Have you ever heard of Ex Spouse Day? Don’t worry if you haven’t because I definitely didn’t know about it until recently either. It is on April 14th and I have big big plans for that day for sure! You see, I have an ex husband and he is one of those people that every single time I see his stupid face I want to break it! He is the most annoying person on earth and his new wife (my former bff) is no fucking better. I try to play all nice nice when I am forced to see them but that is becoming so much harder with every passing day! Seriously, these two assholes turned my life into an episode of the Jerry Springer show and for that reason alone they must go! I think I will wait until they are sleeping… fucking sheep go to bed really early every night so it will be really easy to break in to their house, then I just need to decide how they will die. Should I shoot them? Stab them? Torture them for hours? Or maybe I should just tie them to the bed and set the fucking house on fire! Whatever way I choose doesn’t matter as long as they suffer and as long as I get to record the whole fucking thing for my future amusement! They are going to be the stars of my favorite snuff movies!
Ex Spouse Day is coming up!
The Sissy Gets A Kentucky Klondike Bar
You had been having problems with a sissy in your building for a while. You hated the way the little fairy faggot flitted around all the time demanding attention. Daddy told you I would help you with your problem. We entered the sissy’s house quietly and found her sleeping in her diaper and onesie, sucking on her thumb. You snatched her up out of her fluffy pink bed and told her we were going to teach her a lesson about being a prissy sissy. You ordered her to strip. When she did not comply quickly enough, you advised me to get the knife. I placed it at the fairy’s throat and began pressing in. She was so scared she pooped in her diaper, but began disrobing before I actually drew blood.
You told her that you smelled the shit on her often when she passed by you and since she liked wallowing in her own shit so much, you were going to give her a Kentucky Klondike Bar. Thinking she was getting ice cream, she got excited. It was then that you pulled the frozen dildo shaped turd from your cooler. It was covered in dry ice so it was still frozen solid. You handed it to her and demanded she put it in her dirty asshole and begin fucking herself with it. Once again she balked. Once again, I pressed in with the knife. This time I drew a trickle of blood before she began complying. Eventually, she started working that frozen dildo into her fairy ass. She cried at first, but eventually began liking it. Her faggot asshole must have been hot because it wasn’t long before it began softening and smushing. The smell was powerful. This was meant as punishment for the fairy, but she actually began enjoying it, because before that dildo could smush completely, she shot a small sissy load from her tiny clitty cock right on the carpet. You laughed at her inability to even make a decent size load of cum, but did you expect more from a fairy faggot sissy? To assure she would keep quiet, you snapped pics of her enjoying the Klondike and cumming hard. She knew if she told anyone, her shit loving secret would be revealed. I guess we showed that sissy who was the boss. Sherwon’t be flitting around you in her frou frou dresses anymore!
Knife Play Phone Sex with Paulina
My husband has been on a kick with bringing men home to watch me fuck them or rather them fuck me. This is way out of character for him and what I am used to over the years. He has always been the controlling jealous type. I remember one time in our early years of dating we were out at a bar and a gentleman told him that he had a beautiful girlfriend and he ended up getting into a fight and getting us kicked out. So having him bring home these men has me baffled. At first I thought it was a trick so that he had an excuse in his mind to beat the shit out of me. Today he brought home a younger guy probably in his 30’s. Never seen this guy before in my life and I have no idea where he surfaced from. But my husband made him strip his pants down while holding a knife to the back of my neck and made me suck him off. I could feel the cold hard blade pressing against the back of my neck and the tip of it would lightly stab the bottom of my head as I slid my mouth up and down on this mans dick. He was barely getting hard at first so I knew he was nervous just as much as I was with the whole knife show. But the more I was forced down on that cock with my husbands knife the harder his rod grew in my mouth. He told me that if I did not make this fella cum that I was going to need some stitches and he would be the one playing doctor. I looked up at him and practically begged him with my eyes to please cum. He closed his eyes and started to breathe heavily and finally I tasted the salty hot load release in my mouth. Just for confirmation I had to hold his nut in my mouth and open wide for my husband to see before I could swallow. Poor guy, I am just thankful he was able to blow his rod while being under so much pressure.
Torture Sex for a Cheating Whore
Torture sex is all a worthless whore deserves. That is what every man tells me. Last night, I heard it from a woman too. A rather cruel dominant women who found out I fucked her husband. She set a trap for me, then when I arrived made it clear she was in charge because a cheating whore too dumb to know a set up doesn’t deserve any mercy. She tossed me on the couch. She was stronger than she looked. I hear rage can do that to a person. My hands were bound behind my back; my feet restrained. I was her captive. “You took something from me bitch; now I plan on taking something from you,” she seethed. I was scared. Women can be far crueler than men, especially women scorned. She started stroking my hair. I felt sick to my stomach. When I tried to beg and plead for forgiveness because I didn’t know he was married, she smacked me then put a spider gag in my mouth. I saw the scissors. I knew she was going to take my precious long blonde locks. A woman’s beauty is so tied to her hair. She did more than that. She cut my hair, shaved my head then carved whore on my chest with the scissors. Deep too. I started bleeding. I was helpless. My whore behavior put me in this position, along with my stupidity. I should have known he was married. Most men who want to fuck me are attached in some way or another. I was crying from the pain, but she was just getting warmed up. She lit a cigarette and put it out on my nipples. She poured alcohol into my wounds. But the worse thing she did was stab my cunt with her scissors. My pussy gushed blood. I screamed in pain. “I took your beauty and your whore instrument. Maybe you will think again bitch before you steal another woman’s man,” she said as she spit in my face. She warned me about calling the cops when she let me go. I knew better. A sick twisted scorned bitch like her would kill me next time.
Sex With Dead Bodies
One thing at a time. It’s been a month now and I am so close to the grand finale that I can’t stand it. It started with a drive on a cold winter day. Th snow was coming down hard and driving conditions were getting rough. Her silhouette was barely visible as she walked along the side oft he road fighting the wind. She got in my car willingly and I have had her ever since. She became a project for me. And evil, twisted project. I started by using my wire cutters to snip off fingers and toes and cauterizing the flesh to stop the bleeding. Each time I removed a piece of her, I wanted more. After last night she is simply a torso with a head. All of her limbs are gone. Looking at her wiggling and squirming has my cunt so fucking wet with the need for the final step. This will be the last appendage to remove. Being left with her lifeless be-headed body is what I have been waiting for. As I fasten my strap on around my waist I am anticipating the build up as I cut her head off. I can’t wait to cauterize her neck and then slide my dick into her lifeless body. Is there anything better then sex with dead bodies?
Daddy Almost KILLED ME!!!
Most people don’t believe in magic and all that crap but I DO! You see… I think I’ve been getting on my Daddy’s nerves lately. Sure I try to stay out of his way, and never fight back no matter how badly I am being abused. It’s never enough for Daddy though he just hates me so much. He knows he could never hurt me enough, he could never treat me as I really deserve…because I deserve to be dead. So many times I’ve thought I was going to die but knew Daddy would make sure I made it alive…so he could continue to use me time and time again. This morning I woke up and it was 6am. Daddy is never ever up that early but I could hear him in the kitchen…I figured I would just go back to sleep…it was nothing right? Wrong. I awoke and Daddy had my nose pinched between his fingers, he was ordering me to open my mouth and swallow it. I figured it was his cock or cum that was about to be sliding down my throat but what I tasted was chemicals. I knew I was fucked. Daddy had finally had it!!! I choked it down and saw Daddy’s wicked smile, his pants were off and his cock was hard…he jammed his cock down my throat and all I remember was his screaming “Die you worthless cunt!” as he force fucked my mouth, and beat me senseless. I don’t even know why I am alive right now…after drinking that deadly potion.
Taboo Phone Sex Accomplice: Let’s Kill Little Ones!
Consider me your taboo phone sex accomplice. I bet my mind is even sicker than your worse nightmare. Guys ask me all the time what is my favorite type of accomplice call. I have so many that I enjoy, but among them are hunting little ones. Well the hunting part is not my favorite, it is the killing and torturing of those little souls that really gets my cunt wet. Now that the weather is warmer, little girls are showing off their tiny little bodies, cock teasing all the dirty old men who want to bury their cocks in a tight pink slit. Well guess what? If you are MY accomplice, you can explore all your young rape phone sex fantasies. I will snatch us up a delicate little flower for you to fuck. Since I plan on snuffing out the little whore, you can do whatever you want to her. Fist her pink tight fuck holes. Sodomize her virgin ass. Piss down her throat. Choke her with your big cock. Punch her to stop her crying. Cut her nipples off. Burn her little pink clit. Staple her pussy lips to her creamy tiny thighs so you. Gauge her eyes out. The little whore is not going to live to tell about, so why not use her however you want? I mean I am not a selfish bitch, if you want to kill the whore yourself, I will watch with enjoyment. I will even let you use my wonderful array of kill tools. I am content to help with disposing the body. I have a tub in my basement full with Sulfuric acid that I keep heated around 100 degrees. A little body like the one you want to fuck and torture, will disappear completely in minutes. I am good at making things disappear, so no fretting about getting arrested. When you are with me, you are 100% protected to do whatever depraved thing you want. I will be your cheerleader, accomplice and problem solver. Who is ready to hunt for the perfect little torure doll?
You need a magical potion huh?
Ahhh magical potions you say? You want something that you can drink right down, something that will immediately make you grow strong and powerful, and make your cock big and thick too? Well why didn’t you just say so?! I am quite sure that if I just reach into my magic bag here I can cook you something right up! You’ll go from wimpy little bitch to a big ole strong man in just seconds! Or… Maybe, just maybe you will just pass the fuck out instead. When I give you my special cocktail it was really nothing more than a powerful sedative and once I had you knocked out it made it so much easier to tie you to my rack. Ohh it was so amusing to see you wake up so thoroughly confused, poor little man, you were expecting muscles and a long throbbing cock and instead woke up to tight ropes binding you, cutting into your flesh and rubber bands tightly wrapped around your pitiful little shriveled up cock and balls. You looked so frightened because you knew what was coming next, you knew that you would be very lucky to survive this! You shouldn’t have pissed me off pet, you shouldn’t have acted like you did nothing wrong after the fact too and then to have the nerve to ask me to make you a spell as well?! You deserve your punishment whore so grow the fuck up and take it like a man!
Ass Rape Porn Becomes an Extreme Rape Porn for Profit
You called me this morning. Told me to be ready for your arrival. We were going to make a little ass rape porn. I’m a good whore. I do as I am told because I am a submissive slut. What you failed to mention was that you were bringing friends. Friends on 4 legs, not 2. I tried to tell you that I was not down with fucking man’s best friend, but you were not having any of my back talk. You slapped me so hard that I fell backwards. You put a knife to my throat to convince me I needed to do what I was told. One of your friends had a camera to record my ultimate degradation. You explained to me that lots of men pay good money to down load extreme rape porn. You and your buddies primed my ass with some hardcore anal fucking. Filled me cum, then told me to make you some money. You smeared peanut butter all over my ass and pussy before the gate opened. I could hear them charging me from behind. I closed my eyes and tried to escape my body. I felt the beasts licking me. Pushing their slimy tongues into my fuck holes to get all that peanut butter out. One whistle from you and they mounted me like animals. Slimy pronged red rockets hooked into my pussy and ass. I knew if I moved they would pull my insides out then you might snuff me out for ruining your little twisted movie. I was stuck being gang banged by 4 legged beasts. I could hear you snickering, calling me names, telling your friends what a worthless whore I was for evening doing this film. I didn’t think I had a choice. Death or this. That’s no choice. I hope you profit well off of my shame.
Peanut Butter Fetishes with Morticia
You would not believe what I just caught my fucking worthless piece of shit bitch boy doing tonight. He was making my favorite snack a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I caught him sticking his cock in and out of my peanut butter. And then I watched him spread his cock all over my bread and then rub his dick until he came into my peanut butter. He put the sandwich together with my favorite strawberry jelly and then he fucking brought it to me.
I asked him to taste the sandwich and he knew right then and there I knew what he had done. I don’t play with food I don’t appreciate somebody feeding me their fucking ball batter. So I made sure he would never ever cum in my sandwich again. I tied his fucking ass up butt naked in the forest right next to a big ol’ red ant Hill. His cock still had some fucking peanut butter all over and I left him there and listen to him scream for hours as those red ants bit and chewed on his worthless cock and balls. He will never ever fucking do that again.