Rape phone sex fantasies are a party girl’s best friend. I have been known to get wicked high and beg men to fuck my ass like a porn star. I have also pleaded with guys to gang bang me, even hurt me when I am partying. Being a drugged out party mom is dangerous. Especially, when you do not know who you are partying with. I thought I was safe at a frat party over the weekend. I was not some naive coed. I knew that cock teasing frat boys would get me in trouble. Trouble is what I wanted. All fucked up, I want to be a gangbang whore. I got more than I bargained for with those brothers. It started off as your typical whore gone wild scenario. I was doing lines of coke off of frat boy cock and chugging on bourbon. My drinks were roofied. Normally, I can handle my party supplies. I lost a big chunk of time. I woke up tied to the bed post in a frat boy’s room. The line of men was out the door, down the stairs and out onto the lawn. Guys were not fucking with their dicks, however. They were sodomizing my ass with their fists. Some geeky frat boy was filming my ass rape porn. For such young boys, they were quite misogynistic. College rings on, twisting their fists into my ass until it bled and prolapsed. After literally 100s of boys fisted my ass, many of them came on me, laughing while they blew their loads on my broken body. I was left tied to the bed over night. I passed out, woke up with party whore written on my body and cum matted all over me. I guess I need to be more careful who decide to party with.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with a Party Whore
Maybe I partied a little too hard!
I went to a party last night and got really, really fucked up… so fucked up that I don’t really remember all of what happened while I was out. I know that I must have had a lot of fun though, because I woke up covered in blood and there was some dead whore on the floor next to my bed. She was all fucked up, cut up and covered in cum so there were guys here too at some point, I just wish that I knew who they were so I could get filled in on exactly what I did! Oh well, I am sure someone will be calling me to tell me how twisted and fucked up I got last night… while I wait for that I have a mess I need to clean up. This bitch bled everywhere, I am going to be scrubbing all day to get rid of it all but it’s all worth it in the end. I know that last night was a blast even if I can’t remember it!
Russian Roulette Cock Sucking
If having a knife pressed to my neck wasn’t torture enough the last time he fucked me. Try having a gun pressed to the back of your head while concentrating on taking a cock down your throat. I was so fucking nervous as he kept saying just one slip up the wrong way. And I could end your fucking life. I was scared shitless that if I was to make him cum and he had his finger on that trigger it was all over for me. He would be lost in a euphoric climax and not realizing that gun was still in his hand loaded and pressed against my head. But then again I think it’s exactly what he intended to do. He could have cared less if he blew my brains out while i had his cock stuffed down my fucking mouth. I don;t know why I keep letting myself fall victim to his sick and demented games. But honestly it’s all I know. I couldn’t function living any way else. I felt his hand begin to tremble as he shoved my mouth down with his other hand. Making me swallow every inch of his dick. Eventually his balls we pressed against my chin and I felt my airway cut off. I struggled beneath his gun filled hand trying to move just the slightest so i could gasp for some air. And then it happened. I thought I’d seen my life flash before my eyes. I started to get dizzy as I was choking and puking at the same time while his cum burst in my throat. I thought any second now my life is going to end. It was a sick and twisted version of russian roulette. Just waiting for his cock to blow not knowing if that gun was going to follow right behind.
Ass Rape Porn: Geneva Meets Her Demise
Lost and roaming the alleys of the meat packing district trying to find the location for the audition, I started to doubt the directions I received. An ass rape porn shoot was going to pay out a good chunk of cash that would cover my rent. I was just about to try hailing a cab but realized the area was pretty desolate and I had no cell coverage, *Shit*!
Not paying attention to my surroundings and trying to get to an area with a signal I was suddenly grabbed by a leather gloved hand over my mouth. I felt the stabbing pain in my kidneys as a knife penetrated me and I was dragged into a doorway. Seconds pass and I feel my clothes being cut off and the blood loss had me losing consciousness. Barely aware of what was happening I felt a massive cock forcefully enter my ass as my face is shoved into a raw cold carcass of something skinned and bloody.
Completely unconscious, the continued violation and fucking of this damsel in her cunt and ass by a meat processor who just happened upon the lost victim was like heaven for him. He took his use of her and would just skin and hang her just like any other piece of meat he processed. This would certainly make the most tender cuts for his culinary creations for the next week.
Ur Fav Teen Rape Porn
Well fuck! I thought this would be a babysitting gig just like the last one, but it was far from that. When I arrived there was no little one in site, just the Daddy and all his friends. I am smart enough to know that they were here to fulfill all those teen rape porn fantasies, and I was the one to help with that. What could I do? I tried to back out…told them I forgot something in my car, but their hands were wrapping around me before I knew it. I had my clothes getting ripped off and all Daddy was doing was watching! I knew he would not be watching me for long. He would join in on violating all my holes…And I was right. It didn’t take long for me to be placed on my hands and knees…Daddy approaches me and puts his meaty cock right in my face. I try to keep my mouth closed but he pries my mouth open and shoves his cock all the way down my throat. He grabs all my hair and holds me down on it making me choke and gag, and at that point I can feel my ass being ripped apart and my pussy being rammed too. So many things happening to my little helpless body and there is nothing I can do about it. But you know what? I know I deserve it!
Daddys Revenge Doll
I know I have done it again. You would think I would have learned by now, you would really think. But no… I never learn. I never can keep my big mouth shut, and that’s why Daddy keeps making me his lil victim. Dad says it’s revenge time…and what on earth did I do to deserve that? Well actually it’s more like what did I NOT do? Everything I do causes Daddy to get mad, causes Daddy to want to hurt and degrade me and I won’t even argue and rarely complain anymore. I’ve gotten so good at being a stupid little whore and taking whatever Daddy doses out to me…Dad’s revenge is like no other. Truly, who knows if I will make it out of this one. I know, all I do is whine! So shove my stupid face in the dirt and do whatever it takes to get your revenge on me, my holes, my stupid fucking face.
Destroying Her Ass
Destroying her ass brought me such great pleasure. Restraining her and mutilating her lovely pink flesh was just the beginning of my sadistic fun. Torturing her cunt in a violent attack left her pussy ripped apart, her uterus pulled from her abdomen and hanging out of the gaping hole that was once her vagina. All activities that built the foundation for my final gratification, the destruction of that tight brown ass of hers. I started with fisting, hard and deep. Next i violated her ass with a base ball bat that I covered in barbed wire. Watching her intestines and hunks of flesh from deep inside her rip and pull out of what was no longer a perky little hole had me hot as fucking hell. Covered in her blood I draped my naked body with her guts and flesh. Feeling the warmth of it all as blood dripped down my body and mingled with the cum that was pouring out of my cunt and down my legs. Evil feels so good when released. Wouldn’t you agree?
Snuff Porn Hostel Style
Snuff porn is what I masturbate too. I love Russian, Japanese and German snuff films the most. They seem the most brutal, the most realistic. Some American horror movies turn me on too. My favorite is Hostel 2. I love the fact that it is a woman who turns the tables on the men and takes control of the kill club. However, my favorite scene is about 40 minutes into the film, when this hot bitch gets naked in a tub with some big ass knives and a naked nerdy girl hanging over her. She slices her slowly at first, letting the blood drip on her before going for the neck slice. As the blood cascades over her hot naked body, she cums, I cum, anybody with a sick mind cums. It is my favorite scene in a horror film. I have always wanted to make a snuff short just recreating that scene, but with a much younger girl as the victim. So, I made it happen. I snatched a little cock tease from the mall. A daddy’s princess type. You know the kind. Rolls her eyes, smacks her lips, twirls her hair and thinks she is better than anyone, especially a Goth girl like me. She got a wakeup call. Literally. I spiked her Starbucks frappuccino at the mall, then slapped her awake once she was suspended above me. I had to suspend her from the drain pipes in my basement and I had no tub, just a plastic tarp to lay my naked body on. I saw the fear in her eyes. She pissed on me, which I half ass expected, but didn’t enjoy. I cut her cheek with a sickle and laughed as she cried. I gauged and eye out too. It plopped on to my right tit. I made lots of little slashes on her tender tight stuck up body. Blood was dripping all over me. I was rubbing it in my skin, but I wanted more. Needed more. I sliced her open like a captured animal. I didn’t go for the neck. I wanted her to see her entrails, organs and blood spill onto the body she mocked earlier. She watched me play with her guts before she drifted off to never never land forever. It was so fucking hot. But, in my excitement, I forgot to hit record on the camera. That means I need to find another little one to snuff out. Maybe this time, you would like to help?
I got my revenge!
This stupid little whore fucked up bad… really bad, she had no idea just how bad though, until I showed up at her door with about 20 of my friends. She was young, perhaps even a virgin but that didn’t matter to me in the slightest, she disrespected me and she was going to pay the fucking price for that no matter how young she was! I always get my revenge and bitches would do well to remember that shit! We all flooded into her house and I let my friends do whatever they wanted to do to her… and trust me they did plenty. They fucked all of her little virgin holes… all at once, hell sometimes more than one guy in each hole! She was stretched out and well fucked, completely covered from head to toe in blood and cum when she started begging for death… but it wasn’t going to be that easy for her. No… she was going to be literally fucked to death and that was going to take a while…but I am sure she is very sorry that she fucked with me now…
ass rape fantasy
Last week master set me up to be anally tortured and watched as it happened. It was a rainy day and Master told me to go to the store to get some paint after ruining the walls the last time I got tortured. Anyway, I go to the store and there was an overly eager store attendant that didn’t seem to look right. I should’ve followed my instincts but I didn’t and asked the strange boy to help me anyway. He told me that he would have to take me to the back to get exactly what I asked for. My palms were sweaty as I walked into the plastic covered stock room. We passed another door and my stomach sank. The man pulled me by my hair into the small bathroom in the back and immediately began to rip my pants off. When I turned around I caught a glimpse of master sitting on a stool watching my struggle. The store worker took a box cutter and began making small cuts and marks on my tits and ass. I cried as I tried to get away but all it did was make him hornier for me. His cock was super stiff and I knew he we was going to satisfy his rape fantasies on me. I tried not to whimper but the sweat from adrenaline was making my body slippery and glisten under the bathroom light. His lust for me grew even more and he was able to force his massive cock into my asshole. I screamed as I felt my ass being ripped open I begged and screamed for master to save me with terror in my eyes. He just laughed at his stupid nigger slave for thinking I was going to get help from him. I felt the store worker grab a hold of my neck and force his cock balls deep inside my asshole. He was choking me so hard it made me secretly enjoy getting taken so roughly by his massive dick. My cunt soaked from how hard he was pounding me and the fact that Master was watching made my ass hole open up to receive more punishment. I moaned through the pain and the blood that was dripping from my ass down to my twat. I soon realized that I loved every second of that painful nightmare.