a bench with my arms cuffed around it. They took turns fucking my throat, my tits, my pussy, and my ass. They were hard and unrelenting. They slapped my face and my tits hard. I tasted blood. One even used his nightstick to hit me with and to fuck me, further humiliating me. They came all over my face and laughed at their artwork as their cum dripped down my face, into my eyes and hair. They used my poor body so badly, I thought it would break, and I would surely suffocate from lack of oxygen. Thankfully, they were done before that happened. Then they backed off and told me to have a good day! I guess I wasn’t going to jail after all! Maybe it wasn’t so bad being a bunch of pigs’ play toy for a few hours.

ass rape porn

ass rape porn

I have so many boy toys that I pretty much have everything I could ever want except for drugs like coke . It is such as viscous cycle I work so hard just to spend all of my money. So I decided to fuck this guy who imports drugs into the country so I could get all the coke I want! There is a price for everything I suppose and boy did I learn that lesson, since I got to his warehouse where he then chained me up like an animal at a slaughterhouse. I’m high as fuck so I don’t give a fuck what happens to me. This guy then starts beating the shit out of me until I’m swinging around like a punching bag. Once he is finished I’m just hanging there black and blue with bruises all over my body. I’m so weak I can’t even speak he then picks me up and carries me into his office where he fucks my gaping cunt hole for hours. He must of been high as fuck since he kept going and going. This man had me bent over on his desk fucking my pussy hard and fast until my pussy bled from being penetrated to hard! I have never done anal before and boy did he strike good since I had a tight ass hole. He left me loose and stretched out since he fucked my ass hole for an hour straight. Once my holes were filled he made me eat the shit off his dick. I sat there crying since I had no idea why this guy was treating me like this. He called in one of his henchman who brought in sewage water . I was told to drink it if I wanted to live so I started chugging it was horrible so horrible I threw up every single time I drank from the bowl. This guy began hitting me until I blacked out and when I awoken he had me in a bathroom where I was covered in piss and blood. He shitted on the ground and told me to eat it.

Welcome To My Nightmare

taboo phone sex karmaShe was the cutest thing I have ever seen. A sweet button nose and a cute little haircut. Brown curls caressing her forehead. Her smile was big and bright and she was practically skipping along. She didn’t see the uneven spot in the sidewalk and fell feet over head to the ground. The blood came to the surface of her knees as she tried to push down her skirt and cover the tightest pair of g string panties I have seen in a while. Such an innocent looking thing with a inner kinky side combined with the bright red blood had my pussy soaking wet. Offering her help, telling her that I live right around the corner, my mind was racing as I helped her back to my place. Once inside I sat her on a chair in the kitchen to clean her scraped knees up. I used alcohol and acted like I thought it was peroxide when she screamed. the sound went straight to my already tingling pussy and I couldn’t wait any longer. Balling up my fist I felt her chin give under the force of my punch. Blood spattered across the floor as her unconscious body hit the floor. Dragging her body down the steps to my basement, I cum a little each time her head bounces off a step. By the time I get her on my special table her head has a big gash and blood is dripping every where. Fucking her lifeless body is pure bliss…

Taboo Phone Sex: I Do What Other Chicks Can’t Even Imagine

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is my specialty. I do all the sick, depraved things those vanilla girls and GFEs couldn’t even imagine. Guys ask me all the time how I got so sick and dominant. Genetics. My mother was a bad ass dominatrix and daddy was her slave. I remember being a young girl watching my mom spit right in my daddy’s face several times a day. She would shame him for his little dick and pathetic nature. I was raised by a dominant bitch, however, she lacked the balls I do for anything more hardcore than humiliation. Daddy thought he could have his way with me when I was a teen. Mommy clearly wasn’t having anything to do with his little pecker. Well, I wasn’t either. The second time he tried to molest me was his last. I cut his balls off in my bed. I went to bed with a kitchen knife under my pillow waiting for him to slither into my bed again and molest me. As his fat sweaty body was on top of me, I reached under the pillow and sliced off his balls as he was shoving his cock into my young pussy. Mommy heard him screaming and crying in pain. I saw the look of horror on her face when she saw his testicles in my hand. I feared I was in trouble. But her look of horror soon turned to a wicked smile. As daddy was begging for her help, she shook her finger at him, spit in his face and told him that is what he gets for diddling his daughter. Later that night I got lots of presents from my mom rewarding me for doing what she couldn’t do. My mom gave me my disdain for most people and my feeling of superiority, but I think God gave me the inner strength to do what others are too scared to actually do.

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Knife play phone sex with Ivy

So times you just need a real hard cock to fuck you hard. I need a nice big thick cock that can plow me for hours. I want someone to get high with me and fuck all night. I go out on the strip and I find my fuck toy for the night. I tease them on the dance floor. I make their cocks so fucking hard that they want to rip my clothes off right there on the dance floor. I lean in close and ask him if he wants to fuck me all night long and lick his ear. He follows me out and into a taxi. The entire way back to my place I was on top of him in the back seat.

Knife play phone sex

Grinding my pussy into his hard cock, making him cum in his pants. His cock is still hard, he is throbbing and wanted to be inside of me. Once we got into the door he had my clothes off and his pants down showing me how big and thick his cock is. I love that feeling the first time a cock goes into your wanting wet pussy. It makes my body shake and my nipples hard. He fucked me so hard for two minutes. He came and passed the fuck out. Now I am pissed. Nothing is waking this fucker up. I grabbed my dullest knife and started cutting this fucker’s big cock off. He couldn’t handle my pussy, now he can fuck his own ass. I rubbed my pussy with his cut off dick until I came. Then I shoved his cock up his ass!

Teen phone sex with Makayla

When I opened the door I had no idea that he was going to just barge in. He was supposed to just bring me my drugs, instead he brought a night of pain I will never fucking forget. First he stripped me naked. Slapping my bare body with his hands leaving a big red handprints cross my body. He hit me in the head knocking me to the ground, making my nose bleed.

Teen phone sex

He rubbed the blood all over my face and down my chest. Then he tied me up, in the perfect position to get any hole he wanted to fuck. He started spanking my pussy, electrocuting my ass hole. It made me so fucking wet. He called me your dirty fucking whore as he fucked my pussy. He made me scream over and over again, fuck me daddy.

Young Rape Porn

Rape phone sex fantasies

My Daddy’s friends are here to use me for their young rape porn and I need to show them that I am the best submissive slut and very obedient to do whatever they want me to do. Most teen sex slaves will do most things but they aren’t true sex slaves unless they have no limits like I do. I want to be treated like I deserve and will eagerly accept any order and punishment given to me.  I encourage you to share me with your friends, nothing is better than being fucked by more cocks than I can count, and getting a chance to taste all of their cum sliding down my throat. I show them all what a nasty enthusiastic slave I am by sucking two huge cocks at a time till they cum all over my pretty face. My Daddy told me I wear this look well and this is how I should keep my face almost always to prove my loyalty.

young rape porn

Hide and seek

taboo phone sex paulinaI was successful for quite some time at hiding out from my husband. Well I knew it was not going to last forever. He found me last night and well….it’s all I can do to sit here and type.

I can barely see out of my eyes because as he skull fucked me I took a severe pounding to my face. He made sure that his jizz was not the only bodily fluid I tasted on my lips it was a 50/50 mixture of his nut and my blood. I knew the more I resisted the more I’d be punished. So I just sat there on my knees and took every pump and punch he had coming to me.

Once he wore out my face my old ass was the next victim in line. He bent me over and grabbed me by the head of my hair using my head as leverage for each thrust he nailed into my ass with his thick cock. I will never admit this to him but I have always loved the way he pounded my ass. It was the only time I ever felt he loved me. It was his most sensual touch even tough anytime he used my asshole as a pin cushion it would end up in a bloody massacre.

I have mixed emotions about our reunification. But one thing is certain you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. He is still the same old dirty dog he has always been and it’s not any new news I will always be his bitch.

Ass Rape Porn for a Piece of Shit Whore

ass rape porn blairAss rape porn is my favorite kind of porn. I am an anal sex whore. A submissive one at that. Every time there is a casting call for an anal film, I always audition. Any money I make off these amateur underground films goes to my nose candy addiction. The latest one was more than I bargained for; likely not worth the ounce of coke I scored from the pay. When I arrived I saw women in dominatrix outfits. I prayed this was not an all female production. My experience has always been that women know how to fuck a bitch up. Guys ultimately want to get off, but women just want to fuck up a bitch, maybe even ruin her. When I saw the toys they were planning on assaulting my ass with, I knew I was in trouble. It was an array of creepy shit and just plain out weird. One dildo was shaped like a big piece of shit. Turned out it was a piece of shit that my sick film stars created just for a piece of shit whore like me. It was cow shit that was molded into plaster and left to harden for a few days. Most disgusting thing I have ever had inserted inside me. The smell was awful. The feel of it was gross and so rough it shredded the inside of my asshole. I could feel my anus tearing. The risk of infection was high as little pieces of harden cow dung broke off in my ass. My film stars laughed as they sodomized me with a big ass piece of shit. They wanted clearly to torture my ass. That they did. I left the studio with a raw swollen ass. It was bleeding. I reeked of shit. A mixture of my own and cow crap. Not sure I have ever been so degraded for $100. No way my high was going to last long enough to get the stench of that encounter out of my head.